Node 672079915 "Trojičný stĺp" -
Construction startYear tag value 'late C18' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 1502234577 -
Unknown value for fee
Node 1705188076 "Pomník padlým v roku 1866" -
Construction startYear tag value 'late C19' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 3222693891 -
Unknown value for fee
Node 3339463757 "Ulica J. Wolkra" -
Unknown value for fee
Node 3658314536 -
Construction startYear tag value 'Nov. 1972' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 3772253757 "Pamätník oslobodenia obce Liesek" -
Construction startYear tag value '28.3.2015' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 3959136922 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4181686693 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4181863089 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4245870689 "Adventure park Kuchyňa" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4245870690 "Café Korzo" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4245870691 "Chata Korenný vrch" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4245870692 "Country club Zapadnutý kút" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4245870694 "Penzión Ivica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4245870695 "Včelín" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 4498656895 "Zakladateľovi svetového skautingu Lordu Baden Powelovi" -
Construction startYear tag value '26.9.2015' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 4936140312 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5102066047 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5224400256 "Barbakan dolnej brány" -
Construction startYear tag value '1. pol. 16. stor.' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 5370391704 "ejoin" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5370391705 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5372704557 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5482475071 "ebajkconnect U abela" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5701859088 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5757319426 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6178002967 "ZSE PD McDonald's Prievidza" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6345295703 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6345326527 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6416270774 -
Unknown value for fee
Node 6434356082 "F.M." -
Construction startYear tag value '18.07.1978' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 6503214296 "Na pamiatku pustovníka Františka" -
Construction startYear tag value '25.5.1942' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 6640230865 "Pamätník poľnohospodárstva" -
Construction startYear tag value '24.9.1989' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 6764086376 "Kríž vďaky" -
Construction startYear tag value '15.04.1945' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 6772727681 "Bufet Železná studnička" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6772781394 "ebajkconnect Bufet Kamzík" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6774614366 "ebajkconnect Modrá Čajka" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6774631711 "Ebajkonnect Vyza" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6831666836 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6831666837 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6831666838 "SHARE'n'GO" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6831666839 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6831666840 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6937308958 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7096126055 "Slovnaft" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7123128687 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7124411057 -
Construction startYear tag value '06.08.2011' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 7399868172 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7411533786 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7541931306 "ZSE TT Rezident Kollárova" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7652371296 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8001492122 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8196270891 "Tesla Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8399319973 "Ejoin nabíjacia stanica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8514635297 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8514635298 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8568511961 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8727076958 "ZSE Drive" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8727076959 "ZSE Drive" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8735217806 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8773222512 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8790494571 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8841860208 "nabijanie" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8963539226 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8983570556 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9065688350 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9081516523 "Panna Mária s Ježiškom" -
Construction startYear tag value '1940s' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 9104184620 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9183476309 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9183476313 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9190300972 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9193325463 "NabiBajk" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9277449802 "NabiBajk" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9277521952 "NabiBajk" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9277521953 "NabiBajk" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9277521954 "NabiBajk" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9277521955 "NabiBajk" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9335860776 "eBIKE Nabíjacia stanica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9352257579 "NabiBajk" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9403239133 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9434335890 "ZSE TT Rybníková" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9439305420 "GreenWay" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9445143155 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9459033891 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9458630687 "Nové Mesto nad Váhom - Klčové" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9470031811 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9507617282 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9523692059 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9567666464 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9625771991 "ZSE Drive" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9625771992 "ZSE Drive" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9625771993 "ZSE Drive" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9668871580 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9713421737 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9713450715 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9713465504 "NabiBajk" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9813770208 "Nabíjacia stanica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9821653069 "Antik Charging Station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9828965482 "Tesla Destination Charger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9841595523 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9872055973 "NabiBajk" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9872068389 "NabiBajk" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9872088473 "NabiBajk" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9872092571 "NabiBajk" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9874958209 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9881364099 "NabiBajk" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9882637868 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9882724329 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9882728639 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9887364981 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9887364982 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9892092748 "Nabíjacia stanica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9895802955 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9913491849 "GreenWay" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9920422464 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9925675689 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9973011440 "ejoin" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9973011441 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9980360828 "Topkolo" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9990103166 "NabiBajk" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10015765078 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10022627460 "Ejoin nabíjacia stanica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10060073430 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10090417555 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10096914461 "NabiBajk" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10096926261 "NabiBajk" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10096936700 "NabiBajk" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10124387183 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10127667952 "NabiBajk" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10127674813 "NabiBajk" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10175584954 "NabiBajk" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10185648635 "Pomník padlým v 1. a 2. svetovej vojne" -
Construction startYear tag value '1.9.1963' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 10197823998 "ZSE Drive" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10230234256 "Karol Pekník - rodný dom" -
Construction startYear tag value '11.11,2016' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 10265528726 "KOCR BRT" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10566501830 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10654875735 "e-bike nabíjacia stanica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10678747740 "DCa Therm - Dubnica nad Váhom" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10678747741 "Ionity Dubnica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10678747742 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10678747748 "ejoin Oliva" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10678747749 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10754504243 "ebike charging station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10764677129 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10771204786 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10857831594 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10844524461 "ZSE Partner Roaming TT Arboria AC CL 1" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10875478605 "Ferdiš Takáč SJ dr.h.c" -
Construction startYear tag value '6.9.2014' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 10881107609 "ejoin 261 Belá" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10881552592 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10900665243 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10901342269 "TIP SPOT - Demänovská Dolina" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10901493686 "TIP SPOT - Bacúch" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10891633022 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10891633023 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10894062948 "ZSE TT OC MAX Ferka Urbánka" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10894062951 "ZSE Partner Roaming TT Skukalek" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10929865747 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10930141686 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10967718557 "Hotel Panorama Trenčianske Teplice" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10967718558 "MB Trenčín" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10967718560 "AC Nové Mesto nad Váhom - Dukelská" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10967718562 "RP Senica" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10967718564 "Tesco" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10967718566 "White Eurovalley Golf Park Club Malacky" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10967718567 "Hornbach Bratislava-DNV" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10967718568 "OD Saratov Bratislava" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10967718569 "Trading-X Bratislava" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10967718570 "Westend Plazza" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10967718571 "Národný futbalový štadión Bratislava" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10967718572 "Sky Park Offices" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10967718573 "Klingerka Bratislava" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10967718574 "Aupark Bratislava AC - podzemné parkovisko" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10967718575 "Aupark Bratislava DC - parkovací dom" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10967718576 "Tesco" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10967718577 "MB Panonska | Mercedes-Benz" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10967718578 "MB Panonska | Mercedes-Benz" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10967718579 "Lindner Immo Bratislava Parkovisko" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10967718580 "Gumex Bratislava" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10967718581 "AC GW Depo Bratislava" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10967718582 "MB Tuhovská | Mercedes-Benz" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10967718583 "Motor-car Bratislava Public DC" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10979720907 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10994122149 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10995344024 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11036119909 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11091845798 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11088822793 "eBIKE BOX" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11100286515 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11105784696 "eBIKE PORT" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11114410292 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11144446052 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11144446053 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11211819486 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11314950306 "ZSE LV OC Dituria Ultra" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11314950309 "Lidl Trenčín, Bratislavská II." -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11314950310 "ZSE Partner Roaming TN JHservices" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11314950311 "Lidl Trenčín, Bratislavská" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11314950312 "Lidl Trenčín, Soblahovská" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11314950313 "ZSE DS McDonald's" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11342935727 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11342964484 "NabiBajk" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11342973174 "NabiBajk" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11515855639 "NabiBajk" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11515865737 "NabiBajk" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11515897624 "NabiBajk" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11546178947 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11601972821 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11601982672 "NabiBajk" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11646479518 -
Construction startYear tag value '08.09.2018' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 11694027308 -
Construction startYear tag value '14.9.2021' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 12054583988 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12053135166 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12061016845 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12061020289 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12061024104 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12061024992 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12070565938 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12079855916 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12079866413 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12079896859 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12079900555 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12079900723 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12079908241 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12079912427 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12079928572 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12079929023 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12080267782 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12080270644 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12080271013 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12080271038 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12080318410 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12086653695 "NabiBajk" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12082746079 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12122717061 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12148448021 "ZSE Drive" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12154444374 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12154444375 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12161586952 "Shell Recharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12180101969 "Tesla Destination Charger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12185719788 "Smaltovna Mišík" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12183614389 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12183614390 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12222486993 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12282050636 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12413335807 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12413335809 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12441560289 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12441955495 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12443830387 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12453471155 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12455835626 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12466965628 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12466983072 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12488331214 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12506390342 "ZSE TN Kaufland Trencin Pod Sokolice" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12506414332 "ZSE TN Kaufland Trencin Elektricna" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12506562356 "ZSE NM Kaufland NMnV UFC" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12535689128 "ZSE PE Kaufland Partizánske UFC" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12544373441 "Shell recharge" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12565398629 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12565398631 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12571882512 "ZSE KS Slovnaft Moldava UFC 2" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12571882513 "ZSE KS Slovnaft Moldava UFC 1" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12570824037 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Way 4279663 "Senecká cesta" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 4309651 "Riazanská" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 4309987 -
Lane turn 'slight_right;next_right' is unknown!
Way 4342877 "Prešovská cesta" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 4361627 "Červenej armády" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 4374538 -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 4463003 "Staničné námestie" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 4642807 -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 4860955 "Rooseveltova" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 4861860 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 4911555 "Jantárová" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 4911804 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 7355734 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 8068865 -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 16376204 -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 19754152 "Bardejovská" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 24937164 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 24944624 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 24831757 -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones:50' !
Way 24842347 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 25282951 "Kapušianska" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 25826016 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 26136063 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 28043174 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 28043182 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 28210254 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 26995371 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 27066450 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 30120931 -
Max speed tag value '3.5' is not numeric!
Way 30375686 "Námestie Vrbu a Wetzlera" -
Lane turn 'slight_right;right' is unknown!
Way 30453540 "Duna" -
Width tag value '280' value is too small or too big!
Way 32445015 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 31136230 "Mlynská dolina" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;through;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 33460069 "Na Karlove" -
Lane turn 'left;through;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 31513112 "Mostná" -
Width tag value 'Q105688661' is no double!
Way 31985165 -
Lane turn 'slight_left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 32125956 "Ľavobrežná" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 37332336 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 37474407 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 37716008 "Továrenská" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 34905940 -
Lane turn 'none;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 38975526 "Academia Istropolitana" -
Construction startYear tag value 'mid C15' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 40956294 "Továrenská" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 39256662 -
Construction startYear tag value 'late C18' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 39276703 "SNP" -
Unknown surface type 'tarmac' !
Way 39335881 -
Unknown surface type 'tarmac' !
Way 39335882 -
Unknown surface type 'tarmac' !
Way 39335883 -
Unknown surface type 'tarmac' !
Way 39335884 "Kutnohorská" -
Unknown surface type 'tarmac' !
Way 41209485 "Sama Chalupku" -
Unknown surface type 'tarmac' !
Way 41405361 "Štvrtá šachta" -
Unknown surface type 'tarmac' !
Way 41551438 "Kutnohorská" -
Unknown surface type 'tarmac' !
Way 39851835 -
Lane turn 'slight_left;through;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 42161461 "Liptovská" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 40594150 -
No oneway, but destination:lanes tag is set
Way 44960047 "Stará Myjava" -
Width tag value '>2<4' is no double!
Way 46035725 "Legionárska" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 48399531 "Kaštieľ Buzinka" -
Construction startYear tag value 'late C18' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 50341670 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 50341702 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 50902537 "Obchodná" -
Lane turn 'right;through;left' is unknown!
Way 50971952 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 50972047 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 51732880 -
Unknown surface type 'tarmac' !
Way 51964820 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 54471612 -
Width tag value '-1' value is too small or too big!
Way 56893741 "Szillasyho kaštieľ" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C 17' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 55965436 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 55492851 -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 58770231 "Kaštieľ Forgachovcov" -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1722' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 59804553 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 59843803 "Cigerov dom" -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1730' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 60469611 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 60874515 "Banícky dom" -
Construction startYear tag value 'mid C18' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 60877089 "Banícky dom" -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1858' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 61333715 "Jaskový rad" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 61370978 "Ringwaldov dom" -
Construction startYear tag value '1890s' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 62156657 "Kaštieľ Vranovo" -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1610' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 62029362 "M. R. Štefánika" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 62157287 "Sýpka" -
Construction startYear tag value 'mid C19' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 65397583 "Stojkovičov kaštieľ" -
Construction startYear tag value '1840s' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 65397844 "Kúria Kubínyiovcov" -
Construction startYear tag value 'early C19' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 65425283 "Ivanská cesta" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 65425289 "Ivanská cesta" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 65425290 "Ivanská cesta" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 71718507 "Kaštieľ Istebné" -
Construction startYear tag value '1760s' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 71679016 "Bánoovský kaštieľ" -
Construction startYear tag value '1750s' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 71722198 "Kaštieľ Jabloň" -
Construction startYear tag value 'early C19' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 71796534 "Horný kaštieľ" -
Construction startYear tag value 'late C17' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 72709849 -
Lane turn 'right;through;left' is unknown!
Way 73355397 "Horný kaštieľ Raslavice" -
Construction startYear tag value '1730s' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 73602261 "Országovská kúria" -
Construction startYear tag value 'late C16' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 73608022 "Kaštieľ Smižany" -
Construction startYear tag value 'after 1808' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 73811436 -
Unknown surface type 'broken_surface' !
Way 75600412 "Dolný kaštieľ" -
Construction startYear tag value 'late C18' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 77948769 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 75747167 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 75747410 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 83284929 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 87626196 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 85470575 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 85470576 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 88492109 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 96723554 "Jánska" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;through;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 94696266 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 100270132 -
Max speed tag value '3.5' is not numeric!
Way 100270158 -
Max speed tag value '3.5' is not numeric!
Way 118277742 "Pongrácovská kúria" -
Construction startYear tag value '1430s' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 121950496 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 120454240 -
Unknown surface type 'concrete_slabs' !
Way 126213809 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 123081822 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 132128020 "Kutlíkova" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 131343140 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 136503490 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 136619300 "Prístavná" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 136968659 -
Unknown surface type 'tarmac' !
Way 157593394 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 156927576 "Kaštieľ Zavar" -
Construction startYear tag value 'early C19' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 167877129 -
Unknown surface type 'tarmac' !
Way 170131502 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 170142459 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 172205959 -
Unknown surface type 'tarmac' !
Way 185228908 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 185228909 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 185228911 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 181675325 "Obrancov mieru" -
lanes tag value '5' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 192962143 "Vajnorská" -
Lane turn 'reverse;slight_left' is unknown!
Way 192962145 "Vajnorská" -
Lane turn 'reverse;left' is unknown!
Way 193205253 "Tomášikova" -
Lane turn 'reverse;through' is unknown!
Way 193348391 -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 193649907 -
Lane turn 'reverse;slight_left' is unknown!
Way 193784218 "Rožňavská" -
Lane turn 'left;reverse' is unknown!
Way 194036426 "Bajkalská" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 194036428 "Bajkalská" -
Lane turn 'reverse;slight_left' is unknown!
Way 198727164 "P. O. Hviezdoslava" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 198727196 "L. Novomeského" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 195991409 "Jilemnického" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 197169039 -
Unknown surface type 'tarmac' !
Way 197169042 -
Unknown surface type 'tarmac' !
Way 197494101 "Nábrežie arm. gen. Ludvíka Svobodu" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;reverse' is unknown!
Way 197494102 "Nábrežie arm. gen. Ludvíka Svobodu" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 203784720 -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 217901887 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 213792231 -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 213792231 -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 223951079 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 223951082 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 233561798 -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 233778062 "Graniczna" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 232067729 "Suché mýto" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 227212697 "M. Schneidra Trnavského" -
Lane turn 'reverse;slight_left' is unknown!
Way 233178729 -
Lane turn 'slight_right;right' is unknown!
Way 233178730 -
Lane turn 'slight_right;right' is unknown!
Way 234324645 "Meštiansky dom" -
Construction startYear tag value 'early C18' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 234324896 "Meštiansky dom" -
Construction startYear tag value 'mid C19' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 239895376 -
Unknown surface type 'tarmac' !
Way 240226312 "Kaštieľ Rakovice" -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1675' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 240822381 "Suché mýto" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 238864264 -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 244241633 "Pribinova" -
Lane turn 'reverse;through' is unknown!
Way 244362211 "Nábrežie arm. gen. Ludvíka Svobodu" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 244384087 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 244576059 "Ivanská cesta" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 244576061 "Ivanská cesta" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 244576064 "Ivanská cesta" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 244623682 "M. R. Štefánika" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 241213170 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 244969971 "Kohútova" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 244491377 "Námestie SNP" -
Lane turn 'reverse;through' is unknown!
Way 245386189 -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 245991257 -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 246067133 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 247913340 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 252882031 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 252882033 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 253534594 "Mýtna" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 253824572 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'unknown'
Way 253824574 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'unknown'
Way 252046193 "M. Schneidra Trnavského" -
Lane turn 'reverse;slight_left' is unknown!
Way 252046196 "M. Schneidra Trnavského" -
Lane turn 'reverse;slight_left' is unknown!
Way 252046198 "Saratovská" -
Lane turn 'reverse;slight_left' is unknown!
Way 255840969 "Račianska" -
Lane turn 'reverse;through' is unknown!
Way 255840970 "Račianska" -
Lane turn 'reverse;through' is unknown!
Way 252685323 "Trieda SNP" -
Lane turn 'reverse;through' is unknown!
Way 252685325 "Trieda SNP" -
Lane turn 'left;reverse' is unknown!
Way 252685335 "Trieda SNP" -
Lane turn 'reverse;through' is unknown!
Way 255635085 -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 256621445 -
Unknown surface type 'concrete:tiles' !
Way 258341858 "Miletičova" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 258488566 -
lanes tag value '5' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 272996414 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 272996427 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 272996434 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 273823228 "Trnavská cesta" -
Lane turn 'reverse;slight_left' is unknown!
Way 280852084 "Južná pláž" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 280956190 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 288171436 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 282768090 "Betliarska" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 286046517 "Pod Sokolice" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 287050228 "Malý kaštieľ" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C 17' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 287143226 "Piaristická" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 287143251 "Štúrova" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 290075610 "Armádneho generála Svobodu" -
Lane turn 'throughright' is unknown!
Way 290326978 -
Unknown surface type 'tarmac' !
Way 290326979 -
Unknown surface type 'tarmac' !
Way 290326980 -
Unknown surface type 'tarmac' !
Way 290326981 -
Unknown surface type 'tarmac' !
Way 290326990 -
Unknown surface type 'tarmac' !
Way 292691476 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 295739965 -
Lane turn 'slight_right;next_right' is unknown!
Way 297402966 -
Unknown surface type 'tarmac' !
Way 298670403 "Hodonínska" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 301956729 "Kaštieľ Žipov" -
Construction startYear tag value '1790s' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 307009653 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 302419812 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 307218634 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 314982456 "Červenej armády" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 315032443 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 315553396 "P. Mudroňa" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 318851858 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 327568263 "Saratovská" -
Lane turn 'reverse;slight_left' is unknown!
Way 328719171 "Trnavská cesta" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 330318315 -
Unknown surface type 'tarmac' !
Way 330356227 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 330409460 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 338667889 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 342469767 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 342485285 -
Unknown surface type 'concrete:blocks' !
Way 355445327 "Továrenská" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 353439849 "Pri starom letisku" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 340497879 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 363695202 -
Width tag value '< 1' is no double!
Way 364091081 "Nimnická cesta" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_rightthrough' is unknown!
Way 369384249 "Parkovisko Sliezsky dom" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 375855195 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 380675914 "Račianska" -
Lane turn 'reverse;left' is unknown!
Way 383341346 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 383793615 -
Unknown surface type 'asphalt:lanes' !
Way 379411596 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 385523392 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 392398543 "Kaplnka sv. Imricha" -
Construction startYear tag value 'late C19' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 400513384 -
Unknown surface type 'carpet' !
Way 397234714 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 397234715 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 397234716 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 397234718 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 397234719 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 397234720 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 397234721 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 401978767 "Trnavská cesta" -
No oneway, but destination:lanes tag is set
Way 403351410 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 405326539 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 420989626 "Tomášikova" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 422816697 "Graniczna" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 434920666 "Viedenská cesta" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 434921939 "Staromestská" -
Lane turn 'reverse;slight_left' is unknown!
Way 434921940 "Staromestská" -
Lane turn 'reverse;slight_left' is unknown!
Way 436229413 "M. Schneidra Trnavského" -
Lane turn 'reverse;left' is unknown!
Way 437655647 "Karloveská" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 437655648 "M. Schneidra Trnavského" -
Lane turn 'reverse;left' is unknown!
Way 437669849 "Karloveská" -
Lane turn 'reverse;left' is unknown!
Way 437672804 "Rožňavská" -
Lane turn 'reverse;left' is unknown!
Way 441249739 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 441249741 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 449128419 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 459534997 -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 476759284 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 471615798 "Parkovisko City Aréna" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 482600166 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 494917861 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 494917862 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 494917864 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 494917867 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 494917871 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 506794891 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 496530119 -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 496530120 -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 496530122 -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 496530123 -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 496894552 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 496894553 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 496894554 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 496894555 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 496894568 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 496894569 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 496894572 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 496894574 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 496894576 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 504622277 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 505314167 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 505866817 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 506221466 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 520632319 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 520632320 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 520656651 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 527053781 "Račianska" -
Lane turn 'reverse;slight_left' is unknown!
Way 524447104 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 535144965 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 531195698 "Zimná" -
Lane turn 'reverse;left' is unknown!
Way 541675927 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 542001666 "Richtára Peregrina" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 544179690 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 544179695 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 552587340 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 557796075 "Trieda SNP" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 556118376 "Černyševského" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;through;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 571958717 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 561803022 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 581280320 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 577233067 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 587347206 -
No oneway, but destination:lanes tag is set
Way 578941659 "Botanická" -
Lane turn 'reverse;left' is unknown!
Way 588764755 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 595085018 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 595085021 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 595085023 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 595085026 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 604177466 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 598239536 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 610588421 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 612058812 "Bratislavská" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 612058813 "Bratislavská" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 617432582 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 617432583 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 623077981 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 623077982 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 623077983 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 623077984 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 613141132 -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 618247192 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 618247211 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 618672228 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 614867433 -
Unknown surface type 'tarmac' !
Way 614867441 -
Unknown surface type 'tarmac' !
Way 619178822 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 619178833 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 619178837 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 619178838 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 619178839 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 619178840 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 619178841 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 619178842 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 619178843 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 619178844 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 619178845 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 619178846 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 619178847 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 619178848 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 619178849 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 619178850 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 619178851 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 619178852 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 619178853 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 619178854 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 619178855 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 626660555 "Legionárska" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 644858633 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 640111261 "Pltníky" -
Lane turn 'left;through;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 646463449 "Nade Hejnej" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 642587005 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 643130251 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 669910193 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 670994292 -
Lane turn 'reverse;slight_left' is unknown!
Way 671825791 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 671825821 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674241154 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674241155 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674241156 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674241164 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674241166 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674241167 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674241170 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674241172 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674241173 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674241181 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674241182 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674241183 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674241184 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674241195 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674241196 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674241197 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674241198 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674241199 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674241200 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674241202 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674241204 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674241205 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674241206 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674241209 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674241213 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674241216 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674241220 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674241223 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674241226 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674241230 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674241234 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674241238 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674241239 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 678286319 "Hodonínska" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 674241240 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 678286320 "Hodonínska" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 674241241 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 678286322 "Hodonínska" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 674241242 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 678286323 "Hodonínska" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 674241243 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 678286324 "Hodonínska" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 674241244 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 678286325 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 674241246 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 678286326 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 678286328 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 674241262 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674241263 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674241264 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674241265 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674241266 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674241271 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 674241272 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 660948054 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 679131227 "Hodonínska" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 677182126 "Bratislavská" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 677186530 "Kutlíkova" -
Lane turn 'reverse;slight_left' is unknown!
Way 677186532 "Kutlíkova" -
Lane turn 'reverse;through' is unknown!
Way 677241699 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 679795144 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 680911795 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 680911799 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 668696337 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 686119388 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 686274974 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 683132438 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 683132441 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 683132444 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 683132447 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 683132451 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 683132454 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 683132458 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 683501497 "P. Mudroňa" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 694582812 "Továrenská" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 688239534 "Svornosti" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;through;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 691274307 -
Unknown surface type 'woven_glass_fiber_composite' !
Way 698352607 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 701335502 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 699263683 "Karloveská" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 699272972 "Saratovská" -
Lane turn 'reverse;slight_left' is unknown!
Way 708556937 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 713161158 "Parkovací dom Kramáre" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 722271880 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 722271882 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 720328225 "Obrancov mieru" -
lanes tag value '5' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 726563915 "Trstínska cesta" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 727334345 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 727334348 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 727334349 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 727334352 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 734948717 -
Unknown surface type 'tarmac' !
Way 734948723 "Kutnohorská" -
Unknown surface type 'tarmac' !
Way 738974662 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 745424378 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 746181908 "Bajkalská" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 753008839 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 755544419 "Karloveská" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 755544428 "Karloveská" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 758686969 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 759443855 "Zámocké námestie" -
Unknown surface type 'tarmac' !
Way 756680920 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 765399284 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 767597622 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 776359631 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 776359632 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 762302495 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 776879239 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 770233060 "Prístavná" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 785465940 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 785465941 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 791504636 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 786161981 "Legionárska" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 791716634 "Školská" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 786344320 -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 800536206 "Pri letisku" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 800536207 "Pri letisku" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 802644080 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 814136852 -
Lane turn 'through;merge_to_left' is unknown!
Way 815099827 -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 817949956 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 818167456 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 818167457 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 818167459 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 818625436 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 820222264 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 826473239 "Legerského" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 827470133 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 832985380 "Zlaté piesky" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 835017254 -
Max speed tag value '3.5' is not numeric!
Way 835703979 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 848576413 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 843901354 "Dom hámorníkov" -
Construction startYear tag value 'early C19' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 854659032 "M. Schneidra Trnavského" -
Lane turn 'reverse;left' is unknown!
Way 854976605 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 854976623 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 860060740 -
Unknown surface type 'steel' !
Way 866814733 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 867560613 "Cesta slobody" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 872191476 "Jánska" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;through;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 873046450 "Zelenečská" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 881902108 "Bajkalská" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 875312626 "Nábrežie arm. gen. Ludvíka Svobodu" -
Lane turn 'reverse;left' is unknown!
Way 896639079 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 896639080 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 892974658 "Dončova" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;through;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 904554466 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 900179390 -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 900179392 "Senecká cesta" -
lanes tag value '5' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 908936946 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 901761540 "Nábrežie arm. gen. Ludvíka Svobodu" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;reverse' is unknown!
Way 913926080 "Americká trieda" -
Lane turn 'reverse;left' is unknown!
Way 921946438 "Trnavská cesta" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 923137271 "Československých tankistov" -
Lane turn 'reverse;slight_left' is unknown!
Way 921060745 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 921198547 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 933659874 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 926904860 "Mauzóleum Chatama Sofera" -
Construction startYear tag value 'late C17' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 945040051 "Trieda SNP" -
Lane turn 'reverse;through' is unknown!
Way 945040052 "Trieda SNP" -
Lane turn 'reverse;through' is unknown!
Way 945040056 "Trieda SNP" -
Lane turn 'reverse;through' is unknown!
Way 945063564 "Trieda SNP" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 949385853 -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 960803907 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 960803908 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 948255554 "Čulenova" -
Lane turn 'reverse;through' is unknown!
Way 962239190 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 963434320 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 964655332 -
Unknown surface type 'concrete_plate' !
Way 964943657 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 965416726 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 965416731 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 968456324 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 972035366 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 978203830 -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 978203831 -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 978203834 -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 978203836 -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 979801127 "Hlavná" -
Lane turn 'slight_right;right' is unknown!
Way 984867310 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 977514545 -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 977514547 "Hlavná cesta" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 992989518 "Toryská" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 987629091 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1006741045 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1006741046 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1011413668 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1024026755 "Trnavská cesta" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1021723792 "Myslenická" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1018556250 -
Width tag value '1-2' is no double!
Way 1031682483 -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 1044342914 -
Unknown surface type 'steel rope' !
Way 1044585520 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1055092098 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 1055092099 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 1055092102 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 1055092103 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 1040152440 "Nálepkova" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;through;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 1056020433 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1059696062 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1059696065 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1059696066 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1070541596 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 1071525096 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1077358600 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 1080374098 -
Unknown surface type 'rubble' !
Way 1092594591 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1092909311 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1097433318 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1097736376 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1097736377 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1097736381 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1097736382 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1097736384 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1097736386 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1097736387 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1097736392 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1097736394 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1097736395 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1097795398 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 1097898266 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 1102355533 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1102721489 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1102721490 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1102721491 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1102721492 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1102721493 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1102721494 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1102721495 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1102721496 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1102721497 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1102721498 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1102721499 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1102721500 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1102721501 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1102721502 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1102721503 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1102721504 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1102721505 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1102721506 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1102721507 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1102721508 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1102721509 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1102721510 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1102721511 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1103019184 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1103019185 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1103019186 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1103086930 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1103086931 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1103086932 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1110806074 "Novohradská" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 1110872865 -
Unknown surface type 'steel' !
Way 1109113006 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1109621555 -
Width tag value 'Csak ösvény nagyon benőtt bozótos' is no double!
Way 1117823949 "Americká trieda" -
Lane turn 'reverse;through' is unknown!
Way 1117823950 "Americká trieda" -
Lane turn 'reverse;through' is unknown!
Way 1117823953 "Americká trieda" -
Lane turn 'reverse;left;through' is unknown!
Way 1117823957 "Americká trieda" -
Lane turn 'reverse;through' is unknown!
Way 1117823958 "Americká trieda" -
Lane turn 'reverse;left' is unknown!
Way 1115792439 "Trieda SNP" -
Lane turn 'reverse;through' is unknown!
Way 1115967060 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 1118301604 "Moldavská cesta" -
Lane turn 'reverse;through' is unknown!
Way 1113274198 "Jantárová" -
Lane turn 'left;;through' is unknown!
Way 1118599292 "Staničné námestie" -
Lane turn 'reverse;left;through' is unknown!
Way 1119582759 "Popradská" -
Lane turn 'throuh' is unknown!
Way 1122664661 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1122664663 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1125277485 -
Layer tag value '245' is not numeric!
Way 1123458568 "Karloveská" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1135744281 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 1135744282 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 1136278180 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1132387733 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1136703227 "Hollého" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1136954801 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade4 //od vody'
Way 1149886085 -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 1150010301 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1150010303 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1150010308 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1150010309 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1150010310 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1150010311 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1150010312 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1150011766 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1150091125 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1144498155 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1144518373 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1144518374 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1144518375 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1148476068 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 1148476070 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 1150261520 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1150261521 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1150261522 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1150261523 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1150261524 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1150261525 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1150261526 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1150261527 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1150261528 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1150261529 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1150261530 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1150261532 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1150261533 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1150261534 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1150261535 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1150261536 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1150261537 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1150261538 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1150261539 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1150932812 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1157156364 -
Lane turn 'slight_left;through;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 1159754758 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 1159754766 -
Lane turn 'left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 1157975677 "Pltníky" -
Lane turn 'left;through;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 1160435067 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1163445690 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1163445697 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1163445698 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1163445699 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1163445700 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1163445701 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1163445702 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1168838330 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1168838331 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1169793065 -
Unknown surface type 'concrete_slabs' !
Way 1176867030 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1176868860 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1176869414 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1176872206 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1176873335 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1176873336 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1175011817 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1178120551 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1178120552 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1178120553 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1178120554 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1178120562 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1184553176 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1182354110 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1188257454 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1188727630 "Továrenská" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 1183045373 "Pribinova" -
Lane turn 'slight_right;right' is unknown!
Way 1189181576 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1189181577 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1189181578 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1189181579 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1189181580 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1189181581 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1189181582 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1187815969 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1195237755 -
Width tag value '150 cm' is no double!
Way 1195241487 -
Width tag value '150 cm' is no double!
Way 1192377961 "Nábrežie" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 1195936010 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1195936023 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1195936025 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1198798820 -
Unknown surface type 'gravel:lines' !
Way 1196723274 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1202816354 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1202816355 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1202816356 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1202907947 "Pod Sokolice" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 1200786696 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1206732669 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 1209209367 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1209209368 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1209209369 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1209872540 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1223438088 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1223438089 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1223438096 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1221253495 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1227142302 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1227142304 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1227142307 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1232679971 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 1244116707 -
Unknown surface type 'steel' !
Way 1235180706 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1235800900 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1239406624 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1239406632 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1235817432 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1241925269 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1242567565 "Trstínska cesta" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1242567566 "Trstínska cesta" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1245385354 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1243500432 "Prešovská" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1243716474 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1243716475 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1262814185 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1268320859 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 1265134850 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 1265134851 -
Unknown surface type 'chipseal' !
Way 1278182338 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1278182340 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1278595595 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 1285196504 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1285196505 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1277647071 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1287462801 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1287462803 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1287462804 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1287462805 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1287462806 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1287462807 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1287462808 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1287462809 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1287462810 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1287462811 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1287462812 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1287462813 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1287462814 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1287462815 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1287462816 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1287462817 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1287462818 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1287462819 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1287462820 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1287462821 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1287462822 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1287462823 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1287462824 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1287462825 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1287462826 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1287462827 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1287462829 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1271386693 -
Unknown surface type 'cinder' !
Way 1290117669 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1288363933 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1272069887 "Trstínska cesta" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1296649311 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 1292216645 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1298002153 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1298670547 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1303069557 -
Layer tag value '1.5' is not numeric!
Way 1305650504 -
lanes tag value '5' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1300357516 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1300357517 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1303216340 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1303216341 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1308739574 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 1308739575 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 1308739865 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 1306450087 -
Unknown surface type 'carpet' !
Way 1306450260 -
Unknown surface type 'carpet' !
Way 1312272443 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1306945914 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1300607801 -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 1312332208 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 1312498983 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1312520169 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1310436727 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 1311186894 "Mallého" -
Lane turn 'left;through;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 1313506217 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1316225153 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 1312097132 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1320183643 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1320183645 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1318037153 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 1318037154 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 1321491834 -
Lane turn 'none;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 1327940236 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1334537060 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 1334549744 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 1332724842 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1332724877 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1332724878 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1332724897 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1332724898 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1330672888 -
Max speed tag value '3.5' is not numeric!
Way 1330672890 -
Max speed tag value '3.5' is not numeric!
Way 1330672891 -
Max speed tag value '3.5' is not numeric!
Way 1330672892 -
Max speed tag value '3.5' is not numeric!
Way 1330672893 -
Max speed tag value '3.5' is not numeric!
Way 1340351865 "Teplická cesta" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1333972081 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1333972082 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1347345607 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1347345608 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1351612500 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 1351612521 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 1343472030 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1344473666 -
Unknown surface type 'paving_stones1' !
Way 1352352105 "Masarykova" -
lanes tag value '5' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1352427684 -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 1355997344 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1352934618 "Pri Krásnej" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 1352934622 "Važecká" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 1352934650 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 1352934723 "Galaktická" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 1356519609 -
Unknown surface type 'concrete1' !
Way 1355163331 "Armádneho generála Svobodu" -
Lane turn 'throughright' is unknown!
Way 1358440194 "Karloveská" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Way 1359395712 "Pri starom letisku" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Relation 152299 "Hundsheimer Berge Tour" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 206740 "Pálffyho palác" -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1747' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Relation 1707977 "Náučný chodník Fiľakovský hrad" -
Not a valid color value (none)
Relation 2182710 "Parking Aquario" -
Unknown value for fee
Relation 2779676 -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 4631000 "Bus 206150: Priemyselná zóna => Vally" -
Not a valid color value (limegreen)
Relation 4631001 "Bus 206150: Dr. Clementisa => Jednoradová => Priemyselná zóna" -
Not a valid color value (limegreen)
Relation 4631002 "Bus 206150" -
Not a valid color value (limegreen)
Relation 3202558 "Cyklistický náučný chodník" -
Not a valid color value (none)
Relation 4781638 -
Unknown value for fee
Relation 4808556 "Mária-út, M02-21 (Zvolen-Banská Štiavnica)" -
Not a valid color value (none)
Relation 5227465 -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 5227466 -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 5384203 -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 5393296 "Marianska cyklotrasa - okruh č. 1 - Pútnický okruh" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 5393298 "Marianska cyklotrasa - okruh č. 3 - Račiansky okruh" -
Not a valid color value (violet)
Relation 5513570 "E4 európai hosszútávú turistaút (magyarországi szakasz)" -
Not a valid color value (no)
Relation 3346763 "Bus 1: Autobusová stanica => Sídlisko Východ => Nemocnica" -
Not a valid color value (mediumpurple)
Relation 3346764 "Bus 1: Nemocnica => Sídlisko Východ => Autobusová stanica" -
Not a valid color value (mediumpurple)
Relation 3346765 "Bus 1" -
Not a valid color value (mediumpurple)
Relation 3348155 "Bus 1: Autobusová stanica => Nemocnica" -
Not a valid color value (mediumpurple)
Relation 3348158 "Bus 1: Nemocnica => Autobusová stanica" -
Not a valid color value (mediumpurple)
Relation 3348159 "Bus 1: Nemocnica => Sídlisko Východ" -
Not a valid color value (mediumpurple)
Relation 3369292 "Bus 9: Autobusová stanica => Sídlisko Východ => Embraco" -
Not a valid color value (plum)
Relation 3369293 "Bus 9: Embraco => Sídlisko Východ => Autobusová stanica" -
Not a valid color value (plum)
Relation 3369294 "Bus 9" -
Not a valid color value (plum)
Relation 3371836 "Bus 7: Autobusová stanica => Pod Tepličkou žel.zast." -
Not a valid color value (mediumvioletred)
Relation 3371837 "Bus 7: Autobusová stanica => Podskala" -
Not a valid color value (mediumvioletred)
Relation 3371838 "Bus 7: BMZ Sadová => Autobusová stanica" -
Not a valid color value (mediumvioletred)
Relation 3371839 "Bus 7: Hájik => Autobusová stanica" -
Not a valid color value (mediumvioletred)
Relation 3371840 "Bus 7: Pod Tepličkou, žel.zast => Autobusová stanica" -
Not a valid color value (mediumvioletred)
Relation 3371841 "Bus 7: Podskala => Autobusová stanica" -
Not a valid color value (mediumvioletred)
Relation 3371842 "Bus 7" -
Not a valid color value (mediumvioletred)
Relation 3372038 "Bus 2: Autobusová stanica => Dom dôchodcov => Sídlisko Východ => Autobusová stanica" -
Not a valid color value (deeppink)
Relation 3372039 "Bus 7: Autobusová stanica => BMZ Sadová" -
Not a valid color value (mediumvioletred)
Relation 3372040 "Bus 2: Autobusová stanica => Sídlisko Východ => Športová hala => Autobusová stanica" -
Not a valid color value (deeppink)
Relation 3372041 "Bus 7: BMZ Sadová => Sídlisko Východ" -
Not a valid color value (mediumvioletred)
Relation 3372042 "Bus 2" -
Not a valid color value (deeppink)
Relation 5708643 "Driver 8" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 5756715 "MHD Malacky" -
Not a valid color value (f77921)
Relation 6439780 "Včelársky náučný chodník v botanickej záhrade UPJŠ v Košiciach" -
Not a valid color value (no)
Relation 3668343 -
Not a valid color value (blue, yellow)
Relation 6519526 -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 9627470 "Gilethov trail" -
Not a valid color value (brown)
Relation 3768512 "Medveďou cestičkou (dlhšia)" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 7021251 "Striebornica trail" -
Not a valid color value (brown)
Relation 7127614 "Južný cyklookruh mesta Lučenec" -
Not a valid color value (brown)
Relation 7127627 -
Not a valid color value (brown)
Relation 9749221 "Po mohylách" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 7273566 "Bus 4: Uherova => Dom kultúry => Priemyselná => Allendeho" -
Not a valid color value (pink)
Relation 7273567 "Bus 4: Lidická => Priemyselná => Dom kultúry => Cirkevná škola" -
Not a valid color value (pink)
Relation 7273569 "Bus 4: Uherova => Priemyselná => Lidická" -
Not a valid color value (pink)
Relation 7273570 "Bus 4. Uherova => Allendeho" -
Not a valid color value (pink)
Relation 7273571 "Bus 4: Uherova => Dom kultúry => Allendeho" -
Not a valid color value (pink)
Relation 7273572 "Bus 4: Uherova => Priemyselná => Allendeho" -
Not a valid color value (pink)
Relation 7273573 "Bus 4" -
Not a valid color value (pink)
Relation 7277187 "Bus 5: Strážske námestie => Spišská Sobota, ZŠ => Autobusová stanica" -
Not a valid color value (slateblue)
Relation 7277188 "Bus 5: Autobusová stanica => Uherova => Moyzesova, OC => Strážske námestie" -
Not a valid color value (slateblue)
Relation 7277191 "Bus 5" -
Not a valid color value (slateblue)
Relation 7339099 "Náučný chodník Tiesňava" -
Not a valid color value (none)
Relation 3920438 -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 7402840 -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 7406234 -
Not a valid color value (none)
Relation 11170097 "Biskupský kaštieľ" -
Construction startYear tag value 'early C17' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Relation 9951276 -
Not a valid color value (yellow:none)
Relation 11613089 -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 11743874 -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 4245351 "Lesný náučný chodník Smolnícka osada" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 8257663 "Z cyklookruh mesta Lučenec" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 8284614 "Bus 14: Tr.1.mája,Komenského => Nad Medzou,Lidl => Embraco" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 8421034 "Náučný chodník Horné Pršany - Lažtek, rozhľadňa" -
Not a valid color value (none)
Relation 8429916 -
Unknown value for fee
Relation 12314653 "Bus 7: Hraničná => Autobusová stanica => Uherova" -
Not a valid color value (limegreen)
Relation 9049109 "Vinařská stezka Podluží - Hodonínský okruh" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 12743131 -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 9395248 -
Construction startYear tag value 'mid C17' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Relation 13024598 -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 13024599 "traverz" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 13024600 "traverz" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 13165249 "Muráň MTB" -
Not a valid color value (none)
Relation 13415699 "Náučný chodník históriou baníctva v Hnilčíku, trasa pozdĺž Želez. potoka" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 13568557 "Braväcká" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 13600108 -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 13809463 "Poliklinika" -
Construction startYear tag value '1890s' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Relation 14357679 "BEVLAVA" -
Not a valid color value (none)
Relation 13955637 "Noffryho trail" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 14383938 -
Unknown value for fee
Relation 13998242 -
Unknown value for fee
Relation 14141890 "Kaštieľ Hajná Nová Ves" -
Construction startYear tag value 'before 1570' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Relation 14779685 -
Unknown value for fee
Relation 14884381 "Náučný chodník Prírodné a historické klenoty belujského chotára" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 15328200 "Kaštieľ Teplička nad Váhom" -
Construction startYear tag value '1590s' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Relation 15414772 -
Not a valid color value (none)
Relation 15462734 "Ekocentrum Dedinky" -
Not a valid color value (none)
Relation 15468063 -
Unknown value for fee
Relation 15471092 "Vyhliadka z Dobšinského kopca" -
Not a valid color value (none)
Relation 15471093 "Vyhliadka nad Dobšinskou Mašou" -
Not a valid color value (none)
Relation 15751504 "Betliarska mokraď" -
Not a valid color value (none)
Relation 15771757 "Majer Kobyľany" -
Construction startYear tag value '1750s' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Relation 15949632 "Przełęcz Pod Banią - Chata na Konci Sveta" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 16120614 "Challenge trail" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 16176202 "Bus 4" -
Not a valid color value (#000)
Relation 16202747 "Kúria" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C 17' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Relation 16751515 -
Not a valid color value (yelllow)
Relation 17415903 -
Not a valid color value (brown)
Relation 17415904 -
Not a valid color value (brown)
Relation 17415905 -
Not a valid color value (blue:blue)
Relation 17542844 "Kordícky rodinný chodník" -
Not a valid color value (color)
Relation 17627646 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Relation 17757763 "Poloniny trail - Bobor" -
Not a valid color value (lightblue)
Relation 17770354 -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 17801183 "Poloniny trail - Zubor" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 18093847 "Via Carpatica Vulcanica" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 18134343 "Banský náučný chodník Gelnica" -
Not a valid color value (none)
Relation 18134344 -
Not a valid color value (none)
Relation 18163399 "Stezka Českem - Dolnomoravský úval" -
Not a valid color value (none)
Relation 18165017 "Bus 206150: Pod hájkom => Jednoradová => Priemyselná zóna" -
Not a valid color value (limegreen)
Relation 18165018 "Bus 206150: Dr. Clementisa => Priemyselná zóna" -
Not a valid color value (limegreen)
Relation 18357050 "Bus 4: Lidická => Priemyselná => Cirkevná škola" -
Not a valid color value (pink)
Relation 18357051 "Bus 4: Lidická => Dom kultúry => Cirkevná škola" -
Not a valid color value (pink)
Relation 18357472 "Bus 5: Autobusová stanica => Uherova => Šoltésovej => Strážske námestie" -
Not a valid color value (slateblue)
Relation 18357473 "Bus 5: Autobusová stanica => Dostojevského => Strážske námestie" -
Not a valid color value (slateblue)
Relation 18359141 "Bus 5: Strážske námestie => Moyzesova, OC => Autobusová stanica" -
Not a valid color value (slateblue)
Relation 18359142 "Bus 5: Strážske námestie => Autobusová stanica" -
Not a valid color value (slateblue)
Relation 18359934 "Bus 7: Autobusová stanica => Hraničná" -
Not a valid color value (limegreen)
Relation 18359935 "Bus 7: Uherova => Autobusová stanica" -
Not a valid color value (limegreen)
Relation 18359936 "Bus 7: Uherova => Autobusová stanica => Hraničná" -
Not a valid color value (limegreen)
Relation 18359937 "Bus 7: Autobusová stanica => Uherova" -
Not a valid color value (limegreen)
Relation 18359938 "Bus 7" -
Not a valid color value (limegreen)
Relation 18368347 "Po úzkokoľajke" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 18395958 "Bus 6: Uherova => Teplická cesta, OC => Tesco, hypermarket" -
Not a valid color value (sienna)
Relation 18396034 "Bus 6: Uherova => Tesco, hypermarket" -
Not a valid color value (sienna)
Relation 18396035 "Bus 6: Uherova => Veľká, cintorín" -
Not a valid color value (sienna)
Relation 18396036 "Bus 6: Uherova => Štúrova" -
Not a valid color value (sienna)
Relation 18396037 "Bus 6" -
Not a valid color value (sienna)
Relation 18397014 "Bus 6: Štúrova => Cirkevná škola" -
Not a valid color value (sienna)
Relation 18397015 "Bus 6: Veľká, cintorín => Cirkevná škola" -
Not a valid color value (sienna)
Relation 18397121 "Bus 6: Tesco, hypermarket => Teplická cesta, OC => Cirkevná škola" -
Not a valid color value (sienna)
Relation 18397122 "Bus 6: Tesco, hypermarket => Cirkevná škola" -
Not a valid color value (sienna)
Relation 18473673 "Bus 7: Sídlisko Východ => Hájik" -
Not a valid color value (mediumvioletred)
Relation 18473674 "Bus 7: Sídlisko Východ => BMZ Sadová" -
Not a valid color value (mediumvioletred)
Relation 18473767 "Bus 7: Podskala => Sídlisko Východ" -
Not a valid color value (mediumvioletred)
Relation 18478329 "Bus 9: Autobusová stanica => Embraco" -
Not a valid color value (plum)
Relation 18478831 "Bus 2: Autobusová stanica => Sídlisko Východ => Hasičská stanica" -
Not a valid color value (deeppink)
Relation 18478832 "Bus 2: Autobusová stanica => Sídlisko Východ => F.Urbánka" -
Not a valid color value (deeppink)
Relation 18478833 "Bus 2: Autobusová stanica => Sídlisko Východ => Autobusová stanica" -
Not a valid color value (deeppink)
Relation 18478834 "Bus 2: Hasičská stanica => Sídlisko Východ => Autobusová stanica" -
Not a valid color value (deeppink)
Relation 18478835 "Bus 2: Autobusová stanica => Hasičská stanica" -
Not a valid color value (deeppink)
Relation 18478836 "Bus 2: Autobusová stanica => Dom dôchodcov => Sídlisko Východ" -
Not a valid color value (deeppink)
Relation 18481011 "Bus 14: Embraco => Sídlisko Východ" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 18481012 "Bus 14: Embraco => Štefánikovo námestie" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 18481013 "Bus 14: Tr.1.mája,Komenského => Autobusová stanica => Embraco" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 18481014 "Bus 14" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 18485627 "Bus 1: Autobusová stanica => Kaufland => Sídlisko Východ => Nemocnica" -
Not a valid color value (mediumpurple)
Relation 18485628 "Bus 1: Autobusová stanica => Kaufland => Nemocnica" -
Not a valid color value (mediumpurple)
Relation 18485629 "Bus 1: Sídlisko Východ => Nemocnica" -
Not a valid color value (mediumpurple)
Relation 18485677 "Bus 1: Nemocnica => Kaufland => Autobusová stanica" -
Not a valid color value (mediumpurple)
Relation 18485678 "Bus 1: Nemocnica => Sídlisko Východ => Kaufland => Autobusová stanica" -
Not a valid color value (mediumpurple)
Relation 18496755 "Stezka Českem - Bílé Karpaty" -
Not a valid color value (none)
Relation 18497641 "Bus 4: Linčianska => Námestie SUT" -
Not a valid color value (#000)
Relation 18497642 "Bus 4: BOGE => Námestie SUT" -
Not a valid color value (#000)
Relation 18497643 "Bus 4: Námestie SUT - Linčianska" -
Not a valid color value (#000)
Relation 18497644 "Bus 4: Námestie SUT - BOGE" -
Not a valid color value (#000)
Relation 18501491 "Stezka Českem - Beskydy - Javorníky" -
Not a valid color value (none)
Relation 18517331 -
Not a valid color value (orange)
1292 errors