Node 297935865 "Colonnina ricarica mezzi elettrici" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 303131495 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 310130266 "Colonnina ricarica mezzi elettrici" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 313727499 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 321377235 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 323193501 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 324824769 "colonnina ricarica mezzi elettrici" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 324825634 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 325148721 "colonnina ricarica mezzi elettrici" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 401253951 "Garage Internazionale" -
Unknown value for fee
Node 423976279 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 426555609 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 544516332 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 876497722 "Tomba della Pulcella" -
Construction startYear tag value 'late C5 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 903981793 "Via Giuseppe Mazzini" -
Unknown value for fee
Node 918323935 "Tempio di Giove Olimpico" -
Construction startYear tag value '480BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 1101937550 "Tomba dei Rilievi" -
Construction startYear tag value '0320 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 1115675133 "Autosilo Facchinetti" -
Unknown value for fee
Node 1165400895 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 1172676847 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 1244390582 -
Unknown value for fee
Node 1276333919 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 1276345391 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 1322039447 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 1336742551 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 1351522596 "Sepolcreto" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C03 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 1356297585 "Cielle" -
Unknown value for fee
Node 1370943005 -
Unknown value for fee
Node 1457153959 "Parcheggio Marconi" -
Unknown value for fee
Node 1512692724 "Enel - stazione di ricarica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 1521096836 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 1537444862 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 1539896383 -
Unknown value for fee
Node 1572689610 "Gran Garage" -
Unknown value for fee
Node 1663264197 "Cappellina di Sant'Antonio Abate" -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1722' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 1697631891 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 1701110513 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 1708445011 "Pilone di San Giobbe e San Grato" -
Construction startYear tag value 'early C20' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 1732962123 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 1792861486 -
Unknown value for fee
Node 1804891060 -
Unknown value for fee
Node 1807879529 "Parking Bel Soggiorno" -
Unknown value for fee
Node 1835254977 "Duomo Parking" -
Unknown value for fee
Node 1868863457 "Piazza XXV Aprile" -
Unknown value for fee
Node 1979078511 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 1984127973 "Piazza III° Alpini" -
Unknown value for fee
Node 1984128054 "Via XXVIII Aprile" -
Unknown value for fee
Node 1995440068 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2014551423 "Tumulo di Sant'Osvaldo" -
Construction startYear tag value '1600BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 2084639478 "parcheggio Ospedale" -
Unknown value for fee
Node 2263007597 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2263260060 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2263275667 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2300054948 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2300054950 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2316703852 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2316703853 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2316703854 "IT MI001 0011" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2339472314 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2378101638 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2378119915 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2378122616 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2379285128 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2379289828 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2379292048 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2379292049 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2379293519 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2379297082 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2379307602 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2379308709 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2379310193 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2379316219 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2379316220 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2379322877 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2385575995 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2395039716 "Parcheggio Interno" -
Unknown value for fee
Node 2396058533 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2399946777 "Bisenzio" -
Construction startYear tag value '1000 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 2401540433 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401540495 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401540497 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401540507 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401540508 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401540591 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401540653 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401540661 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401540689 "Enel - stazione di ricarica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401540733 "Duferco" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401540780 "Enel - stazione di ricarica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401540929 "Enel - stazione di ricarica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401541050 "Enel - stazione di ricarica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401541126 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401541128 "Enel X - Oasi Baraccola" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401541143 "Enel - stazione di ricarica;Punto Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401541147 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401541277 "Enel - stazione di ricarica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401541361 "Enel - stazione di ricarica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401541362 "Enel - stazione di ricarica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401541363 "Enel - stazione di ricarica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401541368 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401541378 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401541381 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401541384 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401541385 "Enel - stazione di ricarica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401541387 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401541389 "Enel - stazione di ricarica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401541395 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401541441 "Enel - stazione di ricarica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401541498 "Enel - stazione di ricarica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401541511 "Enel - stazione di ricarica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401541700 "Enel - stazione di ricarica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401541719 "Enel X - Stazione di ricarica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401541793 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401541802 "Enel - stazione di ricarica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401541809 "Enel - stazione di ricarica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401586275 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401586276 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401586277 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401588634 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2401597941 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2418074324 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2465694123 "Kirchenwirt" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2471474999 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2490911913 -
Unknown value for fee
Node 2490937906 -
Unknown value for fee
Node 2491410313 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2593015641 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2648560395 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2690148375 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2718127688 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2761555581 -
Unknown value for fee
Node 2941198539 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 2941198540 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 3023024125 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 3223209601 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 3411448456 "Gedenkstein für das k.u.k. „Kärntnerische“ Feldjägerbatallion Nr. 8 3. Kompanie" -
Construction startYear tag value 'Juli 1917' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 3548335004 "Akragas" -
Construction startYear tag value '580BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 3649063268 "Peabody peak" -
Construction startYear tag value '11 sep 1944' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 3711620713 "Monumento Battaglia Sparavalle" -
Construction startYear tag value '1p54' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 3782170624 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 3782170625 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 3793480318 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 3862855702 "Monumento ai caduti in guerra e sul lavoro" -
Construction startYear tag value '25 aprile 2014' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 3900420588 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 3902348259 "Necropoli Romana" -
Construction startYear tag value '30 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 3906163545 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 3906239156 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 3906262432 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 3994910707 "Sant'Antonio" -
Construction startYear tag value 'fixme' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 4021289543 "Centenario Croce Rosa San Quirico" -
Construction startYear tag value '6 febbraio 2016' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 4051008577 -
Unknown value for fee
Node 4053371052 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4069955212 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4085720532 "Targa alla nascita di Fabrizio De Andrè" -
Construction startYear tag value 'Pegli 14 luglio 2001' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 4233900091 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4347611703 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4358923067 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4408383468 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4414608391 -
Unknown value for fee
Node 4459074253 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4482580489 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4483520748 ""Le scalpelline"" -
Construction startYear tag value '14.10.2000' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 4531818758 "A Virgilio Rebora" -
Construction startYear tag value '21 novembre 2009' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 4589250338 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4671233528 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4674897990 "EV Charging Station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4683009742 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4683009743 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4683009744 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4683009745 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4683032296 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4691906381 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4691906382 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4691906384 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4691906385 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4714319765 "Charging Station - Circoscrizione" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4714321305 "Charging Station - ESSO via Wolf Ferrari" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4733959314 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4741099860 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4769053461 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4806630599 "Angelo Bassi" -
Construction startYear tag value '10 marzo 1954' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 4855784596 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4865296709 "Best Western Hotel San Giusto" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4890310204 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4893420092 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4903521632 -
Unknown value for fee
Node 4975049502 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4975049504 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4975049505 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4975049506 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4975049507 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4991836214 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5017653142 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5022140820 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5033141845 "Evbility" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5064800176 "Electric station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5074041016 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5076888966 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5089685217 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5114722448 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5120666383 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5127137611 -
Unknown value for fee
Node 5130971413 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5139032672 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5167657812 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5175057821 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5179093011 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5179496718 -
Construction startYear tag value '19vaprile 2009' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 5207387194 "Tesla Charger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5207406985 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5207407511 "Renault Charging" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5230565184 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5251640068 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5255643474 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5360547155 -
Unknown value for fee
Node 5420281321 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5435192253 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5448682374 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5457347300 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5467317967 "MILMilano-Bergognone" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5467317968 "MILANO-BERGOGNONE" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5471724170 "Monsignor Francesco Olgiati" -
Construction startYear tag value '09 08 1964' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 5473706604 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5473725481 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5474263813 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5525655936 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5535458249 "Swarco" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5535458250 "Swarco" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5538575226 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5540492931 "AUDI Charging station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5540752756 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5545493679 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5545493680 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5567096606 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5569103261 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5613312278 "Neogy" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5635738208 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5687517321 "Targa al giardino cinquecentesco" -
Construction startYear tag value '1° maggio 1915' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 5699311385 "Stazione di Chiusaforte" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5699311387 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5698910207 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5705224923 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5719405323 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5726529424 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5736612409 "bike-energy Gemeinde Toblach" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5750099900 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5750099905 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5758379063 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5766395356 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5766395912 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5781990202 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5783623808 "Confartigianato Udine Servizi Stazione di ricarica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5799667747 "Ai caduti in guerra" -
Construction startYear tag value '25 aprile 2014' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 5799667748 "Ai caduti sul lavoro" -
Construction startYear tag value '25 aprile 2014' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 5819215345 "for Tesla" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5832388071 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5832390174 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5832395134 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5832397064 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5845969839 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5858590251 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5860315943 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5860322457 "bike-energy Sennerei Drei Zinnen" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5860325013 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5860325157 "bike-energy Ladestation" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5860325553 "bike-energy Pircher Shop" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5860328165 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5860330949 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5860342125 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5861125740 "bike -energy Weiherbad" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5862276985 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5868700980 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5879286498 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5894724966 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5895959960 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5908187234 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5911431843 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5916000112 "Carlo Malinverni" -
Construction startYear tag value 'Gennaio MCMXXXVIII' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 5929401803 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5939376887 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5939380760 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5939381636 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5941036302 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5942594790 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5945889506 "Pilonòt" -
Construction startYear tag value 'late C19' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 5999900696 "Lapide Bof" -
Construction startYear tag value 'settembre 1891' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 5999980784 "Targa Commemorativa - Falcone e Borsellino" -
Construction startYear tag value 'Aprile 2006' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 6017279198 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6021752798 -
Construction startYear tag value '1940's' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 6030283638 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6030293325 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6060864828 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6060869261 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6065129423 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6065129424 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6067998057 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6067999380 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6068008846 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6092379147 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6092450820 "Eremo di Santa Cristina" -
Construction startYear tag value 'anteriore all'XI secolo' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 6103444179 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6106137353 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6107576672 "Tignale Charging Station 11kW" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6110982939 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6124696321 "Enel - stazione di ricarica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6133074685 "BlueTorino Via Cherubini" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6145440933 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6149260728 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6151344776 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6151345112 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6151354915 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6154034962 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6156730909 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6161118246 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6163456656 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6163484796 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6165524902 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6178707679 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6178966953 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6188576272 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6194943072 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6196560964 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6199915631 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6200812599 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6207226546 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6250577874 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6251044624 "Zeus Charging Station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6278476109 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6283257184 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6301432843 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6302328695 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6303597623 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6304518401 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6321729222 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6321729223 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6331672872 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6345200788 "bike-energy Ladestation" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6345223242 "bike-energy Ladestation" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6345288802 "bike-energy Ladestation" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6345310461 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6347750420 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6347754111 "bike-energy Ladestation" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6347762544 "bike-energy" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6347764899 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6347788941 "bike-energy Ladestation" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6347587840 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6347587841 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6347587842 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6347587843 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6347587844 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6347587845 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6347587846 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6347587847 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6347587848 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6355036873 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6355036875 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6355036876 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6355038037 "eVlink" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6355038038 "eVlink" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6355038039 "eVlink" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6361360487 "Maria e Caterina Avegno di Camogli" -
Construction startYear tag value 'MDCCCLV' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 6384070938 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6384070942 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6386160400 "Ai Caduti della Resistenza" -
Construction startYear tag value '23 aprile 1950' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 6394802145 "Il Centro Storico ai suoi figli" -
Construction startYear tag value 'MCMLXXXVI' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 6409675080 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6409703819 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6409703820 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6417522176 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6417522177 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6421424935 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6427318587 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6430385992 "Stazione di Ricarica Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6438194263 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6438194264 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6445419493 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6465521368 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6465521369 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6465521370 "Viale Trieste 9" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6466164958 "E-Bike Ladestelle" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6470916423 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6482807175 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6499457876 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6499461716 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6499473105 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6508579424 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6510988113 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6512588020 "bike-energy Ospitale di Verzi Marco" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6513304312 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6517624468 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6517624469 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6517624471 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6520283993 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6528179508 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6528179509 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6528179510 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6543039859 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6543043421 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6544297869 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6545203663 "Enel-X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6545203664 "Enel-X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6546786642 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6554881728 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6555805569 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6555805571 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6555830039 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6555833749 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6555833750 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6555833751 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6556654568 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6556696684 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6556697185 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6556704439 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6556706981 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6556706982 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6556706983 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6556911147 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6556911148 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6561112903 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6561133229 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6561133231 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6561133233 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6561133234 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6561133235 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6563716195 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6564827735 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6564834065 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6564834141 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6564834142 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6568034248 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6568064984 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6568122010 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6568122011 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6568122012 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6568127697 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6568149183 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6568149184 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6568150678 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6568163788 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6568163789 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6568163795 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6568183594 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6568183599 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6568229120 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6568209597 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6568209606 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6568209609 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6570970920 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6570977244 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6570982919 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6573796596 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6573796597 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6573796599 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6574804246 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6575181128 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6575181129 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6575181130 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6579920485 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6584482418 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6594738349 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6598613579 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6598666043 "Camping Enzo Stella Maris" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6606090461 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6611986407 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6612013789 "VIA Carlo Serassi" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6612015858 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6616224346 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6628566985 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6638261058 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6642521030 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6647635412 "Tesla Destination Charger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6652948767 "Via Giovanbattista Velluti" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6652948768 "Via Giulio Natali" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6652970106 "Via Dante Alighieri" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6652970107 "Via Iacopo Robusti 9" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6664997913 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6665890973 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6665890974 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6679731361 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6681742835 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6687144652 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6687144653 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6687992604 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6696972635 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6704288557 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6704288572 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6704288573 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6704288577 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6704288578 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6704288579 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6704288580 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6704288581 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6704288582 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6704288583 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6704316686 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6704316690 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6704316724 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6704316726 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6704316727 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6704316730 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6708882699 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6710423418 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6718688996 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6734594430 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6734758211 "E-Bike Ladestation" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6738513541 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6763362959 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6766229171 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6767298308 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6779078240 "Stazione di ricarica EnelX" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6779084938 "Stazione di ricarica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6785863087 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6790881763 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6793471195 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6796903540 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6800425276 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6813773269 "CF3000 EV charging" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6815600044 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6821131762 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6834401376 "Portopiccolo Sistiana - Falisia Resort & Spa" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6835323712 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6839482954 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6848869872 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6855205782 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6855229144 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6863301959 "ChargePoint" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6863330185 "ChargePoint" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6888246846 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6901866073 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6901916116 "E-Moving" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6901916118 "E-Moving" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6901916120 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6901916121 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6902423970 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6902536890 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6910709766 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6919646120 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6920872700 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6925011691 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6944817192 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6948650856 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6959956218 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6959956219 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6959956220 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6976241847 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6976294046 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6981256304 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6987061292 "Enel X Charging Station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7008603608 "Statua di Euno" -
Construction startYear tag value '14 Maggio 1960' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 7026279069 "IRE Charging Station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7028344991 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7031195703 "Sarcofago famiglia Bebi" -
Construction startYear tag value 'sec. XIV' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 7040770550 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7059666324 "Stezzano - Centro commerciale "Le due torri"" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7067373159 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7062657664 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7075801185 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7081867454 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7088275901 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7095070389 "enel x" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7097937987 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7099826308 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7106609620 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7106609621 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7114154710 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7116551797 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7124091330 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7126153131 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7126153132 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7143809898 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7148261204 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7153341858 -
Construction startYear tag value 'aprile 1973' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 7155087819 "IONITY Brugnato Ovest" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7183667805 "Stazione di Ricarica e-Bike" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7203457704 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7203457705 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7202801823 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7212318133 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7218847141 "bike-energy" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7232717444 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7236449347 "Terminal Bus di Francavilla in Sinni" -
Unknown value for fee
Node 7247514608 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7252839012 "Stele" -
Construction startYear tag value '1819 DIC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 7254703012 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7263760659 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7278316199 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7278316200 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7289488686 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7299625496 "Enel x" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7299625677 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7301324578 "ENEL c/o parcheggio D'Angiò" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7306319045 "Colonnina di ricarica Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7319250969 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7319250970 "Tesla Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7363502899 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7367326402 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7367327288 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7412497420 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7467018396 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7481934045 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7523058910 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7524026765 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7533883132 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7554208508 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7559663811 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7565742119 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7581129464 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7598859882 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7599488824 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7608170731 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7608170732 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7612438136 "E-Moving" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7612438137 "E-Moving" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7612438138 "E-Moving" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7612438139 "E-Moving" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7623350803 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7623350804 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7623350805 "E-Moving" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7623350816 "E-Moving" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7623350817 "E-Moving" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7623350818 "E-Moving" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7625882165 "E-Moving" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7627501505 "E-Moving" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7627501511 "E-Moving" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7627501512 "Driwe" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7627501513 "E-Moving" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7634521799 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7650165341 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7663858369 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7668901459 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7683316749 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7683329282 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7686769170 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7700500560 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7711594985 "Malga Tuena" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7721219187 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7727416385 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7741466124 "Ionity Binasco" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7741505784 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7761888327 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7770404606 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7771032859 "E-Bike Ladestation Berggasthof Natz" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7772282725 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7773382765 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7777662755 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7783481507 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7785627808 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7787992006 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7801490759 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7801490760 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7804048906 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7810908225 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7812116391 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7812553136 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7814840467 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7817784653 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7817810201 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7820812446 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7832423742 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7832423743 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7832423746 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7836389498 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7836389502 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7838109826 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7838711771 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7838711772 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7840186033 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7843833930 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7849032361 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7847833277 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7849363296 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7871711262 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7872241479 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7884092062 "Neogy" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7907152100 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7913219454 "Hera" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7913219455 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7913219456 "Hera" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7934625541 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7934625542 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7934625543 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7934625544 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7934625546 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7934625547 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7934625550 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7942569921 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7944759282 "Becharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7955911724 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7956405742 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7963459468 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7984924300 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7988289627 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7988289628 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7988289629 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7996147908 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7997856714 "Enel X" -
Unknown value for fee
Node 8007981160 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8016637320 "Atlante" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8023148059 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8048792360 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8048815082 "Colonnina Enel-X 22+3kW" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8048815083 "Colonnina Enel-X 3+3kW" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8048716456 "Colonnina 22+3kW" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8048716457 "Colonnina 22+3kW" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8048732327 "Colonnina 22+22kW" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8048740942 "Colonnina 22+3kW" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8048753834 "Colonnina 22+3kW" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8051752369 "Ionity Ernesto Basile" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8065617972 "NEOGY Ladestationen für Elektroautos" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8068403493 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8068437624 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8068489878 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8075471071 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8083940752 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8084271689 "Torrione" -
Construction startYear tag value 'XV sec.' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 8093990732 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8099925328 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8099925330 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8124837506 -
Unknown value for fee
Node 8142317222 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8170199725 "Zeus Charging Station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8170199726 "Zeus Charging Station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8170199727 "Zeus Charging Station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8170199729 "Zeus Charging Station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8178792048 "IONITY Portogruaro" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8179704420 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8180563919 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8197093783 "Zeus Charging Station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8197093784 "Zeus Charging Station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089338 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089339 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089340 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089342 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089343 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089344 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089345 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089347 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089348 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089349 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089350 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089351 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089352 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089353 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089354 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089355 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089356 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089357 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089358 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089359 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089360 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089361 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089362 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089363 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089372 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089373 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089374 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089375 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089376 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089377 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089379 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089380 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089381 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089382 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089383 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089384 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089385 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089386 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089387 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089388 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089389 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089390 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089391 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089392 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089394 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089395 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089396 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089397 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089398 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089399 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089400 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8200089401 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8213692661 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8235936694 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8240521367 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8247393247 "E+ Drivalia" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8248335749 "Stazione ricarica Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8262068634 "Stazione di ricarica per bici elettriche" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8263410472 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8264510270 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8264510271 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8264510272 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8273687163 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8280846296 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8293398367 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8294601530 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8294601531 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8296131641 "Forlì Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8296286424 "Tesla Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8297924760 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8299572758 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8300206537 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8300206561 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8302410012 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8303591214 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8309265309 "ricarica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8312322494 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8312322495 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8312322496 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8325396905 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8341713308 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8345538548 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8344696417 "20kw Tipo2 e Tipo3A" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8345339616 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8357547606 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8364502711 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8375207257 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8378745163 "BeCharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8381749718 "Colonnina ricarica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8390188736 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8394450617 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8400701193 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8400964229 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8400964230 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8408331863 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8421513530 "ENEL Charging Station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8430121034 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8434919677 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8443085216 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8443227422 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8445123424 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8454951622 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8459476550 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8461160746 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8461160747 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8461180462 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8485487059 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8489483203 "Pescara Ebike power station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8490435881 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8491117246 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8496473717 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8496473718 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8496473719 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8498024900 "Tesla Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8498042205 "Tesla Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8500858961 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8501557395 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8506629520 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8509761928 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8515771304 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8521710952 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8531161938 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8533315885 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8539517603 "BeCharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8557631738 "Pescara Ebike power station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8568057786 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8571864913 "Free To X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8578790750 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8589969059 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8592799182 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8599226576 "ChargePoint" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8603202202 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8602683693 "COLONNINA CA 2 PRESE" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8606000133 "E-Bike-Ladestation" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8628677665 "Stazione di ricarica per bici elettriche" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8629343354 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8629396818 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8628903036 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8629057011 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8638578656 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8655926266 "Pescara Ebike power station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8655926275 "Pescara Ebike power station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8658913861 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8661802400 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8661802400 -
Unknown value for fee
Node 8662115373 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8662541441 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8668384133 "Sentiero Emilio Gadaleta" -
Construction startYear tag value 'Maggio 2019' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 8694067752 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8701760733 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8709493936 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8712181764 "Ricarica BEV Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8712614457 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8715368250 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8715368251 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8717038569 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8718030420 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8718166980 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8722254025 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8722546622 "DriWE" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8724072069 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8724072071 "Dolomiti Energia" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8724072072 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8724072075 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8724072076 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8724248109 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8726538703 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8730096183 "Becharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8730915009 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8731639110 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8734616871 "ricarica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8739534538 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8747280659 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8751153450 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8750580972 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8750580973 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8754054567 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8755456909 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8756273875 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8757901849 "Enel X Charging Station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8765716590 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8773117616 "Pescara Ebike power station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8773133615 "E-Mobility" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8778951929 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8778951930 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8778951931 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8778951932 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8789623387 "Pescara Ebike power station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8792941492 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8792965315 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8792630228 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8792727032 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8793363969 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8793364007 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8794679348 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8794679350 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8794679351 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8807603600 "Lidl Stazione di ricarica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8814377819 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8824016122 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8824016123 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8823641501 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8823641514 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8823641515 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8823641516 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8829341735 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8838883895 "Mooby Stazione di Ricarica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8840216492 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8853947733 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8858034850 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8858034851 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8858034852 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8858034855 "Power Point city car" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8870491183 "BeCharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8870962805 "ENEL X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8879062948 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8882192024 "Roma West Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8883103830 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8883533682 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8891786937 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8891786938 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8894696633 "Punto Bike" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8897550462 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8901136628 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8910116764 "Punto di ricarica e-bike" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8913233466 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8922782798 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8922784218 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8926114370 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8941701677 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8944275060 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8945367221 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8945367222 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8946411347 "EnelX" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8946411348 "Enel X - Ionity Carpi" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8946717325 "Becharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8946717326 "Becharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8946798680 "IONITY Trento" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8947240674 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8948251470 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8954379226 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8971496336 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8972482509 "eco@esco" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8972756204 -
Unknown value for fee
Node 8983221559 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8986688479 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8989924787 "Möltner Kaser" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8997146198 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8999029917 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8999029918 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9004679140 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9004700303 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9004700304 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9004700309 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9006121615 "enel x" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9010688182 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9007600246 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9019340534 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9025007183 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9024339155 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9024339156 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9024339157 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9019703828 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9026999284 -
Unknown value for fee
Node 9027884567 "Plangenbrugg" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9027884568 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9029215872 "Becharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9029290785 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9029290786 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9034613775 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9035738931 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9045382427 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9055474731 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9056770766 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9064685291 "BE Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9066518624 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9067298130 "E-Bike" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9068656651 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9078206984 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9082326476 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9083844853 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9083844854 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9083844855 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9087740612 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9087740613 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9087431219 "Altare del tempio di Nettuno" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C5 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 9087431220 "Altare romano del tempio di Nettuno" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C1 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 9087431221 "Altare del tempio di Hera" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C5 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 9088671239 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9088671240 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9090891720 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9093703551 "Miara" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9093718271 "Gemeinde Parkplatz" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9094233018 "E-Bike Ladestelle" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9094237222 "E-Bike Ladestelle" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9095143745 "Hotel Almhof Call" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9095150198 "Sport Hotel exclusive" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9095156985 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9095163458 "Hotel Brunella" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9097808540 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9097808541 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9105443511 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9110352356 "Stazione di ricarica Lidl" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9114032637 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9116771415 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9117765071 "Enel Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9117765072 "BE Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9122662262 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9125947796 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9127071786 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9127166003 "Brindisi Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9134221645 "Punto di ricarica e-bike" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9139504041 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9142412433 "Olbia Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9142450222 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9142483617 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9141343670 "Tesla Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9155003211 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9156063625 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9156063626 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9156611191 "EVlink" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9158470721 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9160620324 "Bluenergy" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9163409514 "Adf green" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9168968131 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9170595809 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9171159771 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9175195763 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9176236672 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9177826959 "Santuario di Montetosto" -
Construction startYear tag value '400 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 9178031731 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9178044647 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9183423394 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9184175439 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9186765123 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9190482409 "Monumento crollo della Torre Piloti" -
Construction startYear tag value '7 maggio 2019' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 9192539864 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9192539865 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9195610753 "Pescara Ebike power station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9201168676 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9210213624 "Zeus Charging Station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9211928966 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9219914940 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9231219926 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9233488318 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9240395206 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9240428223 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9240494664 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9248507711 "BeCharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9250232285 "Neogy" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9259564936 "Elea" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9264258075 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9264258076 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9269301776 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9269324670 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9269584123 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9269584124 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9269584125 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9269584126 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9285488340 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9291575847 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9297167403 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9325196460 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9325196486 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9327738009 "Innogy Charging Station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9330138465 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9330784327 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9331784402 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9332594290 "Enel X Stazione di Ricarica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9332606491 "Enel X Stazione di Ricarica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9334448338 "Cueno Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9335122857 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9347425879 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9347609232 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9348765445 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9350642083 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9350958800 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9353349553 "Colonnina EnelX V. Renzo de Felice" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9353349554 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9355197293 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9363372410 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9363436493 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9365653602 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9366983850 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9369861982 "Iren Go" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9369861983 "Iren Go" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9367494214 "Crocifisso ottoniano di Vercelli" -
Construction startYear tag value 'late C10' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 9376478535 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9382903940 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9383705596 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9386005083 "Leasys Go" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9385587850 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9392044512 "Corso Giuseppe Garibaldi" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9402012508 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9402012509 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9402012510 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9402012511 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9402012512 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9402672772 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9404372557 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9404223663 "e-way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9406981234 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9407302419 "Colonnina EnelX /Via Cipriani" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9409581940 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9409586435 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9409586436 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9409586437 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9409586438 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9412310756 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9412310757 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9412999662 "becharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9412999663 "becharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9428418638 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9428582566 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9439678703 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9439678704 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9439739805 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9443436348 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9447256982 "Grand Hotel Terme Stigliano" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9450495334 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9450525784 "Hera" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9453204782 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9460716551 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9459898592 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9460769961 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9462572536 "IONITY Les Iles de Brissogne Nord" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9464362659 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9464393660 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9464990943 "Ricarica EV" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9469271388 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9481223690 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9482853211 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9486282871 "IONITY Brenner" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9491823908 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9491823909 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9491823911 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9496055725 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9498081589 -
Unknown surface type 'roman paving' !
Node 9498181527 "Ponte del diavolo" -
Construction startYear tag value '100 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 9503186627 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9505379452 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9507457699 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9507942488 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9508163577 "Blitz Power" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9508163582 "Blitz Power" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9520598665 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9522712483 "Bildstock bei der Mühlbacher Klause" -
Construction startYear tag value 'c15' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 9524295809 "Madonna della Speranza" -
Construction startYear tag value '> 1945' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 9529648834 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9529654531 "RIcarica auto elettriche" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9537189518 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9537189519 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9543300327 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9544355655 "Tesla Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9551710991 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9551710992 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9551710993 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9562462280 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9563059133 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9566215566 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9568693093 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9566468711 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9579387799 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9579427313 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9579427314 "bike-energy" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9581014210 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9582985266 "Becharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9583003989 "Becharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9584713374 "Becharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9584713375 "Becharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9588559743 "Todis" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9588569119 "ABB" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9592155599 "enel X /Perseo" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9592247689 "EnelX" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9592310385 "EnelX" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9592310386 "EnelX" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9597926859 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9606073308 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9606290848 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9626426508 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Node 9631483941 "E-Rad-Ladestelle" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9633104773 "BeCharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9645617733 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9651907196 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9653448717 "NEOGY" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9653457319 "NEOGY" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9666314645 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9667384065 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9667841995 -
Unknown value for fee
Node 9667481039 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9669153846 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9669608749 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9670787449 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9671594609 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9670801805 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9672080525 "Clorofilla" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9672080539 "Clorofilla" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9672695979 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9674380297 "BeCharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9675318135 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9675021357 "Ladestation" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9675591395 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9677384152 "Montenero di Bisaccia Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9677466693 "becharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9677466699 "becharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9677614253 "becharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9677614254 "becharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9678379369 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9678463823 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9678379370 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9678379371 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9678379373 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9678379374 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9680085499 "Blitz Power" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9680128115 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9681127552 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9682372959 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9682922959 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9685645098 "BeCharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9688235969 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9690021504 "Clorofilla" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9689543252 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9690569067 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9690623779 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9691872235 "Duferco Energia" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9692703569 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9691523473 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9693282176 "ENEL X Charging Station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9693282211 "ENEL X Charging Station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9694633867 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9698155916 "becharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9699983529 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9700548094 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9700672455 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9705329188 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9705329189 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9706710748 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9706725202 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9706734430 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9706933704 "Omaggio al Donatore" -
Construction startYear tag value '14.6.1992' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 9709108447 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9711009715 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9711610787 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9711764365 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9711162439 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9711819017 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9714216355 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9718630083 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9720146797 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9722240717 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9722400514 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9722095243 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9722126348 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9722541445 "Via Clodia" -
Unknown surface type 'roman_paving' !
Node 9722541446 "Via Clodia" -
Unknown surface type 'roman_paving' !
Node 9722738024 "Viale Italia Scaglia" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9727103809 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9727142383 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9727161823 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9727164787 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9727173358 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9727178498 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9727277695 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9727390377 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9729601048 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9729298212 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9727750010 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9732512129 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9732639930 "Monumento a Luigi Salvini" -
Construction startYear tag value '22.9.2019' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 9733118443 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9732893981 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9734427204 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9733080514 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9733085338 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9734521131 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9735918647 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9737441791 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9737604242 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9737604243 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9737966047 "Duferco" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9738896368 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9739284591 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9739329564 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9739932618 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9739945289 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9741179963 "BP Chargemaster" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9741191165 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9740866521 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9740918096 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9741008946 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9744135516 "Blitz Power" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9748711455 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9748711457 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9758895480 "Free to X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9761032829 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9761381831 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9767088711 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9770016135 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9770177826 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9770177827 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9770016144 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9770680391 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9772018009 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9771283713 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9773085231 "Volvo" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9773501009 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9773501010 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9774961005 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9775099019 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9775146613 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9776513698 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9776797531 "Scame" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9776475366 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9776475367 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9776485048 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9776929947 "Blitz Power" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9779657053 "Monumento ai Caduti" -
Construction startYear tag value '25.5.1982' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 9782294925 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9782643522 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9781595417 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9781595418 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9783650652 "Pescara Ebike power station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9785892238 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9785892254 "ChargePoint" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9788576470 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9788576471 "ChargePoint" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9788841506 -
Construction startYear tag value 'C9 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 9790426102 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9791344270 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9793556777 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9793905845 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9795021289 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9798821624 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9798821629 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9802108445 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9806568223 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9807883766 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9808972101 "Postazione Ricarica Elettrica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9811390104 "BeCharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9812333933 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9820833211 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9820849845 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9822312132 -
Construction startYear tag value 'C5 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 9827931160 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9829037677 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9831216381 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9831264733 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9831264734 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9830766243 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9839495029 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9839501218 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9842192068 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9844739537 "only for E-bike" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9845252354 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9846002367 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9850836354 "becharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9849564073 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9855614608 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9856090855 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9857215733 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9857215734 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9861120966 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9862000677 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9862054509 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9865221568 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9870486207 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9870486209 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9872214874 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9875088113 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9875126789 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9874832296 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9876028461 "Free To X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9876442882 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9879244976 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9879433624 -
Construction startYear tag value 'June 2001' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 9880617663 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9880617664 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9880620712 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9879925447 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9879936648 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9881091821 "Leonardo Bassani" -
Construction startYear tag value '25.04.1965' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 9883489298 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9883489299 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9884839553 "Free To X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9884024109 "Be Charge Charging Station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9884091345 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9884949607 "Leasys Go" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9884949608 "Leasys Go" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9884949609 "Leasys Go" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9884949610 "Leasys Go" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9884949611 "Leasys Go" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9887740621 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9889070092 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9889894469 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9891975814 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9891981445 "LogiNet" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9893003773 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9894170774 "Becharge Plenitude" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9894531643 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9896745876 "Stazione di Ricarica Auto Elettriche" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9897164551 "Necropoli della Selvicciola" -
Construction startYear tag value '3000 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 9897652335 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9897675477 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9897678587 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9900416528 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9901004275 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9902563195 "Farmacie Comunali Pistoiesi" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9903020491 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9903597720 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9903597728 "IrenGo" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9903597730 "BeCharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9903597736 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9904463756 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9905340094 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9905556237 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9907595655 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9909834197 "Intereg" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9914110824 "E-Bike Ladestelle" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9914675976 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9914356751 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9914872525 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9916960342 "Place de l'Ancien Abattoir" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9916960344 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9916961362 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9916961363 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9918949177 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9919540402 "Necropoli Poggio delle urne" -
Construction startYear tag value '900 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 9920651693 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9921454893 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9921938419 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9921942919 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9922818402 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9924238928 "Torino Grugliasco Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9923921201 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9926488930 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9931219895 "E-Bike-Ladestation Schlanders Dorfplatz" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9931219896 "E-Bike-Ladestation Schlanders Damml" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9931219897 "E-Bike-Ladestation Schlanders Kulturhaus" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9933841127 "IONITY Rinovo Nord" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9933841131 "IONITY Ceriale Sud" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9938641230 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9939450719 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9939450721 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9939570597 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9942490207 "Stazione di ricarica e-bike" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9945578887 "Al Donatore di Sangue" -
Construction startYear tag value '17. 6. 2018' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 9945623494 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9948671573 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9948720233 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9948720234 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9948720235 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9948720236 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9948720237 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9948720238 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9950216949 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9950216997 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9951112517 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9952823611 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9954798811 "Enel X - IONITY Potenza" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9954798812 "Enel X - IONITY Potenza" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9954798813 "Enel X - IONITY Potenza" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9955036758 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9956363946 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9956883718 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9957310907 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9957603921 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9957603922 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9960848437 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9961804254 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9963278421 "Ricarica Ebike" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9962759805 "Becharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9963845501 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9964441427 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9964441428 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9964476940 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9966317761 "Ricarica Ebike" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9966452195 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9966452198 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9967414512 "Punto di ricarica e-bike" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9967758809 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9967560947 "DINAclub - Stazione di Ricarica e-Bike" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9968715775 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9970842566 "Stazione di ricarica auto elettriche" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9970957748 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9975492047 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9978558268 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9981248962 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9981399036 "Parcheggio via Rocco Scotellaro" -
Unknown value for fee
Node 9983288984 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9983389147 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9984456682 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9986174990 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9988011993 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9991746443 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9992056935 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9992835127 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9993871415 "Monumento dei Martiri delle Foibe" -
Construction startYear tag value '10.2.2005' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 9996592164 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9997558903 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10003797524 "Zeus Charging Station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10004207226 "Zeus Charging Station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10004207243 "Zeus Charging Station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10004207244 "Zeus Charging Station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10006883517 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10008408245 "Zeus Charging Station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10008893829 "Zeus Charging Station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10009258004 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10013440664 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10013788403 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10013788404 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10013951490 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10016383877 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10016383878 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10015752890 "Amalia Nicora Testino - Silvia Testino" -
Construction startYear tag value 'aprile 2014' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 10023825561 "LeasysGO!" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10023825562 "LeasysGO!" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10023825563 "LeasysGO!" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10023825564 "LeasysGO!" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10023825565 "LeasysGO!" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10024329992 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10024335228 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10024930198 "Iren Go" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10028843148 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10034078336 "Parcheggio Piazza Michele Bianco" -
Unknown value for fee
Node 10038843714 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10039741536 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10042554305 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10043095787 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10043095794 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10043095800 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10043135721 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10045199848 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10045714769 "Borne de Cabane de Chanrion" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10045930990 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10047154093 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10048908705 "Free To X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10049143398 "Blitz Power" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10050583624 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10050921785 "BE Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10050921786 "BE Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10059101112 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10065114497 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10066492243 "ENEL X Charging Station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10068247189 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10074743846 "Ciel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10074765783 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10074765784 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10075124893 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10075195178 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10075299734 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10076334724 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10076947620 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10076947638 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10079824690 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10082393091 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10085689031 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10087014952 "Lugano Turismus" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10087349493 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10089820207 "Monumento ai Caduti di tutte le guerre" -
Construction startYear tag value '4.11.1981' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 10094542733 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10094542736 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10095636793 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10096984243 "ABB" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10098119473 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10098586024 "HeraRicarica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10100156790 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10100395982 "Ricarica EV CF3000 Engineering" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10106185878 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10106571376 "BE Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10106571377 "BE Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10106571383 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10107260193 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10106850905 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10115099758 "Madonna Immacolata" -
Construction startYear tag value 'Secolo XVII' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 10116537444 "Monumento a Sant Just Desvern" -
Construction startYear tag value '21.8.1982' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 10118828448 "EnerHub" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10118851450 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10118865106 "Blitz Power" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10120705456 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10121103739 "Stazione di ricarica elettrica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10121215276 "Blitz Power" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10121215277 "BE Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10124679954 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10128978479 "Corso Genova, 27" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10129644240 "Tesla Destination Charger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10130035670 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10131997622 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10132403019 "Leasys Go" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10132403020 "Leasys Go" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10132403021 "Leasys Go" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10132403022 "Leasys Go" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10132403023 "Leasys Go" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10134820509 -
Unknown value for fee
Node 10137660890 "Staffetta Cremisi della Pace" -
Construction startYear tag value '28.10.2021' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 10142625752 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10142781640 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10142862657 "Pescara Ebike power station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10151485867 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10152367480 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10152367481 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10152367482 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10152475772 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10152486618 "Blitz Power" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10157239943 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10163838977 "Ewiva" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10174533444 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10174533445 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10176185702 "Stazione ricarica CONAD" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10176021089 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10180392732 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10181971298 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10182229495 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10182842205 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10183211813 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10183299088 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10184501137 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10185305203 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10186174943 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10186174945 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10188842580 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10200314273 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10202182086 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10203837376 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10205213553 "Eni Station - Corso Bergamo, 16/B" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10218112287 "Blitz Power" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10229396593 "Free to X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10232551075 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10235836543 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10237615833 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10240022603 "Ionity" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10240053113 "IONITY Agira" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10242960789 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10244248254 "Alperia ADAC-eCharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10245109862 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10268793906 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10269361509 "Trattoria Guaiane" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10269536515 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10275358076 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10278558778 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10286634711 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10287611713 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10292294482 "IONITY Conegliano" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10293191309 "IONITY Roma Nord" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10295921187 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10295938797 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10297844216 "Free to X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10298539711 "Pëtr Il'ič Čajkovskij" -
Construction startYear tag value '01.04.1982' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 10299445592 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10300727013 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10300869539 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10308361131 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10309522135 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10310715575 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10310528145 "IONITY Lecce" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10314200891 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10314200892 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10436461635 "ABB" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10436513837 "ABB" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10557351484 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10557758020 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10559799080 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10565026385 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10565047983 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10565057190 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10565063971 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10565069070 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10565072186 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10565098211 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10565103783 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10565113080 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10565122818 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10565123433 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10565127149 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10565130744 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10565131630 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10565141807 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10565011394 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10565146760 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10565155545 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10565164929 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10565198887 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10565225629 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10565225814 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10565226764 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10565229781 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10565236653 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10565247649 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10565247742 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10565253875 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10567560547 "Alessandria Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10567615818 "Valli di Carnia Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10570626962 "Stazione di ricarica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10570626963 "Stazione di ricarica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10570702537 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10571434281 "IONITY Les Iles de Brissogne Nord" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10571434282 "IONITY Les Iles de Brissogne Nord" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10571434283 "IONITY Les Iles de Brissogne Nord" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10571434284 "IONITY Les Iles de Brissogne Nord" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10571434285 "IONITY Les Iles de Brissogne Nord" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10574420948 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10576036514 "IONITY Gioia Tauro" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10576575916 "IONITY Valdichiana Outlet Village" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10576778853 "IONITY Piacenza" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10576521087 "IONITY Valdichiana Outlet Village" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10577662775 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10576575917 "IONITY Valdichiana Outlet Village" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10576135852 "IONITY Battipaglia" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10576778854 "IONITY Piacenza" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10576575918 "IONITY Valdichiana Outlet Village" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10576778855 "IONITY Piacenza" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10576778856 "IONITY Piacenza" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10576778857 "IONITY Piacenza" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10576778858 "IONITY Piacenza" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10576543956 "IONITY Scarlino" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10576667229 "IONITY Versilia Est" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10576681431 "IONITY Versilia Ovest" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10576846236 "IONITY Monselice" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10576715034 "IONITY Ceriale Sud" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10576715035 "IONITY Ceriale Sud" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10576715037 "IONITY Ceriale Sud" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10576876055 "IONITY Monselice" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10576876056 "IONITY Monselice" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10576745584 "IONITY Forlì" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10576745585 "IONITY Forlì" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10576745586 "IONITY Forlì" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10576745587 "IONITY Forlì" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10576745588 "IONITY Forlì" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10576745589 "IONITY Forlì" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10576899903 "IONITY Montecchio Maggiore" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10576899904 "IONITY Montecchio Maggiore" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10576899905 "IONITY Montecchio Maggiore" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10576899906 "IONITY Montecchio Maggiore" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10576765743 "Enel X - Ionity Carpi" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10576765744 "Enel X - Ionity Carpi" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10576765745 "Enel X - Ionity Carpi" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10576765746 "Enel X - Ionity Carpi" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10576765747 "Enel X - Ionity Carpi" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10586857709 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10586857710 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10587169723 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10589526538 "Palermo East Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10589534631 "Napoli North Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10593588535 "Parcheggio P18" -
Unknown value for fee
Node 10595175498 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10600766321 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10601267981 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10607763642 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10607763666 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10608756008 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10633610854 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10633610855 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10648186033 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10654538755 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10657916361 "Rimini Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10657916362 "Porto Sant'Elpidio Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10657916363 "Parma North Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10657916364 "Grandate Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10657916365 "Bologna - Casalecchio di Reno Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10657916366 "Serravalle Scrivia Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10657916367 "Genova North Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10657916368 "Vado Ligure Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10665255054 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10676666527 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10677264390 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10679275369 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10679502918 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10680851259 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10681737555 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10683744624 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10684208655 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10686606848 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10688323066 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10690288513 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10690064754 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10690311767 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10691012443 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10692607062 "Free To X Torre Fantine Ovest" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10692761818 "E-Bike-Ladestation" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10692932640 "E-Bike-Ladestation" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10693201370 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10694027530 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10697239336 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10701788501 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10702596004 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10703818732 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10704571368 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10704571369 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10712012906 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10712012907 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10715741832 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10719729935 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10721224203 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10723775255 "Porsche Destination Charger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10725125931 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10726477303 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10727998626 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10728531155 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10729678351 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10731227216 "Monumenti agli avviatori caduti" -
Construction startYear tag value '18 settembre 1988' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 10731651125 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10731651126 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10731651127 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10738778785 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10739848563 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10741080658 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10747679329 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10753104284 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10757241920 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10757133187 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10763688696 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10763688697 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10764445423 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10765636805 "Ionity Affi" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10768000717 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10768316710 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10768451066 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10769612893 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10770203671 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10771337059 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10772645940 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10772837231 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10773112386 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10775888441 "Stop&Go" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10777587274 "Ionity Cavaglià" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10777641320 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10781256131 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10784516604 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10786691825 "Ionity" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10789557914 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10790865383 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10797432688 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10801473591 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10801473598 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10802609924 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10804790938 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10814136266 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10814768323 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10816619099 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10821222708 "Stazione di ricarica fast EVAD Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10822199880 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10826752296 "Bosch eBike Systems" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10826880574 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10839712410 "Attilio ed Emilio Bandiera" -
Construction startYear tag value '20 settembre 1905' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 10845638667 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10845639562 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10845642266 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10845643904 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10845670665 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10845674199 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10845674474 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10845735621 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10857925152 "Blitz Power" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10857963669 "Blitz Power" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10858243597 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10858548622 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10861840118 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10861840119 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10861840120 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10862580018 "Stazione di ricarica ebike - Pradella Sistemi" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10862580350 "Stazione di ricarica ebike - Pradella Sistemi" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10862580420 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10862580541 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10862580738 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10862580753 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10873108703 "Atlante Energy" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10875761675 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10876541596 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10878230391 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10885764796 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10887658968 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10889379541 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10889380966 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10890037983 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10890037984 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10896225605 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10896485692 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10899462589 "Tesla Destination Charger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10909710607 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10916690803 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10918420672 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10919486557 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10920031358 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10920189096 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10921969274 "BE Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10925773987 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10931526148 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10933495094 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10933727721 "Ionity Napoli Afragola" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10935219836 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10934215824 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10936493678 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10942499433 "Ionity San Benedetto del Tronto" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10942323357 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10951200835 "Blitz Power" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10957053429 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10959585861 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10959585862 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10960254043 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10959629030 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10961065977 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10961326756 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10963572814 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10965855243 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10968155765 "Francesco e Luciana" -
Construction startYear tag value '6 0tt0bre 1981' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 10977380608 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10979196050 "Posteggio pubblico OC-Voghera" -
Unknown value for fee
Node 10983142062 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10984306691 "Ewiva" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10984421507 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10989662052 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10997045714 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10997045732 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10995099726 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10995217340 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10995217342 "Ewiva" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11001647979 "BE Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11002331113 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11004084076 "Giovanni Battista Monteggia" -
Construction startYear tag value '08.08.1962' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 11008013472 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11012423492 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11013071515 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11013992915 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11013724601 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11013725120 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11013887712 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11020565472 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11023854205 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11024956280 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11025008830 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11027275896 "Ionity Civitanova Marche" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11027536093 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11027536094 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11027536095 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11027536096 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11027536097 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11027536098 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11028121976 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11025882032 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11025882060 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11025882061 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11025882065 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11025882066 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11025882067 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11029691128 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11031980353 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11031980354 "E-Rad-Ladestation" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11032837899 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11036246704 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11036942542 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11037462314 "E-Bike - Ladestation" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11037462315 "E-Bike - Ladestation" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11040031636 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11046961633 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11046961634 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11047816098 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11047824563 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11048020094 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11048113380 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11049047273 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11049047274 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11049396964 "plenitude + becharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11050365245 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11052516690 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11053387726 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11053387727 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11054534796 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11055223913 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11055481974 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11056964987 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11057012905 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11058084287 "Be Charge Charging Station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11061259768 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11061368471 "Unicoenergia" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11067171781 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11067727541 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11067727542 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11066593274 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11066593275 "EnelWay" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11068063931 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11066736413 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11070654550 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11070926445 "Ricarica BEV BeCharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11070954721 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11070958210 "Stazione di ricarica BEV Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11070871769 "Ricarica BEV Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11070883098 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11071469313 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11071469317 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11071469319 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11071469323 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11078219068 "Tesla Destination Charger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11083910182 "Duferco - Via Orsi" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11085360372 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11085398590 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11085415311 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11087810808 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11092040589 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11092055938 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11093333203 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11093405235 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11093854867 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11094139211 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11094139212 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11097166577 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11100928725 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11102311963 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11105622991 "BE Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11105676455 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11105877017 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11108765062 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11113834376 "becharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11114508084 "bike-energy" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11121868420 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11121894699 "Agente di P.S. Antonio Copia" -
Construction startYear tag value '28.4.2009' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 11122125013 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11126022857 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11132932193 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11132932195 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11134675429 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11134675430 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11135856327 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11136692698 "Free To X Torre Fantine Est" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11141562698 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11146585610 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11146332496 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11146656554 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11146771636 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11147718438 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11148296605 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11148410586 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11148558540 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11150754897 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11151077734 -
Unknown value for fee
Node 11151778382 "Be charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11152746283 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11153187582 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11153555788 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11154478906 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11155497997 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11158577622 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11158577623 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11158774629 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11160320188 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11160916099 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11161525075 "Ionity Valmontone" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11162624141 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11162627934 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11162651016 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11163358810 "STAZIONE DI RICARICA" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11165042627 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11167057350 "Stazione di ricarica Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11167057351 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11171173150 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11171322539 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11171322565 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11173113641 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11172820994 "Hera" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11176082975 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11182568448 "bechrage" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11183175451 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11184623633 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11184636938 "becharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11186771120 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11186771121 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11187440644 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11189949981 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11189949982 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11190585760 "Duferco" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11192898194 "E-Bike - Ladestation" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11193940744 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11198412246 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11198670934 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11204165938 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11204902660 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11209008948 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11212583409 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11212645123 "Duferco" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11215036932 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11217876261 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11218703552 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11218752031 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11220606414 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11222095735 "bike energy" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11222167239 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11222741881 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11227598615 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11228122331 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11229959287 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11229961726 "socharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11231129072 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11235819740 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11236681488 "Galdieri Energy" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11236681493 "Galdieri Energy" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11237079438 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11240637159 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11241918426 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11243926724 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11243926725 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11243926726 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11243926727 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11243926728 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11244136908 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11244136909 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11245411775 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11245472821 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11246050557 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11246050558 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11250691484 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11250904448 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11251449845 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11252649920 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11253494706 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11254638371 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11253226587 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11255083084 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11258320294 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11261019912 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11262015417 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11259919856 -
Construction startYear tag value 'May 2006' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 11262564026 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11263398487 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11263923269 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11263954701 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11266411015 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11267102493 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11266877269 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11267240347 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11267055248 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11270114073 "Enel Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11271283636 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11279432440 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11279432441 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11280982321 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11281016461 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11284308375 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11284308376 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11285833572 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11285833654 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11286480753 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11286480755 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11288840936 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11289117934 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11289472218 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11291711786 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11293547627 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11295251712 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11301089652 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11300987009 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11304790286 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11305609942 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11305609943 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11307044949 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11307146750 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11307356027 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11305193878 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11305193879 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11329307266 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11329496426 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11329307268 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11330971755 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11331674308 "Ionity" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11331674312 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11331674356 "EnerHub" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11331679771 "Ionity" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11331679777 "EnerHub" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11331679836 "Ionity" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11331679838 "Ionity" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11331679845 "Ionity" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11331679865 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11337869093 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11337869094 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11338784858 "Enel X Juice Pump 60" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11338206724 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11338288559 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11340910409 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11339534297 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11341050245 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11341491191 "Clorofilla" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11345085407 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11345124877 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11343863169 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11343863170 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11349069781 "BeCharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11350675203 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11350675204 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11351084552 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11353692890 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11355530575 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11355640365 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11355703014 "BE Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11358071461 "Pitstop" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11359034198 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11359666237 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11361669066 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11361671123 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11362342458 "Edison" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11364288510 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11364294084 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11364294085 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11364998241 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11368111444 "Ionity Bari" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11368636390 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11368636391 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11368940325 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11369408885 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11369408886 "Tesla Destination Charger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11370926416 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11371263960 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11373058829 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11373115088 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11377797605 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11377848626 "Enel Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11379721530 "Enel Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11379855856 "Ewiva" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11381294852 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11381294853 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11384199490 "BeCharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11386245177 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11388088818 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11390110220 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11390357169 "Ionity Bologna West" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11394164396 "Scame" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11393570232 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11393570233 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11395811109 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11400877649 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11400890909 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11403036007 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11403489542 "BeCharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11405153838 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11405451466 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11405276683 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11405276882 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11406465046 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11406465059 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11409436123 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11412121528 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11413064285 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11413412438 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11413412440 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11413247696 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11413247800 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11414681557 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11414752653 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11414497072 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11414497074 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11417043088 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11417162010 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11417162011 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11417162012 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11417162014 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11417694804 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11419760837 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11419760838 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11420364754 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11420989319 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11422692121 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11422986714 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11425110919 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11428595429 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11429232214 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11429232215 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11432178875 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11432178876 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11435095892 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11436692464 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11436692465 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11439169503 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11448971152 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11451838323 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11452874518 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11456385027 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11456385028 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11456391328 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11456403242 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11456403243 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11456403244 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11454011500 "EuroSpin Oristano" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11454011501 "EuroSpin Oristano" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11482859573 "FRIbike" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11482671429 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11482690874 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11497009036 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11497009037 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11500914076 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11502698757 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11502698758 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11502698760 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11502698761 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11503120675 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11503182263 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11503265794 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11503722026 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11505952227 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11510731214 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11513607614 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11513993227 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11513730342 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11514428697 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11515797866 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11518533826 "E+ Drivalia" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11518730022 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11518730024 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11518893232 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11524552586 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11527915523 "Duferco Energia" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11531338218 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11539402509 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11539973610 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11540482712 "Eniwa" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11540581856 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11542771363 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11542771364 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11542814973 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11546177849 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11546237265 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11546257990 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11546262073 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11546621122 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11549340836 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11549505213 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11550176930 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11554029565 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11554056569 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11556484192 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11559433049 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11559672669 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11560058827 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11561283582 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11564263372 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11564333777 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11564333778 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11572707491 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11576971745 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11579052967 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11579686534 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11581685660 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11581800598 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11581800599 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11582115332 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11594691255 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11598277445 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11602542182 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11603634436 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11603634437 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11608426523 "De Francesco: Museo Multimediale" -
Construction startYear tag value 'Prenotare' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 11611943221 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11613416861 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11613416862 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11613769941 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11613769942 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11618297539 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11618339470 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11618929464 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11622612833 "Next Charge - Variante Sannitica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11622999467 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11630263694 "Hera" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11630284825 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11630492994 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11637479366 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11637494281 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11637576982 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11637697335 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11637712235 "becharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11637908754 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11638362106 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11638177942 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11638188626 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11640502278 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11640524278 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11645805412 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11646926317 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11648988313 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11648783847 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11648783849 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11649168919 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11652622228 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11665628218 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11668823914 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11668665116 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11668915990 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11669045712 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11672725374 "Molinaro Energy" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11676231525 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11681910603 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11684736071 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11684712786 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11687724526 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11688055405 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11688055406 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11690291956 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11694118922 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11694139826 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11694429846 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11698259080 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11699907121 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11700502452 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11700009178 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11700565962 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11700649449 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11700675373 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11701122055 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11701154474 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11700295920 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11700295921 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11700398721 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11700398722 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11700412343 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11703976462 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11704037578 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11704037579 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11704037580 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11704037581 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11705294517 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11708181704 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11708419069 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11715910424 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11715918717 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11716320275 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11716621326 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11717266311 "Parcheggio Conca d'Oro" -
Unknown value for fee
Node 11717331407 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11724573596 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11727700445 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11727129563 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11730333685 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11730339336 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11734924074 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11736618231 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11736652171 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11736721772 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11738545851 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11738555031 "Eurospin" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11739305183 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11740700243 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11740631865 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11741247248 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11741500761 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11741505172 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11745259416 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11745276170 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11748085692 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11750300414 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11752991332 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11753018379 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11755544963 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11755636905 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11758395801 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11763581483 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11769198904 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11769202438 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11770955940 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11770978012 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11773398108 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11773723020 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11775180435 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11775186939 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11775286985 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11775298394 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11775303676 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11775406368 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11778091672 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11780625243 "AB" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11782314025 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11782326962 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11783342171 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11783272295 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11783642460 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11786261957 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11786454712 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11786488661 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11791993493 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11793678009 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11793678010 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11793944216 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11793954739 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11795126418 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11795160961 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11795162294 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11795170487 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11795176333 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11795182149 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11795499734 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11795189777 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11795190290 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11795195974 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11795198735 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11795208867 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11795230137 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11795242106 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11795242983 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11795342387 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11795352541 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11795353216 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11795396647 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11795405506 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11795418671 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11795490494 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11800057578 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11802164441 "e-Bike- Ladestation" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11802455608 "Punto di ricarica e-bike" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11802455609 "Punto di ricarica e-bike" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11804948920 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11805124545 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11805133616 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11806691475 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11806711517 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11806866204 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11806877052 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11807301026 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11807306379 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11807443310 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11809331836 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11809935646 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11811588182 "Via Ugo da Como – Torre Civica – Lonato" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11811305842 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11811792421 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11812118068 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11813323740 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11813344259 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11813363183 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11813370811 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11813379132 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11813422622 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11813424507 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11813450888 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11813472539 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11813551263 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11814093178 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11813791060 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11814393654 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11816148498 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11816259294 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11816478191 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11816576501 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11816705831 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11816732584 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11818045506 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11818066273 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11819494653 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11819983046 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11825067128 "ChargePoint" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11828370970 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11830269908 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11831045771 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11831158830 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11831236878 "Stop&Go" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11834594123 "Becharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11837363742 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11837363743 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11841174007 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11841774986 "Atlante" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11843044115 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11845277974 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11847355558 "NEOGY" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11850302241 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11850986597 "Tesla Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11850986598 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11851140763 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11861939324 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11862052229 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11862629167 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11865496295 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11865922372 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11865922373 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11866610401 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11866652797 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11866689211 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11868670453 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11868673303 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11869019101 "Vincenzo Gagliardi" -
Construction startYear tag value '22 dicembre 1968' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 11871385553 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11871389849 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11871401189 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11871162095 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11871419250 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11872285363 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11874924703 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11876571453 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11876658293 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11876584900 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11876715610 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11876730900 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11878308724 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11878818606 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11878822779 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11878822882 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11878822923 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11878822942 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11879130306 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11879385387 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11879385391 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11879406946 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11879406947 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11879406949 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11879406951 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11879406953 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11879413376 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11879413377 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11880615574 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11880652445 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11880661092 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11880669628 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11881088702 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11881088703 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11880777363 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11880777368 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11881088705 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11881088707 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11881088711 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11881088713 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11881088715 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11880847669 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11880847671 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11880847672 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11880918951 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11881360829 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11881381663 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11881509705 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11882278064 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11881756044 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11883317400 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11883319397 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11883425602 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11883425604 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11883428136 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11883530090 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11883928057 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11883984282 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11885840089 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11888814681 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11888814682 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11888868616 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11889127777 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11890841006 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11891037742 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11890909149 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11890986213 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11891031766 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11890730746 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11891259113 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11891274542 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11891404909 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11893126388 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11893168652 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11893185173 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11893038425 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11893039710 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11893286800 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11894503806 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11895313783 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11893595267 "Stop&Go" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11896664115 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11897072440 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11896705426 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11897077103 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11896742271 "Ewiva" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11897091453 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11896751278 "Ewiva" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11896789309 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11897219308 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11896813994 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11898077032 "Atlante" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11898099018 "Atlante" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11898130520 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11900581835 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11900626846 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11902548210 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11903357891 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11903357892 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11907241528 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11909947446 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11909965752 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11909981039 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11909982974 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11909983854 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11910000984 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11909628681 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11909628683 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11911827302 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11911839824 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11911892820 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11911892821 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11911898364 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11911905070 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11911912381 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11915687008 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11915978376 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11917559077 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11917571810 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11918382901 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11919477733 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11919628177 "E-rider" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11919363578 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11919405890 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11921437322 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11922101263 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11921876665 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11922731079 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11923859524 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11925617533 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11927937212 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11929014378 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11929015941 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11928302110 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11929129102 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11929136493 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11930183059 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11931267280 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11931450180 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11931450181 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11931450182 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11933496419 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11933501180 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11933539721 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11935375392 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11935663402 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11935663407 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11936825224 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11946267075 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11948297404 "BE Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11948521495 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11951021984 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11951573724 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11953883229 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11955322663 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11959861323 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11960780891 "Ekoenergetyka" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11960780892 "Ekoenergetyka" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11961235327 "Oncharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11961381576 "Oncharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11963022945 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11962444357 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11964783936 "Enel X Juice Pump 60" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11966170830 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11971676740 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11977575489 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11982141325 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11983549271 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11983549272 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11985633156 "FRIbike" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11992432283 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11999950482 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12000932801 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12001000043 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12001194856 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12002107118 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11999014552 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12004017812 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12004374548 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12009339497 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12009905567 "Enel-X - Pelucca" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12012137945 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12012533023 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12012549431 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12025191554 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12025452620 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12026749659 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12028877726 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12029059809 "Enel Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12029563763 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12033491350 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12033607252 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12037928513 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12036075504 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12037739872 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12038506123 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12037928500 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12046777369 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12046777370 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12046939671 "Tesla Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12047403567 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12057127974 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12057272911 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12057375115 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12057375116 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12059826870 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12061017299 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12063112293 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12063587152 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12067012099 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12067304181 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12072964346 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12073700445 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12085230794 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12085456171 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087604128 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087604133 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087604134 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087604139 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087604140 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087604141 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087604146 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087604148 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087604158 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087604160 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087604161 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622572 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622573 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622574 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622583 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622584 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622591 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622592 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622593 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622594 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622597 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622605 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622608 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622609 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622610 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622611 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622613 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622615 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622616 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622621 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622636 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622640 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622644 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622648 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622654 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622661 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622664 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622670 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622673 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622675 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622676 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622677 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622679 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622682 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622691 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622692 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622693 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622694 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622696 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622699 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622704 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622705 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622708 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622711 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622716 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622717 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622725 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622726 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622728 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622734 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622738 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622739 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622740 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622743 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622744 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622745 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622746 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622753 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622754 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622758 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622759 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622763 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622764 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622769 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622771 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622772 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622779 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622785 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622786 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622789 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622791 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622794 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622795 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622796 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622798 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622805 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622811 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622820 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622827 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622837 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622839 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622841 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622846 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622849 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622850 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622852 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622854 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622855 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622859 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622866 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622867 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622869 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622870 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622874 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622875 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622880 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622888 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622891 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622892 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622899 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622901 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622923 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622926 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622927 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622937 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622938 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622940 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622942 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622943 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622945 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622951 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622955 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622967 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622969 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622987 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622988 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622994 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622996 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087622997 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087623008 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087623014 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087623015 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087623018 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087623020 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087623022 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087623026 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087623028 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087623032 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087623033 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087623046 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087623053 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087623055 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087623056 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087623060 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087623067 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087623070 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087623079 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087623083 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087623084 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087623087 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087623089 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12087623090 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12091860515 "Unicogo" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12095151862 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12095386176 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12097396158 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12099113325 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12105237793 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12105754821 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12105145752 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12110407193 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12111232521 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12112292579 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12117397333 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12117426582 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12119809161 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12119954581 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12123733557 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12133634902 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12135891403 "Bike charging station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12137444113 "Stazione di Ricarica Shell" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12137684749 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12138520720 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12138520721 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12138520722 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12138520723 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12139831744 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12140750438 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12140230788 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12140280818 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12142328297 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12143979036 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12145810188 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12146693120 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12147590956 "Enel Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12147681167 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12147691642 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12147691643 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12147720214 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12148438480 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12153199340 "Powy Energy Charging Station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12153575212 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12153575213 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12153575214 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12154262738 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12155173689 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12156013343 "Unicogo" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12157389353 "Free to X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12159752398 "Enel Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12163301957 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12165740834 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12168795765 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12168821585 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12168821586 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12168821588 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12168821589 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12168821590 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12168821591 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12168821592 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12168821594 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12168821595 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12168821596 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12169874819 "Colonnina ricarica eBike" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12174454577 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12174506227 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12174514260 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12174514261 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12175679315 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12175679347 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12176627037 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12177591992 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12177801942 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12177907000 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12179807011 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12180333522 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12180690371 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12183528034 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12184058849 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12185773715 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12193175903 "JOINON" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12193806158 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12195066259 "A2A - Via Giorgio e Guido Paglia" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12195066260 "A2A - Via Galmozzi" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12195066261 "A2A - Via San Lazzaro" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12195066262 "A2A - Via dell'Industria" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12197363936 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12207253431 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12208502481 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12208662042 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12208840333 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12211753863 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12213776641 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12213776642 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12213776643 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12213776644 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12212033566 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12214125107 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12216256084 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12216274093 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12217025813 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12218845993 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12218846115 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12224046500 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12227831930 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12230151797 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12238362033 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12244459982 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12243655561 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12247271260 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12252927033 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12252943314 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12252943338 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12252943360 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12252943363 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12252949514 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12254004787 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12259509866 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12259525430 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12265726017 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12276907127 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12277392062 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12278524717 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12278525942 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12279421597 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12278859001 "colonnina a2a" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12281946122 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12282210457 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12282210458 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12282210459 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12282210460 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12282210461 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12282210462 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12282210463 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12282210464 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12282210465 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12282210466 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12282280002 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12282306873 "Plenitude" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12285326129 "EnerHub" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12285595925 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12288167515 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12288538168 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12288556669 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12290128196 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12290096559 "Be Charge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12291802670 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12291844742 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12295650767 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12296001074 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12296003479 "Tesla Destination Charger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12296026644 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12298885902 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12298885943 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12299429377 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12299545188 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12299921655 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12301469637 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12302818042 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12302818043 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12304321008 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12304079169 "E-shore" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12306784285 "Enel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12306912235 "Eniwa" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12306912239 "Eniwa" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12306912241 "Eniwa" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12307002972 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12307154972 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12307160363 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12307199867 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12307543909 "Ricarica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12309224343 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12309224344 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12309399024 "Eniwa" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12309399025 "Eniwa" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12309399026 "Enel X" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12311748593 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12311798343 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12311798344 "Enel X Way" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12313526792 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12314056529 "Duferco Energia" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12314231668 "Be Charge Charging Station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12315070583 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12314269793 "Be Charge Charging Station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12314272581 "Be Charge Charging Station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12314308404 "Be Charge Charging Station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12318874418 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12318989254 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12320257794 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12323461984 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12323540889 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12327698311 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12330547185 "Be Charge Charging Station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12330602433 "Be Charge Charging Station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12330637219 "Be Charge Charging Station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12330768170 "Be Charge Charging Station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12330843053 "Be Charge Charging Station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12330882001 "Be Charge Charging Station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12330432754 "Be Charge Charging Station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12335697907 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12340480310 "Rastrelliera Fotovoltaica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12344041487 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Way 4959384 -
Unknown surface type 'sealed' !
Way 5018877 "Via Cesare Battisti" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 7997331 "Piazza Solferino" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 9048161 "Via G. Battista Niccolini" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 9898240 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 10587276 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 10817498 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 11181596 "Via Felice Cavallotti" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 15218318 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 12696335 "Via Girolamo Gigli" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 12904747 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 17240610 "Via Martiri Caserma Lamarmora" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 20834701 "Via Giacomo Matteotti" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 21038992 "Via Carlo Matteucci" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 22757177 "Salita di San Gerolamo" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 22795209 "Viale Rubicone" -
Lane turn 'slight_right;right' is unknown!
Way 22495423 "Via Giuliano da Sangallo" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 22663640 "Salita Inferiore Sant'Anna" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 22688419 "Salita alla Spianata di Castelletto" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 22898293 "Corso Regina Margherita" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 22733989 "Salita alla Chiesa di Quezzi" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 22972387 "Passo del Cardellino" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 22972392 "Salita di Granarolo" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 22972898 "Salita Giovanni Battista Rapallo" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 23002637 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 23004046 "Tangenziale Sud" -
Lane turn 'slight_right;merge_to_left' is unknown!
Way 23030490 "Viale Padre Santo" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 23030673 "Salita alla Spianata di Castelletto" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 23079674 "Via Ariodante Fabretti" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 23156224 "Strada Provinciale Ronciglionese" -
Unknown surface type 'acrylic' !
Way 23161580 "Salita di Montebello" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 23161585 "Via di Montegalletto" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 23094987 "Via Ghirardelli Pescetto" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 23187213 "Salita San Giacomo di Molassana" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 23227529 "Via della Spiga" -
Unknown surface type 'milanese_paving' !
Way 23383563 "Via Guglielmo Reiss Romoli" -
Lane turn 'through;' is unknown!
Way 23570518 "Salita inferiore San Rocchino" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 23570567 "Salita Superiore San Rocchino" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 23589948 "Piazza Marco Aurelio" -
Lane turn 'through;slight_right;right' is unknown!
Way 23596919 "Salita degli Angeli" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 23652297 "Salita a Porta di San Bernardino" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 23481036 "Salita Superiore di Santa Tecla" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 23694690 "Via Quattro Novembre" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 23482890 "Salita Accinelli" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 23487256 "Salita Accinelli" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 23714353 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 23938633 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 23945773 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 23884863 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 23951162 "Via Dietro Le Mura B" -
Unknown surface type 'cubes' !
Way 24038755 "Via Gaspare Gozzi -Via Gabriello Chiabrera" -
Unknown surface type 'asfalto_leggero' !
Way 24405400 "Via Dalmine" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 24450175 "Salita di Oregina" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 24575753 -
Unknown surface type 'flagging' !
Way 24231070 "Viale dei Partigiani" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 24593840 "Piazza Luigi Calabresi" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 24593841 "Piazza Umberto I" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 24600014 "Via del Riale" -
Unknown surface type 'salt' !
Way 24665802 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 24679497 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 24680339 "Salita Piano di Rocca" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 24735341 "Fortezza da Basso" -
Construction startYear tag value '1530s' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 24743716 "Largo Europa" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 24837745 -
Width tag value '1961,60 max' is no double!
Way 24877693 "Piazzale Mario Pedrazzi" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 24972794 "Piazza Monsignor Nicolò Palmarini" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 25321011 "Parcheggio Piazza Aldo Moro" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 25005427 "Piazzale Adriatico" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 25091943 "Via Livello" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 25091944 "Via Livello" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 25533749 "Via Rodolfo Fumagalli" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 25595704 "Viale Ascoli Piceno" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 25797247 "Piazza Guglielmo Marconi" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 25797248 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 25798474 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 26168327 -
Unknown surface type 'ferro' !
Way 26426539 "Parco Fluviale, pista ciclabile" -
Unknown surface type 'metal_tactile' !
Way 26811079 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 26844742 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 27397320 "Piazza Zaine" -
Width tag value '80cm' is no double!
Way 27664991 "Via alle Vecchie Fornaci" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 27674133 "Via Piazzagrande" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 27674935 "Via Piazzagrande" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 27770767 "Località Catarru" -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 27770769 "Località Su Leunaxi" -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 27784629 "Tangenziale Nord di Milano" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 27784630 "Tangenziale Nord di Milano" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 28073712 "Strada Provinciale 179" -
Lane turn 'left!through' is unknown!
Way 28440206 "Salita Inferiore di Murta" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 28620412 "Piazza Undici Febbraio" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 28691190 "Viale Elmas" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 29183502 "Tiberio" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 29188626 "Via Baccio da Montelupo" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 29188850 "Salita Multedo" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 29188958 "Salita Multedo" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 29459412 "Via Felice Cavallotti" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 29910707 "La Curta" -
Unknown surface type 'Rollsteige_und_Gummimatten' !
Way 29986752 "Plan de Gralba" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 30601817 "Galleria San Bernardino" -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 30701429 "Cima di M. Calvello - Cima di M. Calvo - Rifugio Casino" -
Width tag value '5000' value is too small or too big!
Way 30709340 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 30409330 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 30797250 "Strada della Cresolella" -
Width tag value '3-5' is no double!
Way 30450992 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 30850965 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 30899498 "Parcheggio Nuovo Ospedale San Gerardo" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 31068434 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 30948626 "Ponte P. Bucci" -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 30953464 "Via Teramo" -
Lane turn 'left;merge_to_right' is unknown!
Way 30953464 "Via Teramo" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;right' is unknown!
Way 30961857 -
Unknown surface type 'asphalts' !
Way 31234023 -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 31234024 -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 31738557 -
Unknown surface type 'mattonelle' !
Way 31659858 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 32558662 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 32566081 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 33141447 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'Aspromonte'
Way 32800811 "Ciclabile San Lorenzo - Santo Stefano" -
Width tag value '24000' value is too small or too big!
Way 33658278 "Viale Vittorio Emanuele Secondo" -
Lane turn 'right;sharp_right' is unknown!
Way 33789233 "Badalm" -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade2;grade4'
Way 34030100 -
Width tag value '1-2' is no double!
Way 34499710 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 34618588 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 35376601 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 35598867 -
Width tag value '1.25 - 1.60' is no double!
Way 35598909 -
Width tag value '1.25 - 1.60' is no double!
Way 35598910 -
Width tag value '1.25 - 1.60' is no double!
Way 35598912 -
Width tag value '1.25 - 1.60' is no double!
Way 35598916 -
Width tag value '1.25 - 1.60' is no double!
Way 35598954 -
Width tag value '1.25 - 1.60' is no double!
Way 36103315 "Villa Caiselli" -
Construction startYear tag value 'mid C17' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 36103458 "Villa Caiselli" -
Construction startYear tag value 'mid C17' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 37132464 "Via Sapone" -
Unknown surface type 'cob' !
Way 37132465 "Vicolo Poggio" -
Unknown surface type 'cob' !
Way 37188590 "Via Carlo Montanari" -
Unknown surface type 'cob' !
Way 37228341 "Corso Casale" -
lanes tag value '6' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 37488581 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 37253422 -
Unknown surface type 'earth,grass' !
Way 37634036 "Via Dalmine" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 37634037 "Via Dalmine" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 37682637 "Via Cornia" -
Max speed tag value '30;50' is not numeric!
Way 37916518 "Weg der 26er" -
Unknown surface type 'via_ferrata' !
Way 38525845 "Autostrada dei Trafori" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 38525850 "Autostrada dei Fiori" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 38547705 "Via Dante" -
Unknown surface type 'flattened_pebblestone' !
Way 38611589 "Porto San Nicolò" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 39383612 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 39383623 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 39896544 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 40217868 "Via Superiore dell'Olba" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 40031087 "Via Padova" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 40106673 "Green Park Via dei Foglienghi-Via Monti" -
Width tag value '3000' value is too small or too big!
Way 40131393 "Via Antonio Caccia" -
Lane turn 'right;next_right' is unknown!
Way 40507226 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 40507536 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 40702663 "Piazzale Vittorio Veneto" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 40846593 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 41446941 "Via Costia" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 41994634 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 42023104 "Via Giacomo Canepa" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 42023106 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 42023108 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 42037919 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 42045172 "Piazzale Caio Mario" -
Lane turn 'right;left' is unknown!
Way 42348437 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 42357808 "Sentiero Piccolo Marte" -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 42363844 "Noicattaro - Torre a Mare" -
Max speed tag value '70; 50' is not numeric!
Way 42363846 "Noicattaro - Torre a Mare" -
Max speed tag value '70; 50' is not numeric!
Way 42793077 "Via Baccio da Montelupo" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 42923074 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 43016041 "Via Achille Mauri" -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone:flattened:large_stone' !
Way 42720353 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 43710526 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 43784936 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 43569761 -
Unknown surface type 'roccia' !
Way 43605628 -
Unknown surface type 'paved_stones' !
Way 44006081 "Via Galileo Ferraris" -
Unknown surface type 'ciocobblestone' !
Way 44008709 -
Unknown surface type 'cobb' !
Way 44360524 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 44526450 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 45758022 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade4;grade3'
Way 45819032 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 46518547 "Via Giacomo Matteotti" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 45445258 "Via Giuseppe Sirtori" -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone:rounded' !
Way 45196233 "Vicolo di Casola" -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade2; grade5'
Way 47155479 -
Unknown surface type 'roots' !
Way 47889085 "Via per Gattedo" -
Layer tag value '1; 0' is not numeric!
Way 47895582 "Piccola Liguria" -
Width tag value '1 mt' is no double!
Way 47895582 "Piccola Liguria" -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 48427876 "De Gasperi" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 48175214 "Via Aurelia" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 48615826 "Volta" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 49414529 "Danieli Automation Parking" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 50171080 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'unknown'
Way 50171081 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'unknown'
Way 49774512 "Piazza Donatori di Sangue" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 51679253 "Neuhaus" -
Construction startYear tag value 'early C13' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 51682068 -
Unknown surface type 'pierte' !
Way 51359852 "Via Livello" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 50577401 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 52579675 "Via Ricasoli" -
Lane turn 'right;sharp_right' is unknown!
Way 52716279 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 53015481 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 53171933 -
Unknown surface type 'set' !
Way 53184752 -
Width tag value '0.5;2' is no double!
Way 53340192 -
Unknown surface type 'roccia' !
Way 54419499 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 53904887 "Salita della Crosetta" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 55510325 -
Width tag value '10000' value is too small or too big!
Way 55682281 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 54948488 "Piazza Guglielmo Marconi" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 55932588 "Via Castello" -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 58187232 "Via Delfico" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 58898685 "Vorlandweg - Via Vorland" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 58900890 "Via Di Mezzo" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 58900895 "Via Di Mezzo" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 58900901 "Via Delfico" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 59115618 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 59329675 "Torre del Montale" -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1320' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 59576622 "Vinschgauer Straße" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 59423905 -
Unknown surface type 'roccia' !
Way 59997273 "Piazza Alberto Ricci" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 60138893 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 60142729 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 60354778 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 60354784 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 60211850 "Viale della Costituzione" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 60612000 "Piazza Campo del Palio" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 61376620 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 61395637 -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone:flattened:lanes' !
Way 61557901 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 60913474 "Strada Verde" -
Width tag value '2000' value is too small or too big!
Way 61848362 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 62326458 "Al Bosco" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 61727004 "Vicolo Terziario" -
Unknown surface type 'cob' !
Way 62232062 -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1910' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 63221187 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 65014527 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 62805200 "Pista Monti" -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 66106440 "Parcheggio Santuario Francescano di Greccio" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 66152587 "Parcheggio di Vò di Moncodeno" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 66626599 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 67117157 "Piazzale Karl Marx" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 67628900 "Vicolo Sant'Anselmo" -
Unknown surface type 'cob' !
Way 67628912 "Vicolo Campana" -
Unknown surface type 'cob' !
Way 68296967 "Parcheggio Sanguinetti" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 68999513 "Via Ercavallo" -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 69135858 "Piazzetta Domenico Bazzocchi" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 68574059 "Sentiero Lu Strittu" -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 68629914 "Agugliana" -
Unknown surface type 'Asfalto -terra' !
Way 68666522 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 68666909 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 68757155 "Via Montozzo" -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 69940127 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 70258881 "Viale Svezia" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 71144523 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 71144530 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 71736212 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 71448294 "Autostrada dei Trafori" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 71912385 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 72443998 -
Unknown surface type 'stone:plates' !
Way 72444292 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 72445607 -
Unknown surface type 'stone:plates' !
Way 72128537 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 72128642 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 72128652 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 72076557 "Direttissima Rifugio" -
Width tag value '2-4' is no double!
Way 72232747 "Via Dietro Le Mura B" -
Unknown surface type 'cubes' !
Way 72667617 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 73284776 "Via per Gittana" -
Width tag value '1-2' is no double!
Way 73382960 "Erzherzog Eugen Straße" -
Width tag value '3000' value is too small or too big!
Way 74167918 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 73579722 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 74493906 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 74702545 "Salita Gesù e Maria" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 75249081 "Via Inferiore di Montemoro" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 75278409 "Via Beata Chiara" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 75384548 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 75401839 "Salita del Passero" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 75570176 "Largo del Campanile" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 75922762 "Via delle Medaglie d'Oro" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 75928606 "Via della Volta" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 75947539 "Via Bergamo" -
Lane turn 'left;straight' is unknown!
Way 75947539 "Via Bergamo" -
Lane turn 'straight;right' is unknown!
Way 75665241 "Sentiero Varenna Bellano Dervio" -
Width tag value '1-2' is no double!
Way 76235113 "Salita Inferiore San Simone" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 76726537 "Parcheggio Piazzetta Edmondo Filauro" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 76465541 "Piazza Materdomini" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 76565685 "Arena Mazzini" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 77257671 "Piavon" -
Width tag value '17130' value is too small or too big!
Way 76859611 "Via Umberto I" -
Width tag value '5;6' is no double!
Way 76635801 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 77628318 "Salita del Passero" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 77628325 "Salita del Passero" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 77411193 -
Unknown surface type 'stone:lanes' !
Way 77722862 "Parcheggio della Certosa" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 77739824 "Salita Emanuele Cavallo" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 77739827 "Via Bruzza" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 78378561 "Viale Pietro Toselli" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 78118612 "Mazzini" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 79213448 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 79756639 -
Unknown surface type 'erba' !
Way 79997088 "Galleria Giuseppe Garibaldi" -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 80575666 "Pista Ciclismo" -
Width tag value '393' value is too small or too big!
Way 80429563 -
Unknown surface type 'Autobloccanti' !
Way 81204981 -
Unknown surface type 'earth,grass' !
Way 82198821 -
Width tag value '3120' value is too small or too big!
Way 82531820 "Ex Casello del Dazio" -
Construction startYear tag value '1890s' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 82717438 "Via San Bonaventura" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 82897612 -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone:flattened:lanes' !
Way 84040435 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade'
Way 84798193 "Strada Statale 18 var Cilentana ex SP430" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 84798217 "Strada Statale 18 var Cilentana ex SP430" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 84803168 "Via Torello" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 85290310 "Via Melegari" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 86962208 -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stonesw' !
Way 86757331 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3;grade2'
Way 87620341 "Sentiero Varenna Bellano Dervio" -
Width tag value '1-2' is no double!
Way 88451847 "Vicolo Ducale" -
Unknown surface type 'cob' !
Way 88828208 "Via Vignoli" -
Unknown surface type 'Ghiaia' !
Way 89028381 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 89028382 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 89028384 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 91784403 "Via Monte Sabotino" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 92810069 "Strada Statale 106 Jonica" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 92903945 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 92903953 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 93093008 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 93948482 "Passeggiata Anita Garibaldi" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 93948486 "Passeggiata Anita Garibaldi" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 93948490 "Passeggiata Anita Garibaldi" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 94185976 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 93735311 "Agugliana" -
Unknown surface type 'Asfalto -terra' !
Way 94566660 -
Unknown surface type 'steel_mesh' !
Way 94745754 "Piazza Amedeo Ferdinando I" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 94905044 "Via del Moderatore dell'Orologio" -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade2; grade4'
Way 94931223 -
Unknown surface type 'steel_mesh' !
Way 94931231 -
Unknown surface type 'steel_mesh' !
Way 94957512 -
Unknown surface type 'steel_mesh' !
Way 96169882 "Strada Statale 106 Jonica" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 94519504 -
Unknown surface type 'dirt/rock' !
Way 96892766 "Ponte delle Dame di Sion" -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 97827765 "Area degli Empori fluviali" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C06 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 97827771 "Magazzini di approdo fluviale" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C06 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 97857470 -
Unknown surface type 'steel_mesh' !
Way 97857480 -
Unknown surface type 'steel_mesh' !
Way 97954994 "Viale Po" -
Lane turn 'left;slight_left;through' is unknown!
Way 98412937 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 98180591 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato--' !
Way 98825710 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 98825715 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 99465430 "Strada Armentarezza" -
Width tag value '825' value is too small or too big!
Way 101187414 -
Width tag value '2..5' is no double!
Way 101996086 "Via Anna Politkovskaja" -
Max speed tag value '70; 50' is not numeric!
Way 103430269 "Strada Casa Rossa" -
Width tag value '-3' value is too small or too big!
Way 103914866 -
Unknown surface type 'roccia' !
Way 103982771 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 104712447 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato_e_in_minima_parte_asfalto' !
Way 105136819 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 105256039 -
Width tag value '-4' value is too small or too big!
Way 105256041 "Strada Cosilinum" -
Width tag value '-3' value is too small or too big!
Way 105223929 "DH Sassaia" -
Width tag value '1400' value is too small or too big!
Way 105886305 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 106317619 "Villa Zucchetti" -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1910' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 106317645 -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1923' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 106413461 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3-5'
Way 106972723 "Salita della Torretta" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 106972725 "Salita della Torretta" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 107124242 -
Width tag value '1-2 m' is no double!
Way 107124252 -
Width tag value '1-2 m' is no double!
Way 107124262 -
Width tag value '1-2 m' is no double!
Way 107747828 "La Valle delle Orchidee in Festa" -
Width tag value '-3' value is too small or too big!
Way 107830700 "Tempio di Athena o di Cerere" -
Construction startYear tag value '500 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 107562667 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 107562701 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 108221475 "Tomba Due Tetti" -
Construction startYear tag value '2nd half C3 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 108222527 "Tomba della Fustigazione" -
Construction startYear tag value '490 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 108224590 "Tomba della Caccia al Cervo" -
Construction startYear tag value '450 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 108224592 "Tomba Bettini" -
Construction startYear tag value 'mid C5 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 108230465 "Tomba dei Giocolieri" -
Construction startYear tag value '510 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 108230957 "Tomba Mauro Cristofani" -
Construction startYear tag value '1st half C4 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 108232641 "Tomba del Fiore di Loto" -
Construction startYear tag value '520 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 108232643 "Tomba delle Leonesse" -
Construction startYear tag value '520 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 108232881 "Tomba Massimo Pallottino" -
Construction startYear tag value 'late C5 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 108144221 "Tomba dei Leopardi" -
Construction startYear tag value '470 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 108345045 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 109300999 "Via San Marco" -
Unknown surface type 'milanese_paving' !
Way 109895591 -
Width tag value '60 centimeters' is no double!
Way 110895788 "Varenna Ferry parking" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 110967258 "Via Pozzoni" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 111449639 "Forte D’Adda" -
Construction startYear tag value 'XVII' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 111499765 "Piazza Derna" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 111499773 "Piazza Derna" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 111593634 "Piazzale Caio Mario" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 111696017 "Piazzale di Porta Altinate" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 111766970 -
Unknown surface type 'una' !
Way 112514647 "Grange del Piano - Strada dei Cannoni" -
Width tag value '-1' value is too small or too big!
Way 111971799 "Piazzale Francesco Ortu" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 112588908 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 112687456 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 112687458 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 112983880 "Via Dosso" -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade4; grade3'
Way 113015037 "Piazza 28 Aprile 1945" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 114015686 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade6'
Way 113813262 "Parcheggio San Sebastiano" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 114615964 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 115553929 "Largo Alpini d'Italia" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 116442099 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 115892305 "Sentiero degli Eremiti" -
Width tag value '1131' value is too small or too big!
Way 116798355 -
Unknown surface type 'gravel_wood' !
Way 116701790 "Via Trepponti" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 117692383 "Via Gesualdo Bufalino" -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 117334133 "Cima di M. Calvello - Cima di M. Calvo - Rifugio Casino" -
Width tag value '5000' value is too small or too big!
Way 117334139 "Cima di M. Calvello - Cima di M. Calvo - Rifugio Casino" -
Width tag value '5000' value is too small or too big!
Way 117544153 "Les Bosses" -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 117544194 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 118351488 "Via Marenca" -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 119557165 "Piazza - Place Plouves" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 120104452 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 120104457 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 120104459 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 120403139 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 120656814 "Euronics" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 120516815 "Ponte P. Bucci" -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 120595788 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 120940495 "Castello Pasquini" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 121080018 -
Unknown surface type 'scree' !
Way 120698632 "XC Supersano" -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 121084625 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 121085953 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 121812832 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 122513784 "Zum Kirchweg - a Via Chiesa" -
Width tag value '2;1' is no double!
Way 122104122 "Via della Magliana Nuova" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 122665464 "Via Colletti di Voltri" -
Unknown surface type 'compa' !
Way 122927265 "Via Superiore Begato" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 122947861 "Via alla Chiesa di Begato" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 123595248 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 124085716 "Parco Archeologico del Pausilypon" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C1 BCE' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 123643541 "Geirweg - Via Geir" -
Unknown surface type 'asphalt1' !
Way 123692081 "Via al Santuario delle Grazie" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 123696421 "Via al Santuario delle Grazie" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 123329141 -
Unknown surface type 'natural_rock' !
Way 124207573 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 125369473 "Ruacia" -
Construction startYear tag value '18XX' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 126249418 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 125489694 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 126638453 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 127164789 -
Unknown surface type 'residential' !
Way 127306530 -
Unknown surface type 'erba_e_ghiaia' !
Way 127886673 "Necropoli dei Grottini" -
Construction startYear tag value '600 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 128740184 "Obelisco Macuteo" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C13 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 129676994 "Strada regionale di Cogne" -
Unknown surface type 'plates' !
Way 129920395 "Giussano" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 129985250 "Piazza Macello" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 130662582 -
Unknown surface type 'metal-mesh' !
Way 130662584 -
Unknown surface type 'metal-mesh' !
Way 130662585 -
Unknown surface type 'metal-mesh' !
Way 130662586 -
Unknown surface type 'metal-mesh' !
Way 130662587 -
Unknown surface type 'metal-mesh' !
Way 130662825 -
Unknown surface type 'metal-mesh' !
Way 130035919 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 130671106 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 130671107 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 130671111 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 130671115 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 130671453 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 130574534 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 130574537 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 130574543 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 130574559 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 130195301 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 131383285 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 131451819 "Tempio del Divo Giulio" -
Construction startYear tag value '29 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 131973464 -
Unknown surface type 'erba, terra' !
Way 132033661 -
Unknown surface type 'erba-Sassi' !
Way 132046158 "Dei Tigli" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 132527904 "Piazzale Caio Mario" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 132326586 "Parcheggio Stazione MM2" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 132881964 "Tempio di Apollo" -
Construction startYear tag value '28 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 132951449 "Via Senatore Luigi Lombardi" -
Unknown surface type 'sterrata' !
Way 132759583 "Agugliana" -
Unknown surface type 'Asfalto -terra' !
Way 132759585 "Via Chiesa" -
Unknown surface type 'Asfalto -terra' !
Way 133325862 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 132465315 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'Betanin'
Way 133349110 "Via Timoteo Viti" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 134211655 "Torre Spinola Muratori" -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1564' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 134887197 -
Width tag value '350' value is too small or too big!
Way 134938547 "Via Gino" -
Width tag value '6.5 meters' is no double!
Way 135295634 "Villino Campi 1015" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 135996339 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'fixme'
Way 136602875 -
Max speed tag value '20,30' is not numeric!
Way 136604756 "Vicolo Gallina" -
Unknown surface type 'cob' !
Way 137222344 -
Unknown surface type 'bedrock' !
Way 137108362 "Parco archeologico di Cuma" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C8 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 137643270 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 137643274 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 138628046 -
Unknown surface type 'terra/erba' !
Way 138628050 -
Unknown surface type 'terra/erba' !
Way 137839800 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 138704774 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3-5'
Way 139555419 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 139563616 "Salita Emanuele Cavallo" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 139572004 "Via alla Chiesa di Rivarolo" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 139767424 "Via alla Costa di Teglia" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 139767428 "Via alla Costa di Teglia" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 139767440 "Via alla Costa di Teglia" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 140254588 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3-5'
Way 140524556 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 140371481 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 140379087 "Viale dei Campi Elisi" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 140051103 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 140062911 "Via Trilussa" -
Width tag value '5 meters' is no double!
Way 140121084 "Via Giovanni Schiaparelli" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 141140805 "Via Roma" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 141141035 "Via Roma" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 141954168 -
Unknown surface type 'Terra/Tufo' !
Way 141954172 -
Unknown surface type 'Terra/Tufo' !
Way 141684913 "Via Carlo Cattaneo" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 141972241 "Chiesa Parrocchiale di San Vito" -
Construction startYear tag value 'before C13' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 142242668 "Via Casale" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 142780012 -
Unknown surface type 'Cemento-terra erba' !
Way 143747272 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 143610106 "Villa Narducci" -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1910' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 143610112 "Villa Zanelli" -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1910' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 143091421 -
Unknown surface type 'Terra/ciottoli/erba' !
Way 143853488 "Salita di San Francesco" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 143945600 "Via Biscioia" -
Width tag value '4;3' is no double!
Way 144344912 "Strada Provinciale 30" -
Max speed tag value '30-50' is not numeric!
Way 144727537 "Villa Fride" -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1910' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 145011179 "Nuova Variante di accesso Archeoparco" -
Width tag value '-3' value is too small or too big!
Way 144551596 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'Canaia'
Way 145427227 "Cascina Malpensa" -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1722' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 144939721 "Chiesa di Santa Marta" -
Construction startYear tag value 'late C12' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 145806981 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'unknown'
Way 145484137 "Parcheggio zona sportiva" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 145920620 -
Width tag value '3; 1' is no double!
Way 146414417 "Via Forense" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 146207355 "Via delle Gardenie" -
Unknown surface type 'lit' !
Way 146382048 -
Unknown surface type 'sground' !
Way 147061551 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 146544621 "Strada Statale 291 var della Nurra" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 147780218 "Stadio di Atletica Sas Seddas" -
Width tag value '400' value is too small or too big!
Way 147863601 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 147995418 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'unknown'
Way 148133879 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 148591188 -
Width tag value '850' value is too small or too big!
Way 149067762 "Circonvallazione Ostiense" -
lanes tag value '2;1' is not numeric!
Way 149638499 "Casa dell'Orfanotrofio di S. Leonardo" -
Construction startYear tag value 'XIV' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 149410322 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 151078589 "Villa Simonetta" -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1910' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 151078597 -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1910' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 151079097 "Villa ex Dordoni" -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1910' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 151079100 -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1910' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 151079385 "Villa Eigenmann" -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1910' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 151231093 -
Unknown surface type 'glacier' !
Way 152468456 "Via Giacomo Matteotti" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 152562113 "Villa Rampado" -
Construction startYear tag value 'sec. XVIII' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 152664801 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 153023596 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 153653859 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 154078440 "Tempio di Kaulon" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C5 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 154376092 "Nesseltal - Ortigara" -
Unsupported tracktype value 'unknown'
Way 154778239 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'Monte Montagna'
Way 155642399 "Via Stalingrado" -
Unknown surface type 'flagging' !
Way 155642402 -
Unknown surface type 'flagging' !
Way 155336192 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'unknown'
Way 155485189 "Via Alfredo Ricciotti" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 155578586 "Via Monfenera" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 156887886 "Casa di Caccia di Villa Raggio" -
Construction startYear tag value '1880s' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 156108053 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 157028695 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 157253906 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 157287887 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 158010958 "Via Appia Antica" -
Unknown surface type 'roman_paving' !
Way 158018469 "Via Appia Antica" -
Unknown surface type 'roman_paving' !
Way 157859354 "Gorla-Manzoni" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 158036063 -
Unknown surface type 'roman_paving' !
Way 158183868 "Piazzale Michelangiolo" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 158325476 "Piazza Garibaldi" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 158517006 "Via Varani" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 158945713 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 160174102 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 160223586 -
Width tag value 'Variabile' is no double!
Way 160225080 "Salita alla Chiesa di Quezzi" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 160340600 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 161857638 "Lu Litarroni" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 162002272 "Via del Portico" -
Width tag value '1-2' is no double!
Way 162540337 "Salita di San Gerolamo" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 162540346 "Salita di San Gerolamo" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 162219549 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 162698336 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 163843715 -
Unknown surface type 'bosco-Sassi' !
Way 164273674 "Via Roma" -
Unknown surface type 'asfaltata' !
Way 164580227 -
Unknown surface type 'broken_asphalt' !
Way 164949271 -
Unknown surface type 'terra/erba' !
Way 164949272 -
Unknown surface type 'terra/erba' !
Way 165225553 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 165767974 "Via Giuseppe Mazzini" -
Unknown surface type 'yes' !
Way 166104127 "Vicolo dello Sdrucciolo" -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone,_stairs' !
Way 166104133 "Vicolo dello Sdrucciolo" -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone,_stairs' !
Way 166961902 "Via San Sebastiano" -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 167196873 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 167254766 "Scalinata Domenico Chiodo" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 167521032 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 168919550 -
Unknown surface type 'flagging' !
Way 169785805 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 169785812 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 169612461 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 170590358 "Largo Orbassano" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 170932559 "Via Borgo Poerio" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 170765896 "Via Poletti" -
Unknown surface type 'asfalto,cemento' !
Way 171241942 "Galleria Triponzo" -
Width tag value '435' value is too small or too big!
Way 171574313 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 171875667 "Ponte della Costituzione" -
Unknown surface type 'glass' !
Way 171895883 "Resti della Via Latina" -
Unknown surface type 'roman_paving' !
Way 171713213 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 172213076 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 172213078 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 172614778 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 172655639 "Via della Volta" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 172852306 -
Unknown surface type 'fango_se_umido' !
Way 173057405 "Via Mettifoghi" -
Unknown surface type 'Asfalto-calcestruzzo' !
Way 173057614 "Via Panarotti" -
Unknown surface type 'Asfalto-calcestruzzo' !
Way 172918837 "Via Julia" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 173209775 "Viale della Scienza" -
lanes tag value '2; 4' is not numeric!
Way 174813690 "Locri Epizephiri" -
Construction startYear tag value '680 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 175253598 "parcheggio Marina di Alberese" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 176513296 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 175884961 "Piazza Gian Franco Ricci" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 176000167 "Strada Provincialie Vignanellese" -
Unknown surface type 'acrylic' !
Way 177706082 "Via Fusa" -
Unknown surface type 'Asfalto-calcestruzzo' !
Way 177706086 "Via Cengiarotti" -
Unknown surface type 'Asfalto-calcestruzzo' !
Way 177714695 -
Max speed tag value '5;10' is not numeric!
Way 178218359 "San Vincenzo" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 177341476 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 178327087 "Strada Statale 18 var Cilentana ex SP430" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 178401325 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 178559094 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 179424681 "Via Campiani" -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 180067125 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 179980675 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 180005523 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 180005527 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 180369573 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade6'
Way 181029794 "Via Quattro Novembre" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 181356780 "Torre di Traversara" -
Construction startYear tag value 'Primavera 2019' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 180867977 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 181459608 -
Width tag value '1.8 mt' is no double!
Way 181645331 -
Width tag value '2 metri' is no double!
Way 182492559 "Belvedere Mario Capio" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 182492560 "Belvedere Mario Capio" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 183291603 -
Unknown surface type 'scree' !
Way 183325399 "Via Copparo" -
Max speed tag value '70; 50' is not numeric!
Way 183864032 -
Unknown surface type 'milanese_paving' !
Way 183873021 "Corso Italia" -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone:flattened:large_stone' !
Way 183989833 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 184350306 -
Unknown surface type 'mule_track' !
Way 184745897 "Parcheggio Campo Sportivo" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 185040412 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 185631890 "Via Delta" -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 186277420 "Palazzo delle Lame" -
Construction startYear tag value 'late C14' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 186644828 "Villa Cuoghi" -
Construction startYear tag value 'late C18' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 186473699 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 186645372 "Villa Messori" -
Construction startYear tag value 'late C18' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 186906280 -
Unknown surface type 'undergrowth' !
Way 187041166 "Via Mella" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 187401425 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 187775364 "Piazza Cavalieri di Vittorio Veneto" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 187825059 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade6'
Way 188284547 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 188352911 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 188352915 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 188673917 -
Unknown surface type 'lava_stones' !
Way 189751755 "Villa Mocenigo Spica" -
Construction startYear tag value 'c17' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 189752400 "Oratorio di Villa Mocenigo Carminati" -
Construction startYear tag value 'c18' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 190969383 "Via Erzelli" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 191083359 -
Layer tag value '+1' is not numeric!
Way 190982602 "Salita al Castello di Pontedecimo" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 191474575 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 191474579 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 191569982 "Viale Gaetano Storchi" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 191211982 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 192327236 "P1" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 193162916 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 192653452 "Vicolo Persico" -
Unknown surface type 'cob' !
Way 192653453 "Vicolo Scala" -
Unknown surface type 'cob' !
Way 193451385 "Gatti" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 194216228 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 193913081 "Piazza Elena Fontanabona" -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 194565994 "Piazzale Bonzagni" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 195454030 "Viale Italia" -
Lane turn '2' is unknown!
Way 195536263 -
Unknown surface type 'ciottoli,compatto' !
Way 195569958 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 194907617 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 195666544 "Villa Locatelli" -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1910' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 195666545 "Villa Poliz" -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1910' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 195667127 "Casa Cappelli" -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1721' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 195288623 "Via dell'Olmo" -
Max speed tag value '70;50' is not numeric!
Way 197687942 "bike way "Parco della Besozza" -
Width tag value '2 - 2.5 m' is no double!
Way 197687950 "bike way "Parco della Besozza" -
Width tag value '2 - 2.5 m' is no double!
Way 197812979 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade6'
Way 198640879 -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone:lanes' !
Way 198691186 "Villa Ferni" -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1910' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 198983668 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 199612349 "Via Don Luigi Sturzo" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 199919000 "Parcheggio Cala Sabina" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 199981633 -
Width tag value '1-2 m' is no double!
Way 199981638 -
Width tag value '1-2 m' is no double!
Way 200248589 "Via Quattro Novembre" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 200578949 "Via Borgo Zio" -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 200443705 "Via Somarè" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 200825055 "Viale Roma" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 201253461 -
Width tag value 'circa 600' is no double!
Way 201253461 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 201293881 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 201297400 "Via Costaguta Romana" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 201736018 "Via Cesare Battisti" -
Unknown surface type 'asfalto' !
Way 201951537 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 202105857 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade6'
Way 202490542 "Via Vittoria Colonna" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 202880326 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 203232312 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3;grade2'
Way 203232314 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3;grade2'
Way 203232318 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3;grade2'
Way 204250358 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade6'
Way 204279495 -
Width tag value '3400' value is too small or too big!
Way 204592838 "Via Appia Antica" -
Unknown surface type 'roman_paving' !
Way 204592840 "Via Appia Antica" -
Unknown surface type 'roman_paving' !
Way 204652212 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 205105489 "Stadllahnebach" -
Width tag value 'Geobrowser der Autonomen Provinz Bozen' is no double!
Way 205180161 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 205706072 "Vicolo San Paolo" -
Unknown surface type 'cob' !
Way 205706102 "Piazza San Leonardo" -
Unknown surface type 'cob' !
Way 206646122 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'sterrato'
Way 207161918 "Fast Park Marconi" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 208218544 "Santuario Madonna di San Tomaso" -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1000 D.C.' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 208399068 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 208622504 "Via Castello" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 208912146 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 208843847 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 209272094 "Strada forestale "Lave"" -
Width tag value '2500' value is too small or too big!
Way 209425082 "Via Senatore Luigi Lombardi" -
Unknown surface type 'sterrata' !
Way 209261652 "Villa Bassetti" -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1910' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 209261656 -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1923' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 209078568 "Villa Solmi" -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1910' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 209078584 -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1926' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 209078590 "Villa Corda" -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1910' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 210009508 -
Unknown surface type 'stripe_ground' !
Way 210009510 -
Unknown surface type 'stripe_ground' !
Way 210025474 -
Unknown surface type 'stripe_ground' !
Way 213135083 "Via Tomasso Vincentini" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 213181626 "2" -
Unknown surface type 'Kies, Waldboden' !
Way 214161351 "Vico San Nicola" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 214695930 "Via Giuseppe Garibaldi" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 214695932 "Via Giuseppe Garibaldi" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 214695934 "Via Giuseppe Garibaldi" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 214744265 "Corso Umberto I" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 215420486 "Via Quattro Novembre" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 215420487 "Via Quattro Novembre" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 215420488 "Via Quattro Novembre" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 214444646 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 216103904 -
Unknown surface type 'gravel, ground' !
Way 216490194 "Viale Druso - Drususallee" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;through' is unknown!
Way 217048821 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 217190639 "Via Raffaele de Novellis" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 218076546 "Cascate Cataolo" -
Width tag value 'variabile' is no double!
Way 218076547 -
Width tag value 'variabile' is no double!
Way 219223241 -
Width tag value '1500' value is too small or too big!
Way 218988616 -
Width tag value '1.7 mt' is no double!
Way 218575896 "Acqua Troce" -
Width tag value 'unset' is no double!
Way 218575897 "Acqua Troce" -
Width tag value 'unset' is no double!
Way 219072600 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 219426961 -
Unknown surface type 'steel' !
Way 220401807 "Via Madonnina del Grappa" -
Unknown surface type 'pietsettre_da_pavimentazione' !
Way 220660429 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 220264415 "Fosso Fiumicello" -
Width tag value 'Varie' is no double!
Way 220769800 "Forstweg Talt" -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 222317139 -
Unknown surface type 'single_track' !
Way 222138170 "Galleria Politeama" -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 222947323 "Lungo Talvera Bolzano - Bozner Wassermauer" -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 222607119 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 223021882 -
Unknown surface type 'big_stones' !
Way 224087397 -
Unknown surface type 'sportflex' !
Way 224387193 "Via Fratelli di Coronata" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 224546120 "Parco archeologico di Kaulon" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C8 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 225086906 "Piazza della Chiesa" -
Unknown surface type 'peeblestoe' !
Way 226256947 -
Unknown surface type 'flagging' !
Way 227130988 -
Unknown surface type 'unpav' !
Way 227522252 -
Unknown surface type 'granes' !
Way 228802290 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 228964868 "Via Roma" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 229176209 "Tempio di Costantino" -
Construction startYear tag value '4th C.' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 229394624 "Park Impianti Sportivi" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 229395530 "Park Cimitero" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 229395531 "Parcheggio Piazza Falcone" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 230332354 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 230332355 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 230332359 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 230332361 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 230332363 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 230332369 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 230332374 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 230336656 "Scorciatoia per la Roccia Nera" -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 230405113 -
Width tag value '1 metro' is no double!
Way 230544025 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 231098032 "Parcheggio Beccaria" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 230964671 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 231260059 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 231563094 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 231568372 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 231569099 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 231569100 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 231599894 "Parcheggio di Lido Pizzo" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 231454752 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 231688300 "Via Marenca" -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 231944768 "Piazzale Santa Maria delle Grazie" -
Unknown surface type 'y' !
Way 232277713 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 232277719 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 232277720 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 232282277 "Peschiera - Sirmione" -
Width tag value '10000' value is too small or too big!
Way 232285726 "Via Caterina Zenone" -
Unknown surface type 'ciobbles' !
Way 232001749 -
Unknown surface type 'erba-Sassi' !
Way 232361461 "Parcheggio Piazza Firrao" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 232534043 "Salita di Santa Brigida" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 232437980 "Viale Carlo Fassò" -
Unknown surface type 'pavimentpaveato' !
Way 233105515 "Largo dei Faugni" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 234563590 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 234563591 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 234740215 "Vicolo degli Umiliati" -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 234970098 "Villa Marzotto Finozzi" -
Construction startYear tag value '19° sec.' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 235165116 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 235326130 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 234882405 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 235635225 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 235258323 "Salita alla Punta Lioy" -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 235283106 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 235283108 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 235283109 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 235283110 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 235284754 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 236075716 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 236136406 -
Unknown surface type 'asphalt:lanes' !
Way 235960426 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 235960433 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 236589645 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 237156109 -
Unknown surface type 'pr' !
Way 237156111 -
Unknown surface type 'pr' !
Way 237524969 -
Width tag value '25'' is no double!
Way 237547732 "Via Cesare Battisti" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 236843078 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 236843091 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 237574566 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 238107829 "Fanum Voltumnae" -
Construction startYear tag value '750 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 237949527 "MLG3" -
Unknown surface type 'terra/erba' !
Way 238567972 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 238638265 "Via Ancona" -
Width tag value '10800' value is too small or too big!
Way 239744708 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 238948204 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'unknown'
Way 238950889 "Via Luigi Cadorna" -
Width tag value '-4' value is too small or too big!
Way 240353348 "Rondò dei Longobardi" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 240249794 -
Unknown surface type 'roman_paving' !
Way 240482315 -
Width tag value '.8; 1' is no double!
Way 241507403 "contrada serra granatelli" -
Unknown surface type 'sterrata' !
Way 240990540 -
Unknown surface type 'linoleum' !
Way 241537157 -
Unknown surface type 'sportflex' !
Way 243316788 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 243610051 "Parcheggio Via Pasquale Vena" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 243637519 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 244053165 -
Unknown surface type 'Terra,_pietre' !
Way 244509850 -
Unknown surface type 'asphalt_ground' !
Way 244357507 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 244441181 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 245361497 "Via Mantova" -
Lane turn 'slight_right;right' is unknown!
Way 245384914 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 245384915 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 245466456 -
Unknown surface type 'cob' !
Way 245214955 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 245648205 -
Unknown surface type 'ghiaia+erba' !
Way 246262074 -
Unknown surface type 'dirt - paved' !
Way 246282055 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 246282059 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 246282692 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 246071011 "Salvedele" -
Width tag value 'Strada forestale Salvedele' is no double!
Way 246680283 "Sentiero Massa-Cà di Venturino" -
Width tag value '1500' value is too small or too big!
Way 246708288 "Spoletosfera" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 246818242 "Raccordo Valdastico" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 248330183 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 248331788 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 248340642 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 248065481 "Via Vecchia Castagnabuona" -
Unknown surface type 'cemento' !
Way 248570587 -
Unknown surface type 'cementata' !
Way 248981600 -
Unknown surface type 'linoleum' !
Way 249519096 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 249519100 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 249589113 -
Unknown surface type 'loose_fine_gravel' !
Way 249589118 -
Unknown surface type 'loose_fine_gravel' !
Way 249237691 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 251511244 -
Unknown surface type 'dirt - paved' !
Way 250249214 "Ponte Simone" -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 252010169 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 251612231 -
Width tag value '2500' value is too small or too big!
Way 251654554 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 252268286 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 252268332 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 252963571 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 252963573 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 253462836 "Cairo Convento" -
Width tag value '320' value is too small or too big!
Way 253595085 "Piazza Giovanni Viotti" -
Unknown surface type 'peeblest' !
Way 254027844 "Via della Ferrovia" -
Width tag value 'narrow' is no double!
Way 254804246 "Villa Guidetti" -
Construction startYear tag value 'early 1900s' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 254378949 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3-5'
Way 254822398 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 254561593 "Rebuffelli" -
Width tag value '884' value is too small or too big!
Way 255048171 "P1 - Triangolo" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 255159930 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 255770715 "Tempio di Hera I - Basilica" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C6 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 256712359 -
Width tag value '1-2 m' is no double!
Way 256714151 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 257140771 "Via Appia Antica" -
Unknown surface type 'roman_paving' !
Way 257140772 "Via Appia Antica" -
Unknown surface type 'roman_paving' !
Way 257140780 "Via Appia Antica" -
Unknown surface type 'roman_paving' !
Way 257359151 "Via Luigi Pasteur" -
Unknown surface type 'flagging' !
Way 257359155 -
Unknown surface type 'flagging' !
Way 257329217 -
Unknown surface type 'flagging' !
Way 257329219 -
Unknown surface type 'flagging' !
Way 257329221 -
Unknown surface type 'flagging' !
Way 258807273 -
Construction startYear tag value 'XIII secolo' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 258808015 "Torre Villa Noventa" -
Construction startYear tag value 'XIV secolo' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 258809556 "Colombara di Cà Ostile" -
Construction startYear tag value 'XVI secolo' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 258809659 "Cà Ostile" -
Construction startYear tag value 'XVI secolo' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 258810058 "Colombara Pagello Monza" -
Construction startYear tag value 'XVI secolo' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 258810112 "Villa Diedo Malvezzi Basso" -
Construction startYear tag value '18° sec.' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 258811028 "Torre Frigo" -
Construction startYear tag value 'XVI sec.' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 259695659 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 260609906 "Salea Campochiesa valle iba" -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 260663502 "Sybaris" -
Construction startYear tag value '720 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 262276165 "Madonna dell'Orto" -
Width tag value '1560' value is too small or too big!
Way 262665909 "Pista Ciclabile Napoli" -
Unknown surface type 'Mista:_Asfalto,_Pavè,' !
Way 262778366 "Pista Ciclabile Napoli" -
Unknown surface type 'Mista:_Asfalto,_Pavè,' !
Way 263224960 "Torre del Barone di Giura" -
Construction startYear tag value 'middle age' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 263475467 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 264236727 "Galleria al Teatro" -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 264609404 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3-5'
Way 264955884 "Strada del Pisciarello" -
lanes tag value '1.5' is not numeric!
Way 264955885 "Strada del Pisciarello" -
lanes tag value '1.5' is not numeric!
Way 264832292 "Largo Giuseppe Piermarini" -
Unknown surface type 'yes' !
Way 264832293 "Largo Giuseppe Piermarini" -
Unknown surface type 'yes' !
Way 264832410 "Via Ottone Rosai" -
Unknown surface type 'yes' !
Way 264832413 "Via Ottone Rosai" -
Unknown surface type 'yes' !
Way 265704998 -
Unknown surface type 'ferro' !
Way 265785867 "Via Giuliano da Sangallo" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 267055510 "Via Luigi Galvani" -
Lane turn 'straight;right' is unknown!
Way 267735591 "Via Luisi" -
Unknown surface type 'Asfalto-calcestruzzo' !
Way 267735593 "Via Mettifoghi" -
Unknown surface type 'Asfalto-calcestruzzo' !
Way 268110454 "Parking La Vecchia Miniera" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 270556043 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 270556045 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 270859930 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 271431976 -
Width tag value '256' value is too small or too big!
Way 271434739 -
Width tag value '621' value is too small or too big!
Way 272042581 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 271243973 "Via Valassina" -
Lane turn 'left;slight_left' is unknown!
Way 272527751 -
Unknown surface type 'gate' !
Way 273005747 "Piazzale della Vittoria" -
Lane turn 'thourgh;left' is unknown!
Way 274565909 "Scavi Archeologici Terina" -
Construction startYear tag value '480 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 275019364 "Vignairoli" -
Width tag value '1020' value is too small or too big!
Way 275484531 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 275579479 -
Unknown surface type 'construction=minor' !
Way 276545141 "Piazzetta Pietro Zorutti" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 276887376 "SP 121 Pobbiano - Cavenago" -
Lane turn 'slide_right' is unknown!
Way 276641607 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 277641872 -
Unknown surface type 'fondo_naturale' !
Way 277787578 -
Unknown surface type 'unpaved_paved' !
Way 277666742 -
Width tag value '1260' value is too small or too big!
Way 278102275 "Via Campiani" -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 278106873 "Salita Bachernia" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 279893236 -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 279809401 "Santa Reparata-Lu Brandali" -
Unknown surface type 'sterrata' !
Way 279962176 "Via Orticeto " Achterberg " RVV" -
Unknown surface type 'asfalto_sterrato_-_pavimentato' !
Way 279452263 "Ciclabile di Cosseria" -
Width tag value '2490' value is too small or too big!
Way 281015282 -
Unknown surface type 'flagging' !
Way 281015283 -
Unknown surface type 'flagging' !
Way 281015284 -
Unknown surface type 'flagging' !
Way 281015285 -
Unknown surface type 'flagging' !
Way 281015286 -
Unknown surface type 'flagging' !
Way 281015287 -
Unknown surface type 'flagging' !
Way 280468302 -
Width tag value 'narrow, only 4WD' is no double!
Way 280711941 -
Unknown surface type 'asfalto,_cemento,_bianca' !
Way 283925761 "Pont de fer" -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 284119778 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 284132587 "Strada Statale 106 Jonica" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 285590195 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 285990581 -
Unknown surface type 'marmor' !
Way 287037446 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 287938877 -
Width tag value '3500' value is too small or too big!
Way 287659954 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3;grade2'
Way 288211995 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 288237025 "Via Mediana" -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone:flattened:lanes' !
Way 288783496 "Rione San Rocco" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 288827068 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3-5'
Way 289552141 "Antico ponte sull'arda" -
Unknown surface type 'wood,_structure_in_concrete_&_metal' !
Way 289577340 -
Unknown surface type 'steel' !
Way 289381224 "Via Achille Mauri" -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone:flattened:large_stone' !
Way 289927030 "Via per Castello" -
Unknown surface type 'asfaltsett' !
Way 289990437 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 290792046 -
Unknown surface type 'glacier' !
Way 291613471 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 293163211 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 292900755 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 293809113 -
Width tag value '6550' value is too small or too big!
Way 294214747 "Via Carlo Matteucci" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 294969499 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 294969505 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 294975171 "Via Mancassola" -
Unsupported tracktype value 'unknown'
Way 294689808 -
Unknown surface type 'composito' !
Way 295916832 -
Layer tag value '0; -1' is not numeric!
Way 297121721 "Da Flamignano a Colle Pelato per la Selva degli Abeti" -
Width tag value '1 -2' is no double!
Way 297145900 "Via Pinturicchio" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 297302365 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 297302366 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 297349851 "Strada statale 11 dir Chiari - Rovato" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 296991702 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 296991704 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 298049283 "Via Marenca" -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 298704245 "Mazzini" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 298704247 "Mazzini" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 298704249 "Mazzini" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 298787751 "Four Cross" -
Width tag value '600' value is too small or too big!
Way 300203835 "Via Alla Torre" -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones_lanes' !
Way 301414804 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 301414807 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 300326753 "St.-Johann-Straße - Via S. Giovanni" -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 301709597 -
Layer tag value '0;1' is not numeric!
Way 301955437 "Via Giacomelli" -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 301172852 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 301191617 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 301191618 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 303365566 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 303365567 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 303380782 -
Unknown surface type 'stone:lanes' !
Way 303382325 -
Unknown surface type 'stone:lanes' !
Way 303557995 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 304052144 -
Unknown surface type 'acrylic' !
Way 304317681 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 304317682 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 304317683 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 304317685 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 304317686 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 304317687 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 304317688 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 304317689 "Mazzini" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 304907852 "Tempio di Giunone (Hera Lacinia)" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C5 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 305065639 "Pista dello Stadio "Livio Luzi"" -
Width tag value '400' value is too small or too big!
Way 305561854 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 305751932 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 305848669 "Via Carlo Matteucci" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 307928817 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 307928818 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 308074295 "Strada Comunale Di Ornina" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 308159236 "Ruio di Farro'" -
Width tag value '-1' value is too small or too big!
Way 307191529 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3-5'
Way 307210123 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 307425292 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 308274964 "Corso Alpi" -
Lane turn 'straight;right' is unknown!
Way 308966915 "Galleria Montenegrone" -
Width tag value '3378' value is too small or too big!
Way 309324604 "Strada forestale Nicolò" -
Unknown surface type 'foglie' !
Way 308771122 "Fiume Rabbi" -
Width tag value 'ivobarto@live.it' is no double!
Way 309491143 "Acqua Troce" -
Width tag value 'unset' is no double!
Way 311203781 "Via Giacomo Matteotti" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 312236592 "Sentiero Torcito-MonteVergine" -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 312899930 "Schlossoir" -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 311839119 "Torre Viscontea" -
Construction startYear tag value '1300s' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 312927622 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 312445791 -
Width tag value '-1' value is too small or too big!
Way 312448225 -
Width tag value '-1' value is too small or too big!
Way 313559146 "Sole" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 313857042 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 314148434 "Via Mella" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 314148437 "Via Mella" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 314148439 "Via Mella" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 314990829 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 316358596 -
Layer tag value '-1.5' is not numeric!
Way 316358598 -
Layer tag value '-1.5' is not numeric!
Way 316358604 -
Layer tag value '-1.5' is not numeric!
Way 316358606 -
Layer tag value '-1.5' is not numeric!
Way 316358611 -
Layer tag value '-1.5' is not numeric!
Way 316358612 -
Layer tag value '-1.5' is not numeric!
Way 316358617 -
Layer tag value '-1.5' is not numeric!
Way 317001939 "Salita dell'Acquedotto" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 318286259 -
Layer tag value '-2;-1' is not numeric!
Way 318286260 -
Layer tag value '-2;-1' is not numeric!
Way 318420141 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 318230482 -
Width tag value '0.5;2' is no double!
Way 318540409 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 318828288 -
Unknown surface type 'scree' !
Way 318830133 -
Unknown surface type 'roots' !
Way 318696286 -
Layer tag value '-2;-1' is not numeric!
Way 318696295 -
Layer tag value '-2;-1' is not numeric!
Way 319880596 "Cortile Tomei" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 319915315 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 320662476 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 320662477 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 320662478 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 320662482 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 320662484 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 320662485 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 320662486 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 320662494 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 320178792 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 321118331 -
Unknown surface type 'roots' !
Way 320575919 "Dalla strada per Torano per le vigne di Illuminati" -
Width tag value '1360' value is too small or too big!
Way 322492961 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 321365797 "Parco Acea" -
Width tag value '1600' value is too small or too big!
Way 322222125 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 324879351 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 324782655 "Via delle Gardenie" -
Unknown surface type 'lit' !
Way 324782656 "Via delle Gardenie" -
Unknown surface type 'lit' !
Way 324813906 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 325208633 "Traccia ghiacciaio Basei per l'anticima" -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 325208869 "Traccia ghiacciaio Basei per l'anticima" -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 325262846 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 325262849 "Traccia Grande Aiguille Rousse" -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 328227336 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 328955393 "Strada Statale 106 Jonica" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 328555577 "Strada Statale 106 Jonica" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 328565000 "Strada Statale 106 Jonica" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 328565002 "Strada Statale 106 Jonica" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 328576186 "Strada Statale 106 Jonica" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 328576187 "Strada Statale 106 Jonica" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 328576188 "Strada Statale 106 Jonica" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 328576189 "Strada Statale 106 Jonica" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 328576190 "Strada Statale 106 Jonica" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 328274989 "Sentieri per l'Uso" -
Width tag value '6000' value is too small or too big!
Way 328276587 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 328283190 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 329851143 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 329851146 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 329871140 -
Width tag value '1.5-2' is no double!
Way 330627634 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 329640242 "Via Perugina" -
Max speed tag value '50;30' is not numeric!
Way 329320416 -
Unknown surface type 'carpet' !
Way 330828803 "Sentiero Colline di Pasqua" -
Width tag value '800' value is too small or too big!
Way 331246263 "Pista sci di Fondo" -
Width tag value '5000' value is too small or too big!
Way 330947501 "Via Superiore dei Bossari (Panoramico)" -
Width tag value '1500' value is too small or too big!
Way 332003363 "Erbetta" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 331718067 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 331863175 "Fascia parafuoco" -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3-5'
Way 332902254 "Via Circonvallazione" -
Unknown surface type 'peeble' !
Way 334364337 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 334378109 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 334378110 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 334484101 -
Unknown surface type 'milanese_paving' !
Way 334223606 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 334883971 "Rampe Private di Pizzofalcone" -
Width tag value 'narrow' is no double!
Way 335902429 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 335951392 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 335952959 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 335953378 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 334751530 "Autostrada dei Trafori" -
Lane turn 'through;merge_to_left' is unknown!
Way 336000091 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 336983512 "Pista ciclo-pedonale di Via Gioachino Rossini" -
Width tag value '2,50 la pista (lato ovest del tracciato), mt. 3,0 il marciapiede separato ad est nel tracciato' is no double!
Way 337236976 -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1923' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 337258914 "Villa dalla Croce" -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1910' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 337258918 "Villa Vittoria" -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1910' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 337258932 "Villa Bottini" -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1910' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 337258936 -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1910' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 337258953 -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1910' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 337258962 -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1910' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 337472003 -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1926' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 337472019 -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1910' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 338514597 "Salita Echia" -
Width tag value 'narrow' is no double!
Way 338851125 -
Unknown surface type 'scree' !
Way 339627264 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 340634481 "5a Sentiero del Girocavallo" -
Width tag value '1023' value is too small or too big!
Way 341536864 "4 sentiero del pettirosso" -
Width tag value '558' value is too small or too big!
Way 342362978 "strada Contarina" -
Unknown surface type 'terra_ed_erba' !
Way 340390564 "Piazza Giacomo Matteotti" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 342245962 -
Unknown surface type 'gravel, ground' !
Way 343233021 "Val di Fratello" -
Width tag value '2020' value is too small or too big!
Way 343539828 "Salita Cataldi" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 344172719 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 344648084 "Ciclovia 3 "ovest" Centro - Pomari" -
Width tag value 'mt. 2.70 la ciclabile (parte sud del tracciato) mt. 1,80 la pedonale separata (parte nord del tracciato)' is no double!
Way 345896660 -
Unknown surface type 'concrete,cobblestone' !
Way 346366657 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 347768235 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 348681297 -
Unknown surface type 'scree' !
Way 348681345 -
Unknown surface type 'scree' !
Way 348681347 -
Unknown surface type 'scree' !
Way 348681355 -
Unknown surface type 'scree' !
Way 348681382 -
Unknown surface type 'scree' !
Way 348373505 -
Width tag value '1-3' is no double!
Way 348414927 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 348414928 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 348414929 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 348414930 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 348414931 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 349179293 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 349228298 "Strada Panoramica dello Stretto" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 349232922 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 349554347 -
Unknown surface type 'ground, stones' !
Way 351250559 "Progno di Breonio" -
Width tag value '2150' value is too small or too big!
Way 351961052 -
Unknown surface type 'scree' !
Way 353721575 "Castello Foltzer" -
Construction startYear tag value 'Sec XVIII' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 354423834 "Salita di San Nicolò" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 354423835 "Salita di San Nicolò" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 355425750 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 356941752 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 357116094 -
Width tag value '-1' value is too small or too big!
Way 357377875 "Piz Palü - Traverse" -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 357377876 "Piz Spinas - Cresta SW" -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 357377877 "Pizzo Zupò - via Normale" -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 357377878 "Rifugio Marco e Rosa - Fuorcla Bellavista" -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 357377879 "Via della Fortezza" -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 358697347 "Stromboli Volcano" -
Unknown surface type 'ashes' !
Way 360410556 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 361586595 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 361401529 -
Unknown surface type 'asphalt,sand' !
Way 362296999 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 361832718 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 362273429 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 362580660 "Sentiero Torcito-MonteVergine" -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 362580662 "Sentiero Torcito-MonteVergine" -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 363728414 "Via Rivetta" -
Width tag value '3.50 metri' is no double!
Way 364212767 "Via Enrico Mattei" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 363732607 -
Width tag value '2 metri' is no double!
Way 363734013 -
Width tag value 'da 1 metro a 4 metri' is no double!
Way 364233258 -
Unknown surface type 'glacier' !
Way 364235108 -
Unknown surface type 'glacier' !
Way 364253622 -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone:flattened:lanes' !
Way 363971181 "Via Bonanno Pisano" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 364982215 -
Unsupported tracktype value '2'
Way 364037463 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 364037464 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 364099007 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 365482413 "Viale Luther King" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 365489710 "Viale Luther King" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 365489713 "Viale Martin Luther King" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 365761790 "San Bartolomeo di Vallecalda - Monte Brichetto - Santuario della Vittoria" -
Width tag value '4000' value is too small or too big!
Way 365761791 -
Width tag value '4000' value is too small or too big!
Way 366322732 "Magrè Siberia - Capitello M. Magrè" -
Width tag value '910' value is too small or too big!
Way 366546198 "Via Cerreta" -
Width tag value '10800' value is too small or too big!
Way 366198697 -
Width tag value '1500' value is too small or too big!
Way 366198701 "Via Leani" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 366968478 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 366288326 -
Width tag value '-1' value is too small or too big!
Way 367982209 "Salita di San Nicolò" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 367982211 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 368302497 "Via Madonnetta di Bavari" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 368158784 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 367956340 "Via Pasubio" -
Unknown surface type 'pietra' !
Way 369254408 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 368824640 "Via Cesare Battisti" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 368901264 "via Rivezzoli" -
Unknown surface type 'asphalt,_concrete' !
Way 368902617 "Traversa Picco Sant'Angelo" -
Unknown surface type 'asphalt,_concrete,unpaved' !
Way 369261538 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 369362954 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade4;grade3'
Way 369362955 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade4;grade3'
Way 369362957 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade4;grade3'
Way 369362958 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade4;grade3'
Way 369362959 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade4;grade3'
Way 369244700 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 371374267 "Via San Rocco" -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 371530877 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 371530881 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 372312668 "Parcheggio Direzionale" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 372048150 "Sentiero Varenna Bellano Dervio" -
Width tag value '1-2' is no double!
Way 372048151 "Via al Lido" -
Width tag value '1-2' is no double!
Way 372704730 "Via Sempione" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 372993722 "Pista sci di Fondo" -
Width tag value '5000' value is too small or too big!
Way 372787348 -
Unknown surface type 'scree' !
Way 372787398 -
Unknown surface type 'scree' !
Way 372495430 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 372558778 -
Unknown surface type 'scree' !
Way 373404032 -
Width tag value '-1' value is too small or too big!
Way 374075077 -
Width tag value '-1' value is too small or too big!
Way 374965713 "Autostrada dei Vini" -
Lane turn 'thourgh;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 375249646 "Pista 13 - Bosco ex Parmigiano" -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 375387286 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 375387287 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 376708941 "Via San Quirico" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 376734326 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 376992599 "Pista bob estivo" -
Unknown surface type 'steel' !
Way 377013124 -
Width tag value '-1' value is too small or too big!
Way 377021498 "Peschiera - Sirmione" -
Width tag value '10000' value is too small or too big!
Way 377781063 "Salita San Rocco" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 377695013 -
Width tag value '1300' value is too small or too big!
Way 377995853 "Via Jacopo Pirona" -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 378234613 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 378234615 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 378234616 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 378576156 -
Unknown surface type 'piastre_su_erba' !
Way 378576157 -
Unknown surface type 'Piastre_su_erba' !
Way 378942387 "Via Ospedale" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 379148197 -
Unknown surface type 'asphalt:lanes' !
Way 380394939 -
Width tag value '-1' value is too small or too big!
Way 380049990 -
Unknown surface type 'roman_paving' !
Way 380765877 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 380765879 "Vicolo Sottochiesa" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 380472799 -
Width tag value '-1' value is too small or too big!
Way 380473604 -
Width tag value '-1' value is too small or too big!
Way 382505880 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 382508764 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 386819529 -
Construction startYear tag value 'late 1800s' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 387583280 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 387583281 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 387583282 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 387632809 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 387632810 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 387632811 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 387632812 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 387705934 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 387705936 "XC Supersano" -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 388412794 "Via Giuseppe Avezzana" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 387890919 -
Width tag value '50cm' is no double!
Way 388007311 "Via Varese" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 388007311 "Via Varese" -
Lane turn 'none;left' is unknown!
Way 389329695 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 389139199 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 389139200 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 389139202 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 389969969 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 390515037 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 389982811 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 389982822 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 390626434 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 390626811 "Percorso Città archeologica" -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 391471351 "Piazzetta della poesia" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 392177323 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 391334182 "Parcheggio Fonte dell'Aquila" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 391984129 "Strada Statale 260 Picente" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 392787816 -
Layer tag value '-1;0' is not numeric!
Way 392495281 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 392160421 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 392573898 -
Unknown surface type 'scree' !
Way 394393914 "Salita San Rocco" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 394612533 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 394649534 "Ponte di Demia" -
Unknown surface type 'legno;metallo' !
Way 394745615 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 395350318 -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone:flattened:lanes' !
Way 396091841 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3-5'
Way 395451626 -
Construction startYear tag value '1900s' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 397290901 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 398551792 "Sentiero dei Greci" -
Width tag value '-1' value is too small or too big!
Way 397812933 "Canale Virgilio" -
Width tag value '-1' value is too small or too big!
Way 400539571 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 400938879 "Sentiero degli Eremiti" -
Width tag value '860' value is too small or too big!
Way 401856524 -
Unknown surface type 'glacier' !
Way 401767785 "Salita al Taou Blanc per il ghiacciaio dell'Aouille" -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 402207852 -
Unknown surface type 'ice/rocks' !
Way 406375894 -
Width tag value '-1' value is too small or too big!
Way 406405156 -
Unknown surface type 'paved,_gravel' !
Way 406623554 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 406623555 "Via Badiazza" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 406623560 "Via Badiazza" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 406623564 "Via Badiazza" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 406623893 "Vico Roccovento" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 406742666 -
Width tag value '1/2' is no double!
Way 408996917 -
Unknown surface type 'glass' !
Way 408837230 "Via Preare" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 411380503 "Via Sant'Anatolia" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 411071562 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 411071567 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 412376642 "Via Sant'Anatolia" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 415527484 "Trail PINASCO DH Easy" -
Width tag value '-1' value is too small or too big!
Way 415276838 -
Unknown surface type 'asphalt,_concrete' !
Way 415276868 "via Cala" -
Unknown surface type 'asphalt,_concrete' !
Way 415290512 -
Unknown surface type 'asphalt,_concrete' !
Way 415873140 "Piazza Giuseppe Garibaldi" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 415974387 "Via Portico" -
Lane turn 'thleft;through' is unknown!
Way 416883464 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3-5'
Way 419086350 "La Sosta" -
Construction startYear tag value 'about 1940' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 419502816 -
Unknown surface type 'roots' !
Way 420121748 "Torre Civica" -
Construction startYear tag value 'XI Secolo' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 421261244 "Piazza Chiavris" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 421267726 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 421125856 "Piazza Chiavris" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 421806831 -
Unknown surface type 'set' !
Way 421966750 "Chiapparino Ognio" -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 421981764 -
Layer tag value '-1.5' is not numeric!
Way 422831103 "Trail rochasun" -
Width tag value '40cm' is no double!
Way 423149893 "MTB trail Furcia" -
Unknown surface type 'roots' !
Way 423615530 -
Width tag value '650' value is too small or too big!
Way 424477648 -
Width tag value 'small' is no double!
Way 424375110 -
Unknown surface type 'roccia' !
Way 424572014 "Vicolo Diamantini" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 425557384 -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 429275591 -
Width tag value '600' value is too small or too big!
Way 430952129 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 431160360 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 434063705 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 433123598 -
Unknown surface type 'floor' !
Way 432869928 "Piazza Libertà" -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone_pietre' !
Way 435303365 -
Width tag value '60 cm' is no double!
Way 435909694 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 436359710 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 436359711 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 436470567 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 437429347 "Traccia per Marco e Rosa (variabile)" -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 436023837 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 437870560 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 438041660 -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 437291524 -
Width tag value '1;2' is no double!
Way 438878414 -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 438878417 -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 438861471 "Via L. Pera" -
Unknown surface type 'cobblezstone' !
Way 440864327 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 442164482 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 442776792 "Via Gaetano Pulvirenti" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 443083614 "Lappacher Klamm" -
Unknown surface type 'steel' !
Way 443092624 -
Width tag value '2200' value is too small or too big!
Way 443573449 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 443560637 "Incella - Oratorio della Vergine del Buon Consiglio (Porbetto)" -
Unknown surface type 'asphalt,_unpaved,_paved,_ground' !
Way 444285948 -
Unknown surface type 'earth,_grass' !
Way 443966314 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 444509094 "Lares - Cavento" -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 445153717 -
Unknown surface type 'scree' !
Way 445688788 "La Scalinata" -
Unknown surface type 'granito' !
Way 446366453 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 446727642 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 446727643 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 446736438 -
Unknown surface type 'stone:lanes' !
Way 447638706 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 447638709 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 447471879 "Via San Polo" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 449634948 "Fußweg Greiter - Cammino Greiter" -
Unknown surface type 'Erdweg' !
Way 450389592 "Parcheggio" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 450905352 "Via Umberto I" -
Width tag value '5;6' is no double!
Way 451042252 "Sentiero degli Eremiti" -
Width tag value '1160' value is too small or too big!
Way 452866635 "sciadatte track" -
Width tag value '1900' value is too small or too big!
Way 452739892 "Fiumara Saraceno" -
Width tag value '10 - 400' is no double!
Way 453073670 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 453092743 "Incella - Oratorio della Vergine del Buon Consiglio (Porbetto)" -
Unknown surface type 'asphalt,_unpaved,_paved,_ground' !
Way 453094219 "Incella - Oratorio della Vergine del Buon Consiglio (Porbetto)" -
Unknown surface type 'asphalt,_unpaved,_paved,_ground' !
Way 453094222 "Incella - Oratorio della Vergine del Buon Consiglio (Porbetto)" -
Unknown surface type 'asphalt,_unpaved,_paved,_ground' !
Way 453094223 "Incella - Oratorio della Vergine del Buon Consiglio (Porbetto)" -
Unknown surface type 'asphalt,_unpaved,_paved,_ground' !
Way 454221213 "Parcheggio Passalacqua" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 454859748 -
Width tag value '690' value is too small or too big!
Way 457721197 -
Unknown surface type 'grass_paver:lanes' !
Way 457420985 "Via Piazzagrande" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 457420986 "Via Piazzagrande" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 459221849 -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 459665872 "Via Sempione" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 460381072 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 461861606 "Mulattiera Vicenne - Tozzanella" -
Width tag value '1 - 2' is no double!
Way 462125078 "Fosso di Colle Merlo" -
Width tag value '0 - 1.5 m' is no double!
Way 462183052 "Fosso della Lamabianca" -
Width tag value '0 - 1 m' is no double!
Way 462183826 "Fosso di Colle Provvido" -
Width tag value '0 - 1 m' is no double!
Way 462184747 "Fosso di Paduli" -
Width tag value '0 - 1.5 m' is no double!
Way 461951588 "Torrente Chiarino" -
Width tag value '0 - 3 m' is no double!
Way 461967412 "Fosso della Valle" -
Width tag value '0 - 3 m' is no double!
Way 461968928 "Fosso Dello Scarpone" -
Width tag value '0 - 3 m' is no double!
Way 461970669 "Fosso di San Marano" -
Width tag value '0 - 3 m' is no double!
Way 461971865 "Fosso di Pastino" -
Width tag value '0 - 2 m' is no double!
Way 461979281 "Fosso di Tozzanella" -
Width tag value '0 - 1 m' is no double!
Way 462656321 -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone:lanes' !
Way 462656322 "Via San Gregorio" -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone:lanes' !
Way 462979694 "Via Domenico Federici" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 462979701 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 462980173 "Via Santa Maria" -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone:lanes' !
Way 462980174 -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone:lanes' !
Way 462980190 "Via Santa Giulia" -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone:lanes' !
Way 463613516 "Via Cimitero" -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone:lanes' !
Way 464876194 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 464876195 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 464876198 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 465395703 "Via Foppa" -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 465842321 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 465842324 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 465847187 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 465847188 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 465127518 "Fosso di Fonte Savini" -
Width tag value '0 - 1' is no double!
Way 465439075 -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 465439075 -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 466047818 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 466047819 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 466047820 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 469047149 -
Width tag value '3-4' is no double!
Way 469119283 -
Width tag value '0,5 -1' is no double!
Way 469119284 -
Width tag value '3-4' is no double!
Way 469125699 -
Width tag value '0,5 -1' is no double!
Way 469132662 -
Width tag value '0,5 -1' is no double!
Way 469132664 -
Width tag value '0,5 -1' is no double!
Way 469216894 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 469918963 -
Width tag value '3-4' is no double!
Way 469923241 "Strada vicinale Mortea- Portovenere" -
Width tag value '1,5 > 1' is no double!
Way 469941379 -
Width tag value '0.3 0.6' is no double!
Way 469957205 -
Width tag value '3-4' is no double!
Way 469957206 -
Width tag value '3-4' is no double!
Way 469960831 "Strada vicinale Mortea- Portovenere" -
Width tag value '1,5 > 1' is no double!
Way 474541556 "Strada Privata" -
Width tag value '-3' value is too small or too big!
Way 477165988 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 475445480 -
Unknown surface type 'terra/ghiaia' !
Way 478916311 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 478916314 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 479812262 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 481439740 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 480237071 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 481411622 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 483155524 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 482901337 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 484580857 "Lungargine San Lazzaro" -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 484580858 "Lungargine San Lazzaro" -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 484728619 "Madonnina Trail" -
Width tag value '700' value is too small or too big!
Way 484401975 -
Unknown surface type 'track' !
Way 484019439 -
Width tag value '1000' value is too small or too big!
Way 484494815 "Lungargine San Lazzaro" -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 484515639 "Sentiero Valle Sospesa" -
Unknown surface type 'grass_&_Stones' !
Way 485746375 "Strada Comunale Vecchia Corigliano Bagnolo" -
Unknown surface type 'ground,grass' !
Way 485570958 "Rofalco" -
Construction startYear tag value '350 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 487020958 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 486045320 -
Unknown surface type 'asphalt_ground' !
Way 486715713 -
Width tag value '-1' value is too small or too big!
Way 488630226 "Corte dei Preti" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 488061301 -
Width tag value '-2.5' value is too small or too big!
Way 487585973 "Via Marenca" -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 487585974 "Via Marenca" -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 487585975 "Via Marenca" -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 487585979 "Via Marenca" -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 487585980 "Via Marenca" -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 487585981 "Via Marenca" -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 490176703 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 491611478 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 490712671 "strada vicinale "Mulinu"" -
Width tag value '8-9mt' is no double!
Way 492663875 -
Width tag value '-2' value is too small or too big!
Way 492847096 "Sent. Grutas Su Casteddu Sa Pedra Asuba de Pari" -
Width tag value '740' value is too small or too big!
Way 493008551 "La Biagiola" -
Construction startYear tag value '100 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 492442053 "Via Alcide De Gasperi" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 494181049 "Percorso Pedonale Ciclabile" -
Width tag value '-2' value is too small or too big!
Way 492554865 -
Width tag value '-1' value is too small or too big!
Way 495693269 "Via Agrigento" -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 495170723 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 495220356 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 495220357 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 497438389 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3-5'
Way 497438389 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 497986814 -
Unknown surface type 'alley' !
Way 497545059 "Strada Provinciale 60 Puntone" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 497545060 "Strada Provinciale 60 Puntone" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 499042176 -
Unknown surface type 'zebra' !
Way 499042181 -
Unknown surface type 'zebra' !
Way 499042182 -
Unknown surface type 'zebra' !
Way 499099399 -
Unknown surface type 'zebra' !
Way 499099409 -
Unknown surface type 'zebra' !
Way 499102213 -
Unknown surface type 'lime_rock' !
Way 501125570 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 502257424 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 503267853 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 502757481 -
Width tag value '-1' value is too small or too big!
Way 505646846 -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:40' !
Way 505646857 -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:40' !
Way 505646860 -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:40' !
Way 505646861 -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:40' !
Way 504736016 "Via Superiore Gazzo" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 504762337 "Via Pino di Murta" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 504780549 "Piazza Guglielmo Marconi" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 505852760 "MTB Furcia trail" -
Unknown surface type 'roots' !
Way 504995926 "Diverticolo via Clodia" -
Unknown surface type 'roman_paving' !
Way 506109172 "Via Castello" -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 507421220 -
Width tag value '1-2' is no double!
Way 506527196 "Cir MTB skills park" -
Unknown surface type 'com' !
Way 506725007 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 506725008 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 508099379 "Corso Giuseppe Mazzini" -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stone:lanes' !
Way 510265623 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 511165914 -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone:flattened:lanes' !
Way 511165951 -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone:flattened:lanes' !
Way 511211943 -
Unknown surface type 'paving_slabs' !
Way 511211946 -
Unknown surface type 'paving_slabs' !
Way 510835445 "Via Padre Semeria" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 512982215 -
Width tag value '2700' value is too small or too big!
Way 513026863 "Via Oro in Bocca" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 511105851 -
Unknown surface type 'acrylic' !
Way 511105854 -
Unknown surface type 'acrylic' !
Way 511105857 -
Unknown surface type 'acrylic' !
Way 514139530 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 512592117 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3-5'
Way 513112218 "Via Giallo Limone" -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 513123653 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade2; grade5'
Way 513650023 "Weg der 26er" -
Unknown surface type 'via_ferrata' !
Way 514406147 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 514406149 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 514406154 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 515504063 "Via Vittorio Veneto" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 515540070 -
Unknown surface type 'grave' !
Way 513978850 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 513978851 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 515102464 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 515256464 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 514810323 -
Width tag value '267' value is too small or too big!
Way 517611179 -
Width tag value '1313' value is too small or too big!
Way 516716945 "Corso Regina Margherita" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;through' is unknown!
Way 516991346 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 518648387 "Via Canale" -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 520522186 -
Unknown surface type 'path' !
Way 519925562 "Lidora" -
Width tag value '2490' value is too small or too big!
Way 521087065 -
Width tag value 'as' is no double!
Way 521859721 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 523027979 -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone and dirt' !
Way 523380017 -
Unknown surface type 'scale' !
Way 524882943 "Via Menzano" -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 524569854 "Via Campostri" -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 525104058 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 525104089 "Piazza Angelo Mosso" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 525116617 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 525116621 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 525116622 "Piazzale Robbio" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 525714363 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 525714448 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 525714449 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 526306537 "Vicolo Privato Parini" -
Unknown surface type 'partial asphalt' !
Way 527217649 "Via Fossa" -
Unknown surface type 'partially_with_rough_cement' !
Way 527222169 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 528114760 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 530015930 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 530656676 "Piazza Guglielmo Marconi" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 531238091 "Salita di Granarolo" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 530384840 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 530395384 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 531338658 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'fixme'
Way 530770038 "Via Alberto Paparelli" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 531410578 "Salita San Cosimo di Struppa" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 531941943 -
Unknown surface type 'natural' !
Way 530859616 "Vicolo dello Sdrucciolo" -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone,_stairs' !
Way 532411538 "Steinwand Klettersteig" -
Unknown surface type 'Via_Ferrata' !
Way 536975795 "Sentiero Varenna Bellano Dervio" -
Width tag value '1-2' is no double!
Way 536691073 -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone:lanes' !
Way 536917434 "Sentiero del lago" -
Width tag value '1880' value is too small or too big!
Way 539434158 -
Construction startYear tag value 'XX secolo' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 541886047 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 542507951 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 542507952 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 542507953 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 542513975 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 542537592 -
Unknown surface type 'mix' !
Way 542568243 "Via Quintino Sella" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 542568245 "Via Quintino Sella" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 543159804 "Via Pinturicchio" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 543460011 -
Width tag value '1900' value is too small or too big!
Way 544305011 -
Width tag value '507' value is too small or too big!
Way 544309348 -
Width tag value '1013' value is too small or too big!
Way 543672131 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 544390579 -
Width tag value '-1' value is too small or too big!
Way 544886892 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 544886894 "Via Giro dei Torricini" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 545710342 "Sentiero della Petronilla" -
Width tag value '3707' value is too small or too big!
Way 545976027 -
Layer tag value '0; -1' is not numeric!
Way 545976028 -
Layer tag value '0; -1' is not numeric!
Way 545976033 -
Layer tag value '0; -1' is not numeric!
Way 545976035 -
Layer tag value '0; -1' is not numeric!
Way 545976038 -
Layer tag value '0; -1' is not numeric!
Way 546627476 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 548100996 "Parcheggio Guerrazzi" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 548179173 -
Width tag value '1 metro' is no double!
Way 548251358 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 549554480 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 549345807 "Tracciolino" -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 550446401 -
Unknown surface type 'trail' !
Way 550730078 -
Unknown surface type 'Solido:_strada_asfaltata_o_con_superficie_dura_e_ben_compattata' !
Way 551113533 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 552562807 -
Unknown surface type 'grass_and_stone' !
Way 553097589 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 555575088 "Pista Motocross Santi Angeli" -
Width tag value '1563' value is too small or too big!
Way 555547023 "Salita San Francesco da Paola" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 559071272 "interrotto , chiuso dalla vegetazione" -
Unknown surface type 'ssassoso' !
Way 559766640 "Via Isonzo" -
Unknown surface type 'yes' !
Way 559018950 "Sentiero delle Serre" -
Unknown surface type 'ground,grass' !
Way 561065972 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3-5'
Way 561577447 -
Width tag value '758' value is too small or too big!
Way 561582405 -
Width tag value '466' value is too small or too big!
Way 562004985 -
Unknown surface type 'zebra' !
Way 562073248 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 563401932 "Salita di San Barnaba" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 563586518 "Antinoeion" -
Construction startYear tag value 'Adrian Emperor' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 563587830 "Strada di accesso originaria" -
Unknown surface type 'basolato' !
Way 563588092 "Strada di accesso originaria" -
Unknown surface type 'basolato' !
Way 563588398 "Via delle 1000 camerelle" -
Unknown surface type 'basalto' !
Way 564227172 -
Unknown surface type 'natural_rock' !
Way 564227180 -
Unknown surface type 'natural_rock' !
Way 562612665 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 563820029 "Via al Santuario delle Grazie" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 568691542 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 566819113 "Via Pietro Paleocapa" -
Lane turn 'throughright' is unknown!
Way 569388315 -
Unknown surface type 'paver' !
Way 569460738 -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone:lanes' !
Way 568536010 -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 568536011 -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 568536022 "Via Villa" -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 570622644 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 570622645 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 570622646 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 571279315 "Corso Giuseppe Mazzini" -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stone:lanes' !
Way 569920107 "Parcheggio Europa" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 572281688 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 572776788 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 572329591 -
lanes tag value '-1' is not numeric!
Way 576194046 "Rif. V Alpini - Giogo Alto" -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 577835662 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 575990972 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 577712162 -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 580546375 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 581459748 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 580822026 -
Unknown surface type 'ground,rocks' !
Way 580986599 "Via Campiani" -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 580986602 "Via Campiani" -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 580420689 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 582524206 "Piazza Colombo" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 583112713 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 583112715 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 583112717 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 583112719 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 583112720 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 583112721 "Piramide Vincent - Via Normale" -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 583112722 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 582812641 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 583759618 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 583348182 "Via Luigi Cadorna" -
Width tag value '-4' value is too small or too big!
Way 585449618 "Pista ciclo-pedonale di Via Gioacchino Rossini" -
Width tag value 'mt. 2.50 la ciclabile (parte ovest del tracciato) mt. 2,00 la pedonale separata (parte est del tracciato)' is no double!
Way 585937287 -
Unknown surface type 'sett:lanes' !
Way 587931723 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 588014756 -
Width tag value '1200' value is too small or too big!
Way 588106783 "parcheggio b&b magna grecia" -
Unknown surface type 'Ghiaia' !
Way 589459287 -
Width tag value '-1' value is too small or too big!
Way 588449137 "Antica Mulattiera: Madonna del Pilerio - Valle del Celadi" -
Width tag value '700' value is too small or too big!
Way 590185424 -
Width tag value '-2' value is too small or too big!
Way 589082579 "Fonti Di Castellone" -
Width tag value '-1' value is too small or too big!
Way 589177620 -
Width tag value 'da 1,5 a 0,5' is no double!
Way 592155721 -
Unknown surface type 'paving_rock' !
Way 591223849 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 592329593 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 592329594 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 592329598 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 592329599 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 592329600 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 590834095 "Ciclopista dell'Arno" -
Width tag value 'variabile' is no double!
Way 590834097 "Ciclopista dell'Arno" -
Width tag value 'variabile' is no double!
Way 593400282 "Via delle Miniere" -
Width tag value '985' value is too small or too big!
Way 593047954 "Ciclopista dell'Arno" -
Width tag value 'variabile' is no double!
Way 594634333 -
Unknown surface type 'dirt/cobblestone (mix)' !
Way 594634335 -
Unknown surface type 'dirt/cobblestone (mix)' !
Way 595834374 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 595323501 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 595370062 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 595370062 -
Lane turn 'left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 598484596 "Via Gombe" -
Lane turn 'leave' is unknown!
Way 596498674 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 596498675 "Salita di San Nicolosio" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 598050739 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 599837760 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade'
Way 600428266 "Via degli Alpini" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 600649580 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 603888783 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 603888785 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 604607667 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 605833841 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 605833842 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 606134060 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 607163772 -
Layer tag value '-2;-1' is not numeric!
Way 607163773 -
Layer tag value '-2;-1' is not numeric!
Way 607163776 -
Layer tag value '-2;-1' is not numeric!
Way 607163779 -
Layer tag value '-2;-1' is not numeric!
Way 608700111 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 607631657 -
Unknown surface type 'pavè' !
Way 607631661 -
Unknown surface type 'pavè' !
Way 607631667 -
Unknown surface type 'pavè' !
Way 609032976 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 610448225 "Lungocanale Unione Europea" -
Unknown surface type 'macadam' !
Way 609726128 -
Unknown surface type 'roots' !
Way 609771359 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3-5'
Way 614080959 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 614194109 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 615737075 "Via Sant'Antonio" -
Unknown surface type 'logs' !
Way 618276464 -
Width tag value 'narrow, only 4WD' is no double!
Way 618952607 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 618952608 -
Unknown surface type 'ice_road' !
Way 618952609 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 619123821 -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone:lanes' !
Way 619123822 -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone:lanes' !
Way 620120035 "Viale Michelangelo" -
Lane turn 'througt;right' is unknown!
Way 619130640 "Strada delle Viti" -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone:lanes' !
Way 619130642 -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone:lanes' !
Way 620982875 "Viale Gaetano Storchi" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 619532810 "Via Piave" -
Lane turn 'reverse;left' is unknown!
Way 622492041 "Vicolo Carnevale" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 623130220 "Via Bonanno Pisano" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 623130221 "Via Bonanno Pisano" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 624377139 "Via Paolo Canali" -
Lane turn 'right;right' is unknown!
Way 624859078 "Via Presolana" -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 625553774 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 625553775 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 625553776 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 625553778 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 625553779 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 624554495 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 624554497 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 627537397 "Passeggiata Anita Garibaldi" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 627537399 "Passeggiata Anita Garibaldi" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 627268771 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 626214800 -
Unknown surface type 'sassi_+_erba' !
Way 626216560 "Sentiero Cimamonte (1°parte)" -
Unknown surface type 'pietricio_e_terra' !
Way 626234192 "Sentiero Cimamonte" -
Unknown surface type 'Terra,_sassi' !
Way 626237702 "Sentiero degli Spinacci" -
Unknown surface type 'Terra,_sassi' !
Way 627415779 -
Unknown surface type 'Terra,_erba,_sassi/pietre' !
Way 629410117 "Via Senatore Luigi Lombardi 54C" -
Unknown surface type 'sterrata' !
Way 629424494 "Via Antonio Acchiardi" -
Unknown surface type 'sterrata' !
Way 630510800 "Via dello Zingaro" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 630023908 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 633450256 -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 636233384 "Vico Storto" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 635372038 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 637299776 -
Width tag value '900' value is too small or too big!
Way 639243506 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 640085989 -
Unknown surface type 'grave' !
Way 645632489 "Via Stelvio" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 648140323 "Strada provinciale ex SS 591 bis Cremasca" -
Lane turn 'slight_right;merge_to_left' is unknown!
Way 646474501 "A costa du Chianu" -
Width tag value '611' value is too small or too big!
Way 646935859 "Passeggiata Anita Garibaldi" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 650391570 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 650391571 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 650391572 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 650391573 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 650391574 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 650391575 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 650391576 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 651556360 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 651701423 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 653185966 "Via Nazionale" -
No oneway, but destination:lanes tag is set
Way 651790066 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 653583320 "Via 22 maggio 1944" -
Lane turn 'left;merge_to_right' is unknown!
Way 653583321 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 654279000 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 656073884 -
Max speed tag value '70,50,30' is not numeric!
Way 653769969 "The Plastic-One Bridge" -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 655103037 -
Width tag value '2000' value is too small or too big!
Way 657019114 "Piazza San Leonardo" -
Unknown surface type 'cob' !
Way 656783598 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 658302270 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 655830775 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 658691313 -
Unknown surface type 'leaves' !
Way 660243735 "Piazzale Caio Mario" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 659414277 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 659414278 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 659414279 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 659414280 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 659414281 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 659414282 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 659414283 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 659416698 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 659416699 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 659425275 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade2; grade3'
Way 659425276 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade2; grade3'
Way 661877042 -
Width tag value '1500' value is too small or too big!
Way 663552849 -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone and dirt' !
Way 663552861 -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone and dirt' !
Way 662509238 "Strada statale 11 dir Chiari - Rovato" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 662958278 "Macellaio Trail" -
Unknown surface type 'ground,_gravel,_paving_stone,_dirt,_compacted' !
Way 662960908 "Pagnotte trail" -
Unknown surface type 'ground,_dirt,_gravel,_grass' !
Way 662960911 "Panettiere" -
Unknown surface type 'gravel,_ground,_dirt' !
Way 664504161 "Sentiero Caslino d'Erba - Asso" -
Unknown surface type 'ground,_gravel,_dirt' !
Way 663983152 "Torre della Fara" -
Construction startYear tag value 'XII secolo' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 664690541 -
Unknown surface type 'terra_erba' !
Way 665513289 "Garrincha" -
Unknown surface type 'very_hard_unpaved_big_stone' !
Way 666321333 "Fosso di San Marano" -
Width tag value '0 - 3 m' is no double!
Way 666321334 "Fosso di San Marano" -
Width tag value '0 - 3 m' is no double!
Way 666707402 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 668259483 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 668262693 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 667768038 -
Unknown surface type 'tile' !
Way 667768041 -
Unknown surface type 'tile' !
Way 667768042 -
Unknown surface type 'tile' !
Way 667768044 -
Unknown surface type 'tile' !
Way 667768045 -
Unknown surface type 'tile' !
Way 671348262 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 672402638 -
Width tag value '1350' value is too small or too big!
Way 669483856 "Ciclabile" -
Width tag value '1200' value is too small or too big!
Way 672502415 -
Width tag value '2.30 mt' is no double!
Way 672546854 -
Layer tag value '0;-1' is not numeric!
Way 672546859 -
Layer tag value '0;-1' is not numeric!
Way 673061621 -
Width tag value '500' value is too small or too big!
Way 672041619 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 673709253 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674254766 -
Width tag value '700' value is too small or too big!
Way 674254767 -
Width tag value '2000' value is too small or too big!
Way 674254770 -
Width tag value '400' value is too small or too big!
Way 675796187 -
Unknown surface type 'natural' !
Way 675486510 -
Unknown surface type 'flagging' !
Way 675170532 "Chiassetto dei Roiani" -
Unknown surface type 'overgrown' !
Way 676496939 "Batterie - Semaforo Nuovo" -
Width tag value '796' value is too small or too big!
Way 676800003 -
Width tag value '820' value is too small or too big!
Way 677379010 "Tangenziale Sud" -
Lane turn 'slight_right;merge_to_left' is unknown!
Way 680700680 "Viale Turati" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 680734685 -
Unknown surface type 'brid' !
Way 679114379 -
Width tag value '300' value is too small or too big!
Way 679204201 -
Unknown surface type 'dirt_and_stones' !
Way 679204204 -
Unknown surface type 'dirt_and_stones' !
Way 680609207 "Via per Montegrino" -
Unknown surface type 'terra_pobblestone' !
Way 681196460 "PS Capiago - Droppella" -
Width tag value '850' value is too small or too big!
Way 683048809 -
Layer tag value '0,1' is not numeric!
Way 683048813 -
Layer tag value '1,2' is not numeric!
Way 683697563 "Via Città Sant'Angelo" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 683697573 "Via dei Calanchi" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 683697574 "Via dei Calanchi" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 683745128 -
Unknown surface type 're' !
Way 683222773 -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone and dirt' !
Way 683913641 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 683342613 -
Unknown surface type 'mix-dirt and rocks' !
Way 683354466 -
Unknown surface type 'mix-dirt and rocks' !
Way 684111951 -
Unknown surface type 'mix-dirt and cobblestone' !
Way 684111953 -
Unknown surface type 'mix-dirt and cobblestone' !
Way 684119942 -
Unknown surface type 'mix-dirt and rocks' !
Way 684194225 -
Unknown surface type 'mix-dirt and rocks' !
Way 684194236 -
Unknown surface type 'mix-dirt and rocks' !
Way 685130014 "Parcheggio Stazione FS Piazza Luigi Rizzo" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 685832334 "Via Pinturicchio" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 685832336 "Largo di Porta Pesa" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 685081466 -
Unknown surface type 'scree' !
Way 685086135 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 686413451 -
Unknown surface type 'grid_iron' !
Way 686413453 -
Unknown surface type 'grid_iron' !
Way 686413454 -
Unknown surface type 'grid_iron' !
Way 686413455 -
Unknown surface type 'grid' !
Way 685706120 "Via Ariodante Fabretti" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 687640457 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 687954084 -
Unknown surface type 'mix-dirt and cobblestone' !
Way 687958515 -
Unknown surface type 'mix-dirt and cobblestone' !
Way 687966687 -
Unknown surface type 'stones and rocks' !
Way 687966700 -
Unknown surface type 'mix-dirt and cobblestone' !
Way 687980006 -
Unknown surface type 'mix stones and wood' !
Way 687980008 -
Unknown surface type 'mix-dirt, cobblestone and rocks' !
Way 687980009 -
Unknown surface type 'mix-dirt, cobblestone and rocks' !
Way 688200645 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 688200647 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 688200648 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 688200649 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 688200650 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 688200651 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 688200652 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 691072156 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 691072162 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 691072163 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 690048796 -
Unknown surface type 'concrete,cobblestone' !
Way 690048797 -
Unknown surface type 'concrete,cobblestone' !
Way 690048798 "via Volto San Luca" -
Unknown surface type 'concrete,cobblestone' !
Way 692018697 "Piazza Fiera Interno" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 692139593 "Garbì" -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 690528755 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 690528756 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 690528761 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 690528764 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 691652468 -
Width tag value '50 cm' is no double!
Way 691652469 -
Width tag value '50 cm' is no double!
Way 691739793 -
Unknown surface type 'boulders' !
Way 694544511 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 694700951 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 696353080 -
Unknown surface type 'milanese_paving' !
Way 695938227 -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 695989831 "Cascina Montebello" -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade4;grade3'
Way 695989832 "Cascina Montebello" -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade4; grade3'
Way 697579523 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 697579529 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 697607733 -
Unknown surface type 'bad' !
Way 697631161 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 699571876 "Via Volterrana Nord" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 699571877 "Via Volterrana Nord" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 699424595 -
Unknown surface type 'milanese_paving' !
Way 702190512 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 701164213 "Via John Davison Rockefeller" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 704013729 -
Width tag value '1500' value is too small or too big!
Way 704193069 -
Unknown surface type 're' !
Way 705433424 "Via Cesare Battisti" -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 705664330 -
Unknown surface type 'boulders' !
Way 705775681 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 705775683 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 705991479 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 705991480 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 706170582 "Via Guglielmo Marconi" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 708274427 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 707611433 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 707611434 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 707616172 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 707616174 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 707616175 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 707629239 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 710293380 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 710293381 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 710852746 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 711020747 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 711020748 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 711640144 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 712130362 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 712599804 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 712599805 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 712639367 "Via Giuseppe Mazzini" -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone:lanes' !
Way 712639376 "Via Piave" -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone:lanes' !
Way 712642188 "Via Roma" -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone:lanes' !
Way 712642192 -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone:lanes' !
Way 712642194 "Via Plazzo" -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone:lanes' !
Way 713371308 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 713610217 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 713610218 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 714706046 "Palazzo Campana" -
Construction startYear tag value '16th Century' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 714886536 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 714708447 "Palazzo Bonaccorsi" -
Construction startYear tag value '16th Century' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 714708492 "Palazzo Luci" -
Construction startYear tag value '16th Century' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 714709239 "Palazzo Renieri di Sopra" -
Construction startYear tag value '16th Century' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 714715674 "Sentiero Caslino d'Erba - Asso" -
Unknown surface type 'ground,_gravel,_dirt' !
Way 714715675 "Sentiero Caslino d'Erba - Asso" -
Unknown surface type 'ground,_gravel,_dirt' !
Way 714996903 "Ligabue" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 715187510 "Via Arnaldo Berni" -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 715187512 "Via Arnaldo Berni" -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 715187514 "Via Ercavallo" -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 715187515 -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 714783744 "Domenico trail" -
Width tag value '900' value is too small or too big!
Way 715526254 -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 718264084 -
Width tag value '1.5-2' is no double!
Way 717755299 "Via Carlo Matteucci" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 718820768 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 718845170 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 718845181 -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 718845187 -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 718845192 "Via delle Scuole" -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 717121430 "Via San Rocco" -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 718896113 -
Unknown surface type 'roman_paving' !
Way 718125677 "Palazzo Benvenuti" -
Construction startYear tag value 'XVII' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 719407869 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 720867199 -
Unknown surface type 'asfalt; fine_gravel' !
Way 721760043 -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 722791416 -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 722798794 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 722798795 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 723774921 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 726095442 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 728816041 -
Unknown surface type 'boulders' !
Way 728816042 -
Unknown surface type 'boulders' !
Way 728816043 -
Unknown surface type 'boulders' !
Way 726850391 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 727369374 -
Unknown surface type 'boulders' !
Way 727599894 "Sentiero Caslino d'Erba - Asso" -
Unknown surface type 'ground,_gravel,_dirt' !
Way 727599895 "Sentiero Caslino d'Erba - Asso" -
Unknown surface type 'ground,_gravel,_dirt' !
Way 729658011 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 729658012 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 729658013 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 729874580 "MTB Furcia Trail - CC Top" -
Width tag value '<1' is no double!
Way 732175274 -
Unknown surface type 'dirt/rock' !
Way 732479676 "Pista Ciclabile Napoli" -
Unknown surface type 'Mista:_Asfalto,_Pavè,' !
Way 732479678 "Pista Ciclabile Napoli" -
Unknown surface type 'Mista:_Asfalto,_Pavè,' !
Way 732479679 "Pista Ciclabile Napoli" -
Unknown surface type 'Mista:_Asfalto,_Pavè,' !
Way 732479680 "Pista Ciclabile Napoli" -
Unknown surface type 'Mista:_Asfalto,_Pavè,' !
Way 732479681 "Pista Ciclabile Napoli" -
Unknown surface type 'Mista:_Asfalto,_Pavè,' !
Way 732948845 "Via Rosa Pallido" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 733016259 -
Unknown surface type 'asphalt_ground' !
Way 733699350 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 734479768 "Via Monteduro" -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade5;grade3'
Way 734213030 "Via Tiziano Aspetti" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 734781088 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 736616430 "Via Castello" -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 741835882 "Ciclabile di Montegrappa" -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 746316487 -
Unknown surface type 'dirt/wood' !
Way 746316489 -
Unknown surface type 'dirt/wood' !
Way 746316491 -
Unknown surface type 'dirt/wood' !
Way 746316493 -
Unknown surface type 'dirt/wood' !
Way 747156429 -
Width tag value '300' value is too small or too big!
Way 746582512 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 748937448 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 748937449 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 748937450 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 748937451 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 748937452 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 748937453 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 748937454 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 748937460 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 748937461 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 748937462 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 750442332 "Castello Canaviglia" -
Construction startYear tag value 'VII sec.' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 751001446 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 749759131 "Chiesa di Sant'Antonio" -
Construction startYear tag value 'XVII sec.' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 751986307 "Via Aristide Mattoli" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 754266125 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 756019034 "Rocca medievale" -
Construction startYear tag value 'XI secolo' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 756856210 -
Width tag value '300' value is too small or too big!
Way 759182681 -
Unknown surface type 'tile' !
Way 759437005 -
Width tag value '530' value is too small or too big!
Way 760478996 "Ost-Nord-Ost Flanke" -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 760614480 "Piazza Sofia" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 764431615 -
Unknown surface type 'tile' !
Way 764431616 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 766017100 -
Unknown surface type 'dirt and wooden steps' !
Way 766017102 -
Unknown surface type 'dirt and wooden steps' !
Way 766017104 -
Unknown surface type 'dirt and wooden steps' !
Way 766017106 -
Unknown surface type 'dirt and wooden steps' !
Way 766021484 -
Unknown surface type 'dirt and wooden steps' !
Way 766021486 -
Unknown surface type 'dirt and wooden steps' !
Way 766021488 -
Unknown surface type 'dirt and wooden steps' !
Way 766035878 -
Unknown surface type 'dirt and wooden steps' !
Way 766035880 -
Unknown surface type 'dirt and wooden steps' !
Way 766035882 -
Unknown surface type 'dirt and wooden steps' !
Way 766035884 -
Unknown surface type 'dirt and wooden steps' !
Way 766187960 -
Unknown surface type 'dirt and wooden steps' !
Way 766187961 -
Unknown surface type 'dirt and wooden steps' !
Way 766192524 -
Unknown surface type 'dirt and wooden steps' !
Way 766209835 -
Unknown surface type 'dirt and wooden steps' !
Way 766299443 -
Unknown surface type 'dirt wooden and stones steps' !
Way 766720191 "Sentiero delle 7 cascate" -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 767907317 -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 767907318 -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 767410018 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 767662778 -
Unknown surface type 'shrubs' !
Way 771579958 -
Unknown surface type 'stony ground' !
Way 771585475 -
Unknown surface type 'stony ground' !
Way 771590138 -
Unknown surface type 'stony ground' !
Way 771590142 -
Unknown surface type 'stony ground' !
Way 771593399 -
Unknown surface type 'stony ground' !
Way 771612647 -
Unknown surface type 'stony ground' !
Way 773036044 "Garbì" -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 773036046 "Garbì" -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 775146872 "Sentiero del lago" -
Width tag value '1880' value is too small or too big!
Way 775447755 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 776351460 "Via Antonio Fratti" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 783052710 "Via Piemonte" -
Unknown surface type 'pebbl' !
Way 783882710 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 784605895 -
Width tag value 'variabile' is no double!
Way 785970690 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 785970692 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 788046292 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 791377447 "Via Volterrana Nord" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 791503937 "Strada Provinciale 4 Volterrana" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 791503938 "Strada Provinciale 4 Volterrana" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 794502494 -
Unknown surface type 'stony ground' !
Way 794502495 -
Unknown surface type 'stony ground' !
Way 794502498 -
Unknown surface type 'stony ground' !
Way 794505534 -
Unknown surface type 'rock/stone' !
Way 794507621 -
Unknown surface type 'rock/stone' !
Way 796521705 -
Width tag value '620' value is too small or too big!
Way 796238993 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 796563918 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 798113464 -
Width tag value '350' value is too small or too big!
Way 798723850 "Via Trepponti" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 798723852 "Via Trepponti" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 798723853 "Via Trepponti" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 798723854 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 801312451 "Via Provinciale" -
Unknown surface type 'SS470dir' !
Way 801579357 -
Unknown surface type 'pebblestone/rock' !
Way 801579358 -
Unknown surface type 'pebblestone/rock' !
Way 802017058 "Strada Statale 157 della Valle del Biferno" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 802017059 "Strada Statale 157 della Valle del Biferno" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 802017068 "Strada Statale 157 della Valle del Biferno" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 804666984 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 804684348 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'Campipiani Senge'
Way 803796581 -
Width tag value '500' value is too small or too big!
Way 804965193 ""Via degli studenti" SI()-CAI212" -
Unknown surface type 'Terra,_gradoni_di_roccia_e_asfalto' !
Way 805580173 "Strada Regionale 482 Altopolesana" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 805580175 "Strada Regionale 482 Altopolesana" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 805580176 "Via Gavioli" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 810224587 "Strada Provinciale Chizzalunga" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_right;through' is unknown!
Way 809713596 "scaletta" -
Unknown surface type 'ciotoli' !
Way 812508940 -
Unknown surface type 'asphaltCaseificio_Amato' !
Way 812508941 -
Unknown surface type 'asphaltCaseificio_Amato' !
Way 812508942 -
Unknown surface type 'asphaltCaseificio_Amato' !
Way 812508943 -
Unknown surface type 'asphaltCaseificio_Amato' !
Way 813494240 -
Width tag value '700' value is too small or too big!
Way 814978486 -
Width tag value 'more or less 2 meters' is no double!
Way 810679400 -
Unknown surface type 'bosco-Sassi' !
Way 812973119 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 815261211 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 815412411 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 815427614 "Ciclopedonale Canale Lunense" -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 815800089 "Via Sapri" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 815800090 "Via Sapri" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 815841444 "Via Martiri di Padulivo" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 815841446 "Via San Francesco" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 815841447 "Via Martiri di Campo di Marte" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 815627017 "Via San Francesco d'Assisi" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 815627024 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 821211514 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 820191970 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 820362714 "Via Milano" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 822112988 -
Unknown surface type 'rubbercrumb' !
Way 822112989 -
Unknown surface type 'rubbercrumb' !
Way 822112990 -
Unknown surface type 'rubbercrumb' !
Way 822263323 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 823050456 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 823050470 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 823697796 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 823134935 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 823134937 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 825749314 -
Unknown surface type 'sas' !
Way 829787432 "Via San Giorgio" -
Lane turn 'left!through' is unknown!
Way 831724576 "Piazza San Marco" -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone:lanes' !
Way 832142606 -
Width tag value '0.5,1' is no double!
Way 832254556 -
Unknown surface type 'stone_paving' !
Way 834781393 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 834781394 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 834781395 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 833958424 -
Width tag value '1,5 - 2' is no double!
Way 833958425 -
Width tag value '1,5 - 2' is no double!
Way 835088000 -
Width tag value 'Fosso di Castagna Amara' is no double!
Way 837386250 "Rocca Gonzaghesca di Vescovato" -
Construction startYear tag value 'Ante seconda metà sec. XVI' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 836817079 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 836821594 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 837977211 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 836927764 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 836927766 "Attraversata Passo Cavento" -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 839130026 "Corso Regina Margherita" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 839266591 "Ponte San Lorenzo" -
Construction startYear tag value '30 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 838362901 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 841241850 "Parcheggio La Rocca Roberto" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 840453688 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 840488013 -
Unknown surface type 'earth,grass' !
Way 840490606 -
Unknown surface type 'earth,grass' !
Way 840926894 -
Unknown surface type 'se' !
Way 844041142 "Salita San Pietro" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 844088963 "Baita Pesciola bassa - Bocchetta di Pesciola" -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 843506754 "Baita Pesciola bassa - Bocchetta di Pesciola" -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 843602787 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 843602788 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 842158052 "8" -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3-5'
Way 845181177 -
Unknown surface type 'terra/ghiaia' !
Way 845194415 "Ponte ciclopedia Stella Dora D'Amico" -
Unknown surface type 'metal_tactile' !
Way 848334577 "Normale per Sasso Moro" -
Unknown surface type 'rocce_e_sfasciumi_spesso_instabili' !
Way 847208972 "Via Dalmine" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 849511104 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 850645856 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 850843425 "Sentiero del Trugno" -
Unknown surface type 'dirt,_cement' !
Way 850437219 "Piazza Sandro Pertini" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 852059784 "Villa Odescalchi" -
Construction startYear tag value 'secolo XVII' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 856851279 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 856851280 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 856851281 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 856851282 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 856851285 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 856851287 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 856851289 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 856851291 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 856851295 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 856851299 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 856851300 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 856851301 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 856851304 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 857760056 -
Width tag value '800' value is too small or too big!
Way 858134748 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 860610809 "La Scalinata" -
Unknown surface type 'granito' !
Way 860610810 "La Scalinata" -
Unknown surface type 'granito' !
Way 860818161 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 860376226 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 862837959 -
Unknown surface type 'earth,grass' !
Way 862837960 -
Unknown surface type 'earth,grass' !
Way 862837961 -
Unknown surface type 'earth,grass' !
Way 862837962 -
Unknown surface type 'earth,grass' !
Way 861052490 "DH Costa Cannone" -
Width tag value '1700' value is too small or too big!
Way 863158040 "Via Vegri" -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3-5'
Way 865340947 "Castello medievale dei Del Carretto" -
Construction startYear tag value 'XIII century' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 867239961 "Via Follone" -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 868753206 -
Unknown surface type 'terra_e_pietre' !
Way 867658152 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 867755977 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3-5'
Way 867756377 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3-5'
Way 870968503 -
Unknown surface type 'scree' !
Way 871838763 -
Width tag value 'da misurare' is no double!
Way 871473426 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 871473428 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 872737182 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 872761959 -
Unknown surface type 'flagging' !
Way 874425014 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 875203281 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 875203283 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 875203284 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 875203285 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 875203286 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 875203288 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 875203289 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 875203290 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 875203291 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 875203292 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 875203293 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 875203297 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 875203298 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 875203299 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 875203300 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 875203301 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 875203302 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 875203308 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 875203309 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 875203310 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 875203312 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 875203313 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 875203314 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 875203320 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 875203325 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 875203327 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 874744776 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 874744777 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 874744778 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 874744782 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 874744783 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 874744784 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 874744786 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 874744788 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 874744789 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 874744790 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 874744801 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 874744802 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 875523383 -
Width tag value '500' value is too small or too big!
Way 880121424 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 880578623 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3;grade2'
Way 880747072 -
Width tag value 'Riu s' Acqua Mala' is no double!
Way 882450465 "Normale Gran Zebrù" -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 881598511 -
Unknown surface type 'scree' !
Way 883200936 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 883282475 -
Width tag value '10800' value is too small or too big!
Way 884175385 "Piazza Giovanni Amendola" -
Lane turn 'right;sharp_right' is unknown!
Way 884227344 -
Unknown surface type 'steel' !
Way 884227384 -
Unknown surface type 'steel' !
Way 886151097 -
Layer tag value '+1' is not numeric!
Way 886151102 -
Layer tag value '+1' is not numeric!
Way 886151104 -
Layer tag value '+1' is not numeric!
Way 884866984 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 884866985 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 884866986 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 884866987 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 885098381 "droppino" -
Width tag value 'drop' is no double!
Way 885945019 -
Layer tag value '+1' is not numeric!
Way 885945063 -
Layer tag value '+1' is not numeric!
Way 887938030 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 888597194 "Viale Pietro Toselli" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 889297910 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 889307812 "Rif. V Alpini - Giogo Alto" -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 891352796 "Via Quattro Novembre" -
Lane turn 'left;slight_left' is unknown!
Way 891935995 "Via Nazionale" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 891935996 -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 890728400 "San Quintino" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 891447159 "collegamento Via Acquedotto - Via Ronchetto" -
Unknown surface type 'asfalto,_terra_battuta' !
Way 891575891 -
Width tag value '' 1' is no double!
Way 892750710 "Semita di li Chee" -
Unknown surface type 'ground,_rocks' !
Way 892752543 "Semita di li Chee" -
Unknown surface type 'ground,_rocks' !
Way 893286124 "collegamento Via Acquedotto - Via Ronchetto" -
Unknown surface type 'terra_battuta' !
Way 893617851 "Pista Ciclabile Napoli" -
Unknown surface type 'Mista:_Asfalto,_Pavè,' !
Way 896011686 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 896102819 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 896193319 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 896193320 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 896193321 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 896202862 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 896277892 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 896277893 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 896973531 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade2; grade4'
Way 896973532 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade2; grade4'
Way 895961216 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 899448894 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 899448895 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 901524732 "Via Cerreta" -
Width tag value '10800' value is too small or too big!
Way 899471501 -
Unknown surface type 'se' !
Way 901540411 "Via Cerreta" -
Width tag value '10800' value is too small or too big!
Way 901541760 "Via Cerreta" -
Width tag value '10800' value is too small or too big!
Way 901541761 "Via Cerreta" -
Width tag value '10800' value is too small or too big!
Way 899523292 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 901703535 "Borgo Forno" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 902534621 "Sentiero Rovenna - Fonte Anzone - Madrona" -
Unknown surface type 'ground,_pebblestones,_grass' !
Way 902534622 "Sentiero Rovenna - Fonte Anzone - Madrona" -
Unknown surface type 'ground,_pebblestones,_grass' !
Way 901715598 "Viale di Castellmato" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 901151352 "Via Vico II° del Corso" -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 903118343 -
Unknown surface type 'ground,rocks' !
Way 903133986 "Rif. V Alpini - Passo Camosci - Campo" -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 903133988 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 903165360 -
Unknown surface type 'flagging' !
Way 903165361 -
Unknown surface type 'flagging' !
Way 903291121 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 901936982 "Ponte di San Felice" -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 902773577 "Sentiero della salvia" -
Unknown surface type 'mixed_rocky/clay' !
Way 902310905 -
Unknown surface type 'ground_and_paved' !
Way 902361897 "Acqua Troce" -
Width tag value 'unset' is no double!
Way 905419253 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 904164096 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 905777952 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 905779048 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 905797257 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 905870701 "Via Dante Alighieri" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 908189549 "Via Giuseppe Mazzini" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 908189550 "Via Giuseppe Mazzini" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 908458161 "Via Cerreta" -
Width tag value '10800' value is too small or too big!
Way 910067036 -
Width tag value '-1' value is too small or too big!
Way 911879243 -
Width tag value '<2' is no double!
Way 912899354 -
Unsupported tracktype value '4'
Way 912959016 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 912959017 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 914354291 -
Unknown surface type 'ground,_unpaved' !
Way 914354292 -
Unknown surface type 'ground,_unpaved' !
Way 914354293 -
Unknown surface type 'ground,_unpaved' !
Way 915197348 "Percorso campestre" -
Width tag value '700' value is too small or too big!
Way 914693472 "Sentiero di Raffort" -
Width tag value '1000' value is too small or too big!
Way 914696819 -
Unknown surface type 'trail' !
Way 914702126 "Palestra di Roccia Pierre Taillee" -
Unknown surface type 'trail' !
Way 914707363 "Direttissima" -
Unknown surface type 'trail' !
Way 915627381 "Cima di M. Calvello - Cima di M. Calvo - Rifugio Casino" -
Width tag value '5000' value is too small or too big!
Way 915793229 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade6'
Way 916703253 -
Width tag value '288' value is too small or too big!
Way 917824383 -
Unknown surface type 'rocks/concrete' !
Way 917854574 "Via Cassia Aurelia Prima" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 917854578 "Via Cassia Aurelia Prima" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 919287774 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 919287779 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 919287780 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 918674311 "Via della Cisa" -
Unknown surface type 'Ghiaia' !
Way 918861584 -
Width tag value '495' value is too small or too big!
Way 918333523 "Via del Balestriere" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 920214184 -
Unknown surface type 'ground_-_rocks' !
Way 921471552 "Via Cerreta" -
Width tag value '10800' value is too small or too big!
Way 921471553 "Via Cerreta" -
Width tag value '10800' value is too small or too big!
Way 921471554 -
Width tag value '10800' value is too small or too big!
Way 921479372 "Via Ancona" -
Width tag value '10800' value is too small or too big!
Way 921479373 -
Width tag value '10800' value is too small or too big!
Way 922768265 -
Width tag value '460' value is too small or too big!
Way 921979944 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 922073731 -
Layer tag value '0; -1' is not numeric!
Way 922073759 -
Layer tag value '0; -1' is not numeric!
Way 923393453 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 925276951 -
Unknown surface type 'paving_brick' !
Way 925460255 -
Unknown surface type 'paving_brick' !
Way 925498855 -
Width tag value '3600' value is too small or too big!
Way 928206214 "Via Roma" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 928918815 -
Unknown surface type 'pebblestone/rock' !
Way 928375272 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 929151610 "Via Appia Antica" -
Unknown surface type 'roman_paving' !
Way 929822716 -
Unknown surface type 'flagging' !
Way 930798851 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 930798852 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 930798853 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 930798856 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 931331873 -
Unknown surface type 'fondo_naturale' !
Way 929625143 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 930224680 -
Unknown surface type 'asphalts' !
Way 931059879 "Dantestraße - Via Dante" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 931968930 "Ossona DH" -
Unknown surface type 'earth,_grass' !
Way 931968931 -
Unknown surface type 'earth,_grass' !
Way 931551613 "Via Piancatello" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 931120987 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 931120988 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 931120989 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 931120990 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 932200432 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 932200434 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 932873460 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 932425897 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 934674918 -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 934941504 -
Unknown surface type 'ground:_grass_and_terrain' !
Way 935109069 -
Unknown surface type 'com' !
Way 934531305 -
Unknown surface type 'comp' !
Way 935356067 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 935356068 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 936631556 -
Unknown surface type 'yes' !
Way 936669312 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3-5'
Way 936669314 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3-5'
Way 936669317 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3-5'
Way 935436386 "Riale" -
Width tag value 'Riale' is no double!
Way 935436387 -
Width tag value 'Riale' is no double!
Way 936669337 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3-5'
Way 935436388 -
Width tag value 'Riale' is no double!
Way 937732795 -
Unknown surface type 'steel' !
Way 937734794 -
Unknown surface type 'dirt and rocks' !
Way 937734796 -
Unknown surface type 'dirt and rocks' !
Way 936245927 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 937776051 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 937776052 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 937776053 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 937776054 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 937776055 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 937776056 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 937776057 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 937776058 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 937806603 -
Width tag value '1200' value is too small or too big!
Way 937269757 -
Width tag value '4000' value is too small or too big!
Way 938898474 -
Layer tag value '0.1' is not numeric!
Way 938898476 -
Layer tag value '0.2' is not numeric!
Way 939233524 "Tangenziale Est di Milano" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 940777999 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 939233525 "Tangenziale Est di Milano" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 939233527 "Tangenziale Est di Milano" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 939233528 "Tangenziale Est di Milano" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 939233530 "Tangenziale Est di Milano" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 940061637 "Corso Umberto I" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 940061638 "Piazza della Repubblica" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 940317748 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 940317752 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 941787649 "Viale Maiella" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 941787650 "Viale Maiella" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 940638448 -
Width tag value '1000' value is too small or too big!
Way 942163663 -
Width tag value '500' value is too small or too big!
Way 942163665 -
Width tag value '500' value is too small or too big!
Way 942801086 "Sentiero Rovenna - Fonte Anzone - Madrona" -
Unknown surface type 'ground,_pebblestones,_grass' !
Way 942801087 "Sentiero Rovenna - Fonte Anzone - Madrona" -
Unknown surface type 'ground,_pebblestones,_grass' !
Way 942801092 "Sentiero Rovenna - Fonte Anzone - Madrona" -
Unknown surface type 'ground,_pebblestones,_grass' !
Way 942801093 "Sentiero Rovenna - Fonte Anzone - Madrona" -
Unknown surface type 'ground,_pebblestones,_grass' !
Way 940691160 "SingleTrack Ritmo Sbilenco" -
Width tag value '1600' value is too small or too big!
Way 940694512 -
Width tag value '1000' value is too small or too big!
Way 941476809 "Casa del Fascio di Bollate" -
Construction startYear tag value '1930s' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 943540599 -
Unknown surface type 'porphyry' !
Way 943540600 -
Unknown surface type 'porphyry' !
Way 941688800 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 943072500 "Salita Superiore di Santa Tecla" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 943880470 "Via delle Miniere" -
Width tag value '985' value is too small or too big!
Way 943880472 "Via delle Miniere" -
Width tag value '985' value is too small or too big!
Way 943452084 "Vico San Nicola" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 943452085 "Vico Galliani" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 943452086 "Vico della Pace" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 943505947 "Alta Via Tullio Vidoni" -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 946843436 "Via Antonio Meucci" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 947018165 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks,_concrete' !
Way 948535759 "Via Carlo Matteucci" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 948535761 "Via Carlo Matteucci" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 947039708 -
Unknown surface type 'porphyry' !
Way 947173986 "Piazza Luigi Marchetti" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 947187600 "Via Trappeto Grande" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 947187602 "Via San Francesco D'Assisi" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 947187603 "Via Trappeto Grande" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 947187604 "Via Trappeto Grande" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 947187606 "Vico Primo Mosignor Vincenzo D'Addario" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 948191168 "Via Roma" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 948191169 "Via Roma" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 948218663 "L" -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 948218664 "L" -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 949846089 "Vecchia Strada per Siena" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 949846106 "Strada Provinciale Asciano Rapolano" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 950017077 "Strada Comunale di Torri" -
Unknown surface type '<diverso>' !
Way 950017079 "Strada Comunale di Torri" -
Unknown surface type '<diverso>' !
Way 951245931 "Via Trappeto Grande" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 952291940 "Vico Campanile" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 949426248 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 952333944 "Via Gabriele Rossetti" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 952410849 "Via Fratelli Bandiera" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 952768609 "Via Tomasso Vincentini" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 956016102 "Via Ricasoli" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 956041319 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 954666057 "Monticino" -
Unknown surface type 'sottobosco' !
Way 956946233 "Area Archelogica di Industria" -
Construction startYear tag value '214 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 955605085 "ponte di cemento" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 954706082 "Vico della Neve" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 954706083 "Vico della Neve" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 954706085 "Via Gorizia" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 954706086 "Via Dante Alighieri" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 954706087 "Via Dante Alighieri" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 954706088 "Via Dante Alighieri" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 957035074 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 956235496 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 957102801 "Da Flamignano a Colle Pelato per la Selva degli Abeti" -
Width tag value '1 -2' is no double!
Way 957117109 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 957130051 "Sentiero delle 7 cascate" -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 957216545 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 957216546 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 957216547 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 958644347 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 958644349 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 958644350 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 958644357 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 956410883 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 956410887 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 959786536 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 958404551 -
Width tag value '1 -2' is no double!
Way 958404552 "Da Flamignano a Colle Pelato per la Selva degli Abeti" -
Width tag value '1 -2' is no double!
Way 958404553 -
Width tag value '1 -2' is no double!
Way 958404554 -
Width tag value '1 -2' is no double!
Way 958429380 "Da Flamignano a Colle Pelato per la Selva degli Abeti" -
Width tag value '1 -2' is no double!
Way 958434455 "Forca di Valle - Colle Pelato per la Selva degli Abeti" -
Width tag value '1 -2' is no double!
Way 959932109 -
Unknown surface type 'asa' !
Way 958549882 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 959103550 -
Width tag value '640' value is too small or too big!
Way 960098524 "Da Flamignano a Colle Pelato per la Selva degli Abeti" -
Width tag value '1 -2' is no double!
Way 959211257 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 961870354 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 963484888 "Via Bolzano" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 963772441 -
Unknown surface type 'stone_plates' !
Way 965004679 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 963279841 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 963279854 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 963910205 "Pista Ciclabile Napoli" -
Unknown surface type 'Mista:_Asfalto,_Pavè,' !
Way 963910206 "Pista Ciclabile Napoli" -
Unknown surface type 'Mista:_Asfalto,_Pavè,' !
Way 963910207 "Pista Ciclabile Napoli" -
Unknown surface type 'Mista:_Asfalto,_Pavè,' !
Way 963910208 "Pista Ciclabile Napoli" -
Unknown surface type 'Mista:_Asfalto,_Pavè,' !
Way 965369954 -
Width tag value 'prato' is no double!
Way 965417847 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 965417847 -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;right' is unknown!
Way 964237997 "Palazzo Ceramelli" -
Construction startYear tag value '18th Century' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 966897309 "Calanchi di Aliano dalla Casa del Malato Levi" -
Width tag value '13500' value is too small or too big!
Way 966980831 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 967242124 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 969638907 "Salita di Oregina" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 969638908 "Salita di Oregina" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 969639670 "Salita di Oregina" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 970323567 "Via Enrico Borando" -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 969796051 -
Width tag value 'Riale' is no double!
Way 969796053 -
Width tag value 'Riale' is no double!
Way 968466206 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 969126072 -
Width tag value '300' value is too small or too big!
Way 970266740 "Via Erzelli" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 970268882 "Via Erzelli" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 972045708 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 972045710 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 971388136 "Via Nazionale" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 971000555 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 971525259 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 971525260 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 971525270 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 972225225 "Località Val Tagliata" -
Unknown surface type 'compacted:lanes' !
Way 972341829 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 972341830 "Via Alfredo Ricciotti" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 972466002 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 975601093 "Arco" -
Construction startYear tag value 'XVII' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 975492842 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 975492842 -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;right' is unknown!
Way 975492843 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 975492843 -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;right' is unknown!
Way 975492845 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 975492845 -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;right' is unknown!
Way 975492846 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 975492846 -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;right' is unknown!
Way 976774308 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 977422521 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 977520572 "Via Giuseppe Giusti" -
lanes tag value '1.5' is not numeric!
Way 977883873 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 977928509 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 977928510 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 977952281 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 978748470 "Via Panoramica" -
Width tag value '1000' value is too small or too big!
Way 978818505 "Via Antonio Fratti" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 979565754 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 979565755 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 979565756 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 982171954 -
Unknown surface type 'ciotctoli_(pietre_grezze_e_arrotondate)' !
Way 980819204 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 981636162 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 981909115 "Lungomare Zara" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 983274155 "Progno di Breonio" -
Width tag value '2150' value is too small or too big!
Way 983274156 "Progno di Breonio" -
Width tag value '2150' value is too small or too big!
Way 983276759 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 984262967 -
Unknown surface type 'concrete_plates' !
Way 984441195 "Chiesa di San Pancrazio" -
Construction startYear tag value 'XI secolo' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 984964655 -
Width tag value 'narrow' is no double!
Way 984005669 "Vico I San Rocco" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 984019585 "Via del Centro" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 986036396 "Viale dei Campi Elisi" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 984830456 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 985510094 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 985510096 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 985510099 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 985510100 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 985510101 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 985510103 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 987751220 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 988353579 "Salita al Garbo" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 987335174 "Ponte Tibetano" -
Width tag value '586' value is too small or too big!
Way 987335175 "Ponte Tibetano Castelsaraceno" -
Width tag value '586' value is too small or too big!
Way 987335176 "Ponte Tibetano" -
Width tag value '586' value is too small or too big!
Way 988057868 -
Width tag value '670' value is too small or too big!
Way 988074818 "Via San Michele Arcangelo" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 988113104 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 988113105 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 988113106 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 988113107 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 989184219 "Cascinale" -
Construction startYear tag value 'XVII' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 988705904 "Torre" -
Construction startYear tag value 'XVI' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 988713911 -
Width tag value '-1' value is too small or too big!
Way 988713912 -
Width tag value '-1' value is too small or too big!
Way 991847167 "Via Superiore Gazzo" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 991854266 "Salita Cataldi" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 991229746 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 992429311 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 992429312 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 992523203 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 992526739 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 993659889 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 992677709 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 993721255 "Via Giovanni Schiaparelli" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 992795542 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 992909701 "Salita Cataldi" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 992909702 "Salita Cataldi" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 992909703 "Salita Cataldi" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 995150846 -
Unknown surface type 'entr' !
Way 994041501 -
Unknown surface type 'vel' !
Way 995266751 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 995266763 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 993416712 "SS 16 dir/C del Porto di Pescara" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 996220669 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 997409156 -
Unknown surface type 'flagging' !
Way 997409157 -
Unknown surface type 'flagging' !
Way 997834993 "Salita San Rocco" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 998478225 -
Unknown surface type 'breccia' !
Way 997963720 "Vico San Rocco" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 997963721 "Vico San Rocco" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 997963722 "Vico II° San Rocco" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 997963723 "Vico II° San Rocco" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 997963724 "Vico III° San Rocco" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 997963725 "Vico III° San Rocco" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 997973019 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 999942594 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1001826452 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1000622040 "Via Timoteo Viti" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 1000631466 "Via Giro dei Torricini" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 1001137999 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1002056980 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1004031187 -
Unknown surface type 'peeblestop' !
Way 1004053167 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1005493722 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1005493723 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1006172080 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1006172343 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1006173118 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1006517178 -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone and dirt' !
Way 1008114518 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1007182535 "Salita San Cosimo di Struppa" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 1009678616 "Via Chiantigiana" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1011299043 "Vico di Notte" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1011908003 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1012028109 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1012028110 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1012028111 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1012604390 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1013744210 "Via Superiore Gazzo" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 1013816512 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 1013144801 -
Unknown surface type 'dirt/rock' !
Way 1015395691 "Senal" -
Width tag value 'stretto' is no double!
Way 1015075448 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 1017540134 -
Unknown surface type 'pave' !
Way 1017411901 -
Width tag value 'earth' is no double!
Way 1020288959 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 1019977596 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1020010474 "La Rete" -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1022706651 -
Unknown surface type 'terreno,_sterrato' !
Way 1021686914 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1022851928 "Tangenziale Est di Milano" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 1022851935 "Tangenziale Est" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 1022556141 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 1023368279 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1022952501 "Via Beata Chiara" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1023976466 "Sentiero Carlo Doddi" -
Unknown surface type 'bedrock' !
Way 1024186198 "Via Padre Fontana" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 1025023602 -
Unknown surface type 'mix: dirt and cobblestone' !
Way 1025620548 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1026441670 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1026170110 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 1026170121 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 1026170122 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 1027409806 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1026212800 "Via Alessandro Manzoni" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1026831349 -
Unknown surface type 'mix: dirt and cobblestone' !
Way 1028991734 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 1030613598 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 1031388303 -
Unknown surface type 'roman_paving' !
Way 1031394284 -
Unknown surface type 'roman_paving' !
Way 1030948592 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 1034797802 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 1035166895 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1035574633 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1035574655 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1035574656 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1035574657 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1035574658 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1036109564 "Via Giuseppe Garibaldi" -
Unknown surface type 'sterrqto' !
Way 1034576471 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 1035844085 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 1035844090 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 1036865117 "Ingresso B&B" -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 1036500080 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1036500100 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1038003720 -
Layer tag value '0;-1' is not numeric!
Way 1037115078 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1038900306 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1038900664 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1038900670 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1040167495 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1039172390 -
Unknown surface type 'steel' !
Way 1040776784 "Via Coni Zugna" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1041686008 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 1041712750 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1041724279 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 1041888634 "Collegamento pedonale Aurelia-Via Filippo Turati" -
Unknown surface type 'cemento' !
Way 1041888635 "Collegamento Aurelia- Via Filippo Turati" -
Unknown surface type 'cemento' !
Way 1041384878 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1041385080 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1041385081 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1041385082 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1041385083 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1041385087 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1041385089 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1041385092 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1041385096 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1041385119 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1043079954 -
Unknown surface type 'suerficie_molto_pietrosa' !
Way 1043079955 -
Unknown surface type 'superficie_molto_pietrosa' !
Way 1043825895 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 1044571237 -
Width tag value '2500' value is too small or too big!
Way 1044702507 -
Width tag value 'Varies 0.5 - 0.3' is no double!
Way 1043463030 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 1044720236 "Sentiero di Marchetto" -
Unknown surface type 'terreno_e_rocce' !
Way 1043487411 "Pista di atletica leggera" -
Width tag value '400' value is too small or too big!
Way 1043487411 "Pista di atletica leggera" -
Unknown surface type 'terra_rossa' !
Way 1046549616 -
Unsupported tracktype value '2'
Way 1046308212 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 1047387202 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1047797777 "Pizzo Tambò - Passo Spluga" -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 1047797778 "Pizzo Tambò - Passo Spluga" -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 1047797781 "Pizzo Tambò - Passo Spluga" -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 1047797782 "Pizzo Tambò - Passo Spluga" -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 1047797784 "Pizzo Tambò - Passo Spluga" -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 1047645977 "PUMPTRACK" -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 1049948948 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1049336979 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1051214281 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1051223626 -
Unknown surface type 'dirt,_grass' !
Way 1050290951 "Vico Fischietto" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1050301699 "Sentiero per Nuraghe Is Carrelis" -
Unknown surface type 'pietrosa' !
Way 1051847581 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1053071789 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1051982530 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1051494043 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1051494046 "Sentiero Li Foggi II" -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1051494048 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1051494050 "Sentiero Li Foggi II" -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1051494051 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1052071996 -
Layer tag value '-1.5' is not numeric!
Way 1053406697 "Via XX Settembre vico II" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1053422713 "Via Cava Buia" -
Unknown surface type 'roman_paving' !
Way 1055085884 -
Layer tag value '-0.5;0' is not numeric!
Way 1055085885 -
Layer tag value '-0.5;0' is not numeric!
Way 1055085888 -
Layer tag value '-1;-0.5' is not numeric!
Way 1055085889 -
Layer tag value '-1;-0.5' is not numeric!
Way 1055085892 -
Layer tag value '-1;0' is not numeric!
Way 1056460944 "Via Delfico" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1056561158 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1056105172 -
Unknown surface type 'roccia_e_terra' !
Way 1056107909 -
Unknown surface type 'terra/erba' !
Way 1056580838 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1056580861 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1056704225 "Via degli Inferi Alta" -
Unknown surface type 'Terra/Tufo' !
Way 1055513390 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 1056232284 "Via Barone" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1055514109 "sentiero parallelo" -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 1055514946 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 1058088147 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 1057656686 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1057690438 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1058186751 "Itinerario delle Tholos" -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 1058186752 "Itinerario delle Tholos" -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 1057697914 "Via Federico Bianco di San Secondo" -
Width tag value '2,30 - 2,80' is no double!
Way 1058285923 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1060396594 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 1060568028 "Via Pasquale e Luigi Trivelli" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1060568032 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1061401750 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1060984673 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1061009306 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1061009307 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1061009309 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1061009315 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1061127373 "114" -
Unknown surface type 'cemento' !
Way 1060352288 "Arco" -
Construction startYear tag value 'XVIII' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 1061312044 -
Unknown surface type 'ferro' !
Way 1062384945 "Ponte nel Sole" -
Width tag value '505' value is too small or too big!
Way 1064792437 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1063488046 "Salita Superiore di Santa Tecla" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 1063651359 -
Width tag value '800' value is too small or too big!
Way 1063046034 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1064546515 "Largo XXI Martiri" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1065551694 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1066647864 "Vico Tortuoso" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1068167337 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 1067535825 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1067591498 -
Unknown surface type 'glacier' !
Way 1067591501 -
Unknown surface type 'glacier' !
Way 1067591503 -
Unknown surface type 'glacier' !
Way 1067591505 -
Unknown surface type 'glacier' !
Way 1067591506 -
Unknown surface type 'firn' !
Way 1068808273 "777 (?!)" -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 1069384738 -
Width tag value '-1' value is too small or too big!
Way 1069384739 -
Width tag value '-1' value is too small or too big!
Way 1069385351 -
Width tag value '-1' value is too small or too big!
Way 1069385352 -
Width tag value '-1' value is too small or too big!
Way 1069554959 "Via MR Greco" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1070588077 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1068634195 -
Unknown surface type 'boardwalk' !
Way 1068634196 -
Unknown surface type 'boardwalk' !
Way 1068634197 -
Unknown surface type 'boardwalk' !
Way 1068634199 -
Unknown surface type 'boardwalk' !
Way 1068634200 -
Unknown surface type 'boardwalk' !
Way 1069271564 "Recinto Privato Alessandro Manzoni" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1070031574 "Viale Elmas" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1072132659 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1072953682 "Le Sentinelle" -
Width tag value '970' value is too small or too big!
Way 1073098839 "PS Enduro del DIAU" -
Width tag value '1350' value is too small or too big!
Way 1073275992 -
Unknown surface type 'scree' !
Way 1073875458 -
Layer tag value '+1' is not numeric!
Way 1075099006 "Piazza Pompeo Gherardi" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 1074150630 "Viale dei Partigiani" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 1073556173 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 1074255295 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 1073645438 "Vico della Neve" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1075892927 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 1077655574 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 1075990754 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 1076016450 -
Unknown surface type 'scree' !
Way 1076048473 -
Width tag value '3-0.5' is no double!
Way 1078211085 "Forestale per Cenglons" -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 1076139217 -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1076190163 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 1076851298 -
Width tag value '4.5 mt' is no double!
Way 1078131294 "Sentiero della baracca" -
Width tag value '300' value is too small or too big!
Way 1079332946 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1079332952 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1079845591 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1079894393 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1079894405 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1079580971 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1079614860 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 1080154010 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1079651153 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1080943327 "Tempio di Ercole" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C4 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 1079725173 "Villa romana della Selvicciola" -
Construction startYear tag value '200 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 1081036066 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1081036067 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1081036068 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1082138802 "Vicolo San Rocco" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1082138803 "Vicolo San Rocco" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1080853945 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1080853946 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1080853948 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1080853951 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1082594868 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1082597783 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1082602869 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1081322496 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 1081892656 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 1082781414 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1082781415 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1082351452 "Via Normale al Castore" -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 1083350389 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1083350397 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1083350398 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1083350399 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1083350400 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1083350401 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1083392344 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1083392346 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1083392349 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1083930389 "Via Pino di Murta" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 1082514994 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 1084517032 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1083008931 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1083050402 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1083050403 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1083077159 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1083077160 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1083077163 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1083077164 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1083077165 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1083077168 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1083077171 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1083077174 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1085144570 -
Layer tag value '1.5' is not numeric!
Way 1085168193 "Vico Supporto" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1085579827 -
Width tag value '2.10 mt' is no double!
Way 1084724227 "Via Raffaele de Novellis" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1085636807 "Via Umberto Primo" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1085257549 -
Unknown surface type 'ground,_unpaved' !
Way 1084394283 "Via Agosto Nini" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1084394284 "Via Agosto Nini" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1084394285 "Via Agosto Nini" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1084394289 "Vico Giordano Bruno" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1084394293 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1084394294 "Via Raffele De Novellis" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1084394297 "Via Guglielmo Marconi" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1084400999 "Via della Cecchignola" -
Unknown surface type 'y' !
Way 1084924588 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 1084924589 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 1084924590 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 1084924591 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 1085296710 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1085669642 -
Unknown surface type 'pebblestone/rock' !
Way 1085687921 "Via Umberto Primo" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1085687937 "Via L'Aquila" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1085687938 "Via Umberto Primo" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1085687946 "Via delle Medaglie d'Oro" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1085687947 "Via Pescara" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1085774780 "Via Marconi" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1085774783 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1085774811 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1085774814 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1085774815 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1085786636 -
Unknown surface type 'roman_paving' !
Way 1085786661 "Tagliata di Cerracchio" -
Unknown surface type 'roman_paving' !
Way 1085787504 "Via del Mulino" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1086212234 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3-5'
Way 1086336790 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1087771541 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1088178530 -
Unknown surface type 'acrylic' !
Way 1087963464 "Vico Stretto" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1087963465 "Vico Stretto" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1087963466 "Vico Stretto" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1087963472 "Vico del Perito" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1087963476 "Vico del Perito" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1089044831 "Scorciatoia per Sadole" -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 1089044832 "Scorciatoia per Sadole" -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 1089044833 "Scorciatoia per Sadole" -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 1089467646 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3-5'
Way 1089822603 -
Unknown surface type 'flattened_pebblestone' !
Way 1089822605 -
Unknown surface type 'flattened_pebblestone' !
Way 1089630004 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1089630005 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1091689404 "Via Città Sant'Angelo" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1091689405 "Via Città Sant'Angelo" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1091689407 "Via Città Sant'Angelo" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1090711758 "Incella - Oratorio della Vergine del Buon Consiglio (Porbetto)" -
Unknown surface type 'asphalt,_unpaved,_paved,_ground' !
Way 1090711759 "Incella - Oratorio della Vergine del Buon Consiglio (Porbetto)" -
Unknown surface type 'asphalt,_unpaved,_paved,_ground' !
Way 1090937841 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1092586865 -
Width tag value '1520' value is too small or too big!
Way 1091022361 "Variante 656" -
Width tag value '900' value is too small or too big!
Way 1091968248 -
Unknown surface type 'gitter' !
Way 1092475161 "Strada vicinale delle Vigne" -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 1093732899 -
Width tag value '1/2' is no double!
Way 1093741508 "Via Mercato" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1093741510 "Via Mercato" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1094516498 -
Unknown surface type 'steel' !
Way 1094523318 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1094523320 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1094533046 "Via Ettore Stella" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1093960916 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1093960932 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1093960933 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1093960936 "Strada della Filarmonica" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1093960939 "Via Mercato" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1094712410 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1094248214 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 1095713433 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1095879447 "parcheggio scuola" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1095555431 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 1095865308 "Palestra di Roccia Pierre Taillee" -
Unknown surface type 'trail' !
Way 1095865309 -
Width tag value '1300' value is too small or too big!
Way 1095867835 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 1095867841 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 1095572502 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 1096807944 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 1096807948 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 1096849047 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 1097131081 -
Unknown surface type 'stone:plates' !
Way 1097406837 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 1097588749 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 1097588750 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 1097646240 "Vicolo Elisi" -
Unknown surface type 'vicolo_del_murello' !
Way 1097684988 "Via Lucana" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1098464065 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 1097925158 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 1099407649 -
Unknown surface type 'asphalt_ground' !
Way 1099407650 -
Unknown surface type 'asphalt_ground' !
Way 1099857541 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 1098318943 "Banditina-Pian dei Temprini" -
Unknown surface type 'sterrao' !
Way 1098943156 "Ponte della Costituzione" -
Unknown surface type 'glass' !
Way 1101861208 "Salita della Cittadina" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1101880178 -
Unknown surface type 'cemento' !
Way 1102878437 -
Unknown surface type 'yes' !
Way 1103392169 -
Width tag value 'narrow, only 4WD' is no double!
Way 1103419020 -
Unknown surface type 'cemento' !
Way 1104955683 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1105451162 "Bäckenweg" -
Unknown surface type 'asfalto,_sterrato' !
Way 1104697287 "pista di atletica Enzo Tinelli" -
Width tag value '400' value is too small or too big!
Way 1106121053 -
Unknown surface type 'grave' !
Way 1105761821 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1106626203 -
Width tag value '3;2.5' is no double!
Way 1105817151 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1105817153 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1107374397 "Strada della Cresolella" -
Width tag value '3-5' is no double!
Way 1108560895 -
Width tag value '346' value is too small or too big!
Way 1108265497 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1109753961 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1110581518 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1111097105 -
Unknown surface type 'pavimentato' !
Way 1112204888 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 1110643808 "Salita Superiore San Gerolamo" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 1110643809 "Salita Superiore San Gerolamo" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 1112991992 "Via Emilia" -
Lane turn ';right' is unknown!
Way 1112991993 "Via Emilia" -
Lane turn ';right' is unknown!
Way 1113381998 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 1115686643 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1115747340 "Sentiero Caslino d'Erba - Asso" -
Unknown surface type 'ground,_gravel,_dirt' !
Way 1115254690 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1115254692 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1116009750 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 1116535123 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1116535124 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1117354563 -
Unknown surface type 'grave' !
Way 1117386119 -
Unknown surface type 'falgstone' !
Way 1117386120 -
Unknown surface type 'falgstone' !
Way 1118491564 "Via Monteduro" -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade5;grade3'
Way 1118068929 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 1119983022 "Via Roma" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1120734316 "Percorso Pedonale Ciclabile" -
Width tag value '-2' value is too small or too big!
Way 1122968049 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 1122968050 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 1122968051 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 1122968052 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 1122968053 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 1122968054 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 1122968055 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 1122968056 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 1122968057 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 1122968058 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 1122422606 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 1122422607 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 1122422608 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 1122968059 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 1122968060 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 1121870561 "Via Cesare Battisti" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1122087325 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 1123579634 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1122900916 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1123357158 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1123361255 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1123361257 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1123361258 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1123367321 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1124953961 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1124953962 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1124953963 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1124955401 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1124955402 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1124955405 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1124955407 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1125025413 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'Canaia'
Way 1125025414 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'Canaia'
Way 1125834970 "Via Superiore Begato" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 1126165570 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1125969213 "Salita di San Barnaba" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1127487427 "Via Lignano Sabbiadoro" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1127487428 "Via Lignano Sabbiadoro" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1126075950 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1127590926 "Corso Giuseppe Mazzini" -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stone:lanes' !
Way 1126955036 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1128410095 -
Unknown surface type 'acrylic' !
Way 1128466599 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1128466603 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1131546574 "Antico ospedale S. Giacomo D'Altopasso" -
Construction startYear tag value 'XVI sec.' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 1130875756 "Strada Statale 260 Picente" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1131186602 "Palazzo Dominici" -
Construction startYear tag value 'Sec. XVI' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 1132422654 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1132422655 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1132422656 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1132422658 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1132433055 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1132433060 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1132433061 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1131222727 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1131530171 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1131530172 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1131530175 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1131532204 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1131532206 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1131532209 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1133107804 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1133107809 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1133107810 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1133107816 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1132498472 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1132499536 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1133562852 "Via San Quirico" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1133609298 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1133614039 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1133614040 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1135137414 "Via San Quirico" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1135137415 "Via San Quirico" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1134460726 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1135560753 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1136243201 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1137102698 -
Unknown surface type 'asphalt,sand' !
Way 1137102699 -
Unknown surface type 'asphalt,sand' !
Way 1137102700 -
Unknown surface type 'asphalt,sand' !
Way 1137617732 "Tangenziale Nord di Milano" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 1137663421 "Via Erzelli" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 1136867839 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1138658242 "Risalita boschetto" -
Width tag value 'Sconosciuto' is no double!
Way 1138085966 "Ponte della Costituzione" -
Unknown surface type 'glass' !
Way 1138428154 "Via Murette" -
Unknown surface type 'no' !
Way 1141445839 -
Unknown surface type 'see' !
Way 1141445920 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1141445921 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1141445922 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1141445923 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1141445924 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1141445925 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1141445926 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1141445927 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1141445928 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1141445929 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1141445930 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1141445931 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1146998115 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 1147006372 -
Layer tag value '+1' is not numeric!
Way 1144664382 -
Unknown surface type 'wood,_grass' !
Way 1146497877 -
Width tag value '330' value is too small or too big!
Way 1145353620 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 1146568285 "SS28" -
Layer tag value '+1' is not numeric!
Way 1144936963 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 1147322294 -
Unknown surface type 'caoncre' !
Way 1147843618 -
Unknown surface type 'Ground' !
Way 1147956977 -
Layer tag value '+1' is not numeric!
Way 1147675814 -
Unknown surface type 'boulders' !
Way 1148553887 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 1148305260 "Sentiero ponte romano" -
Width tag value 'Variabile' is no double!
Way 1148565643 "imbocco al sentiero" -
Unknown surface type 'roccette' !
Way 1148312598 "Sentiero della piramide" -
Width tag value 'Variabile' is no double!
Way 1149400731 -
Unknown surface type 'pietre_da_pavimentazione3' !
Way 1149871682 -
Layer tag value '+1' is not numeric!
Way 1149878243 -
Unknown surface type 'sas' !
Way 1150468661 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1150468671 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1150518018 "Via Santa Lucia" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1150930205 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1151592489 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1152740740 "Salita Generale Parodi" -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 1154534583 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1154044108 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1154044109 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1154044110 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1155829818 "Via Giuseppe Mazzini" -
Unknown surface type 'yes' !
Way 1155994375 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 1157068592 -
Unsupported tracktype value '5'
Way 1157068593 -
Unsupported tracktype value '5'
Way 1157068594 -
Unsupported tracktype value '5'
Way 1157068595 -
Unsupported tracktype value '5'
Way 1157860483 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 1159776226 -
Width tag value '>0.5<1' is no double!
Way 1159780515 -
Width tag value '0.5 - 1' is no double!
Way 1159459814 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1159918606 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1159350002 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1159350006 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1160721221 -
Unknown surface type 'pavè' !
Way 1160721222 -
Unknown surface type 'pavè' !
Way 1160721223 -
Unknown surface type 'pavè' !
Way 1159760653 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1161039890 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 1161108932 "Cima Bani" -
Width tag value '4000' value is too small or too big!
Way 1161606341 -
Layer tag value '0; -1' is not numeric!
Way 1161606452 -
Layer tag value '0; -1' is not numeric!
Way 1161268616 -
Lane turn 'merge_right' is unknown!
Way 1161481191 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 1162519494 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 1163053575 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1162257229 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1163589541 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1163598905 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1163327796 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1163327806 "Piazza della Torre" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1164089284 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1162777926 -
Width tag value '634' value is too small or too big!
Way 1164147951 "Via Forense" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1165047712 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 1165047713 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 1165047714 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 1165047716 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 1165048701 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 1165048702 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 1165048704 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 1165048705 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 1165077102 "Interconnessione A31 - SPV" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1165648050 -
Unknown surface type 'vecchia_strada_a_terra_e_ciottoli' !
Way 1167144325 -
Layer tag value '0; -1' is not numeric!
Way 1166054058 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1167212723 "Via Superiore del Veilino" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 1167346828 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1167346832 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1168343643 -
Unknown surface type 'loose_fine_gravel' !
Way 1168343644 -
Unknown surface type 'loose_fine_gravel' !
Way 1169241289 "Via Pozzoni" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 1169653423 -
Unknown surface type 'flagging' !
Way 1169653424 -
Unknown surface type 'flagging' !
Way 1168906893 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1169862221 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 1170875140 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1169909122 "Canalino" -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 1169935563 "Ponte P. Bucci" -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1169936253 "Ponte P. Bucci" -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1172173091 "XC Supersano" -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1172173094 "XC Supersano" -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1172173104 "XC Supersano" -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1172173105 "XC Supersano" -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1171082799 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1171082800 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1171082801 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1171082802 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1172467317 -
Width tag value '290' value is too small or too big!
Way 1172468148 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1171768456 -
Unknown surface type 'flagging' !
Way 1171768457 -
Unknown surface type 'flagging' !
Way 1173570159 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 1173570160 "Via Sobrero" -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 1173570161 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 1172671831 -
Unknown surface type 'roccie' !
Way 1173243026 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 1173243033 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 1175002098 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1174291397 "Sentiero del Mucia" -
Width tag value '828 m' value is too small or too big!
Way 1174307368 -
Width tag value '2mt' is no double!
Way 1174750344 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1175180116 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1174775681 "Tangenziale delle Biciclette" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 1174775690 "Tangenziale delle Biciclette" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 1175250526 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1175544405 "strada comunale di Recenza" -
Unsupported tracktype value 'unknown'
Way 1175979016 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 1175984912 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1175984914 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1176595443 -
Layer tag value '0;-1' is not numeric!
Way 1176603887 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1176621424 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1177762412 "Sentiero dei minatori" -
Unknown surface type 'alternanza_scalinature_in_pietra_e_terreno' !
Way 1177762413 "Sentiero dei minatori" -
Unknown surface type 'alternanza_scalinature_in_pietra_e_terreno' !
Way 1177762414 "Sentiero dei minatori" -
Unknown surface type 'alternanza_scalinature_in_pietra_e_terreno' !
Way 1177762415 "Sentiero dei minatori" -
Unknown surface type 'alternanza_scalinature_in_pietra_e_terreno' !
Way 1177762636 "Sentiero dei minatori" -
Unknown surface type 'alternanza_scalinature_in_pietra_e_terreno' !
Way 1175870833 "Via Antonio Meucci" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1175870834 "Via Antonio Meucci" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1175870835 "Via Antonio Meucci" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1175870836 "Via Antonio Meucci" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1175870837 "Via Antonio Meucci" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1175870838 "Via Antonio Meucci" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1175870839 "Via Antonio Meucci" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1178451733 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 1178451735 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 1178451738 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 1177637044 -
Layer tag value '0;-1' is not numeric!
Way 1179679393 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1179679394 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1178206870 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1178742235 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1179803282 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1179803284 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1180104634 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1180978378 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1181292722 "Via Campagna" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 1182290029 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1182290030 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1182290031 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1182290032 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1182290033 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1182290034 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1182290035 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1182290036 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1182290037 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1182660997 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1183384099 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1185273474 "Via Alle Grazie" -
Unknown surface type 'porfido' !
Way 1187197046 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 1187577951 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1186588320 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1188111003 "Percorso campestre" -
Width tag value '700' value is too small or too big!
Way 1186764895 -
Unknown surface type 'boardwalk' !
Way 1186764896 -
Unknown surface type 'boardwalk' !
Way 1186764897 -
Unknown surface type 'boardwalk' !
Way 1186764898 -
Unknown surface type 'boardwalk' !
Way 1186764903 -
Unknown surface type 'boardwalk' !
Way 1187678960 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1187329005 -
Unknown surface type 'via_giuseppe_verdi' !
Way 1186764957 -
Unknown surface type 'boardwalk' !
Way 1186764958 -
Unknown surface type 'boardwalk' !
Way 1188601424 -
Unknown surface type 'asfalto_e_cemento' !
Way 1187866666 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 1188700886 "Piazza Guido Chigi Saracini" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 1188943460 "Vico Breve" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1188943473 "Vico dello Strologo" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1189196598 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1189196599 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1189196614 "Via Pagliara" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1189196652 "Via San Nicola" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1189196653 "Via San Nicola" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1188449209 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 1189946853 -
Unknown surface type 'terreno' !
Way 1189952117 "Viale Luther King" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1190243946 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1190243947 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1190243955 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 1190345860 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 1190382878 "Via Gaetano Pulvirenti" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1190382879 "Via Gaetano Pulvirenti" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1191626266 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 1190712129 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1190712130 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1190712131 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1192637943 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 1193015882 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1193023427 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1194030799 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1194032446 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1194032447 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1193148398 -
Unknown surface type 'quasi_asfaltata' !
Way 1194244658 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1195354864 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1195378281 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1195378282 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1196012331 -
Unknown surface type 'mattonelle' !
Way 1196905820 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1197506465 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato,_erba,_sottobosco' !
Way 1196600026 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1196614864 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1197776797 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1197884056 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 1198418218 -
Unknown surface type 'scree' !
Way 1197275876 "Salita Superiore San Rocchino" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 1197275877 "Salita Superiore San Rocchino" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 1198563773 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1199106686 "Pichlerstraße" -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade'
Way 1199158981 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1201139411 -
Unknown surface type 'pietrame_e_terra_mista_con_erba' !
Way 1201561477 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1201570239 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1201199447 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1201199497 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1201686175 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 1201554091 "Via Trieste" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1202592127 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1202379285 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 1201787931 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1201824182 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1202246225 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 1202254696 "Via di Castel Rocca" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1202713756 "Via Quattro Novembre" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1203125169 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 1203159838 "Via Fossa" -
Unknown surface type 'partially_with_rough_cement' !
Way 1205397279 -
Unknown surface type 'tuff' !
Way 1205397280 -
Unknown surface type 'tuff' !
Way 1205397281 -
Unknown surface type 'tuff' !
Way 1205397282 -
Unknown surface type 'tuff' !
Way 1205399886 -
Unknown surface type 'asfalto_e_acciottolato' !
Way 1205895428 "Via Aurelia" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1205895429 "Via Aurelia" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1206738567 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1207078577 -
Unknown surface type 'fine_gravel,grass' !
Way 1207210347 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1207210348 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1207210349 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1207210350 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1207306334 "Via per Muceno" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1208079944 -
Unknown surface type 'asphalt,paved' !
Way 1208152050 -
Unknown surface type 'asphalt,paved' !
Way 1208718156 -
Unknown surface type 'paving_st0nes' !
Way 1208239377 -
Width tag value '570' value is too small or too big!
Way 1208722933 -
Unknown surface type 'ground,grass' !
Way 1208799650 "Ganderbildbach Wanderweg" -
Width tag value '80 cm' is no double!
Way 1208857158 "Via Roma" -
Unknown surface type 'asfaltata' !
Way 1208485519 -
Unknown surface type 'sterraqto' !
Way 1207979359 -
Unknown surface type 'gravel,grass' !
Way 1209537800 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1209664118 "Vico 4° San Vittorino" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1209897211 "Via Bonanno Pisano" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1210046809 "Via Monsignor Danilo Aiazzi" -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 1211286809 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1210266211 "Raccordo Autostradale Chieti-Pescara" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 1211994330 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1211585652 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 1212611590 -
Unknown surface type 'leaf_litter' !
Way 1212662173 -
Unknown surface type 'grass,ground' !
Way 1212662174 -
Unknown surface type 'grass,ground' !
Way 1212662176 -
Unknown surface type 'grass,ground' !
Way 1212662178 -
Unknown surface type 'grass,ground' !
Way 1212347599 -
Unknown surface type 'asphalt,gravel' !
Way 1213509689 -
Unknown surface type 'ground,grass,rocks' !
Way 1213758355 -
Unknown surface type 'asphalt,sand' !
Way 1214017184 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1213570103 -
Unknown surface type 'grass,rocks' !
Way 1213570106 -
Unknown surface type 'ground,grass' !
Way 1212944993 -
Unknown surface type 'gravel,grass' !
Way 1214049992 "Via Vittorio Roasio" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1213790739 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1214927868 -
Width tag value '1'5"' is no double!
Way 1215044539 -
Unknown surface type 'stone:plates' !
Way 1215838966 -
Width tag value '2 metri' is no double!
Way 1215838967 -
Width tag value '2 metri' is no double!
Way 1215838970 -
Width tag value '2 metri' is no double!
Way 1215838971 -
Width tag value '2 metri' is no double!
Way 1215608701 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 1216173287 "Via Roma" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1217359208 -
Width tag value '1'5"' is no double!
Way 1217359209 -
Width tag value '1'5"' is no double!
Way 1217047204 "Raccordo Autostradale Chieti-Pescara" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 1217624238 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 1217161010 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1218060141 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1218060142 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1218060143 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1217221673 -
Width tag value '1’5' is no double!
Way 1217221674 -
Width tag value '1'5"' is no double!
Way 1217222540 -
Width tag value '1’5' is no double!
Way 1218148322 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1217931884 -
Unknown surface type 'grass,rocks' !
Way 1217931887 -
Unknown surface type 'grass,rocks' !
Way 1218482855 "Viale Giovanni Rustici" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1218931954 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1218931955 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1218931956 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1219441635 -
Unknown surface type 'ground,grass' !
Way 1218998247 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1219027088 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 1219027091 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 1219027092 "Via Normale al Castore" -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 1220317870 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1222542452 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 1222223230 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1222269597 -
Unknown surface type 'cobbleston' !
Way 1223821100 "Vicolo Storto" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1223821103 "Vico Pescara" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1223054537 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1223054538 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1223536260 -
Unknown surface type 'porphyry' !
Way 1223536263 -
Unknown surface type 'porphyry' !
Way 1223536264 -
Unknown surface type 'porphyry' !
Way 1223536265 -
Unknown surface type 'porphyry' !
Way 1225477289 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 1226665369 -
Unknown surface type 'pebbl' !
Way 1225325968 "Acquedotto Storico Seicentesco" -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1227109074 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1227766613 -
Width tag value '1.5-2' is no double!
Way 1227579808 -
Unknown surface type 'sas' !
Way 1228823571 -
Unknown surface type 'cemetp' !
Way 1228652292 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1230235373 "Via Nicolò Costa" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1229922981 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 1229922982 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 1229922983 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 1230422803 "Via Ricasoli" -
Lane turn 'right;through;left' is unknown!
Way 1230373669 "Via Chiantigiana" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1230373670 "Via Chiantigiana" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1230373672 "Via Chiantigiana" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1230373673 "Via Chiantigiana" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1230386442 "Via Enea Silvio Piccolomini" -
Lane turn 'trough' is unknown!
Way 1231708813 -
Unknown surface type 'asphalty' !
Way 1231708814 -
Unknown surface type 'asphalty' !
Way 1233270603 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 1233270604 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 1234353035 "Via del Partigiano" -
Lane turn 'left!' is unknown!
Way 1234012366 "5a Sentiero del Girocavallo" -
Width tag value '1023' value is too small or too big!
Way 1235288002 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1235288005 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1235288019 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1235288025 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1235472526 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1235472527 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1235479352 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1235496726 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1235496728 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1234717472 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1234748664 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1234852387 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1234852390 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1234852394 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1234852396 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1235603015 -
Unknown surface type 'rhododendron_approach' !
Way 1235229261 "Via di Montebello" -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1236780473 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 1236301317 "XC Supersano" -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1236301326 "XC Supersano" -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1237518095 "Cross di Alà dei Sardi" -
Width tag value '1000' value is too small or too big!
Way 1238842935 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 1237245538 "Via della Vittoria" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1239352594 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1239352596 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1238946315 -
Layer tag value '0.5' is not numeric!
Way 1239630698 -
Layer tag value '0.1' is not numeric!
Way 1239630699 -
Layer tag value '0.1' is not numeric!
Way 1239091026 -
Construction startYear tag value 'after 1564' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 1239460157 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1240722412 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 1240943133 -
Unknown surface type 'gradini,_sterrato' !
Way 1241453598 "Via Giro dei Torricini" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 1242625588 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1242376353 -
Unknown surface type 'carpet' !
Way 1242460729 "Via E.milio Lugaro" -
Unknown surface type 'cobb' !
Way 1244626270 "Viale Milano" -
Lane turn 'left;straight' is unknown!
Way 1244626270 "Viale Milano" -
Lane turn 'straight' is unknown!
Way 1244626271 "Viale Milano" -
Lane turn 'straight' is unknown!
Way 1243328412 -
Unknown surface type 'sas' !
Way 1243328414 -
Unknown surface type 'sas' !
Way 1243714788 -
Unknown surface type 'mix: dirt and cobblestone' !
Way 1243723285 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 1244841420 "Via Venti Settembre" -
Lane turn 'left;straight' is unknown!
Way 1245712688 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 1245712689 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 1245712690 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 1245712691 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 1245712692 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 1245712693 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 1246803187 "Viale Giovanni Boccaccio" -
Lane turn 'straight;right' is unknown!
Way 1246803200 "Viale Giovanni Boccaccio" -
Lane turn 'straight;right' is unknown!
Way 1246126420 "Tracciato approsimativo" -
Width tag value 'tracciato approsimativo!' is no double!
Way 1246144187 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 1245596005 -
Unknown surface type 'mix: dirt and cobblestone' !
Way 1245929339 "Via Monte Pasubio" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1248120286 "Batterie - Semaforo Nuovo" -
Width tag value '796' value is too small or too big!
Way 1247382013 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1249887717 -
Unsupported tracktype value '4'
Way 1251962031 -
Unknown surface type 'cobb' !
Way 1252849262 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1252268014 "Via Fra Angelo Berta" -
Width tag value 'cobblestone' is no double!
Way 1254657457 "Da Flamignano a Colle Pelato per la Selva degli Abeti" -
Width tag value '1 -2' is no double!
Way 1253640460 "Via Giuseppe Avezzana" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1253640461 "Via Giuseppe Avezzana" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1253642947 "Via Sapri" -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 1253683417 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 1253857646 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1253857647 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1255969335 "Strada 25 - Vico 1" -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1256000846 "Località Sant'Anna" -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1255389240 -
Width tag value '1 metro' is no double!
Way 1257931285 "Corso Regina Margherita" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1258149172 "Località Balloi" -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1257824724 "Località Su Leunaxi" -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1259206147 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'bad'
Way 1259693623 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1259716219 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1259716222 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1259716222 -
No oneway, but destination:lanes tag is set
Way 1259716223 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1259716224 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1259761243 "Viale Mojon" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1260579474 "spinetto" -
Width tag value '1000 m' value is too small or too big!
Way 1265459333 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1265459341 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1266598738 -
Unknown surface type 'terra-' !
Way 1267060811 "Piazza Umberto I" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1267060812 "Piazza Luigi Calabresi" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1267060813 "Via Delfico" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1267060814 "Piazza Umberto I" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1267060815 "Piazza Umberto I" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1266209960 -
Unknown surface type 'bosco' !
Way 1267656442 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1267657685 -
Unknown surface type 'pietre_da_pavimentazione1q' !
Way 1266235889 "Variante Ciclabile di Cosseria" -
Width tag value '2490' value is too small or too big!
Way 1267795570 -
Width tag value '1 metro' is no double!
Way 1267882735 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato--' !
Way 1269878269 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1270322224 "Località Sant'Anna" -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1270880190 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 1270880192 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 1270880193 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 1270880196 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 1268715796 -
Unknown surface type 'baregound' !
Way 1270650208 -
Unknown surface type 'terreno_erboso' !
Way 1270650213 -
Unknown surface type 'terreno_erboso' !
Way 1271296580 -
Width tag value 'wide' is no double!
Way 1271743135 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3-5'
Way 1271770250 -
Unknown surface type 'acciaio' !
Way 1271703839 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1272698463 "Largo Orbassano" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1271949623 "Ciclopista dell'Arno" -
Width tag value 'variabile' is no double!
Way 1273428720 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1273487525 -
Unknown surface type 'terreno_e_erba' !
Way 1273867235 "Cantoniera trail" -
Width tag value '1000' value is too small or too big!
Way 1274582396 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 1274349748 "Voragine di Esone" -
Unknown surface type 'voragine' !
Way 1275237605 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 1276742969 -
Unknown surface type 'grounf' !
Way 1277945014 -
Unknown surface type 'loose_rock' !
Way 1278746657 -
Unknown surface type 'spiaggia' !
Way 1278351376 "Via San Regolo" -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 1278989536 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1279011461 "Rif. V Alpini - Coni Ghiaccio - Thurwieser" -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 1279699900 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 1280028029 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1280028044 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1279140528 "Via La Forcella" -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3-5'
Way 1280124669 -
Unknown surface type 'erba_e_ghiaia' !
Way 1280124671 -
Unknown surface type 'erba_e_ghiaia' !
Way 1280205924 "Via delle Gardenie" -
Unknown surface type 'lit' !
Way 1282625281 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 1283862275 -
Width tag value '2-5' is no double!
Way 1284195782 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 1284827787 "Piazzale Nikolajewka" -
Unknown surface type 'pietpavre_da_pavimentazione' !
Way 1286583855 "Tangenziale Sud" -
Lane turn 'slight_right;merge_to_left' is unknown!
Way 1286102655 "Viale Italia" -
Lane turn '2' is unknown!
Way 1286106706 "Via Petos" -
Lane turn 'merge_right' is unknown!
Way 1285657400 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 1286213732 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 1287078153 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 1287078155 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 1286222364 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1285691406 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 1285691407 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 1287123851 "Via Sempione" -
Lane turn 'slight_lefty' is unknown!
Way 1287743013 -
Unknown surface type 'steel' !
Way 1288674151 "sentiero Tschuegghof" -
Width tag value 'stretto' is no double!
Way 1289103344 "via Cairoli" -
Unknown surface type 'granito' !
Way 1289137694 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1290498729 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1291258732 "Via Francesco di Toppo" -
Lane turn 'next_left' is unknown!
Way 1291258732 "Via Francesco di Toppo" -
Lane turn 'through;next_right' is unknown!
Way 1291260425 "Via Vittorio Veneto" -
Unknown surface type 'pietsette_da_pavimentazione' !
Way 1290839798 "Risalita boschetto" -
Width tag value 'Sconosciuto' is no double!
Way 1291331840 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1291382745 -
Unknown surface type 'zebra' !
Way 1292385845 "Palazzo Marzin" -
Construction startYear tag value 'late C18' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 1292578601 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1291692060 "Strada per il forte" -
Width tag value '0 .5' is no double!
Way 1293483275 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 1292789931 "sentiero Tschuegghof" -
Width tag value 'stretto' is no double!
Way 1293590468 "Via dell'Olmo" -
Max speed tag value '70;50' is not numeric!
Way 1293590469 "Via dell'Olmo" -
Max speed tag value '70;50' is not numeric!
Way 1293617030 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1295005824 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3-5'
Way 1294811890 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1295258461 -
Width tag value 'narrow' is no double!
Way 1296032595 -
Unknown surface type 'ferro' !
Way 1296384577 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 1297367474 -
Unknown surface type 'erba-terra' !
Way 1297691365 -
Unknown surface type 'grave' !
Way 1297723334 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1299226285 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1298877336 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1300537305 -
Unknown surface type 'aphalt' !
Way 1300241720 "Via Campi delle Rive" -
Unknown surface type 'asfalto/prato' !
Way 1300711508 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'unknown'
Way 1301168359 -
Unknown surface type 'acrylic' !
Way 1300911054 -
Unknown surface type 'asfalto2' !
Way 1301684282 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1301684290 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1302886685 -
Unknown surface type 'shingle' !
Way 1302102973 -
Unknown surface type 'sand/gravel/stones' !
Way 1302102974 -
Unknown surface type 'sand/gravel/stones' !
Way 1302102975 -
Unknown surface type 'sand/gravel/stones' !
Way 1302675364 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1302682514 -
Unknown surface type 'bosco-Sassi' !
Way 1303031580 -
Layer tag value '-222' is not numeric!
Way 1303123433 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 1303971523 "Corso Regina Margherita" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1303366180 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1304585243 -
Unknown surface type 'grave' !
Way 1305364390 -
Width tag value '0.5,1' is no double!
Way 1305364390 -
Unknown surface type 'ground,grass,sand' !
Way 1305372342 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1305382147 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 1304679775 -
Unknown surface type 'grave' !
Way 1305399221 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1305399224 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 1305399226 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1305399227 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1305399228 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1305424381 -
Unknown surface type 'scree' !
Way 1305620639 "Percorso per MTB" -
Width tag value '1 metro' is no double!
Way 1304829338 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 1305671207 -
Unknown surface type 'grave' !
Way 1305812794 "Via Francesco De Sanctis" -
Lane turn 'wthrough' is unknown!
Way 1305828772 "Piazza Sofia" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 1305855911 -
Unknown surface type 'Plastic grid' !
Way 1305876000 "Strada Statale di Val Trebbia" -
Lane turn 'merge_rightnone' is unknown!
Way 1305876008 "Strada Statale di Val Trebbia" -
Lane turn 'merge_right' is unknown!
Way 1306255356 "Piazzale Caio Mario" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 1306276766 "Corso Casale" -
lanes tag value '6' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1306295129 "Largo Orbassano" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1306592800 "Sentiero dei Ricci" -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato_erboso' !
Way 1307499463 "Corso Filippo Brunelleschi" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1307129731 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato-' !
Way 1306867546 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1306869779 "Via Santa Chiara" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1306869780 "Via Santa Chiara" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1307221727 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 1308459994 "Cross di Coiluna" -
Width tag value '1200' value is too small or too big!
Way 1307698928 "Via Cernaia" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1308477119 -
Unknown surface type 'grave' !
Way 1307818993 "Via Tirreno" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1308633294 "Località Cereda - Lodrino" -
Unknown surface type 'asfalto,sterrato,pavimentato..' !
Way 1308876155 "Piazza Libertà" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1309089998 -
Unknown surface type 'boardwalk' !
Way 1308420977 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 1309415455 -
Unknown surface type 'grave' !
Way 1309954047 "Corso Giuseppe Mazzini" -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stone:lanes' !
Way 1309955802 "Corso Giuseppe Mazzini" -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stone:lanes' !
Way 1310471369 "Vico Tre Porte" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1310479993 -
Width tag value 'narrow' is no double!
Way 1310898898 "Piazza San Giacomo" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1310898899 "Via Roma" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1310791331 -
Unknown surface type 'grave' !
Way 1311806676 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1311235441 -
Width tag value '2020' value is too small or too big!
Way 1312584431 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1312584638 -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1312316457 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1312644048 "Via Cantoreggio" -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 1312644049 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 1312644050 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 1312644051 "Via Cantoreggio" -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 1312878636 -
Unknown surface type 'debris' !
Way 1312436076 "Via Arcumeggia" -
Unknown surface type 'ciottoli_(pietre_grezze_e_arrotondate)_e_erba' !
Way 1312935965 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 1312935967 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 1312724181 "Piazza Marco Aurelio" -
Lane turn 'through;slight_right;right' is unknown!
Way 1312507667 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 1313502884 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1313502885 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1313502886 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1313992336 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1314109090 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 1313534981 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1314399488 "Corso Alpi" -
Lane turn 'straight;right' is unknown!
Way 1314399489 "Corso Alpi" -
Lane turn 'straight;right' is unknown!
Way 1314436357 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1313817523 -
Unknown surface type 'via_san_francesco' !
Way 1314218011 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1314593043 "E-Gokart" -
Unknown surface type 'resin' !
Way 1314265759 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1314265791 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 1314266820 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1315047247 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1315084706 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1315136463 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1315136464 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1315136465 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1315136472 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1315136473 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1315136476 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1315136477 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1315654429 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1315712551 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1315712698 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1316606511 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 1318078370 -
Unknown surface type 'little rocks' !
Way 1317890133 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1317171795 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1318124955 "Vicolo San Rocco" -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1317197861 "Miglio Blu" -
Unknown surface type 'resina' !
Way 1318993694 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1318993716 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1318043835 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1318341495 "Via San Biagio" -
Unknown surface type 'asettsfalto' !
Way 1318805583 -
Unknown surface type 'ground--' !
Way 1318410985 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1319876164 -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1319884445 "sentieri cervaschesi" -
Width tag value '60cm' is no double!
Way 1319582335 "Superstrada Peschiera-Affi" -
Lane turn 'thorough' is unknown!
Way 1319582335 "Superstrada Peschiera-Affi" -
Lane turn 'thorough' is unknown!
Way 1319663727 -
Width tag value '3 metri' is no double!
Way 1319985575 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1321652573 "Strada Provincialie Vignanellese" -
Unknown surface type 'acrylic' !
Way 1321652574 "Strada Provincialie Vignanellese" -
Unknown surface type 'acrylic' !
Way 1322336113 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 1322336131 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 1322336134 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 1322336149 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 1324036627 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3-5'
Way 1324044302 -
Width tag value '50 cm' is no double!
Way 1323192218 -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1323192219 -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1324129157 "Corso Regina Margherita" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1323379794 -
Unknown surface type 'pietra' !
Way 1324981792 "Via Cornia" -
Max speed tag value '30;50' is not numeric!
Way 1324628585 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 1324628587 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 1324628588 -
Unknown surface type 'sterrato' !
Way 1324681637 -
Unknown surface type 'grouj' !
Way 1326232696 -
Unknown surface type 'grave' !
Way 1325932704 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 1327186708 -
Unknown surface type 'terreno_erba_pobblestone' !
Way 1327045171 -
Unknown surface type 'grave' !
Way 1326283062 -
Unknown surface type 'pietraia' !
Way 1327335392 -
Unknown surface type 'surface' !
Way 1327460762 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1327523148 -
Unknown surface type 'cobblest' !
Way 1327858451 "Strada Statale 202 dir Triestina" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1327558797 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 1327558798 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 1327558799 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 1327558800 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 1327558801 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 1327558802 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 1327558803 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 1327618083 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1327881390 "Via Roma" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1328381336 "Raccordo Valdastico" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1328381338 "Raccordo Valdastico" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1328633025 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 1328748654 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3-5'
Way 1329632683 -
Unknown surface type 'cobbles' !
Way 1330233750 "Via del Borghetto" -
Unknown surface type 'terreno_cemento' !
Way 1330233751 "Via del Borghetto" -
Unknown surface type 'terreno_cemento' !
Way 1330233752 "Via del Borghetto" -
Unknown surface type 'terreno_cemento' !
Way 1329931858 "Peschiera - Sirmione" -
Width tag value '10000' value is too small or too big!
Way 1329932096 "Peschiera - Sirmione" -
Width tag value '10000' value is too small or too big!
Way 1330310591 "Lübecker Weg" -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 1329953210 "Viale delle Rimembranze" -
Lane turn 'left!right' is unknown!
Way 1329953212 "Corso Giacomo Matteotti" -
Lane turn 'straight' is unknown!
Way 1329953213 "Corso Giacomo Matteotti" -
Lane turn 'straight' is unknown!
Way 1329953214 "Corso Giacomo Matteotti" -
Lane turn 'straight' is unknown!
Way 1329953664 -
Unknown surface type 'flagstone' !
Way 1331114906 "Corso Regina Margherita" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1331346568 -
Width tag value '2 metri' is no double!
Way 1331346569 -
Width tag value '2 metri' is no double!
Way 1331347091 -
Width tag value 'da 1 metro a 4 metri' is no double!
Way 1331347092 -
Width tag value 'da 1 metro a 4 metri' is no double!
Way 1332419245 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1332437050 -
Unknown surface type 'grave' !
Way 1331674420 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 1331674421 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 1331674422 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 1331674423 "Rifugio Marco e Rosa - Fuorcla Bellavista" -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 1331674424 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 1332866438 -
Width tag value '288' value is too small or too big!
Way 1333747687 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1333460787 "Vicolo del Torchio" -
Unknown surface type 'cobbles' !
Way 1332845022 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1332845027 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1333185378 -
Unknown surface type 'baregound' !
Way 1333185379 -
Unknown surface type 'baregound' !
Way 1334238411 "Tangenziale Ovest" -
Lane turn 'through;slight_rightright' is unknown!
Way 1334664023 "Collegamento con Onano" -
Width tag value '1018' value is too small or too big!
Way 1334261334 -
Unknown surface type 'asphaltc' !
Way 1334271934 -
Unknown surface type 'baregound' !
Way 1334272031 -
Unknown surface type 'baregound' !
Way 1334272035 -
Unknown surface type 'baregound' !
Way 1334272040 -
Unknown surface type 'baregound' !
Way 1334272079 -
Unknown surface type 'baregound' !
Relation 1206789 -
Not a valid color value (osmc)
Relation 1240982 "Sentiero naturalistico A" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 1240983 "Sentiero naturalistico M" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 1240984 "Sentiero naturalistico O" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 1322616 "Sentiero naturalistico F1" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 1322617 "Sentiero naturalistico F2" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 1322618 "Sentiero naturalistico S" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 1491582 "Castello di Santa Severa" -
Construction startYear tag value '11th century' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Relation 1618382 "Monte Bulgheria da San Giovanni a Piro" -
Not a valid color value (red_dot)
Relation 955959 -
Unknown value for fee
Relation 1646324 "Antico Teatro dei Nobili" -
Construction startYear tag value 'early C18' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Relation 1022092 "Sentiero naturalistico F - Strada del Taffarel" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 1022093 "Sentiero naturalistico E2" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 1022094 "Sentiero naturalistico E1" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 1022095 "Sentiero naturalistico E" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 1075230 "F7" -
Not a valid color value (blu)
Relation 1850597 -
Unknown surface type 'paved_stones' !
Relation 1689618 "Antica Strada Comunale di Morterone" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 1693754 "Bus 75: Indipendenza → Poerio/Marino" -
Not a valid color value (black;red)
Relation 1946360 "Chemin d'Assise" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 1947992 "Via Pacifica" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 1948090 "Via Pacifica" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 1948091 "Cammino d'Assisi" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 1748758 "IT37" -
Not a valid color value (blu)
Relation 1758308 -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 1983485 -
Unknown value for fee
Relation 2033732 -
Not a valid color value (brown)
Relation 1984687 "Piazza Santo Stefano" -
Unknown value for fee
Relation 2051449 "Museo Archeologico e Mineralogico - VillaggioSanta Barbara" -
Not a valid color value (light blue)
Relation 1809171 "Tempio di Venere Genitrice" -
Construction startYear tag value '46 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Relation 2133151 "Rete TPL Fiumicino" -
Not a valid color value (#00f)
Relation 2254019 -
Unknown value for fee
Relation 2208257 "Bus 75" -
Not a valid color value (black;red)
Relation 2394681 "Velodromo "Pier Giovanni Mecchia"" -
Width tag value '395' value is too small or too big!
Relation 2539993 -
Width tag value '400' value is too small or too big!
Relation 2604180 "Linea A - Rossa: Cimitero Nuovo => Refice Scuole" -
Not a valid color value (cc0000)
Relation 2604715 "Linea A - Rossa: Refice Scuole => Cimitero Nuovo" -
Not a valid color value (cc0000)
Relation 2610635 "Linea C - Verde: Regina Pacis => San Michele Socche" -
Not a valid color value (008000)
Relation 2611791 "Linea C - Verde: Comet => Salvarola Casa Serena" -
Not a valid color value (008000)
Relation 2611792 "Linea C - Verde: Comet => San Michele Socche" -
Not a valid color value (008000)
Relation 2611793 "Linea C - Verde: Regina Pacis => Salvarola Casa Serena" -
Not a valid color value (008000)
Relation 2611794 "Linea C - Verde: San Michele Socche => Regina Pacis" -
Not a valid color value (008000)
Relation 2611795 "Linea C - Verde: Stazione Interscambio => San Michele Socche" -
Not a valid color value (008000)
Relation 2612751 "Linea C - Verde: Salvarola Casa Serena => Comet" -
Not a valid color value (008000)
Relation 2612752 "Linea C - Verde: Salvarola Casa Serena => Regina Pacis" -
Not a valid color value (008000)
Relation 2612753 "Linea C - Verde: Salvarola Casa Serena => Sassuolo interscambio" -
Not a valid color value (008000)
Relation 2612754 "Linea C - Verde: San Michele Socche => Comet" -
Not a valid color value (008000)
Relation 2615049 "Linea 640 - Giallo: Sassuolo Autostazione => Ospedale (=> Fiorano => Maranello => Vignola)" -
Not a valid color value (ffff00)
Relation 2615643 "Linea 640 - Giallo: (Vignola" -
Not a valid color value (ffff00)
Relation 2615644 "Linea 640 - Giallo: Sassuolo Autostazione => Ospedale (=> Fiorano => Maranello => Vignola)" -
Not a valid color value (ffff00)
Relation 2615645 "Linea 640 - Giallo: Sassuolo Autostazione => Ospedale (=> Fiorano => Maranello => Vignola)" -
Not a valid color value (ffff00)
Relation 2615646 "Linea 640 - Giallo: Sassuolo Autostazione => Ospedale (=> Fiorano => Maranello => Vignola)" -
Not a valid color value (ffff00)
Relation 2615647 "Linea 640 - Giallo: Sassuolo Autostazione => Ospedale (=> Fiorano => Maranello => Vignola)" -
Not a valid color value (ffff00)
Relation 2615648 "Linea 640 - Giallo: Sassuolo Autostazione => Ospedale (=> Fiorano => Maranello => Vignola)" -
Not a valid color value (ffff00)
Relation 2615649 "Linea 640 - Giallo: Sassuolo Autostazione => Ospedale (=> Fiorano => Maranello => Vignola)" -
Not a valid color value (ffff00)
Relation 2616393 "Linea 640 - Giallo: (Vignola)" -
Not a valid color value (ffff00)
Relation 2616394 "Linea 640 - Giallo: (Vignola" -
Not a valid color value (ffff00)
Relation 2616395 "Linea 640 - Giallo: (Vignola" -
Not a valid color value (ffff00)
Relation 2616396 "Linea 640 - Giallo: (Vignola" -
Not a valid color value (ffff00)
Relation 2616397 "Linea 640 - Giallo: (Vignola" -
Not a valid color value (ffff00)
Relation 2616398 "Linea 640 - Giallo: (Vignola" -
Not a valid color value (ffff00)
Relation 2616399 "Linea 640 - Giallo: (Vignola" -
Not a valid color value (ffff00)
Relation 2616400 "Linea 640 - Giallo: (Vignola" -
Not a valid color value (ffff00)
Relation 2616401 "Linea 640 - Giallo: (Vignola" -
Not a valid color value (ffff00)
Relation 2616477 "Linea 630 - Azzurro: (Serramazzoni => Prignano =>) San Michele Centro => Autostazione" -
Not a valid color value (87ceeb)
Relation 2616478 "Bus 630" -
Not a valid color value (87ceeb)
Relation 2617050 "Linea 630 - Azzurro: (Serramazzoni => Prignano =>) San Michele Centro => Autostazione" -
Not a valid color value (87ceeb)
Relation 2617051 "Linea 630 - Azzurro: (Serramazzoni => Prignano =>) San Michele Centro => Autostazione" -
Not a valid color value (87ceeb)
Relation 2617052 "Linea 630 - Azzurro: (Serramazzoni => Prignano =>) Sassuolo, Varana Bivio => Autostazione" -
Not a valid color value (87ceeb)
Relation 2617053 "Linea 630 - Azzurro: (Serramazzoni => Prignano =>) Sassuolo; Salvarola Terme => Autostazione" -
Not a valid color value (87ceeb)
Relation 2617133 "Linea 630 - Azzurro: Sassuolo, Autostazione" -
Not a valid color value (87ceeb)
Relation 2617356 "Linea 630 - Azzurro: Sassuolo, Autostazione" -
Not a valid color value (87ceeb)
Relation 2617357 "Linea 630 - Azzurro: Sassuolo, Autostazione" -
Not a valid color value (87ceeb)
Relation 2617358 "Linea 630 - Azzurro: Sassuolo, Autostazione" -
Not a valid color value (87ceeb)
Relation 2617360 "Linea 630 - Azzurro: Sassuolo, Autostazione" -
Not a valid color value (87ceeb)
Relation 2617507 "Prontobus Maranello_9" -
Not a valid color value (87ceeb)
Relation 2628304 "Prontobus Maranello_1" -
Not a valid color value (87ceeb)
Relation 2628305 "Prontobus Maranello_2" -
Not a valid color value (87ceeb)
Relation 2628804 "Prontobus Maranello_3" -
Not a valid color value (87ceeb)
Relation 2628805 "Prontobus Maranello_4" -
Not a valid color value (87ceeb)
Relation 2628806 "Prontobus Maranello_5" -
Not a valid color value (87ceeb)
Relation 2628906 "Prontobus Maranello_6" -
Not a valid color value (87ceeb)
Relation 2628907 "Prontobus Maranello_7" -
Not a valid color value (87ceeb)
Relation 2630741 "Prontobus Maranello_10" -
Not a valid color value (87ceeb)
Relation 2630742 "Prontobus Maranello_11" -
Not a valid color value (87ceeb)
Relation 2630743 "Prontobus Maranello_12" -
Not a valid color value (87ceeb)
Relation 2630744 "Prontobus Maranello_13" -
Not a valid color value (87ceeb)
Relation 2630745 "Prontobus Maranello_14" -
Not a valid color value (87ceeb)
Relation 2630746 "Prontobus Maranello_8" -
Not a valid color value (87ceeb)
Relation 2912509 "Sacro Monte - Campo dei Fiori" -
Not a valid color value (#ffa50)
Relation 2703681 "Prontobus Fiorano Modenese" -
Not a valid color value (87ceeb)
Relation 2704286 "Grande Traversée des Alpes" -
Not a valid color value (white-red)
Relation 3007453 "Sentiero Naturalistico H" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 3019454 "Sentiero Naturalistico H3" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 3312655 "Via Claudia Augusta" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 3132852 "Linea C - Verde" -
Not a valid color value (008000)
Relation 2874490 "Autobus Fiorano Modenese" -
Not a valid color value (87ceeb)
Relation 2899003 "Garda - Dacia - Eremo dei Camaldolesi - Rocca Vecchia" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 3516830 "Piazza Sant'Eustorgio" -
Unknown surface type 'milanese_paving' !
Relation 3207922 "Friedensweg - Sentiero della Pace" -
Not a valid color value (white_circle)
Relation 3446753 "Anello del Lago Pistono" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 3643095 "Percorso Circolare Santuario Madonna del Monte" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 3780670 "30A" -
Not a valid color value (red )
Relation 3780671 "Hilbertal" -
Not a valid color value (red )
Relation 3780672 "Rittersteig" -
Not a valid color value (red )
Relation 3782640 "1" -
Not a valid color value (red )
Relation 3782642 "3" -
Not a valid color value (red )
Relation 3788554 -
Unknown value for fee
Relation 3492969 "6/ Loranze' Alto - Ivrea (Via Saudino)" -
Not a valid color value (azure)
Relation 3493013 "6/ Ivrea (Via Saudino) - Loranze' Alto" -
Not a valid color value (azure)
Relation 4075941 "Bus Actv A: Santa Maria Elisabetta -> Faro Rocchetta" -
Not a valid color value (ef7f1a)
Relation 4087451 "7 Colle dell'Orso - Mascione" -
Not a valid color value (giallo)
Relation 4180414 "Giro panoramico del Monte Pian" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 4669429 "Via degli Acquedotti" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 4219676 "Linea 4: San Giorgio" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 4236765 "3 Stazione Cimitero Festivo" -
Not a valid color value (grigio)
Relation 5283209 "La Saliera" -
Construction startYear tag value 'sec. XVII' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Relation 4026983 "2 Stazione Via Einaudi" -
Not a valid color value (giallo)
Relation 4029451 "23 Monacesca" -
Not a valid color value (viola)
Relation 5445580 "Anello dei Lavatoi" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 5657250 "Piazza Giuseppe Missori" -
Unknown surface ty