Node 450707576 -
Unknown value for fee
Node 937604065 "Estacionamento do João" -
Unknown value for fee
Node 1149306462 "Esta Fácil" -
Unknown value for fee
Node 1908423694 -
Unknown value for fee
Node 2096504707 "Estacionamento Gilson" -
Unknown value for fee
Node 2328412162 -
Unknown value for fee
Node 2416319857 -
Unknown value for fee
Node 2435367865 -
Unknown value for fee
Node 2878999369 "Cascata S´ Manella" -
Width tag value '300' value is too small or too big!
Node 4514035061 -
Construction startYear tag value '07 08 2015' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 6757076383 -
Construction startYear tag value 'January 27, 2000' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 7072195084 "Monumento do Primeiro Centenário de Fundação da Congregação das Irmãs de São João Batista" -
Construction startYear tag value '28 de maio de 1978' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 8122125803 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8793186704 "Estação de Carregamento de Carros Elétricos ou Híbridos" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8843546330 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9377925973 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9480171164 "Plaza" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9480171165 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9480171166 "Riomar - Estacionamento D3" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9480171167 "Riomar - 1" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9480171168 "Ferreira Costa - B" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9480171169 "JCPM" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9480171170 "Santé" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9480171171 "Shopping Recife - B" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9480171172 "Shopping Recife - A" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9480171173 "Posto Pichilau" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9480171174 "Aeroporto dos Guararapes" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9480171175 "Ferreira Costa" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9480171176 "Deskontão" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9480171177 "Rota Premium - Volvo" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9480171178 "Jac" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9480171179 "Camará Shopping" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9480171180 "Shopping Patteo" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9480171181 "Shopping Difusora" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9480242093 "Conselho distrital" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9480242094 "Palácio São Miguel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9846894535 "Volvo" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10004329264 "Eletroposto Loja Elétrica Ltda - Filial Anel Rodoviário" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10004330849 "Eletroposto Loja Elétrica - Filial Barão" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10004346887 "Eletroposto Loja Elétrica Ltda - Filial Ipatinga" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10004362622 "Eletroposto Loja Elétrica Ltda - Filial Sion" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10004371471 "Eletroposto Loja Elétrica Ltda - Filial Uberlândia" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10007641358 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10126478277 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10602948115 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10689741126 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10692094359 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10693428105 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10742215519 "Pedra da Ferradura" -
Ele tag value '1519 Mts' is no double!
Node 10785433203 "Carregador Volvo" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10816567801 "ZE zerio emission" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10876231596 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10916942983 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10957440651 "Papudo Mirim" -
Ele tag value '2170 Mts' is no double!
Node 10957471963 "Santo Antônio Maior" -
Ele tag value '1425 Mts' is no double!
Node 10964777724 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10991138819 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11040399357 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11099953638 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11159495258 "Eletroposto" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11186080609 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11269493456 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11373288894 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11423691566 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11512434387 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11569158498 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11607356938 "Morro" -
Ele tag value '921'' is no double!
Node 11766684441 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11766684442 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11884628854 "Morro do Erma" -
Ele tag value '>50' is no double!
Node 11884649409 "Morro do Quilombo" -
Ele tag value '>140' is no double!
Node 11884848825 -
Ele tag value '>220' is no double!
Node 11923633983 -
Ele tag value '>290' is no double!
Node 11923633985 -
Ele tag value '>270' is no double!
Node 11923633987 -
Ele tag value '>220' is no double!
Node 11923633988 -
Ele tag value '>110' is no double!
Node 11923633989 -
Ele tag value '>110' is no double!
Node 11923633990 -
Ele tag value '>100' is no double!
Node 11923633991 -
Ele tag value '>70' is no double!
Node 12039878345 -
Ele tag value '>110' is no double!
Node 12039878347 -
Ele tag value '>120' is no double!
Node 12039915382 -
Ele tag value 'Morro da Pedra' is no double!
Node 12145013434 "Monte Hubert Hubener" -
Ele tag value '1173 metros' is no double!
Node 12183014713 "GWM Canopus" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12277259176 "Intelbras Revendedora" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12288636505 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Way 11098340 "Rua Lourival Gonçalves Oliveira" -
Unknown surface type 'street' !
Way 24571960 "Avenida das Torres" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 29021217 "Rodovia Doutor Ernesto Dall´ Óglio" -
Max speed tag value '110;90' is not numeric!
Way 27561284 "Rua Doutor Mário Negócio" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 30412164 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 30412287 "Estrada Velha de Igaratá" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 30412287 "Estrada Velha de Igaratá" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 30783643 "Minas Park" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 30783649 "Minas Park" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 31117547 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 31361085 "Rua Laudelino Vieira de Campos" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;right' is unknown!
Way 31589515 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade6'
Way 31589546 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade6'
Way 31589641 "Estrada Vicinal Hygino de Góes Vieira" -
Max speed tag value '60;80' is not numeric!
Way 32699173 "Rua Doutor Estevão José de Siqueira" -
Unknown surface type 'paralepípedos' !
Way 37011015 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 40515136 "Passagem São João" -
Unknown surface type 'Asfalto' !
Way 40527180 "Travessa Sete de Setembro" -
Unknown surface type 'pai' !
Way 40942102 "Rua Sílvio Romero" -
Unknown surface type 'dett' !
Way 43242702 "Rua Professora Maria Flora Pausewang" -
Lane turn 'left;merge_to_right' is unknown!
Way 52241828 "Rua Clara Mantau" -
Lane turn 'slight_right;slight_left' is unknown!
Way 53505710 "Rua Bahia" -
Lane turn 'through;reverse' is unknown!
Way 51514421 "Rodovia Presidente João Goulart" -
Unknown surface type 'acrylic' !
Way 51714951 "Rua Antônio da Veiga" -
Lane turn 'left;reverse' is unknown!
Way 52012999 "Rua Capitão Ernani Pinto de Carvalho" -
Unknown surface type 'Calçamento' !
Way 52013003 "Rua Euridice Carvalho Ferreira" -
Unknown surface type 'Calçamento' !
Way 56202832 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 69670697 "Rio Jutaí" -
Width tag value '500' value is too small or too big!
Way 69708100 "Rio Jutaí" -
Width tag value '500' value is too small or too big!
Way 71521556 "Rio Jaguaribe" -
Width tag value '900' value is too small or too big!
Way 78182526 "Rodovia Juvenal Ponciano de Camargo" -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade6'
Way 81894124 "Rodovia Prefeito Joaquim Simão" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 85848806 "Rodovia Governador Mário Covas" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 85848807 "Rodovia Governador Mário Covas" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 91142720 "Rua Santa Rita" -
Lane turn 'through;left;right' is unknown!
Way 94747937 "Rua Bolívia" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 95628351 "Rua Manoel de Souza" -
Unknown surface type 'Rua_Major_Manuel_Eduardo_de_Souza' !
Way 97222100 "Rua Sargento Brasiliano" -
Max speed tag value '30 , 40' is not numeric!
Way 96352512 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 104869101 "Estrada do Guairacazão" -
Unknown surface type 'não_pavimentada' !
Way 106113879 "Rua Dores do Indaiá" -
Max speed tag value 'BR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 111782270 "Rua Rodolpho A. Felicetti" -
Unknown surface type 'Rua Rodolpho A. Felicetti' !
Way 115018838 "Rua Professor Antônio de Paula Ribas" -
Unknown surface type 'pedra' !
Way 121038432 "Rua Butiá" -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 117125709 "Rua Dona Francisca" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 121677893 "Avenida da Saudade" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 126452613 "Pass Doze" -
Unknown surface type 'Bloco_de_Concreto' !
Way 126488924 "Rua Sāo Desiderio" -
Unknown surface type 'Terra' !
Way 126606608 -
Unknown surface type 'Madeira' !
Way 130099268 "Avenida Choju Miagi" -
Unknown surface type 'asphalt_AND_DIRT' !
Way 130669178 "Rua Luiz Gonzaga Prado" -
Unknown surface type 'concr' !
Way 130447082 "Avenida Sete de Setembro" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 132528095 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 132837343 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 132921637 "Rua Antônio Frederico Ozanam" -
Max speed tag value '50;30' is not numeric!
Way 135211832 -
Max speed tag value '30, 20, 10' is not numeric!
Way 135899204 "Rua Engenheiro Frizotti Agostine" -
Lane turn 'sharp_left;right' is unknown!
Way 135905174 "Rua Primeiro de Maio" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 136000311 "Praça Alfredo Nunes Pereira" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 136211995 "Avenida Presidente Getúlio Vargas" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 137054663 "Rua Professor José Brasiliense Avellar" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 137054665 "Rua Engenheiro Frizotti Agostine" -
Lane turn 'sharp_left;right' is unknown!
Way 148257560 -
Width tag value '30;98 ft' is no double!
Way 146706451 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 147081859 -
Unknown surface type '2' !
Way 149599031 "Rua Guairá" -
Unknown surface type 'Elevada_em_comcreto' !
Way 150957897 "Rua Igatu" -
Unknown surface type 'cascalho' !
Way 152344720 "Rua José Honorato Müller" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 153263416 -
Width tag value '25; 82 ft' is no double!
Way 153272488 -
Width tag value '18; 59 ft' is no double!
Way 154386638 "Passarela Dr. Fernando Noboru Miyake" -
Unknown surface type 'steel' !
Way 157838359 "Rua 32" -
Unknown surface type 'Rua III;Rua Trinta e Dois' !
Way 159453135 "Avenida Reitor Luiz Carlos Cancellier de Olivo" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 161269549 "Avenida Dona Amine Lindoso" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 161565677 "Rodovia Francisco Magno Vieira" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 162153167 "Rua Marquês de Olinda" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;through;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 162328339 "Rotatória Sérgio Luiz Corazzari" -
Max speed tag value '50; 30; 30' is not numeric!
Way 163195289 "Rua Capitão Machado" -
Unknown surface type 'yes' !
Way 163204988 -
Unknown surface type 'uno' !
Way 163145967 -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 165415413 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 165731101 "Rua Lidubino de Aguiar Frias" -
Unknown surface type 'paralelepipedo' !
Way 165789231 "Rodovia Luiz Rosso" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;right' is unknown!
Way 166174609 "Rua Comari" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;right' is unknown!
Way 166513916 "Rua Savagé" -
Unknown surface type 'paved stones' !
Way 166825505 -
Unknown surface type 'Passeio_e_Areia' !
Way 167225211 "Avenida São José de Ribamar" -
Max speed tag value '40, 50, 60' is not numeric!
Way 167874473 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 168725519 "Rodovia Deputado Vicente Botta" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 169491834 "Rua Tupã" -
Unknown surface type 'Rua_Tupã' !
Way 169500427 "Rua Lêda" -
Unknown surface type 'paralepipedos' !
Way 169840560 "Rua Líbia" -
Unknown surface type 'paralepípedo' !
Way 169840703 "Rua João Scabin" -
Unknown surface type 'paralepípedo' !
Way 171510774 -
Unknown surface type '2' !
Way 171580400 "Rua Bernardo Dornbusch" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 171675479 "Travessa Solange Nunes do Nascimento" -
Unknown surface type 'uun' !
Way 171251247 "Cerro Corá" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 171252624 "General Roa" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 171253047 "Humaitá" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 173049759 "Rua Guilherme" -
Unknown surface type 'seet' !
Way 172993252 "Rua Batista Renzi" -
Unknown surface type 'seet' !
Way 173092450 -
Width tag value '1 meter' is no double!
Way 174574392 "Rua Comendador Abílio Soares" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 177009850 "Rua Francisco Bernardino" -
Unknown surface type '37280-000' !
Way 182179420 "Rua Boa Vista" -
Width tag value '2 metros' is no double!
Way 183915149 "Avenida Arcos" -
Unknown surface type 'gt' !
Way 185164767 -
Width tag value '23;75 ft' is no double!
Way 185017118 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 185017120 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 185299329 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade6'
Way 187184734 "Pista de corrida do Estádio Conillon" -
Width tag value '500' value is too small or too big!
Way 191829005 -
Unknown surface type 'Avenida Vitório Segundo Ben' !
Way 191843377 "Rua Curitiba" -
Unknown surface type 'PLANE' !
Way 194458456 "Rua Clevelândia - D" -
Lane turn 'slight_right;right' is unknown!
Way 195150301 "Severino Galdino Ribeiro" -
Unknown surface type 'pavimentada' !
Way 197423571 -
Unknown surface type 'Escadão_da_Paraguaçú' !
Way 199794894 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 200077025 "Rua 5" -
Unknown surface type 'calçamento' !
Way 201455489 "Rio Espírito Santo" -
Width tag value '10-20' is no double!
Way 202015115 "Rodovia Salim Antônio Curiati" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 201513718 "Rio Barbados" -
Width tag value '5-10' is no double!
Way 202900756 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 203314696 "Avenida Alcântara Machado" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;right' is unknown!
Way 204055057 "Praça Delegado Amoroso Neto" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 204553029 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 206290746 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 209282067 "Rua Barão do Rio Branco" -
Unknown surface type 'Paralelepipedo' !
Way 212059150 "Rodovia Juvenal Ponciano de Camargo" -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade6'
Way 212753291 "Rua Renata Costa" -
Unknown surface type 'calçamento_octogonal_de_concreto_ascalho' !
Way 214855194 -
Unknown surface type 'survey' !
Way 215666973 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 215666974 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 218276553 "Olhos Atentos" -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 220919793 "Edifício Garagem Via Sul" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 220919801 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 221911919 "Estrada de Itapecerica" -
Unknown surface type 'pedras_para_pavimentação' !
Way 222020035 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 222678642 "Rua Reinaldo Barcelos Pereira" -
Unknown surface type 'bloquete' !
Way 222779488 "Rua Luís Soares" -
Max speed tag value '20,40' is not numeric!
Way 222886210 "Rodovia Presidente João Goulart" -
Unknown surface type 'acrylic' !
Way 222886213 "Rodovia Presidente João Goulart" -
Unknown surface type 'acrylic' !
Way 222886221 "Rodovia Presidente João Goulart" -
Unknown surface type 'acrylic' !
Way 222886228 "Rodovia Presidente João Goulart" -
Unknown surface type 'acrylic' !
Way 223250625 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 223558717 "Avenida José Pedro Jurubeba" -
Unknown surface type 'calçamento' !
Way 223558815 "Rua Antônio Alves de Oliveira" -
Unknown surface type 'calçamento' !
Way 223558820 "Rua José Joaquim de Lima" -
Unknown surface type 'calçamento' !
Way 223595636 -
Unknown surface type 'yes' !
Way 223595643 -
Unknown surface type 'yes' !
Way 225172437 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 225757019 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 226933625 "Rua Presidente Vargas" -
Unknown surface type 'concrete, sett' !
Way 227816436 "Rua Doutor Ibraim Hannas" -
Lane turn 'left;slight_right;right' is unknown!
Way 228959432 "Rodovia Deusdedit Albuquerque Cavalcante" -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 230611915 "Avenida Coronel Francisco Antônio Pereira" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 230872445 "Rua São Francisco" -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 230872446 "Alameda da Paz" -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 235257556 "Rua Luiz Ribeiro Rocha" -
Unknown surface type 'Pedras' !
Way 235257569 "Rua Antônio Francisco da Silva" -
Unknown surface type 'Pedras' !
Way 235257571 "Rua Joaquim Nogueira" -
Unknown surface type 'Pedras' !
Way 235257603 "Rua Ricardo Lustosa Nogueira" -
Unknown surface type 'Pedras' !
Way 235302172 "Rua Jardim Serpa de Melo" -
Unknown surface type 'Pedras' !
Way 236659861 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'unknown'
Way 236884165 "Avenida Ernesto José de Marco" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 236884166 "Avenida Ernesto José de Marco" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 237171010 "Escadaria Selarón" -
Unknown surface type 'ceramic' !
Way 239235230 "Rua Constantino Pereira" -
Unknown surface type 'Pedras' !
Way 239235233 "Rua Primeiro de Maio" -
Unknown surface type 'Pedras' !
Way 239235234 "Avenida André Pereira Lobato" -
Unknown surface type 'Pedras' !
Way 239235235 "Rua Santa Luzia" -
Unknown surface type 'Pedras' !
Way 239235236 "Rua Um" -
Unknown surface type 'Pedras' !
Way 240577440 -
Unknown surface type 'Retorno' !
Way 240727408 -
Unknown surface type 'ground,sand' !
Way 242229160 "Rua Sela Wacholz" -
Unknown surface type 'sertt' !
Way 242393310 "Rodovia Geraldo Martins Costa" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 242393316 "Rodovia Geraldo Martins Costa" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 242110840 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 243116125 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 243116125 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 243468969 "Rua Tenente Joaquim Rosa" -
Unknown surface type 'asphalt,paved' !
Way 244692749 "Rua Oscar Jenichen" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 247886187 "Rua Marcílio Conrado" -
Unknown surface type 'cascalho' !
Way 247886511 "Rua Marcílio Conrado" -
Unknown surface type 'cascalho' !
Way 248660206 "Rua Papa João Paulo II" -
Unknown surface type 'calçamento' !
Way 250107190 "Rua Rosa Pedro Agostinho" -
Unknown surface type 'terra_batida' !
Way 251071829 "Estrada Municipal Algodão" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 251071845 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 251071850 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 251489876 "Rua Ivo do Prado" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 251716559 "Ribeirão Boi Pintado" -
Width tag value '306.60' value is too small or too big!
Way 252010657 "Praça Antônio Mourão Guimarães" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 252024742 "Praça Antônio Mourão Guimarães" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 254977224 "Rodovia Geraldo Martins Costa" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 255346569 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 255735330 "Rua Maceió" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 256321182 "Avenida Elias Jorge Geraidine" -
Unknown surface type 'pave_stones' !
Way 256652460 "Travessa Bom Sucesso" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 256890170 -
Width tag value '800' value is too small or too big!
Way 257926404 -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 258564803 "Viela Inácio Brites de Freitas" -
Unknown surface type 'Viela_Inacio_Brites_de_Freitas' !
Way 258626026 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 258626030 -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 258971876 "Rua Walter de Oliveira Franco" -
Unknown surface type 'concrete:tiles' !
Way 259491518 "Rua Marquês de Olinda" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;through;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 259426425 "Rua Arno Waldemar Döhler" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 259476395 "Rodovia Governador Mário Covas" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 260912981 "Rua Itapetininga" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 260638773 "Rua Lucélia Ribeiro Campos" -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 260638774 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 260638775 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 260638776 "Rua Moisés Bento de Castro" -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 261867801 "Rua Engenheiro Baugarten" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 261882605 "Rua José Geovane da Silva" -
Unknown surface type 'commercial' !
Way 264069586 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 264069590 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 264069595 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 263566433 "Estrada dos Bandeirantes" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 264640888 "Avenida Tomaz Edison" -
Unknown surface type 'pedra_poliédrica' !
Way 263798595 "Rua Manoel Antônio de Souza" -
Unknown surface type 'Paralelepípedos' !
Way 264852755 "Rua B" -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 264852757 "Rua Jorge Bastos" -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 266453791 "Rua Emmanoel Vieira Garcia" -
Width tag value '2670' value is too small or too big!
Way 270111003 -
Max speed tag value '40;30' is not numeric!
Way 270948766 "Rua Alvino Wodtke" -
Lane turn 'left;slight_left' is unknown!
Way 271666843 "Rua Professor Satiro de Melo" -
Unknown surface type 'pavimentada' !
Way 271666844 "Praça Doutor José Pinto Vieira" -
Unknown surface type 'pavimentada' !
Way 271666846 "Praça Doutor José Pinto Vieira" -
Unknown surface type 'pavimentada' !
Way 271667339 "Rua Professor Xavier" -
Unknown surface type 'pavimentada' !
Way 271765582 "Avenida Professor Clementino da Rocha Fraga" -
Unknown surface type 'paved_with_rocks' !
Way 274214027 "Rua Padre Kolb" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 275156046 -
Unknown surface type 'unapaved' !
Way 278571149 "Rua General Osório" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 279564124 -
Unknown surface type 'terrain' !
Way 279564125 -
Unknown surface type 'terrain' !
Way 279564129 -
Unknown surface type 'terrain' !
Way 279564131 -
Unknown surface type 'terrain' !
Way 279564144 -
Unknown surface type 'terrain' !
Way 280408128 "Estrada Parque Polícia Militar" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 281464875 -
Unknown surface type '2' !
Way 283886693 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 283886819 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 284925978 "Rua Antônio Inocêncio de Oliveira" -
Max speed tag value '50;40' is not numeric!
Way 284604584 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 284632652 "Rua General Osório" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 284757113 -
Unknown surface type 'steel' !
Way 286319227 -
Width tag value '600' value is too small or too big!
Way 288207549 "Avenida Wenceslau Escobar" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 288207551 "Avenida Wenceslau Escobar" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 288248886 "Rua Jorge Czerniewicz" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 288997387 "Estrada Paca" -
Width tag value 'Estrada Paca' is no double!
Way 289735661 "Rodovia Juvenal Ponciano de Camargo" -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade6'
Way 289997899 "Rua 222" -
Unknown surface type 'Rua José Gonçalves Dias;Rua Duzentos e Vinte e Dois' !
Way 290273196 "Avenida Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 293071600 "Avenida Governador dos Mutirões" -
Unknown surface type 'GO-320' !
Way 293568615 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 293769046 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 293769265 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 294743240 "Rua Dona Zulmira" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;right' is unknown!
Way 294731189 "Via Expressa Paul Fritz Kuehnrich" -
Lane turn 'through;slight_left;left' is unknown!
Way 295529969 "Rua Nincia M. Ribas" -
Unknown surface type 'asfalto2' !
Way 295435702 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 296688661 "Rodovia Doutor Ernesto Dall´ Óglio" -
Max speed tag value '110;90' is not numeric!
Way 296086306 "Rua Comendador Henrique Wanke" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 296937752 "Rodovia Perimetral Norte" -
Max speed tag value '110;90' is not numeric!
Way 296974803 "Rua da Ponte das Caieiras" -
Width tag value '300' value is too small or too big!
Way 297756477 "Rodovia Perimetral Norte" -
Max speed tag value '110;90' is not numeric!
Way 297374495 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 297827586 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 300461975 "Rodovia Presidente João Goulart" -
Unknown surface type 'acrylic' !
Way 301371819 "Rua Bateia" -
Unknown surface type 'pavimentada' !
Way 301416955 "Rodovia Doutor Ernesto Dall´ Óglio" -
Max speed tag value '110;90' is not numeric!
Way 301417215 "Rodovia Perimetral Norte" -
Max speed tag value '110;90' is not numeric!
Way 301417218 "Rodovia Perimetral Norte" -
Max speed tag value '110;90' is not numeric!
Way 301417219 "Rodovia Perimetral Norte" -
Max speed tag value '110;90' is not numeric!
Way 303260973 "Rodovia Doutor Ernesto Dall´ Óglio" -
Max speed tag value '110;90' is not numeric!
Way 304138185 "Rodovia Doutor Ernesto Dall´ Óglio" -
Max speed tag value '110;90' is not numeric!
Way 304138191 "Rodovia Doutor Ernesto Dall´ Óglio" -
Max speed tag value '110;90' is not numeric!
Way 305491989 "Canal do Valo Grande" -
Width tag value '100-200' is no double!
Way 306621815 "Rua 30 Oeste" -
Unknown surface type 'pavinentada' !
Way 305933406 "Avenida Dom Pedro II" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 306839354 "Estrada PCH BRAÇO" -
Unknown surface type 'Estrada_de_Terra' !
Way 307245635 "Rua Prefeito Santelmo Borba" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 307446019 "Rua 11" -
Unknown surface type 'Cascalho' !
Way 308040189 "Rua Izarina Couto Terres" -
Unknown surface type 'Saibro' !
Way 308040439 "Rua Marçal Martins Leal" -
Unknown surface type 'Saibro' !
Way 308041506 "Rua Coronel Júlio Limeira" -
Unknown surface type 'Saibro' !
Way 308041802 "Rua Abílio Braga" -
Unknown surface type 'Saibro' !
Way 308042318 "Rua Honorato Pinto Idiartt" -
Unknown surface type 'Saibro' !
Way 308043280 "Rua Francisco Duarte Ribeiro" -
Unknown surface type 'Saibro' !
Way 308048389 "Rua Madre Manoela Simonis" -
Unknown surface type 'Paralelepípedo' !
Way 308048867 "Rua Hélio Ernani Duarte" -
Unknown surface type 'Paralelepípedo' !
Way 308049594 "Rua Ângelo Grana Garcia" -
Unknown surface type 'Paralelepípedo' !
Way 308254500 "Estrada Coxilha dos Piegas" -
Unknown surface type 'saibro' !
Way 308572467 "Rua Vidal Barbosa Lage" -
Unknown surface type 'IBGE' !
Way 310925531 "Rua Marli Mota" -
Unknown surface type 'nao_pavimentada' !
Way 317269901 -
Unknown surface type 'steel' !
Way 318389977 "Rua Romildo Dantas Queiroz" -
Unknown surface type 'Paralelepípedos' !
Way 318532980 "Ponte sobre o Arroio das Queimadas" -
Unknown surface type 'Madeira' !
Way 319550873 -
Unknown surface type 'madeira' !
Way 318939614 "Rua Dulce Souto" -
Unknown surface type 'terra_batida' !
Way 320262176 "Avenida Jacobe Lopes de Castro" -
Unknown surface type 'IBGE' !
Way 320689357 "Avenida Tomaz Edison" -
Unknown surface type 'pedra_poliédrica' !
Way 322664577 "Avenida Pedro Friggi" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 322664578 "Avenida Pedro Friggi" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 326121113 "Rio São Francisco" -
Width tag value '780' value is too small or too big!
Way 327037400 "Estrada Coxilha dos Piegas" -
Unknown surface type 'saibro' !
Way 327235245 "Rua Quatro" -
Unknown surface type 'IBGE' !
Way 327315868 "Rua Machado de Assis" -
Unknown surface type 'paralepípedos' !
Way 328889094 "Rua Catânia" -
Unknown surface type 'paralepípedo' !
Way 330967052 "Avenida Leopoldo Sander" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 331364698 "Trilha da Cachoeira Grande" -
Width tag value '750 m' value is too small or too big!
Way 331393166 "Rio Tietê" -
Width tag value '1.100 km' is no double!
Way 331521784 "Rua São Paulo" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 331561267 "Rua Engenheiro Udo Deeke" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 331561268 "Trevo Parada 1" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 332052779 "Avenida Monsenhor Eduardo" -
Lane turn 'slight_right;right' is unknown!
Way 332620604 "Beco Joaquim Nominato" -
Unknown surface type 'Beco_Joaquim_Nominato_(Constituição)' !
Way 334852418 "Rio Piquiri" -
Width tag value '260' value is too small or too big!
Way 335631012 -
Unknown surface type 'madeira' !
Way 338429207 "Travessa Noel Rosa" -
Unknown surface type 'paralepípedo' !
Way 338546122 "Travessa Altinópolis" -
Unknown surface type 'paralepípedo' !
Way 338546507 "Rua Alcino Ladeira" -
Unknown surface type 'paralepípedo' !
Way 338556856 "Estrada da Balsa" -
Unknown surface type 'cascalho' !
Way 338556930 "Rua Termini" -
Unknown surface type 'paralepípedo' !
Way 340289641 "Rodovia Engenheiro Serafim Enoss Bertaso" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 340023137 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 343041167 "Pista de Cooper" -
Width tag value '400' value is too small or too big!
Way 343041167 "Pista de Cooper" -
Unknown surface type 'asphalt_and_unpaved' !
Way 343527716 "Rio Piquiri" -
Width tag value '280' value is too small or too big!
Way 343527719 "Rio Piquiri" -
Width tag value '280' value is too small or too big!
Way 343527727 "Rio Piquiri" -
Width tag value '300' value is too small or too big!
Way 343527731 "Rio Piquiri" -
Width tag value '380' value is too small or too big!
Way 343527737 "Rio Piquiri" -
Width tag value '270' value is too small or too big!
Way 343573204 -
Unknown surface type 'ferro' !
Way 344545651 -
Unknown surface type 'um' !
Way 344746122 "Contorno Viário Oeste" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 344930429 "Avenida Duque de Caxias" -
Lane turn 'through;reverse' is unknown!
Way 351472918 "Rua Paranapanema" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 351530948 "Rua General Osório" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 351530953 "Rua General Osório" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 352879955 "Rua Café Filho" -
Unknown surface type 'Piso_Intertravado' !
Way 352879956 "Rua Nova Araça" -
Unknown surface type 'Piso_Intertravado' !
Way 353945324 "Rua Hilda Carleti Copeli" -
Unknown surface type 'paralelepípedo' !
Way 354138765 "Rua Engenheiro Leão Sounis" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 355289546 -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 356396475 "Rua Carlos Trein Filho" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 356942251 "Rua São Francisco de Assis" -
Lane turn 'left;slight_left' is unknown!
Way 357249506 "Rua Frei Antonino" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 357249508 "Rua Gustavo José da Costa" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 358193627 -
Unknown surface type 'paralepípedos' !
Way 359830100 "Trilha 5 Lagos" -
Unknown surface type 'trilha' !
Way 358487672 "Rua Preazinho" -
Unknown surface type 'estrada' !
Way 359623293 "Rua Professora Thereza de Jesus Miranda Alves" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 361327282 -
Lane turn 'left;slight_left' is unknown!
Way 361337423 "Ciclovia Morena" -
Width tag value '5,3km' is no double!
Way 361423906 "Estrada do Monteiro" -
Lane turn 'through;slight_right;right' is unknown!
Way 361628157 "Rua Niterói" -
Unknown surface type 'sem_pavimento' !
Way 363200413 -
Unknown surface type 'lane:concrete' !
Way 363627239 "Avenida Ernesto José de Marco" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 364599716 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 364599719 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 363502323 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 365093254 -
Unknown surface type 'Rua Máximo' !
Way 367013524 "Rua Bahia" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 367662919 "Rua Isnero Inácio de Oliveira" -
Unknown surface type 'calçamento' !
Way 367662920 "Rua Isnero Inácio de Oliveira" -
Unknown surface type 'calçamento' !
Way 367664724 "Rua Custódio Conrado de Lorena e Sá" -
Unknown surface type 'calçamento' !
Way 367865512 "Rua Santa Bárbara" -
Unknown surface type 'Paralelepípedos' !
Way 368494307 "Avenida Nossa Senhora das Dores" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 369120189 "Rua Otaviana Flores" -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 369909947 "Contorno Viário Oeste" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 369909948 "Contorno Viário Oeste" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 373348466 -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 373659225 "Rua Clodoaldo Santander" -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 374900666 "Estrada do Pontal" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 374537813 "Rua Esculápio" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 374551383 "Rua Coronel Raimundo Sampaio" -
Unknown surface type 'calçamento' !
Way 375576160 -
Max speed tag value '20,40' is not numeric!
Way 375846035 "Estrada Cancha do Buraco" -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone:lanes' !
Way 375846047 "Estrada Cancha do Buraco" -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone:lanes' !
Way 376920764 "Córrego dos Coqueiros" -
Width tag value '1-2' is no double!
Way 378059927 -
Unknown surface type 'Avenida Vitório Segundo Ben' !
Way 379683070 "Rua 03 - Sítio Itália" -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 379683500 "Ciclovia Morena" -
Width tag value '5,3km' is no double!
Way 379683501 "Ciclovia Morena" -
Width tag value '5,3km' is no double!
Way 378540192 "Córrego da Pedra Preta" -
Width tag value '1-2m' is no double!
Way 381241885 -
Unknown surface type 'Madeira' !
Way 381301561 "Avenida Padre Francisco Salles Colturato" -
Lane turn 'through;through' is unknown!
Way 380878509 "Ciclovia Morena" -
Width tag value '5,3km' is no double!
Way 380878511 "Ciclovia Morena" -
Width tag value '5,3km' is no double!
Way 381865534 "Rua João Paulo II" -
Unknown surface type 'Rua João Paulo II' !
Way 383054236 -
Unknown surface type 'bitmac' !
Way 383433047 "Rua Gustavo Richard" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 385835732 "Rua Padre Pedro Arbures da Conceição" -
Unknown surface type 'pedra' !
Way 385851931 "Rua Bom Jesus" -
Unknown surface type 'seet' !
Way 385930671 "Bruno Jacob" -
Unknown surface type 'pavimentado' !
Way 386507594 -
Unknown surface type 'terra[' !
Way 386815859 "Via de Pedestre Roda D'Água" -
Width tag value '2 metros' is no double!
Way 388712069 "Rodovia Presidente João Goulart" -
Unknown surface type 'acrylic' !
Way 388712070 "Rodovia Presidente João Goulart" -
Unknown surface type 'acrylic' !
Way 388712071 "Rodovia Presidente João Goulart" -
Unknown surface type 'acrylic' !
Way 388712072 "Rodovia Presidente João Goulart" -
Unknown surface type 'acrylic' !
Way 388945732 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 389977926 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 390623495 "Rua Engenheiro Udo Deeke" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 390832771 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 392171018 "Avenida Getúlio Vargas" -
Lane turn 'through;left;right' is unknown!
Way 392171023 "Rua Prefeito Germano Schaeffer" -
Lane turn 'through;left;right' is unknown!
Way 393899615 -
Unknown surface type 'terrazzo' !
Way 396298069 "Rua Antônio da Veiga" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 396455283 "Rua Max Hering" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 396982761 "Rua Frei Antônio Moser" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 398158399 -
Unknown surface type 'Rua das Flores' !
Way 398158401 -
Unknown surface type 'Rua Ibatinga' !
Way 398158402 -
Unknown surface type 'Rua Nossa Senhora Aparecida' !
Way 400917623 "Rua João Baldi" -
Width tag value '-1' value is too small or too big!
Way 401004388 "Rua Nereu Ramos" -
Lane turn 'through;left;right' is unknown!
Way 401742838 -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 401446330 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 400531288 "Pinguela de Arame - Sapecado" -
Unknown surface type 'madeira' !
Way 402940368 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 406589147 "Titânic" -
Unknown surface type 'saibro' !
Way 406997481 "Rua Princesa Isabel" -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 408643400 "Rua Otacilio Pereira Amorelli" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 408643401 "Rua Otacilio Pereira Amorelli" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 409075478 "Rua Capitão Faustino" -
Unknown surface type 'o' !
Way 410572585 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 411447763 -
Unknown surface type 'water' !
Way 412860201 "Rua Sete de Setembro" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 412089750 "Avenida Prefeito Evandro Behr" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 413316592 -
Unknown surface type '[' !
Way 414026668 "Rodovia Governador Mário Covas" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 414499499 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 414813601 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 416540289 "Avenida Centenário" -
Lane turn 'reverse;left' is unknown!
Way 416540290 "Avenida Centenário" -
Lane turn 'reverse;left' is unknown!
Way 418120537 "Rua Magé" -
Unknown surface type 'cascalho' !
Way 418123707 "Rua Igatu" -
Unknown surface type 'cascalho' !
Way 418179056 "Rua General Osório" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 418599223 "Rua Professora Camila Collier" -
Unknown surface type 'semipavimentado' !
Way 419136912 "Avenida das Flores" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 419516214 -
Unknown surface type 'hard' !
Way 421328248 "Rua do Trevo" -
Unknown surface type 'Pedras' !
Way 423898776 "Rua Madre Maria Basília" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 423988869 "Avenida Escola Politécnica" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 423726036 "Rua Joaquim Nabuco" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 426255056 "Avenida Angélica" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 426507997 "Rua Teodoro Sampaio" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 426694294 "Rua México" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 427919997 "Estrada do Grumari" -
Unknown surface type 'unpaved,_asphalt' !
Way 428660057 -
Unknown surface type 'Não_pavimentado' !
Way 429222916 "Rodovia Norte-Sul" -
Max speed tag value '60,80' is not numeric!
Way 431996464 "Alameda Vanassi" -
Unknown surface type 'Travessa_Jurema' !
Way 432023811 -
Unknown surface type 'Pista_de_Pouso_e_Decolagem_Alegre' !
Way 434771469 "Travessia Piabas x Praia do Meio" -
Unknown surface type 'unpaved,_asphalt' !
Way 434777283 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 435547721 -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 435020948 "Rodovia Governador Mário Covas" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 435896184 "Estrada do Grumari" -
Unknown surface type 'unpaved,_asphalt' !
Way 437049593 "Avenida Engenheiro Oscar Americano" -
Lane turn 'left;slight_left' is unknown!
Way 436945901 "Rua Mathias G Cardoso" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 438037519 -
Unknown surface type 'terr' !
Way 438081504 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 439777197 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 440391163 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 442361874 "Rua José Vinagre" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 442106139 "Rua Luiz Bortolini" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 442752291 "Avenida Professor Manoel de Abreu" -
Lane turn 'left;slight_left' is unknown!
Way 442469834 -
Unknown surface type 'surface' !
Way 442494705 "Estrada do Mato Alto" -
Lane turn 'left;merge_to_right' is unknown!
Way 442967899 "Estrada das Capoeiras" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 442668387 "Rua Rudolfo Hufenuessler" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 443120702 "Avenida Cesário de Melo" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 443120713 "Avenida Maria Teresa" -
Lane turn 'reverse;through' is unknown!
Way 443120760 "Estrada do Monteiro" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 443120782 "Estrada do Monteiro" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 443145020 "Estrada do Mato Alto" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 443145021 "Estrada do Mato Alto" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 443145027 "Estrada do Monteiro" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 443145032 "Estrada do Monteiro" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 444196831 -
Lane turn 'left;sharp_right' is unknown!
Way 444201163 -
Lane turn 'left;sharp_right' is unknown!
Way 444203036 -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;right' is unknown!
Way 444506601 "Rodovia BR-316" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 444506615 "Rodovia BR-316" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 444337543 "Estrada dos Bandeirantes" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 444337548 "Estrada dos Bandeirantes" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 445204043 "Rua Capitão Antônio Victor Alves" -
Unknown surface type 'parallelepiped' !
Way 445204052 "Rua José Francisco Leite" -
Unknown surface type 'parallelepiped' !
Way 445204054 "Rua Manoel F Bezerra" -
Unknown surface type 'parallelepiped' !
Way 445218746 "Rua Antonio dos Santos" -
Unknown surface type 'parallelepiped' !
Way 445218761 "Rua Professora Maria J Fernandes" -
Unknown surface type 'parallelepiped' !
Way 447336711 -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone:lanes' !
Way 447336723 -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone:lanes' !
Way 447336742 -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone:lanes' !
Way 447804268 "Rua Jutta Hagemann" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 449143261 "Avenida Leopoldo Sander" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 452508971 "Rua General Osório" -
Unknown surface type 'paralepípedo' !
Way 453815708 -
Unknown surface type 'surface' !
Way 456458744 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 460031116 "Trilha da Represa" -
Width tag value '750 metros (ida e volta)' is no double!
Way 460031117 "Trilha do Engenho" -
Width tag value '1.000 metros (ida e volta)' is no double!
Way 459097540 "Ribeirão Jaguarí" -
Width tag value 'Aproximadamente 5 metros' is no double!
Way 461009854 "Trilhas do Lobo Guará" -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 461919574 -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone:lanes' !
Way 463965058 "Avenida Mercosul" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_right;left' is unknown!
Way 464364533 "Rua Coronel Santos de Figueiredo" -
Max speed tag value '40 ou de acordo com a necessidade' is not numeric!
Way 464804126 "Alcântara 1" -
Width tag value '600' value is too small or too big!
Way 464985976 "Estacionamento Nossa Senhora de Fátima" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 464989938 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 466981160 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 468380700 "Estrada do Grumari" -
Unknown surface type 'unpaved,_asphalt' !
Way 467747526 -
Unknown surface type 'water' !
Way 467837741 "Rua Angustura" -
Unknown surface type 'paved stones' !
Way 468121978 "Rodovia Francisco Magno Vieira" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 468121979 "Rodovia Francisco Magno Vieira" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 469588786 "Estrada Santaluz para Serra Branca" -
Unknown surface type 'Barro' !
Way 471661246 "Estrada Geral do Rio Veado" -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 472090656 -
Unknown surface type 'no' !
Way 472083962 -
Unknown surface type 'no' !
Way 473324193 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 473324194 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 473977401 "Praça Delegado Amoroso Neto" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 473977402 "Praça Delegado Amoroso Neto" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 473977404 "Praça Delegado Amoroso Neto" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 474653926 -
Unknown surface type 'pavimentado' !
Way 475864860 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 476835850 "Rua Vereador Nito Sona" -
Unknown surface type 'seet' !
Way 479861101 "Rua Manoel Teodoro" -
Unknown surface type 'pavimento' !
Way 479861105 "Rua Luíz Cirne" -
Unknown surface type 'pavimento' !
Way 479894710 -
Unknown surface type 'avenida_nossa_senhora_de_fátima' !
Way 479581525 -
Width tag value '2200' value is too small or too big!
Way 481133875 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 481287296 -
Unknown surface type 'IBGE' !
Way 482936790 "Rua Dom Vital" -
Unknown surface type 'Paralelepípedo' !
Way 485170013 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 486888145 "Avenida Deputado Francisco Mastela" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 487231995 "Rua Anfilóquio Nunes Pires" -
Lane turn 'left;merge_to_right' is unknown!
Way 487232109 "Rua Itajaí" -
Lane turn 'left;merge_to_right' is unknown!
Way 487454345 "Estrada do Empombado" -
Unknown surface type 'Terra' !
Way 487454346 "Trilha da Enxurrada 2" -
Unknown surface type 'Terra' !
Way 488884949 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 488884949 -
No oneway, but destination:lanes tag is set
Way 488884955 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 488884956 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 488884956 -
No oneway, but destination:lanes tag is set
Way 488884961 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 489632967 -
Unknown surface type 'unpavend_and_paved' !
Way 489944433 -
Unknown surface type 'calçada' !
Way 490442865 "Rodovia Vereador Arno Krelling" -
Lane turn 'left;merge_to_right' is unknown!
Way 492857142 "Rua Paris" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 492449069 "Rua Gerhard Stark" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 494269873 "Avenida São José de Ribamar" -
Max speed tag value '40, 50, 60' is not numeric!
Way 495238757 "Rua Padim" -
Unknown surface type 'Avenida_do_Bosque' !
Way 494546930 "Antiga Sede do Jockey Club de Pelotas" -
Construction startYear tag value '1830s' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 497075108 "Rodovia Fernão Dias" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 497817133 "Avenida José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 497857587 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 497857600 "Avenida Rei Pelé" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 497907507 "Avenida Rei Pelé" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 498404745 "Rua do Terto" -
Unknown surface type 'plana' !
Way 498404752 "Travessa Mundiquinho do Rojão" -
Unknown surface type 'plana' !
Way 499418633 -
Unknown surface type 'Viela_Quatorze' !
Way 501087794 "Rua Dom Vital" -
Unknown surface type 'Paralelepípedo' !
Way 501089067 "Beco da baiúca" -
Unknown surface type 'paralelepípedo' !
Way 500812647 "Rua Desembargador Vieira de Melo" -
Unknown surface type 'Paralelepípedo' !
Way 501771025 "Rua General Osório" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 501479329 "Rodovia BR-316" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 503649077 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 503649079 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 503649080 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 503649081 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 503649082 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 503649090 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 507990008 "Escadaria do Rodoanel" -
Unknown surface type 'Escadão_Rodoanel' !
Way 507990009 "Escadara do Cubatão" -
Unknown surface type 'Escada_da_Cubatão' !
Way 509351322 -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone:lanes' !
Way 513744135 "Rodovia Régis Bittencourt" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 513973281 "Rodovia BR-316" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 513973284 "Rodovia BR-316" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 513973293 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 516517765 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 518154559 "Rodovia Embaixador José Aparecido de Oliveira" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 518154617 "Rodovia Embaixador José Aparecido de Oliveira" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 519489956 "Viaduto Alcântara Machado" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 519489956 "Viaduto Alcântara Machado" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;right' is unknown!
Way 520146536 "Rodovia Governador Mário Covas" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 520708107 "Avenida do Bosque" -
Unknown surface type 'Avenida_do_Bosque' !
Way 520816785 "Avenida Governador Leonel de Moura Brizola" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 521369406 "Travessia Torres SBT x Caledônia" -
Unknown surface type 'trilha_irregular' !
Way 521818875 "Rua Maria Erna Dapper" -
Unknown surface type 'calçamento' !
Way 523298285 "Trilha para Pico de São Lourenço via Cardinot" -
Unknown surface type 'trilha' !
Way 524285782 "Rua dos Pioneiros" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 524285784 "Rua dos Pioneiros" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 524285787 "Rua dos Pioneiros" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 524285794 "Rua dos Pioneiros" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 524285797 "Rua dos Pioneiros" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 524285800 "Rua dos Pioneiros" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 524285809 "Rua Wilson Dacheux Pereira" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 524285815 "Rua dos Pioneiros" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 524285822 "Avenida Comendador Franco" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 524285827 "Avenida Comendador Franco" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 524285843 "Avenida Comendador Franco" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 524285853 "Avenida Comendador Franco" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 524285867 "Avenida Comendador Franco" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 524285884 "Avenida Comendador Franco" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 524285897 "Avenida Comendador Franco" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 524285904 "Avenida Comendador Franco" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 524285919 "Avenida Comendador Franco" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 524285927 "Avenida Comendador Franco" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 524285934 "Avenida Comendador Franco" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 524285940 "Avenida Comendador Franco" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 526214638 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 526621912 "Avenida Engenheiro Ildefonso Simões Lopes" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 527259605 -
Unknown surface type 'comp' !
Way 526916013 -
Unknown surface type 'Terra' !
Way 527691077 -
Unknown surface type 'Escadaria_Gentil_Braga' !
Way 529545150 "Rodovia Governador Mário Covas" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 529545206 "Rodovia Governador Mário Covas" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 529247333 "Rodovia Governador Mário Covas" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 529303315 "Rodovia Governador Mário Covas" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 529303316 "Rodovia Governador Mário Covas" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 529303318 "Rodovia Governador Mário Covas" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 532952776 "Avenida Rui Barbosa" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 533276905 "Rua Chico Mendes" -
Unknown surface type 'calçamento' !
Way 534688530 -
Unknown surface type 'Escadão_Taiuva' !
Way 533607900 "Alameda Austrália" -
Max speed tag value '30; 20; 20' is not numeric!
Way 536798149 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 535723238 "Rio Alegre" -
Width tag value '60 m.' is no double!
Way 535868122 "Rua Virgílio Gonçalves" -
Unknown surface type 'paved_with_rocks' !
Way 540040266 "Avenida Marechal Floriano Peixoto" -
lanes tag value '1.5' is not numeric!
Way 540440051 -
Width tag value '200cm' is no double!
Way 540440052 -
Width tag value '200cm' is no double!
Way 540440053 -
Unknown surface type 'Terra' !
Way 541940076 -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 541940078 "Via do Estevão 4" -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 542842223 -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:lanes' !
Way 543575791 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 543881320 -
Unknown surface type 'Petit_Pavê' !
Way 543881321 -
Unknown surface type 'Petit_Pavê' !
Way 543889011 "Condomínio Labitare" -
Width tag value '500' value is too small or too big!
Way 544149426 -
Unknown surface type 'bing' !
Way 544150458 -
Unknown surface type 'bing' !
Way 544315152 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 545124835 -
Width tag value '2 metros' is no double!
Way 544899074 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 544900527 "Rodovia Fernão Dias" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 544900542 "Rodovia Fernão Dias" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 544904140 "Rodovia Fernão Dias" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 544904144 "Rodovia Fernão Dias" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 544911875 "Rodovia Fernão Dias" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 544912060 "Rodovia Fernão Dias" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 545011554 -
Width tag value '1200' value is too small or too big!
Way 545684087 "Rodovia Fernão Dias" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 546426807 "Rodovia Marechal Rondon" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 546438371 "Ponte do Mapiri" -
Unknown surface type 'Madeira' !
Way 546802474 "Beco Professor Warde Evangerista" -
Width tag value '-5' value is too small or too big!
Way 546804593 "Ponte do Mapir" -
Unknown surface type 'Madeira' !
Way 546861785 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 547157318 "Estrada Coronel Quirino Marques" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 547679329 "Travessa Mapiri" -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 547497483 "Rodovia Fernão Dias" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 547497486 "Rodovia Fernão Dias" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 548501934 -
Width tag value '2-7' is no double!
Way 549804598 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 550731349 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 550731350 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 550731352 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 550150111 "Avenida Rei Pelé" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 550951278 -
Unknown surface type 'Escadão_Santo_Americo' !
Way 550538279 "Beco" -
Unknown surface type 'cimento' !
Way 550560038 -
Unknown surface type 'pedra' !
Way 552374547 "Arroio Caçador" -
Width tag value '3 - 4' is no double!
Way 552377719 -
Unknown surface type 'Escadão_do_Parque' !
Way 551452471 -
Unknown surface type 'cimento' !
Way 552966581 "Passagem do Sítio" -
Unknown surface type 'Terra/Barro' !
Way 552966591 "Rua Fim de Semana" -
Unknown surface type 'Estrada_de_Terra/Barro' !
Way 555459085 -
Width tag value '20 metres' is no double!
Way 555219800 -
Unknown surface type 'não_pavimentado' !
Way 556085660 -
Width tag value 'variável' is no double!
Way 556798954 "Rua José Januário de Oliveira" -
Unknown surface type 'aett' !
Way 557707604 "curso dágua sem nome, afluente do Acaba Mundo" -
Width tag value '4 metros' is no double!
Way 560203872 "Trilha de Caminhada" -
Width tag value '300' value is too small or too big!
Way 560203873 "Trilha de Caminhada" -
Width tag value '800' value is too small or too big!
Way 560212182 "Trilha do Parque" -
Unknown surface type 'Terra' !
Way 560212201 "Trilha da Serra" -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 562318255 -
Width tag value 'Cachoeira do Moinho' is no double!
Way 563588368 "Severino Galdino Ribeiro" -
Unknown surface type 'pavimentada' !
Way 564060273 -
Width tag value '2780' value is too small or too big!
Way 564150263 "Avenida Santos Dumont" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 564150275 "Avenida Santos Dumont" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 566234393 "Rua Emmanoel Vieira Garcia" -
Width tag value '753.5' value is too small or too big!
Way 566855299 "Avenida Bepe Rosa" -
Lane turn 'left;merge_to_right' is unknown!
Way 566855302 "Avenida Bepe Rosa" -
Lane turn 'left;merge_to_right' is unknown!
Way 569824591 "Rua Rosa Pedro Agostinho" -
Unknown surface type 'terra_batida' !
Way 572865783 "Rodovia Governador Mário Covas" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;right' is unknown!
Way 574856518 "Passagem 4" -
Unknown surface type 'interlock_concrete' !
Way 574858518 "Avenida Fernando Machado - D" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 581036501 "Avenida Luiz de Camões" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 585474989 -
Width tag value '2 metros' is no double!
Way 585474991 -
Width tag value '2 metros' is no double!
Way 589043963 -
Unknown surface type '1' !
Way 589043966 -
Unknown surface type '1' !
Way 589539283 "Rua Pastor Stutzer" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 587914721 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 591632999 "Largo Oito de Dezembro" -
Max speed tag value '40c' is not numeric!
Way 596710645 "Avenida Nações Unidas" -
Lane turn 'through;merge_to_right' is unknown!
Way 596710685 "Avenida Nações Unidas" -
Lane turn 'through;merge_to_right' is unknown!
Way 597037614 "Avenida Nações Unidas" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 597037638 "Avenida Nações Unidas" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 597042872 "Avenida Nações Unidas" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 597042879 "Avenida Nações Unidas" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 597105182 -
Unknown surface type 'Escadão_Carlos_Marques_Teixeira' !
Way 597110118 "Avenida Moussa Nakhl Tobias" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 597113125 "Avenida Nações Unidas" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 598386449 "Escadão Viela A" -
Unknown surface type 'Escadão_Viela_A' !
Way 603144341 -
Unknown surface type 'concrete:blocks' !
Way 603144342 -
Unknown surface type 'concrete:blocks' !
Way 606792784 "Olhos Atentos" -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 606792934 "Passarela Metálica 2" -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 606834461 "Passarela Metálica 2" -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 606834481 "Passarela Metálica 2" -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 610551642 -
Unknown surface type 'surface' !
Way 610784289 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 610065981 -
Unknown surface type 'unpaved111' !
Way 611639913 -
Unknown surface type 'com' !
Way 613194947 "Rodovia Padre Aldo Bollini" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 613194950 "Rodovia Padre Aldo Bollini" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 614577017 "Rodovia Fernão Dias" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 614279908 "Escadaria Ibaré" -
Unknown surface type 'Escadão_Ibaré' !
Way 614631648 "Rodovia Fernão Dias" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 614488454 -
Width tag value 'narrow' is no double!
Way 615065357 "Avenida Hebrahim Hallak" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 615992858 "Avenida Alberto Ferreira Lopes" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 615992860 "Avenida Alberto Ferreira Lopes" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 617101224 "Rua Sinval Borges de Oliveira" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 617228721 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 617228721 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 617697100 "Avenida Vereador Antônio de Lima Valim" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 617698248 "Avenida Prefeito Antônio Gonçalves" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 617731367 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 617731369 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 617743422 "Avenida Alcoa" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 617913620 -
Lane turn 'slight_left;through;sharp_right' is unknown!
Way 617913631 "Rua Capitão Corregio" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 617918654 "Rodovia Wenceslau Braz" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 617918655 "Rodovia Juscelino Kubitschek de Oliveira" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 617918656 "Rodovia Wenceslau Braz" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 617920166 "Rodovia Wenceslau Braz" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 617920169 "Rodovia Wenceslau Braz" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 618118089 "Avenida Alcoa" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 618118091 "Avenida Alcoa" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 618118094 "Avenida Alcoa" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 618118096 "Avenida Alcoa" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 618118099 "Avenida Alcoa" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 618976183 -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 618990330 -
Lane turn 'left;through;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 619208194 -
Unknown surface type 'calçadas' !
Way 619208263 -
Unknown surface type 'calçada' !
Way 619544498 "Afogados" -
Unknown surface type 'rubber_floor' !
Way 619544502 "Afogados" -
Unknown surface type 'rubber_floor' !
Way 619594265 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 619864280 "Rodovia Prefeito Joaquim Simão" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 619864289 "Rodovia Prefeito Joaquim Simão" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 620514854 "Via de Acesso Juvenal Pozzi" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 620514855 "Via de Acesso Juvenal Pozzi" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 620848818 -
Width tag value 'Bing' is no double!
Way 621292295 -
Unknown surface type 'Terra' !
Way 621575490 "Rodovia Deputado Vicente Botta" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 621575493 "Rodovia Deputado Vicente Botta" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 621575500 "Rodovia Deputado Vicente Botta" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 623951433 "Avenida Rei Pelé" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 626029441 "Rua Luíz Cirne" -
Unknown surface type 'pavimento' !
Way 624439776 "Ciclovia Praia da Graciosa" -
Width tag value '2 metros' is no double!
Way 628457075 -
Unknown surface type 'escalator' !
Way 628457083 -
Unknown surface type 'escalator' !
Way 632323821 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 634244221 "Rua Savagé" -
Unknown surface type 'paved stones' !
Way 633727889 "Rua Luiz Ribeiro Rocha" -
Unknown surface type 'Pedras' !
Way 633727891 "Rua Miguel Rodrigo Queiroz" -
Unknown surface type 'Pedras' !
Way 635451255 "Avenida das Américas" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 633967057 -
Unknown surface type 'unpavedBar_do_João' !
Way 633999595 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 635764309 "Cliclovia do Parque Parahyba" -
Width tag value '2800' value is too small or too big!
Way 641549739 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 641405949 -
Unknown surface type 'i' !
Way 644539328 "Avenida Senador Fernandes Távora" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 644539332 "Avenida Senador Fernandes Távora" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 646374526 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 646374529 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 646374532 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 646374534 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 646374537 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 646374539 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 646374542 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 646374549 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 651894787 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 653424322 "Ipiranga" -
Unknown surface type 'rubber_floor' !
Way 653424325 "Ipiranga" -
Unknown surface type 'rubber_floor' !
Way 653428693 "Mangueira" -
Unknown surface type 'rubber_floor' !
Way 653428694 "Mangueira" -
Unknown surface type 'rubber_floor' !
Way 653435218 "Werneck" -
Unknown surface type 'rubber_floor' !
Way 653435219 "Werneck" -
Unknown surface type 'rubber_floor' !
Way 653438938 "Barro" -
Unknown surface type 'rubber_floor' !
Way 653438939 "Barro" -
Unknown surface type 'rubber_floor' !
Way 653195447 "Rodovia João Mellão" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 654762249 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber_floor' !
Way 656188351 "Rua Tenete Mariano" -
Unknown surface type 'paralé' !
Way 660048171 "Rua Duque de Caxias" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 660782523 "Acesso à Capela" -
Unknown surface type 'Não_Pavimentada' !
Way 662772711 -
Unknown surface type 'Lajotas_de_pedra' !
Way 662772712 -
Unknown surface type 'Lajotas_de_pedra' !
Way 662772713 -
Unknown surface type 'Lajotas_de_pedra' !
Way 662772714 -
Unknown surface type 'Lajotas_de_pedra' !
Way 663066026 "Rua Professor Fernando Moreira" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 665170096 "Rua Barão do Rio Branco" -
Unknown surface type 'Paralelepipedo' !
Way 665170097 "Rua Barão do Rio Branco" -
Unknown surface type 'Paralelepipedo' !
Way 665170098 "Rua Barão do Rio Branco" -
Unknown surface type 'Paralelepipedo' !
Way 663366912 "Rodovia Perimetral Norte" -
Max speed tag value '110;90' is not numeric!
Way 666609131 "Estrada Municipal 480" -
Unknown surface type 'dirtc' !
Way 668170508 "Avenida das Torres" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 669370196 "Avenida Nicomedes Alves dos Santos" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_right;through' is unknown!
Way 669370197 "Avenida Nicomedes Alves dos Santos" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 670456316 -
Unknown surface type 'compactes' !
Way 671127094 "Avenida Nossa Senhora da Luz" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 671127097 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 671302540 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 671302543 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 671302546 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 671302549 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 671309772 "calçadão" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 671955883 "Rua Euridice Carvalho Ferreira" -
Unknown surface type 'Calçamento' !
Way 672361662 -
Unknown surface type 'escalator' !
Way 671908499 -
Unknown surface type 'v' !
Way 672436968 "Avenida Comendador Franco" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 672436970 "Avenida Comendador Franco" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 672436972 "Avenida Comendador Franco" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 672437044 "Rua Joaquim Nabuco" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 672437045 "Travessa Ari Alberti" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 673516143 -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone:lanes' !
Way 673947426 "Avenida Rui Barbosa" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 675484638 "Avenida Princesa do Sul" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 676604350 "Avenida Alexandre Rizzo" -
Lane turn 'through;merge_to_left' is unknown!
Way 676609750 -
Unknown surface type '2' !
Way 676792230 -
Unknown surface type 'n' !
Way 677970357 "Rodovia Salim Antônio Curiati" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 677970358 "Rodovia Salim Antônio Curiati" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 677970361 "Rodovia Salim Antônio Curiati" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 678002164 "Rodovia Doutor Ernesto Dall´ Óglio" -
Max speed tag value '110;90' is not numeric!
Way 681281136 -
Unknown surface type 'não_asfaltado' !
Way 681287092 "Cliclovia do Parque Parahyba" -
Width tag value '2800' value is too small or too big!
Way 681293632 -
Unknown surface type 'grama' !
Way 681294997 -
Unknown surface type 'artificial' !
Way 681347259 "Calçadão do Jardim Nossa Senhora de Fátima" -
Width tag value '1200' value is too small or too big!
Way 681373658 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 681628094 -
Unknown surface type 'paved_stones' !
Way 681628099 -
Unknown surface type 'paved_stones' !
Way 681628100 -
Unknown surface type 'paved_stones' !
Way 681628113 -
Unknown surface type 'paved_stones' !
Way 681628121 -
Unknown surface type 'paved_stones' !
Way 681628122 -
Unknown surface type 'paved_stones' !
Way 681638946 -
Unknown surface type 'paved_stones' !
Way 681690017 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 681690018 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 681700531 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 681700532 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 681700533 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 681700535 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 681700536 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 681700537 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 682477485 -
Unknown surface type 'paved_stones' !
Way 682307419 "Pista do Matosinhos" -
Width tag value '400' value is too small or too big!
Way 682489969 -
Unknown surface type 'paved_stones' !
Way 682489972 -
Unknown surface type 'paved_stones' !
Way 682549710 "Sanga Do passinho" -
Width tag value '1500' value is too small or too big!
Way 682946808 -
Unknown surface type 'ladder' !
Way 683356487 "Rua Abílio Braga" -
Unknown surface type 'Saibro' !
Way 683692153 "Pista de caminhada do lago" -
Unknown surface type 'emborrachado' !
Way 684177386 -
Width tag value '1200' value is too small or too big!
Way 684796657 "Pista de Caminhada" -
Unknown surface type 'footway' !
Way 685139508 "Rua Benta Maria de Barros" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 685140320 "Rodovia João Beira" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 685141561 "Rodovia João Beira" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 685141562 "Rodovia João Beira" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 685141573 "Rodovia João Beira" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 685150707 "Avenida Marechal Floriano Peixoto" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 685490299 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 685490302 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 685323894 "Rodovia João Beira" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 685323900 "Rodovia João Beira" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 685333542 "Rodovia Doutor Ernesto Dall´ Óglio" -
Max speed tag value '110;90' is not numeric!
Way 686006816 "Avenida Rei Pelé" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 686018567 "Avenida Rei Pelé" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 686018569 "Avenida Rei Pelé" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 686190831 -
Unknown surface type 'calcamento' !
Way 687262137 "Avenida Governador José Lindoso" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 687886733 -
Unknown surface type 'compa' !
Way 687482358 "Rodovia BR-428" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 687863282 "Rua Pedro Bonésio" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 689258411 "Ponte" -
Unknown surface type 'scrap' !
Way 689342188 "Rodovia Doutor Ernesto Dall´ Óglio" -
Max speed tag value '110;90' is not numeric!
Way 689342189 "Rodovia Doutor Ernesto Dall´ Óglio" -
Max speed tag value '110;90' is not numeric!
Way 689342191 "Rodovia Doutor Ernesto Dall´ Óglio" -
Max speed tag value '110;90' is not numeric!
Way 689342192 "Rodovia Doutor Ernesto Dall´ Óglio" -
Max speed tag value '110;80' is not numeric!
Way 689342193 "Rodovia Doutor Ernesto Dall´ Óglio" -
Max speed tag value '110;90' is not numeric!
Way 689342194 "Rodovia Doutor Ernesto Dall´ Óglio" -
Max speed tag value '110;90' is not numeric!
Way 689342195 "Rodovia Doutor Ernesto Dall´ Óglio" -
Max speed tag value '110;90' is not numeric!
Way 689342196 "Rodovia Doutor Ernesto Dall´ Óglio" -
Max speed tag value '110;90' is not numeric!
Way 689342197 "Rodovia Doutor Ernesto Dall´ Óglio" -
Max speed tag value '110;90' is not numeric!
Way 689342198 "Rodovia Doutor Ernesto Dall´ Óglio" -
Max speed tag value '110;90' is not numeric!
Way 689342199 "Rodovia Doutor Ernesto Dall´ Óglio" -
Max speed tag value '110;90' is not numeric!
Way 689342200 "Rodovia Doutor Ernesto Dall´ Óglio" -
Max speed tag value '110;90' is not numeric!
Way 689342202 "Rodovia Doutor Ernesto Dall´ Óglio" -
Max speed tag value '110;90' is not numeric!
Way 689571833 "Rua Tenente Mário Francisco Brito" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 689571833 "Rua Tenente Mário Francisco Brito" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 689383863 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 689385025 "Avenida Lucas Dias" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 690442622 -
Width tag value '1200' value is too small or too big!
Way 690507173 -
Unknown surface type 'Rua_Nossa_Senhora_da_Penha' !
Way 690962947 "Rua Domingos Sorgatto" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;right' is unknown!
Way 692472419 "Rua Barão do Rio Branco" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 691242534 "Rua Manoel Teodoro" -
Unknown surface type 'pavimento' !
Way 691697420 "Estrada Municipal Joaquim Marques" -
Unknown surface type 'BOC-070' !
Way 693342470 "Avenida Tomaz Edison" -
Unknown surface type 'pedra_poliédrica' !
Way 694006018 -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1930' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 694595674 -
Width tag value 'gr' is no double!
Way 694829391 "Rodovia Perimetral Norte" -
Max speed tag value '110;90' is not numeric!
Way 696194644 "Rodovia Perimetral Norte" -
Max speed tag value '110;90' is not numeric!
Way 696194645 "Rodovia Perimetral Norte" -
Max speed tag value '110;90' is not numeric!
Way 696194646 "Rodovia Perimetral Norte" -
Max speed tag value '110;90' is not numeric!
Way 696194647 "Rodovia Perimetral Norte" -
Max speed tag value '110;90' is not numeric!
Way 696206481 -
Width tag value 'g' is no double!
Way 700919336 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 700923855 -
Unknown surface type 'ERS-137' !
Way 702253756 "Entrada da Vila" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 702253757 "Entrada da vila" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 703142102 "Rua Treze de Maio" -
Unknown surface type 'Pavimento' !
Way 703970004 "ESCADÃO DE FERRO" -
Unknown surface type 'ferro' !
Way 706228760 "Travessia Piabas x Praia do Meio" -
Unknown surface type 'unpaved,_asphalt' !
Way 707117159 "Rua das Adálias" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 709490418 "Rua Otacilio Pereira Amorelli" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 709490421 "Rua Otacilio Pereira Amorelli" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 709490422 "Rua Otacilio Pereira Amorelli" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 713554859 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 714142245 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3-5'
Way 714142270 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'unknown'
Way 714614084 "Casa do Anhanguera" -
Construction startYear tag value 'late C17' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 716001400 "Passagem do Sítio" -
Unknown surface type 'Terra/Barro' !
Way 717822759 -
Width tag value '300' value is too small or too big!
Way 720084875 "Rua Curitiba" -
Unknown surface type 'PLANE' !
Way 722644447 -
Unknown surface type 'terra0' !
Way 722927156 -
Unknown surface type 'calcamento' !
Way 725875350 -
Width tag value '~4' is no double!
Way 727341119 "Córrego da Pedra Preta" -
Width tag value '1-2m' is no double!
Way 727341120 "Córrego da Pedra Preta" -
Width tag value '1-2m' is no double!
Way 727474775 "Ruínas da Igreja de São Miguel" -
Construction startYear tag value '07 de junho de 1755' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 728995329 -
Unknown surface type 'terra_batida' !
Way 730403023 "Rua Vinte" -
Unknown surface type 'inte' !
Way 730843535 -
Width tag value 'concreve' is no double!
Way 733889178 -
Max speed tag value '40;30' is not numeric!
Way 734917388 "Viela" -
Width tag value '≅ 120' is no double!
Way 735400478 -
Unknown surface type 'i' !
Way 736294963 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 738578840 "Rodovia Wenceslau Braz" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 738972489 -
Unknown surface type 'Terra' !
Way 745532837 "Rua Antonia Mendonça de Oliveira" -
Unknown surface type 'IBGE' !
Way 746956376 "Trilha de Caminhada" -
Width tag value '800' value is too small or too big!
Way 748793953 "Ramal São Joaquim" -
Unknown surface type 'Piçarra' !
Way 748839997 -
Width tag value 'paved' is no double!
Way 749651399 "Avenida Elias Jorge Geraidine" -
Unknown surface type 'pave_stones' !
Way 749651400 "Avenida Elias Jorge Geraidine" -
Unknown surface type 'pave_stones' !
Way 750912051 -
Unknown surface type 'Avenida_Presidente_Dutra' !
Way 753201333 "Rua Domício Fernandes" -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 753486989 "Rua do Aeroporto" -
Unknown surface type 'Asfa' !
Way 753861651 "Travessa Raimundo Edmundo Marques" -
Unknown surface type 'compac' !
Way 754590354 "Avenida Presidente Dutra" -
Unknown surface type 'Avenida_Presidente_Dutra' !
Way 754705646 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 754705647 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 754705648 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 755635656 -
Unknown surface type 'Unipaved' !
Way 757621159 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 759472352 "Estrada Santaluz para Serra Branca" -
Unknown surface type 'Barro' !
Way 759780051 -
Unknown surface type '2' !
Way 764004647 "Estrada dos Romeiros" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 764004650 "Estrada dos Romeiros" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 764020329 -
Width tag value 'paved' is no double!
Way 766748833 "Marco Geodésico" -
Construction startYear tag value 'Março de 2008.' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 768888999 -
Width tag value '450' value is too small or too big!
Way 770019031 "Antigo Bar da Estação" -
Construction startYear tag value 'c. 1930' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 770542102 "Rodovia dos Inconfidentes" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 770542103 "Rodovia dos Inconfidentes" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 770550515 "Rodovia Ministro Gabriel Passos" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 770550517 "Rodovia Ministro Gabriel Passos" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 770550519 "Rodovia Ministro Gabriel Passos" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 770550520 "Rodovia Ministro Gabriel Passos" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 772034108 "Avenida Senador Teotônio Vilela" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 772034125 "Avenida Senador Teotônio Vilela" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 772038436 "Avenida Pedro Friggi" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 772224284 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 772224285 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 772794930 -
Unknown surface type 'dunas' !
Way 772995888 "Rua Zilda Domingues de Oliveira" -
Unknown surface type 'o' !
Way 772995892 "Rua Zilda Domingues de Oliveira" -
Unknown surface type 'o' !
Way 774733212 "Córrego dos Coqueiros" -
Width tag value '1-2' is no double!
Way 774733213 "Córrego dos Coqueiros" -
Width tag value '1-2' is no double!
Way 774881691 "Avenida Presidente Getúlio Vargas" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 777944912 -
Unknown surface type 'sand,ground' !
Way 778432039 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 778432043 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 779466509 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 781863666 "Avenida Alberto Ferreira Lopes" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 781863667 "Avenida Alberto Ferreira Lopes" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 783963597 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 784279563 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 783913306 "Trilha de Caminhada" -
Width tag value '300' value is too small or too big!
Way 783913307 "Trilha de Caminhada" -
Width tag value '300' value is too small or too big!
Way 784313057 "Viela" -
Unknown surface type 'cimentado_vassourado' !
Way 784753660 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 784635740 "Rua Affonso Voss" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 784801598 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 784801599 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 784801605 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 784805466 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 784805473 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 786217093 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 786217094 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 786217095 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 786227058 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 786227059 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 786227063 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 786231288 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 786231291 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 786231292 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 786233324 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 786233325 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 786241138 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 786241139 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 786241140 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 786241141 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 786241142 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 789683418 -
Unknown surface type 'Trilha_do_Rio_Branco_(Marsilac_-_Itanhaém)' !
Way 789683420 -
Unknown surface type 'Trilha_do_Rio_Branco_(Marsilac_-_Itanhaém)' !
Way 791747589 -
Unknown surface type 'i' !
Way 795139103 "Rua da Ponte das Caieiras" -
Width tag value '300' value is too small or too big!
Way 795280433 "Rua Domingos Zuza" -
Unknown surface type 'parallelepiped' !
Way 795280750 -
Width tag value 'Córrego Monte Cristo' is no double!
Way 795873235 -
Unknown surface type 'com' !
Way 797145906 "Praça Deputado Walter Vicente Gomes" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 800927795 "Córrego do Jacu" -
Width tag value '~2,5' is no double!
Way 801845273 -
Width tag value '400' value is too small or too big!
Way 802488077 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 802488078 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 802734574 "Rio Gravatal" -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 803186415 -
Unknown surface type 'não_pavimentado' !
Way 803228590 -
Unknown surface type 'não_pavimentado' !
Way 804398797 "Avenida Dona Amine Lindoso" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 804454666 "Avenida das Flores" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 804460243 "Avenida das Flores" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 804462807 "Avenida das Flores" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 804468859 "Avenida das Flores" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 805510933 "Avenida Torquato Tapajós" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 805512822 "Avenida Torquato Tapajós" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 805519678 "Avenida das Flores" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 805563389 "Avenida das Flores" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 806201627 "Avenida Coronel Teixeira" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 807031856 -
Unknown surface type 'não_pavimentado' !
Way 807031861 -
Unknown surface type 'não_pavimentado' !
Way 807673075 "Rodovia Doutor Ernesto Dall´ Óglio" -
Max speed tag value '110;90' is not numeric!
Way 808377721 "Rua Professor Xavier" -
Unknown surface type 'pavimentada' !
Way 808869086 "Rua João C de Lima" -
Max speed tag value '40 ou de acordo com a necessidade' is not numeric!
Way 812376305 -
Unknown surface type 'paved_stones' !
Way 813025708 -
Unknown surface type 'surface' !
Way 813996130 "Rua 110" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 814423613 -
Unknown surface type 'us' !
Way 816192002 -
Unknown surface type 'Córrego_do_Beija-Flor' !
Way 817311712 "Rua Antônio Ciechonowski" -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 817815999 "Estrada Santa Juliana" -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 819660461 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'unknown'
Way 821744582 -
Unknown surface type 'unpaved,_asphalt' !
Way 822465186 -
Unknown surface type 'groundovertaking' !
Way 822621886 "Avenida Coronel Cyrilo Neves" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 822621894 "Rodovia Manoel Urbano" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 822621898 "Rodovia Manoel Urbano" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 823664608 -
Unknown surface type 'escadaria' !
Way 824047624 "Estrada Santaluz para Serra Branca" -
Unknown surface type 'Barro' !
Way 824047625 "Estrada Santaluz para Serra Branca" -
Unknown surface type 'Barro' !
Way 824366690 -
Unknown surface type '1' !
Way 825753759 -
Unknown surface type 'não_pavimentado' !
Way 825788900 -
Unknown surface type 'não_pavimentado' !
Way 825997882 "Calçada" -
Unknown surface type 'chão' !
Way 826035226 -
Unknown surface type 'não_pavimentado' !
Way 826411674 "Acesso Sítio São Gerônimo Vale Verde" -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 829557618 -
Unknown surface type 'concrete:blocks' !
Way 829557619 -
Unknown surface type 'concrete:blocks' !
Way 833364076 "Caminho de ligação(sopé da Pedra dos Carvalhos)" -
Unknown surface type 'Barro' !
Way 834737194 -
Unknown surface type 'con' !
Way 836086797 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 836539110 -
Unknown surface type 'com' !
Way 837794334 "Rua Tiradentes" -
Max speed tag value '40,50,60' is not numeric!
Way 837794335 "Rua Tiradentes" -
Max speed tag value '40,50,60' is not numeric!
Way 837852417 "Rua Tenente Joaquim Rosa" -
Unknown surface type 'asphalt,paved' !
Way 838540056 -
Unknown surface type 'não_pa' !
Way 839396979 "Trilha da Represa" -
Width tag value '750 metros (ida e volta)' is no double!
Way 839396980 "Trilha do Saco Grande" -
Width tag value '2.600 metros (ida e volta)' is no double!
Way 839396981 "Trilha da Praia do Sul" -
Width tag value '2.200 metros (ida e volta)' is no double!
Way 839702338 -
Unknown surface type 'yes' !
Way 841683231 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 842172755 "Rua Professor Gonçalves" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 847134014 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 848342042 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 848342043 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 848372972 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 854519590 "Rua João Pessoa" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 856666184 -
Unknown surface type 'não_pavimentadow' !
Way 860654043 "Condomínio Labitare" -
Width tag value '500' value is too small or too big!
Way 860654044 "Condomínio Labitare" -
Width tag value '500' value is too small or too big!
Way 862747312 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 865275383 -
Unknown surface type 'glass' !
Way 865275384 -
Unknown surface type 'glass' !
Way 866150423 -
Unknown surface type 'não_pavimentado' !
Way 868013292 -
Unknown surface type 'aert' !
Way 868428579 "Rodovia Governador Mário Covas" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 868826538 -
Width tag value 'Desconhecido' is no double!
Way 871032969 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 872579280 -
Width tag value 'Ribeirãi do Poço da Anta' is no double!
Way 874594728 -
Unknown surface type 'não_pavimentado' !
Way 874678098 -
Unknown surface type 'pedra_poliédrica' !
Way 877689260 "Rodovia Juvenal Ponciano de Camargo" -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade6'
Way 878662033 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 882165214 "Estrada da Balsa" -
Unknown surface type 'cascalho' !
Way 881836522 "Avenida André Pereira Lobato" -
Unknown surface type 'Pedras' !
Way 885313748 -
Width tag value 'Ribeirão do Lajeado' is no double!
Way 886126865 -
Unknown surface type 'concrete:blocks' !
Way 886126866 -
Unknown surface type 'concrete:blocks' !
Way 888632400 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 894500311 "Estrada Santaluz para Serra Branca" -
Unknown surface type 'Barro' !
Way 894533876 "Alameda Austrália" -
Max speed tag value '30; 20; 20' is not numeric!
Way 894970334 "Acesso ao Templo" -
Unknown surface type 'coberta' !
Way 898010879 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 898010882 -
Unknown surface type 'glass' !
Way 898016146 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 900747791 -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 900747792 -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 902739686 -
Unknown surface type 'rua_delibio_da_fontoura' !
Way 903647475 "Passagem José de Moraes" -
Unknown surface type 'res' !
Way 906865020 "Enxurrada 2 Curto" -
Unknown surface type 'Terra' !
Way 908168286 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 909455666 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 909732319 "Córrego Boa Vista" -
Width tag value 'Córrego Boa Vista' is no double!
Way 911036401 "Avenida Barão de Studart" -
Lane turn 'straight' is unknown!
Way 911036401 "Avenida Barão de Studart" -
Lane turn 'straight' is unknown!
Way 910969917 "Avenida Hélvio Basso" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 910969918 "Avenida Hélvio Basso" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 911331203 "Estrada Geral do Rio Veado" -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 911331204 "Estrada Geral do Rio Veado" -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 911331205 "Estrada Geral do Rio Veado" -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 911331206 "Estrada Geral do Rio Veado" -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 912972257 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 912972258 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 913891522 "Avenida Sebastião de Abreu" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 913891525 "Avenida Sebastião de Abreu" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 913913153 "Avenida Doutor Theberge" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 913913153 "Avenida Doutor Theberge" -
No oneway, but destination:lanes tag is set
Way 914244974 -
Unknown surface type 'carpet' !
Way 917073631 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 917073636 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 918406242 -
Unknown surface type 'pavimentado.' !
Way 923172624 "Marginal da BR-470" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 923738453 "Avenida do Bosque" -
Unknown surface type 'Avenida_do_Bosque' !
Way 923738454 "Avenida do Bosque" -
Unknown surface type 'Avenida_do_Bosque' !
Way 923738455 "Avenida do Bosque" -
Unknown surface type 'Avenida_do_Bosque' !
Way 927365730 "Avenida Wenceslau Escobar" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 927258732 "Avenida Protásio Alves" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 931893861 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 931757569 "Rua Itajaí" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 931788481 "Avenida Deputado Francisco Mastela" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;right' is unknown!
Way 932651118 "Avenida Benedito Alves Turíbio" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 932390227 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 932390228 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 933933612 "Rua Sílvio Dante Bertacchi" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 934466246 "Condomínio Labitare" -
Width tag value '500' value is too small or too big!
Way 934664130 -
Unknown surface type 'não_pavimentadoc' !
Way 934664133 -
Unknown surface type 'não_pavimentadoc' !
Way 934880788 -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1921' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 935370479 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'unknown'
Way 935415939 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935415940 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935416124 "Rio Coruja" -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935416128 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935416130 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935416151 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935416152 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935416167 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935416177 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935416184 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935416216 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935416249 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935416250 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935416257 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935416267 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935416268 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935416293 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935416295 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935416299 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935416300 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515318 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515322 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515408 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515409 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515410 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515412 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515413 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515414 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515416 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515417 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515419 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515420 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515422 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515424 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515426 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515428 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515430 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515432 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515433 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515435 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515438 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515439 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515440 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515441 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515443 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515445 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515448 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515449 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515452 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515453 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515463 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515659 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515661 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515663 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515665 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515667 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515670 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515671 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515683 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515687 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515689 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515692 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515694 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515695 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515697 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515700 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515702 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515710 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515716 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515783 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515789 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515791 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515805 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515806 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515808 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515810 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515815 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515823 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515825 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515831 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515832 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515833 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515834 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515840 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515841 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515844 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515846 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515848 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515849 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515850 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515851 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515854 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515855 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515877 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515887 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515907 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515909 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515910 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515925 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515926 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515930 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515931 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515945 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515948 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515950 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515965 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515966 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515967 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515982 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515987 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515989 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935515991 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935516023 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935516024 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935516035 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935516036 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935516040 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935516049 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935516054 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935516055 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935516058 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 935516059 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 936197740 "Avenida Marechal Castelo Branco" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 936432712 "Rodovia Abílio Manoel de Lima" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 936656454 -
Unknown surface type 'calçada_(pedra_portuguesa)' !
Way 937338629 -
Unknown surface type 'steel' !
Way 936796239 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 936796243 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 936796244 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 936796268 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 937775036 -
Unknown surface type 'não_pavimentadoc' !
Way 938058142 -
Unknown surface type 'não_pavimentadoc' !
Way 938058288 -
Unknown surface type 'não_pavimentadoc' !
Way 938058302 -
Unknown surface type 'não_pavimentadoc' !
Way 938599031 "Rua Manuel Gaya" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 940519384 "Rio Gravatal" -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 941541982 "Avenida Guido Aliberti" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 943913708 -
Unknown surface type '1' !
Way 945215625 "Rua Boa Vista" -
Width tag value '2 metros' is no double!
Way 945215627 "Rua Boa Vista" -
Width tag value '2 metros' is no double!
Way 949703689 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 949703695 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 952155498 "Rua General Osório" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 952155499 "Rua General Osório" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 952155500 "Rua General Osório" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 952155501 "Rua General Osório" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 952155504 "Rua General Osório" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 952155505 "Rua General Osório" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 952155506 "Rua General Osório" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 952155507 "Rua General Osório" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 952155508 "Rua General Osório" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 952155509 "Rua General Osório" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 952155510 "Rua General Osório" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 952155511 "Rua General Osório" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 952155512 "Rua General Osório" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 952155513 "Rua General Osório" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 952155514 "Rua General Osório" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 952155515 "Rua General Osório" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 952155516 "Rua General Osório" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 952155518 "Rua General Osório" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 952155519 "Rua General Osório" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 952155520 "Rua General Osório" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 952155521 "Rua General Osório" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 952155523 "Rua General Osório" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 952155524 "Rua General Osório" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 952155525 "Rua General Osório" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 952155526 "Rua General Osório" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 953294687 "Trilha Cascata das Andorinhas" -
Width tag value '500' value is too small or too big!
Way 953294687 "Trilha Cascata das Andorinhas" -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 953294695 "Trilha do Arranha-Céu" -
Width tag value '7000' value is too small or too big!
Way 955601287 "Via de Acesso IDEAU" -
Unknown surface type 'pavimentado' !
Way 957146643 "Pista de caminhada ao longo da Saneago" -
Width tag value '+- 4m' is no double!
Way 956977148 "Acesso Paulo Gonçalves" -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 957733996 "Rodovia Doutor Ernesto Dall´ Óglio" -
Max speed tag value '110;90' is not numeric!
Way 958944092 -
Width tag value 'Ribeirãi do Poço da Anta' is no double!
Way 958749629 -
Unknown surface type 'un'' !
Way 961404992 "Enxurrada 2 Curto" -
Unknown surface type 'Terra' !
Way 963637785 "Calçada" -
Unknown surface type 'Irregular,_inclinada,_desnivelada,_estreita_e_com_postes,_arvores_e_obstáculos_no_percurso' !
Way 963757116 "Rua Savagé" -
Unknown surface type 'paved stones' !
Way 963757117 "Rua Angustura" -
Unknown surface type 'paved stones' !
Way 965084787 "Avenida Barão do Rio Branco" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 964389732 "Avenida Barão do Rio Branco" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 965169250 -
Unknown surface type 'não_pavimentadoc' !
Way 965169274 -
Unknown surface type 'não_pavimentadoc' !
Way 965169281 -
Unknown surface type 'não_pavimentadoc' !
Way 968063536 "Rua Savagé" -
Unknown surface type 'paved stones' !
Way 968063537 "Rua Savagé" -
Unknown surface type 'paved stones' !
Way 968063540 "Rua Savagé" -
Unknown surface type 'paved stones' !
Way 968063541 "Rua Savagé" -
Unknown surface type 'paved stones' !
Way 968079497 "Rua Savagé" -
Unknown surface type 'paved stones' !
Way 968079498 "Rua Savagé" -
Unknown surface type 'paved stones' !
Way 968079499 "Rua Savagé" -
Unknown surface type 'paved stones' !
Way 968079500 "Rua Savagé" -
Unknown surface type 'paved stones' !
Way 968009061 "Praça Delegado Amoroso Neto" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 968860068 -
Unknown surface type 'unpaved=steep' !
Way 969662778 "Travessia Torres SBT x Caledônia" -
Unknown surface type 'trilha_irregular' !
Way 970037613 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 970037615 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 970037616 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 969285993 "Rua Anfilóquio Nunes Pires" -
Lane turn 'left;merge_to_right' is unknown!
Way 970177054 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177076 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177247 "Rio Mundo Novo" -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177248 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177250 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177253 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177256 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177257 "Rio Mundo Novo" -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177259 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177262 "Rio Mundo Novo" -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177264 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177265 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177310 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177320 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177323 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177324 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177331 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177336 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177340 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177342 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177345 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177348 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177351 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177353 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177355 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177356 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177358 "Rio das Corujas" -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177360 "Rio das Corujas" -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177362 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177363 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177365 "Rio das Corujas" -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177368 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177371 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177375 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177376 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177380 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177383 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177385 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177387 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177388 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177392 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177394 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177444 "Rio das Corujas" -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177534 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177539 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177541 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177544 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177545 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177548 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177598 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177600 "Rio Mundo Novo" -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177602 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177608 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177610 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177611 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177613 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177614 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177615 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177617 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177618 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177620 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177621 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177627 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177628 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177629 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177633 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177635 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177637 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177638 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177644 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177645 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177647 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177652 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177654 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177656 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177661 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177671 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177675 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177681 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177683 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177685 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177689 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177695 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177696 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177699 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177700 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177706 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177707 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177711 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177712 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177713 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177714 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177715 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177722 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177725 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177730 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177731 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177732 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177733 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177743 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177744 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177745 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177750 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177751 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177759 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177762 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177764 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177769 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177770 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177772 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177773 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177774 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177783 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177790 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177791 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177801 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177803 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177804 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177806 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177809 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177810 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177813 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177821 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177831 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177832 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177834 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177835 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177839 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177860 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177863 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177864 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177867 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177874 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177887 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177892 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177893 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177899 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177901 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177909 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177912 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 970177917 -
Width tag value '*intermittent=yes' is no double!
Way 971546773 "Rua 03 - Sítio Itália" -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 973390435 "Rodovia Francisco Magno Vieira" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 974869516 "Avenida Jornalista Rubens de Arruda Ramos" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 976519138 "Rua Comandante Constantino Nicolau Spyrides" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 976519138 "Rua Comandante Constantino Nicolau Spyrides" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 976519162 "Avenida Jornalista Rubens de Arruda Ramos" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 977022268 "Rodovia Governador Mário Covas" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 977967552 "Rua Marquês de Olinda" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;through;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 977817507 -
Width tag value 'Córrego São Pedro' is no double!
Way 978433831 "Rodovia João Batista Sérgio Murad" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 982306444 "Avenida Osvaldo José do Amaral" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 982306447 "Avenida Osvaldo José do Amaral" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 982306450 "Avenida Osvaldo José do Amaral" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 982306454 "Avenida Osvaldo José do Amaral" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 982306457 "Avenida Osvaldo José do Amaral" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 982306463 "Avenida Osvaldo José do Amaral" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 986973472 "Rodovia Governador Mário Covas" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 986973474 "Rodovia Governador Mário Covas" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 987390751 "Estrada Ângelo Berleze" -
Unknown surface type 'cobblestone:lanes' !
Way 988443195 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 988443861 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 988445483 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 988445484 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 988445485 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 988445486 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 988445487 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 988445524 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 988592775 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 990140980 "Rua Olga Parcianello Lorenzi" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 994920456 -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 995970275 "Rua João Ângelo Cordeiro" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 995970275 "Rua João Ângelo Cordeiro" -
Lane turn 'through;left;right' is unknown!
Way 996738355 -
Unknown surface type 'paver' !
Way 996263804 "Avenida Dom Pedro II" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 998916282 "Avenida Santos Dumont" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 998916283 "Avenida Santos Dumont" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1004818573 "Rua Capitão Machado" -
Unknown surface type 'yes' !
Way 1004140558 -
Unknown surface type 'i' !
Way 1004142996 "PDD-010" -
Unknown surface type 'uy' !
Way 1006617095 -
Layer tag value '+1' is not numeric!
Way 1005840693 "Marginal da BR-470" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1007668329 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1008852510 "Rodovia Juvenal Ponciano de Camargo" -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade6'
Way 1008861898 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade6'
Way 1009731904 "Rua Antônio Treis" -
Lane turn 'left;merge_to_right' is unknown!
Way 1010637810 "Ciclovia da Costa e Silva" -
Width tag value '5,3km' is no double!
Way 1012495833 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1012582147 -
Unknown surface type 'entrada_/saida_i' !
Way 1012790619 "Rodovia Governador Mário Covas" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1012925084 -
Unknown surface type 'areia' !
Way 1014372616 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1014372617 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1016438948 "Avenida Mitsuke" -
Max speed tag value '30; 50; 50' is not numeric!
Way 1015956106 "Passarela José Madureira Arruda - Zezinho Madureira" -
Layer tag value '+1' is not numeric!
Way 1015979524 "Avenida Mitsuke" -
Max speed tag value '30; 50; 50' is not numeric!
Way 1019097346 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1019299900 -
Unknown surface type 'po' !
Way 1022695934 "Avenida Cesário de Melo" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1028469001 -
Layer tag value '-1;-2' is not numeric!
Way 1028469002 -
Layer tag value '-1;-2' is not numeric!
Way 1029015342 -
Unknown surface type 'madeira' !
Way 1034938596 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1035162356 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1035162357 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1037003634 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 1038055804 "Avenida Frei Godofredo" -
Lane turn 'left;merge_to_right' is unknown!
Way 1040402031 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1044369584 "Rua Anfilóquio Nunes Pires" -
Lane turn 'left;merge_to_right' is unknown!
Way 1047303942 "Rodovia Antônio Heil" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1050440408 -
Unknown surface type 'driveway' !
Way 1050440409 -
Unknown surface type 'driveway' !
Way 1051160931 -
Unknown surface type 'não_pavimentadow' !
Way 1054959811 "Rodovia João Batista Sérgio Murad" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1056046772 -
Unknown surface type 'paralepípedos' !
Way 1059309250 "Avenida General Euclides Figueiredo" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1059309252 "Avenida General Euclides Figueiredo" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1060530051 -
Unknown surface type 'não_pavimentado' !
Way 1064943818 -
Unknown surface type 'pista_do_jóquei_clube_de_jaguari' !
Way 1064650923 -
Unknown surface type 'porcelain tiles' !
Way 1065936128 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1065936131 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1065936133 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1065936135 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1065936139 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1065936141 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1066599262 "Rodovia Governador Aderbal Ramos da Silva" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;right' is unknown!
Way 1066599317 "Rua Capitão Romualdo de Barros" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 1067026439 -
Layer tag value '-1;-2' is not numeric!
Way 1067026440 -
Layer tag value '-1;-2' is not numeric!
Way 1067026442 -
Layer tag value '-1;-2' is not numeric!
Way 1067026443 -
Layer tag value '-1;-2' is not numeric!
Way 1068797879 "Avenida Doutor Guarany" -
Lane turn 'througt;left' is unknown!
Way 1070687538 -
Unknown surface type 'paver' !
Way 1070404336 -
Unknown surface type 'betão' !
Way 1074987700 -
Construction startYear tag value 'late C19' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 1074987703 "Casarão César Muller" -
Construction startYear tag value 'late C19' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 1075149460 "Rua Itajaí" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1075149483 "Rua Itajaí" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1075149485 "Rua Itajaí" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1077456947 "Marginal da BR-470" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1077456967 "Marginal da BR-470" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1077456975 "Marginal da BR-470" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1077461087 "Rua Francisco Chucha Souza Saboia" -
Unknown surface type 'co' !
Way 1076990560 -
Unknown surface type '2' !
Way 1078886461 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1078886463 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1078886465 "Rua João Dias Amorim" -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1078886475 "Rua Germana de Sousa" -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1077137119 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1079503608 -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;right' is unknown!
Way 1080540900 -
Unknown surface type 'não_pavimentado' !
Way 1080561185 "Trilha da Casa de Vidro" -
Width tag value '525.5' value is too small or too big!
Way 1080381321 "Trilha Apecatu" -
Width tag value '904' value is too small or too big!
Way 1080381322 "Trilha do Sambaqui" -
Width tag value '467.8' value is too small or too big!
Way 1080381323 "Trilha da Casa de Vidro" -
Width tag value '1320' value is too small or too big!
Way 1080381324 "Trilha Volta Velha" -
Width tag value '1260' value is too small or too big!
Way 1084099143 -
Unknown surface type 'não_pavimentado' !
Way 1084099144 -
Unknown surface type 'não_pavimentado' !
Way 1084082611 -
Unknown surface type 'não_pavimentado' !
Way 1084350553 "Via de acesso oficina" -
Unknown surface type 'pavimento' !
Way 1087544829 "Rua José Galdino Guedes de Oliveira" -
Unknown surface type 'Paralelepípedos' !
Way 1088166923 "Rua Custódio Conrado de Lorena e Sá" -
Unknown surface type 'calçamento' !
Way 1091748409 -
Unknown surface type 'piso_intertravado' !
Way 1092113566 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1095275797 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1096308258 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1096308426 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1096308837 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1096314680 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1096314681 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1097549288 "Rua Bom Jesus" -
Unknown surface type 'seet' !
Way 1098131620 -
Unknown surface type 'água' !
Way 1104436599 -
Unknown surface type 'pavimentado' !
Way 1105355963 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1105355964 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1105355968 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1105355969 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1105355970 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1105355971 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1105355981 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1105355983 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1105355984 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1106839005 "Rodovia Governador Mário Covas" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1106429924 "Rodovia BR-104" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1106486019 "Avenida Adjar da Silva Casé" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1106883792 "Rodovia Governador Mário Covas" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1106606055 "Rodovia BR-104" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1106606059 "Rodovia BR-104" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1106606063 "Rodovia BR-104" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1106611874 "Rodovia BR-104" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1106698815 "Rodovia Governador Mário Covas" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1106698820 "Rodovia Governador Mário Covas" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1106701113 "Rodovia Governador Mário Covas" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1106709421 "Rodovia Governador Mário Covas" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1106714658 "Rodovia Governador Mário Covas" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1106714664 "Rodovia Governador Mário Covas" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1106714667 "Rodovia Governador Mário Covas" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1108061949 "Rodovia Governador Mário Covas" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1108797145 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1112324237 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 1113238830 -
Unknown surface type 'tile' !
Way 1113238832 -
Unknown surface type 'tile' !
Way 1115297275 "Passagem peatonal" -
Width tag value '<2,00m' is no double!
Way 1119559387 "Via do Estevão 4" -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 1120367051 "Avenida Olinkraft" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1120861834 -
Unknown surface type '3ª_travessa_copacabana' !
Way 1124193583 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3-5'
Way 1123782742 "Rodovia Luiz Rosso" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1124711810 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3-5'
Way 1124728855 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3-5'
Way 1124728863 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3-5'
Way 1124728882 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'unknown'
Way 1124730327 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3-5'
Way 1125965295 -
Max speed tag value 'SP-268' is not numeric!
Way 1124670129 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3-5'
Way 1126777458 -
Unknown surface type 'survey' !
Way 1125699761 "Avenida Osvaldo José do Amaral" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1125699762 "Avenida Osvaldo José do Amaral" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1125699764 "Avenida Osvaldo José do Amaral" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1125699766 "Avenida Osvaldo José do Amaral" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1125699768 "Avenida Osvaldo José do Amaral" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1125699770 "Avenida Osvaldo José do Amaral" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1125699772 "Avenida Osvaldo José do Amaral" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1126853727 -
Unknown surface type 'passarela_pernambuco' !
Way 1126853728 -
Unknown surface type 'passarela_paraiba' !
Way 1126853729 -
Unknown surface type 'passarela_alagoas' !
Way 1127535172 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1127451230 -
Unknown surface type 'areia' !
Way 1129617890 -
Unknown surface type 'Travessa_africa' !
Way 1129643916 "Rua Barradão" -
Unknown surface type 'rua_barradão' !
Way 1130482917 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1130536603 -
Unknown surface type 'areia' !
Way 1130536605 -
Unknown surface type 'areia' !
Way 1130536612 -
Unknown surface type 'areia' !
Way 1130588792 "calçada na área verde" -
Unknown surface type 'cimento' !
Way 1132101225 "Rodovia Norte-Sul" -
Max speed tag value '60,80' is not numeric!
Way 1134137431 "Rua Desembargador Westphalen" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 1133541723 -
Unknown surface type 'areia' !
Way 1134295205 "Rua Galvão Costa" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1136972824 -
Unknown surface type 'paved_stones' !
Way 1135308801 "Estrada para Cassino" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1147386707 "invasão da cosanpa da marambaia" -
Width tag value 'desconhecido' is no double!
Way 1147386710 "Passagem Fé em Deus" -
Width tag value 'desconhecido' is no double!
Way 1150969725 "Trilha do mangue" -
Width tag value '900' value is too small or too big!
Way 1157467357 "Vila Santa Maria" -
Admin level is not numeric 'Cadastramento de Bairro'!
Way 1159947254 "Travessa" -
Unknown surface type 'cimentado' !
Way 1162113663 "Avenida Tenente Marques" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1162113667 "Avenida Tenente Marques" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1163117954 "Rodovia Luiz Rosso" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1162921241 -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1168567702 "Avenida Rei Pelé" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1171919715 "ITEC-B AO LABCOM" -
Unknown surface type 'passarela' !
Way 1171919717 "PORTÃO 3 AO PGITEC" -
Unknown surface type 'passarela' !
Way 1173560969 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1173560969 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1175245762 "Mansão Tognato" -
Construction startYear tag value '1930s' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Width tag value '3,0 X 15 MT' is no double!
Way 1181438935 "Carreador uisa" -
Unknown surface type 'area' !
Way 1183916152 "Avenida João Jorge Costa" -
Unknown surface type 'gr' !
Way 1184090410 "Avenida Francisco Alves" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1184090412 "Avenida Francisco Alves" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1184090414 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1184090415 "Avenida Francisco Alves" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1184521458 -
Width tag value '~1,5' is no double!
Way 1184521459 "Viela Cinco" -
Width tag value '~1 m' is no double!
Way 1187639993 "Avenida Perimetral" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1189446684 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1191877448 -
Unknown surface type 'glass' !
Way 1192783166 -
Unknown surface type 'não_pavimentado2' !
Way 1192411574 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1192493538 -
Unknown surface type 'terrazzo' !
Way 1193777624 -
Unknown surface type 'block' !
Way 1195395069 -
Unknown surface type 'Travessa_Professor_Aída_Balaio' !
Way 1202012850 "Furado da Casqueira" -
Width tag value '1,5 - 3,0m' is no double!
Way 1202992240 "Furado do Sambaqui (Cuidado)" -
Width tag value '2 - 7m' is no double!
Way 1204510137 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1204768288 -
Unknown surface type 'madeira' !
Way 1205271190 "carrerinho (atalho)" -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1207324259 "Marginal Rodovia Régis Bittencourt" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1208785764 "Rodovia Juscelino Kubitschek de Oliveira" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1207879453 -
Unknown surface type 'terra_batida' !
Way 1207879454 -
Unknown surface type 'terra_batida' !
Way 1207879455 -
Unknown surface type 'terra_batida' !
Way 1210134616 -
Unknown surface type 'não_pa' !
Way 1210134618 -
Unknown surface type 'não_pav' !
Way 1210134619 -
Unknown surface type 'não_pa' !
Way 1210134624 -
Unknown surface type 'não' !
Way 1210140125 -
Unknown surface type 'não_p' !
Way 1211568436 "Trilha do Mangue" -
Width tag value '1,0-2,0m' is no double!
Way 1211568438 "Trilha da Onça" -
Width tag value '1,0 - 2,0 m' is no double!
Way 1212903656 -
Width tag value '500' value is too small or too big!
Way 1213457181 -
Unknown surface type '1' !
Way 1213651717 "Avenida Capitão João" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1214116934 -
Unknown surface type 'não_pavimentado' !
Way 1214116935 -
Unknown surface type 'não_pavimentado' !
Way 1214203851 "Calçadão Adalgisa Costa Moreira" -
Width tag value '480' value is too small or too big!
Way 1215225699 "Rua Oliveira Viana" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1215361980 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1216791606 -
Width tag value '3 metros' is no double!
Way 1222266163 -
Unknown surface type 'interlock' !
Way 1222788217 -
Unknown surface type '2w' !
Way 1222984949 "Avenida José Ferreira Tito" -
Unknown surface type 'bare_rock' !
Way 1223353391 -
Unknown surface type 'pavimentado_e_delimitado' !
Way 1224726485 "Avenida Padre Juan José O'Connor" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1226239709 "Estrada do Assentamento Pântano" -
Unknown surface type 'D' !
Way 1227235625 -
Unknown surface type '[' !
Way 1227910751 "Rua Mário Bento dos Passos" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 1227910752 "Avenida Agostinho Alves Ramos" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1227910753 "Avenida Agostinho Alves Ramos" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1229956607 -
Construction startYear tag value '1900s' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 1229956608 -
Construction startYear tag value '1920s' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 1231714820 -
Unknown surface type 'gr[' !
Way 1232754859 -
Unknown surface type 'construction' !
Way 1238545683 "Arroio da Curva" -
Width tag value '~1 - 2 M' is no double!
Way 1246113142 -
Unknown surface type 'fine' !
Way 1248061529 -
Unknown surface type 'gate' !
Way 1268274159 -
Unknown surface type '2' !
Way 1270985861 -
Unknown surface type 'não_pavimentado3' !
Way 1271027862 "Rio Sebuí (Braço Leste)" -
Width tag value '5-20' is no double!
Way 1269000895 "Avenida Doutor Ricardo Jafet" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1273343225 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1273881537 "Rua General Osório" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1276671888 "Rua Leopoldo Beninca" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 1280039629 "Avenida Engenheiro Santana Júnior" -
Lane turn 'slight_lef' is unknown!
Way 1278640939 -
Unknown surface type 'terra' !
Way 1290788092 "Canaleta Exclusiva BRT" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1291777963 "Rua Iraque" -
Unknown surface type 'calçada_(pedra_irregular/arredondada)]' !
Way 1293596576 "Avenida Tenente Marques" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1293596582 "Avenida Tenente Marques" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1299891923 "Rua Duque de Caxias" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1301878782 "Rodovia Perimetral Norte" -
Max speed tag value '110;90' is not numeric!
Way 1303789873 "Rodovia Doutor Ernesto Dall´ Óglio" -
Max speed tag value '110;90' is not numeric!
Way 1303789874 "Rodovia Doutor Ernesto Dall´ Óglio" -
Max speed tag value '110;90' is not numeric!
Way 1303487917 -
Unknown surface type 'ponte_de_passagem_para_pedestre' !
Way 1303487918 -
Unknown surface type 'ponte_de_passagem_para_pedestre' !
Way 1309288689 -
Unknown surface type 'não_pavimentado' !
Way 1308861198 -
Unknown surface type 'glass' !
Way 1313095931 "ponte que liga o beco do abacaxi e o beco do brabo" -
Width tag value '3 metros' is no double!
Way 1318238171 "Rua" -
Unknown surface type 'não_pavimentada' !
Way 1319252721 "Rodovia Comandante João Ribeiro de Barros" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1319270725 "Rodovia Comandante João Ribeiro de Barros" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1319270727 "Rodovia Comandante João Ribeiro de Barros" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1319352873 "Rodovia Comandante João Ribeiro de Barros" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1319357383 "Rodovia Comandante João Ribeiro de Barros" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1319363977 "Rodovia Comandante João Ribeiro de Barros" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1319363978 "Rodovia Comandante João Ribeiro de Barros" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1319363979 "Rodovia Comandante João Ribeiro de Barros" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1322525916 -
Unknown surface type 'asfalto2' !
Way 1326138118 "Rua Professora Camila Collier" -
Unknown surface type 'semipavimentado' !
Way 1324742841 "Rua Manoel Batista da Silva" -
Unknown surface type 'parallelepiped' !
Way 1325622787 -
Unknown surface type 'nezpevněnýě' !
Way 1327447058 -
Unknown surface type 'buraco_do_cacique' !
Way 1327513825 -
Unknown surface type 'comncreto' !
Way 1329236956 "Avenida José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1329236958 "Avenida José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1332911807 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1333271976 "Avenida Paraná" -
Unknown surface type 'em_obras' !
Way 1334952337 -
Unknown surface type 'não_pavimentado2' !
Way 1335037187 "Rua N, Monte Cristo" -
lanes tag value 'Rua N, Monte Cristo' is not numeric!
Way 1336012073 "Country Clube" -
Layer tag value '+1' is not numeric!
Way 1337771102 -
Unknown surface type 'glass' !
Way 1342248228 "douglaa" -
Width tag value '90000000000000000' value is too small or too big!
Way 1342248229 "rua 2" -
Width tag value '2000000' value is too small or too big!
Way 1343848256 "Canaleta Exclusiva BRT" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1343848257 "Canaleta Exclusiva BRT" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Relation 287534 "L-54 - Rocas / Ponta Negra, via Alecrim" -
Not a valid color value (088cff)
Relation 2574094 "Reforço Tuiuti" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 3327062 -
Not a valid color value (brown)
Relation 3344456 "São Francisco" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 2904475 "Pista de Atletismo Armando Garlippe" -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Relation 3806738 "BRT 35: Alvorada → Terminal Paulo da Portela(Parador)" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 3806757 "BRT 35: Terminal Paulo da Portela → Alvorada(Parador)" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 5990349 "Parque Tanguá" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 5941340 "BRT 38: Galeão Tom Jobim → Alvorada (Parador)" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 5942832 "BRT 38: Alvorada → Galeão Tom Jobim (Parador)" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 5946057 "BRT 35 - Alvorada → Terminal Paulo da Portela(Parador)" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 5949779 "BRT 38 - Alvorada → Galeão Tom Jobim (Parador)" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 7433785 "03 - Sapateiros/Cruz da Menina (Integração)" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 7473018 "Ônibus 42T: Barreto → Centro" -
Not a valid color value (violet)
Relation 8730148 "Vale das Flores" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 8730149 "Vale das Flores" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 8730308 "São Dimas" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 8730309 "São Dimas" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 9877993 "Aeroporto / Boqueirão" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 9789035 "Pista de atletismo do Colégio Estadual Santos Dumont" -
Width tag value '400' value is too small or too big!
Relation 10073173 "Ônibus 801 - Bangu → Taquara" -
Not a valid color value (light blue)
Relation 10073635 "Ônibus 803 - Senador Camará → Taquara" -
Not a valid color value (light blue)
Relation 10073659 "Ônibus SP 801 - Bangu → Terminal Sulacap" -
Not a valid color value (light blue)
Relation 10074190 "Ônibus 812 - Carobinha → Bangu" -
Not a valid color value (light blue)
Relation 10078187 "BRT 31: Vicente de Carvalho → Alvorada (SEMIDIRETO)" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 10078188 "BRT 31: Alvorada → Vicente de Carvalho (SEMIDIRETO)" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 10078192 "BRT 31 - Vicente de Carvalho → Alvorada (Semidireto)" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 10107505 "BRT 50: Jardim Oceânico → Centro Olímpico" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 10107506 "BRT 50: Centro Olímpico → Jardim Oceânico" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 10107507 "BRT 50 - Jardim Oceânico → Centro Olímpico (Parador)" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 10222989 "148EX1: São Bernardo (UFABC) => São Bernardo ( Av. Kennedy )" -
Not a valid color value (#00080)
Relation 10323706 "26:Ferrazópolis => Baraldi" -
Not a valid color value (#1919e6;fffafa)
Relation 10547913 "5609 - HEITEL - TIBIRI via Oeste" -
Not a valid color value (6fbbd3)
Relation 10366364 "Pinhais / Bairro Alto (via Emiliano Perneta)" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 10392211 "Circular Gramados" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 10918597 "Ônibus 42SL: Barreto → Centro" -
Not a valid color value (violet)
Relation 10992382 "Marcos Freire - Barra de Jangada" -
Not a valid color value (#ffffff;#013270;#00aeef)
Relation 10992385 "Barra de Jangada - Marcos Freire" -
Not a valid color value (#ffffff;#013270;#00aeef)
Relation 10781700 "Prazeres - Boa Viagem" -
Not a valid color value (#b9b9b9;#a8ddf7)
Relation 12652320 "Enseada" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652406 "Salina (Balneário Barra do Sul) - Joinville" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652407 "Salina (Balneário Barra do Sul) - Joinville" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652408 "Enseada" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652409 "Salina (Balneário Barra do Sul) - Joinville" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652410 "São Francisco do Sul - Joinville" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652411 "Enseada" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652717 "Porto Grande" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652718 "Porto Grande" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652719 "Prainha - Joinville" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652720 "Prainha - Joinville" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652721 "Prainha - Joinville" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652722 "Porto Grande" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652810 "Linguado" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652811 "Linguado" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652812 "Araquari" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652813 "Araquari" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652814 "Trevo" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652815 "Trevo" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652816 "Trevo" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652817 "Linguado" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652818 "Araquari" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652850 "Balneário Barra do Sul via Corveta" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652851 "Balneário Barra do Sul via Corveta" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652852 "BR-280" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652853 "BR-280" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652854 "São Francisco do Sul" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652855 "São Francisco do Sul" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652856 "Balneário Barra do Sul via Corveta" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652857 "BR-280" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652858 "São Francisco do Sul" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652877 "Itinga - Barra Velha" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652878 "Itinga - Barra Velha" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652879 "Balneário Barra do Sul" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652880 "Balneário Barra do Sul" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652881 "Balneário Barra do Sul via BR-101" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652882 "Balneário Barra do Sul" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652883 "Itinga - Barra Velha" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652922 "Enseada via Ubatuba" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652923 "Enseada via Ubatuba" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652924 "Enseada via Ubatuba" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652995 "Bela Vista" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652996 "Bela Vista" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652997 "Rodoviária" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652998 "Enseada via Majorca" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12652999 "Enseada via Majorca" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12653000 "Enseada via Praia Grande" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12653001 "Enseada via Majorca" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12653002 "Bela Vista" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12669472 "Enseada via Forte" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12669473 "Enseada via Forte" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12669499 "Enseada via Forte" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12669500 "Majorca - Centro" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12669519 "Enseada via Forte/Capri" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12669558 "Iperoba" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12669559 "Iperoba" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12669560 "Iperoba" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12685946 "Forte" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12685947 "Forte" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12685948 "Enseada via Paulas/Praia Grande" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12685949 "Enseada via Paulas" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12685950 "Enseada via Paulas" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12685951 "Enseada via Majorca/Forte" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12685952 "Enseada via Forte/Praia Grande" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12685953 "Forte" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12685954 "Enseada via Paulas" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12686068 "Miranda via Ribeira" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12686069 "Miranda via Ribeira" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12686070 "Miranda" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12686071 "Miranda" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12686072 "Miranda via Ribeira" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12686073 "Miranda" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12686177 "Laranjeiras" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12686178 "Laranjeiras" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12686179 "Ribeira via Laranjeiras" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12686180 "Laranjeiras" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12686296 "Paulas" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12686297 "Ribeira via Cohab" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12686298 "Ribeira via Cohab" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12686299 "Miranda via UPA" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12686300 "Miranda via UPA" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12686301 "Ribeira via Cohab" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12686302 "Miranda via UPA" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12687086 "Tapera via Água Branca" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12687087 "Tapera via Água Branca" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12687088 "Paulas via Ceval / Rosa" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12687089 "Paulas via Ceval / Rosa" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12687090 "Paulas via Ceval" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12687091 "Paulas via Ceval" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12687092 "Paulas via Ceval" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12687093 "Tapera via Água Branca" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12687094 "Paulas via Ceval / Rosa" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12687111 "Tapera via Acaraí" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12687112 "Tapera via Acaraí" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12687113 "Tapera via Acaraí" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12687177 "Capri" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12687178 "Capri" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12687179 "Capri" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12688542 "Morro Grande via Água Branca Circular" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12688543 "Morro Grande via Água Branca Circular" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12688544 "Morro Grande via Água Branca Circular" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12688617 "Ervino via Miranda" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12688618 "Ervino via Miranda" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12688619 "Ervino" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12688620 "Ervino" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12688621 "Ervino via Miranda" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12688622 "Ervino" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12713312 "São Bento do Sul/Rio Negrinho" -
Not a valid color value (brown)
Relation 12713313 "São Bento do Sul/Rio Negrinho" -
Not a valid color value (brown)
Relation 12724645 "São Bento do Sul/Rio Negrinho" -
Not a valid color value (brown)
Relation 12724646 "São Bento do Sul/Rio Negrinho" -
Not a valid color value (brown)
Relation 12724647 "São Bento do Sul/Rio Negrinho" -
Not a valid color value (brown)
Relation 12724648 "São Bento do Sul/Rio Negrinho" -
Not a valid color value (brown)
Relation 12724649 "São Bento do Sul/Rio Negrinho" -
Not a valid color value (brown)
Relation 12724650 "São Bento do Sul/Rio Negrinho" -
Not a valid color value (brown)
Relation 12724806 "São Bento do Sul/Bateias" -
Not a valid color value (brown)
Relation 12724807 "São Bento do Sul/Bateias" -
Not a valid color value (brown)
Relation 12724808 "São Bento do Sul/Bateias" -
Not a valid color value (brown)
Relation 12729296 "Fragosos" -
Not a valid color value (brown)
Relation 12645183 "São Francisco do Sul - Joinville" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 13516642 "Maracanã / PUC" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 13516643 "Maracanã / PUC" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 14017265 "Gralha Azul II" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 14032093 "Parque Tanguá" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 14032096 "Roça Grande / Santa Cândida" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 14032097 "Roça Grande / Santa Cândida" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 14032102 "Colina Verde" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 14032104 "Colina Verde" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 14063055 "Banestado / Califórnia" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 14063096 "Bom Retiro / Cabral" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 13722273 "Araucária / Portão" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 13722274 "Araucária / Portão" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 13722370 "Araucária / Pinheirinho" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 13722371 "Araucária / Pinheirinho" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 13730531 "T. Angélica / T. Pinheirinho (Direto)" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 13730532 "T. Angélica / T. Pinheirinho (Direto)" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 14500669 "T. Afonso Pena / Independência" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 14500670 "Terminal Afonso Pena / Primavera" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 14511197 "Iná / Apolo - Aviação (Circular)" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 14511198 "Fátima / Riacho Doce" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 14511199 "Fátima / Riacho Doce" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 14511200 "Bairro a Bairro - 3" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 14518745 "Centenário / Boqueirão" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 14518748 "Centenário / Boqueirão" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 13887569 "Fazenda / Pinheirinho" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 13887570 "Fazenda / Pinheirinho" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 13887573 "Fazenda (Direto)" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 13887575 "Fazenda (Direto)" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 14393687 "Ônibus 007: Nova Iguaçu → Austin (Via Riachão)" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 14393688 "Ônibus 007: Austin → Nova Iguaçu (Via Riachão)" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 14393689 "Ônibus 007: Austin → Nova Iguaçu (Via Riachão)" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 13912446 "Universidade Positivo" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 13914725 "Jardim Eucaliptos" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 13914726 "Jardim Eucaliptos" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 14442336 "BRT 22: Jardim Oceânico → Terminal Alvorada" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 14442337 "BRT 22: Terminal Alvorada → Jardim Oceânico" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 15654562 "São Francisco" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 14727853 "Jardim Paulista / Roça Grande" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 14727854 "Jardim Paulista / Roça Grande" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 14968485 "Monte Líbano" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 15096118 "271A-51 Cangaiba - Metrô Santana" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 15096119 "271A-51 Metrô Santana - Cangaiba" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 15237218 "271C-10 Parque Vila Maria - Terminal Princesa Isabel" -
Not a valid color value (red/white)
Relation 15331092 "2012-10 Vila Medeiros - Shopping D" -
Not a valid color value (brown)
Relation 15332505 "2012-10 Shopping D - Vila Medeiros" -
Not a valid color value (brown)
Relation 15345517 "Guarituba" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 15355523 "271F-10 Metro Belem - Center Norte" -
Not a valid color value (red/white)
Relation 15419034 "278A-10 Metrô Santana - Penha" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 15420882 "278A-10 Penha - Metrô Santana" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 15428858 "1738-10 Vila Constança - Metrô Santana" -
Not a valid color value (brown)
Relation 15443049 "1738-10 Santana - Vila Constança" -
Not a valid color value (brown)
Relation 15510717 "Maracanã / Santa Cândida (Circular)" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 15510718 "Campo Alto / Santa Cândida (Circular)" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 16070520 "Bairro Alto / Pinhais / Centenário" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 16070522 "Bairro Alto / Pinhais / Centenário" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 16671961 "Guaraituba / Cabral (via Maracanã)" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 16671962 "Guaraituba / Cabral (via Maracanã)" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 16719375 "T. Afonso Pena / Jurema" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 16719376 "T. Afonso Pena / Jurema" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 16719377 "T. Afonso Pena / Santana - Renault" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 16719378 "T. Afonso Pena / Renault - Santana" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 16739519 "Carbomafra" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 16739520 "Carbomafra" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 17348211 "Centenário / Hauer" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 17348212 "Centenário / Hauer" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 16814658 "Jardim Paraíso / Tamandaré" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 16814659 "Tamandaré / Jardim Paraíso" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 18305671 "Araguaia" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 18305672 "Araguaia" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 18087000 "Especial Cabral / Capão da Imbuia" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 18087001 "Especial Cabral / Capão da Imbuia" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 18209930 "Ouros Cachoeira via ribeirão das pedras e bnh" -
Not a valid color value (pink)
2168 errors