Node 283690573 "Hraunfossar" -
Width tag value '1000' value is too small or too big!
Node 6511485674 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6657833487 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6721193272 "ON" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6721193273 "ON" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6723103509 "ON" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 6731632386 "ON" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7116478056 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7681130385 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7837075645 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8294566389 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8871650146 "ON - IcelandAir Hótel Hamar" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8907775842 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9053679369 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9134977638 "Ísorka Hleðslustöð" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9135005398 "Versló Hleðslustöoð" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9139812708 "Ísorka Hleðslutstöð" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9139852555 "Ísorka - Olís Álfheimar" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9147005222 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9219446764 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9219977709 "Höfn Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9237832010 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9850910317 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9891067419 "Akureyri Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9891076790 "Vatnagardar Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9904508752 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9891080622 "Hvolsvöllur Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9891087124 "Staðarskáli Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9905886701 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9906569017 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9908657517 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10825591589 "N1 Staðarskáli" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11047992225 "Ísorka - Olís Ánanaustum" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11051561644 "Kjörbúðin - Búðardal" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11051599139 "Víðigerði" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11055789908 "Brimborg - Volvo DC" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11055797074 "Brimborg - Jafnasel 6 (120 kW)" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11055797075 "Brimborg - Jafnasel 6 (60 kW)" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11055820048 "Brimborg - Veltir DC" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11136351266 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11165926927 "N1 Hvolsvöllur" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11165926933 "N1 Borgarnes" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11165926934 "N1 Háholti" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11165926935 "N1 Skógarlind" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11165984860 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11295486627 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11678895267 "Álfabakki Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11848617167 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11866434779 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11874112373 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11898487445 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11920329578 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11929357012 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12093673930 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12094975336 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12114515896 -
Unknown value for fee
Node 12123282672 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12127393889 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12127464002 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Way 26144607 "Þorskafjarðarvegur" -
lanes tag value '1.5' is not numeric!
Way 28616787 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 38290957 "Brú milli Heimsálfa" -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 38291785 "Hofsvallagata" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 41146019 -
Width tag value 'small' is no double!
Way 41213249 "T2" -
Width tag value 'small' is no double!
Way 42582744 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 72633834 "T2" -
Width tag value 'small' is no double!
Way 72636658 "T2" -
Width tag value 'small' is no double!
Way 93399663 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 93399667 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 93399679 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 93399703 -
Unknown surface type 'ice/snow' !
Way 93399754 -
Unknown surface type 'ice' !
Way 138017071 "Sægarðar" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 138313542 "Tryggvagata" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 153062924 "Strandvegur" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 126229250 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 127306368 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 131661336 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 131661341 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 109233817 "T2" -
Width tag value 'small' is no double!
Way 210418311 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 210418316 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 205940805 "Hestakerruvegur - forn gata" -
Unknown surface type '"niðurgrafinn"_vegur' !
Way 239145630 -
Unknown surface type 'moss' !
Way 239145635 -
Unknown surface type 'moss' !
Way 295383919 -
Unknown surface type 'gravel,_lava_rock' !
Way 295383921 -
Unknown surface type 'lava_rock' !
Way 295383922 -
Unknown surface type 'lava_rock' !
Way 383987046 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 383987047 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 372399917 -
Width tag value '2;3' is no double!
Way 372647994 "T2" -
Width tag value 'small' is no double!
Way 372647995 "T2" -
Width tag value 'small' is no double!
Way 372647998 "T2" -
Width tag value 'small' is no double!
Way 497505062 "Skipholt" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 514015538 "T2" -
Width tag value 'small' is no double!
Way 514015539 "T2" -
Width tag value 'small' is no double!
Way 517114788 "T2" -
Width tag value 'small' is no double!
Way 517341895 "Katrínartún" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 517341895 "Katrínartún" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 620059054 "Sandfellsleið" -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 621779313 "Safamýri" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 654229404 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 666158966 "Suðurlandsvegur" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 693774204 "Katrínartún" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 708596671 -
Unknown surface type 'dirt, stones' !
Way 730042294 -
Unknown surface type 'snow' !
Way 1002566386 -
Unknown surface type 'gravel,_lava_rock' !
Way 1180170764 "Nauthúsagil" -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 1209130438 -
Unsupported tracktype value '3'
Way 1278754893 -
Unknown surface type 'steel' !
Way 1334578963 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Relation 11504178 -
Unknown value for fee
Relation 5587388 -
Unknown value for fee
Relation 6179297 -
Unknown value for fee
Relation 7542541 "Strandleið" -
Not a valid color value (#5be)
Relation 8176078 "Gul leið" -
Not a valid color value (#fc1)
Relation 8191076 "Rauð leið" -
Not a valid color value (#d40)
Relation 14912722 -
Not a valid color value (red/green)
Relation 8195099 "Fjólublá leið" -
Not a valid color value (#859)
Relation 14912727 -
Not a valid color value (red/green)
Relation 8356668 "Græn leið" -
Not a valid color value (#8b3)
Relation 16149937 "Viewpoint" -
Not a valid color value (pink)
Relation 17872155 "Strípshringur" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 17890094 "Heimaey hringur" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
126 errors