Node 26864716 "Σμόλικας" -
Ele tag value '2637;2631' is no double!
Node 291336451 "Κάστρο Αγριοσυκιάς" -
Construction startYear tag value '15th century' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 296245448 "Άκανθος" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C7 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 299025931 "Αρχαία Στάγειρα" -
Construction startYear tag value '0700 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 5254920708 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5254920709 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 5339378751 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 7703250345 -
Unknown value for fee
Node 7791447724 "Κάστρο Σαμικού" -
Construction startYear tag value '500 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 8947276837 "Κάστρο Κυπαρισσίας" -
Construction startYear tag value '΄1205' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 8954340548 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9263766804 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9266398443 "Δημαρχείο Καρδίτσας" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9524534955 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9671951817 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9894579744 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10038613324 "Lazareto Hotel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10038646244 "alas resort and spa" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10038891643 "DEI blue - s/m AB SPARTI" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10038891644 "Nikiteas Bakery" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10038906276 "Akti Taygetos Resort" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10038906279 "DEI blue s/m - AB Kalamata Psaron" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10038906281 "Athanasiou Car Wash" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10038906282 "Athanasiou Car Wash" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10038936086 "DEI blue - s/m AB Messini" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10038936088 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10041224216 "Sunny Bay Hotel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10041282715 "SYNKA Supermarket" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10041366984 "Parking Apollon" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10041366985 "Super Market ΧΑΛΚΙΑΔΑΚΗΣ MAX Κουνουπιδιανά" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10041366986 "Πολυτεχνείο Κρήτης" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10041374548 "Δημαρχείο Ρεθύμνου" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10041374549 "Ελληνικό Μεσογειακό Πανεπιστήμιο" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10041374550 "Μέγαρο ΧΑΝΔΑΞ" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10041395275 "Super Market ΧΑΛΚΙΑΔΑΚΗΣ MAX Νέα Αλικαρνασσός" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10041395276 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10041414847 "Chios Chandris Hotel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10041414848 "Pegasus Studios and Apartments" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10099274552 "Αναφη Τομος Εξοριας" -
Construction startYear tag value 'june 2022' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 10595049170 "Atalanti West Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10595081246 "Atalanti East Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10595100865 "Psathopyrgos North Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10595111523 "Psathopyrgos South Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10630700240 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10648124552 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10721694444 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10721694445 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10721694446 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10721694447 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10866004009 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11091964678 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11111341856 "Blink Charging Station" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11155847492 "Αίθουσα των Αναθυμικών" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C6BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 11155847595 "Κτίριο με τις χορεύτριες" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C4BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 11155847622 "Αυλή του Βωμού" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C4 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 11155847789 "Θόλος Αρσινόης Β΄" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C3BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 11155847796 "Προπυλο του Πτολεμαιου Β΄" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C3BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 11155847835 "Αυάθημα του Φιλίππου Γ' και του Αλέξανδρου Δ'" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C3BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 11155847867 "Στοά" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C3BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 11155847905 "Ανάθημα Μιλήσιας" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C3BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 11155847923 "Νεώριο" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C3BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 11174486886 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11218316912 "Parking Apollon" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11256713574 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11263869369 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11263869370 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11263869371 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11263869373 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11281841471 -
Ele tag value '~ 200' is no double!
Node 11283984141 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11283984142 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11283984143 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11283984144 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11283984146 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11283984147 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11283984148 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11283984149 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11283984150 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11283984151 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11283984152 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11283984153 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11283984154 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11539943163 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11539943164 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11539943165 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11539943166 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11539943167 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11539943168 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11541126544 "Μνημείο της Νίκης" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C3BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 11904055446 -
Unknown value for fee
Node 11961267375 "EV Charger - Blue" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12029708659 "DEI blue - Ιωαννίδης VW" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12470994829 "Joltie - Πίνδος καφέ" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12474371274 "Electrip - TZA toys store" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12474406658 "Electrip - Κολοκυθάς" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12491910224 "EcoCharge - Τριεθνές KAOIL" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12491917264 "EcoCharge - Πολύκαστρο Park Hotel" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12491954913 "EcoCharge - Αμφίπολη ETEKA" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12505188139 "Larisa South Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12505278478 "nrg - Shell" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12506809513 "nrg - Shell" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12507854281 "DΕΙ blue - Κωτσόβολος" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12507854286 "Chargespot - Σακαρίδης VW" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12520745373 "DEI blue - VW ΠΟΡΕΙΑ" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12521387340 "DΕΙ blue - ELIN Παρασκευόπουλος" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12521455647 "Chargespot - VW Skoda Καραλελέκης" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12521615954 "Electrip - VW Τερζενίδης" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12524597440 "DΕΙ blue - VW Karalelekis" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12526847824 "DΕΙ blue - ELIN Bandak" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12526975330 "Joltie - Orange" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12528775272 "Joltie - Δημοτικό parking" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12529031774 "Joltie - Σκλαρής" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12532102685 "EKO Charge&Go" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12532934381 "DΕΙ blue - ELIN" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12533604017 "Savatis Scania - BYD" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12534767668 "DΕΙ blue - McDonald's" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12536147620 "Joltie - Les Zazous" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12538726044 "DΕΙ blue - Γαβανάς bakery" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12538787052 "Joltie - Ανέστης Χασαποταβέρνα" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12546705896 "Joltie - Epirus sports center" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12545928117 "EKO Charge&Go - Volvo Maxx Motors" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12545982708 "Joltie - InTime Center" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12545982709 "nrg - Shell" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12548890457 "Electrip - Ξένος" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12549702330 "DΕΙ blue - ELIN" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12556358252 "EKO Charge&Go - BP" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12556775205 "Chargespot - ΣΕΑ Αλμυρού" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12563973505 "DEI blue - Λιμάνι" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12565594360 "EKO Charge&Go - EKO" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12590446167 "Chargespot - Αναστασιάδης VW" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12640904414 "DΕΙ blue - ΚΑΨΙΩΧΑΣ" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12641310155 "DΕΙ blue - ΚΑΨΙΩΧΑΣ" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12641396139 "nrg - Shell" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Way 5168796 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 5168796 -
No oneway, but destination:lanes tag is set
Way 15414502 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 15423753 "Αττική Οδός" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 16868248 "Φωστηροπούλου" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 18830446 "Παύλου Μελά" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 18830708 "Αγνώστου Στρατιώτη" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 23182847 "Σέκερη" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 23182850 "Μέρλιν" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 23200491 "Αττική Οδός" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 23200492 "Αττική Οδός" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 23200496 "Αττική Οδός" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 25117403 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 25919424 "Ξάνθης - Κομοτηνής" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 26164274 "Λιβαδειάς - Λαμίας" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:rural' is not numeric!
Way 26164278 "Λιβαδειάς - Λαμίας" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:rural' is not numeric!
Way 26958917 "Πλατεία Ελευθερίας" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 27420583 "Λιβαδειά - Ορχομενός" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 27651469 "Ρήγα Φεραίου" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 31307891 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'unknown'
Way 31573702 "Λιβαδειάς - Λαμίας" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:rural' is not numeric!
Way 27956597 -
Unknown surface type 'asphalt unpaved' !
Way 32275432 "Λυκούργου Λογοθέτη" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 32275437 "Ματρόζου" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 32338392 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 32338396 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 43719964 "Αττική Οδός" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 44185887 "Μιαούλη" -
Unknown surface type 'cement_with_rocks' !
Way 48414153 "Λιβαδειάς - Λαμίας" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:rural' is not numeric!
Way 50239780 "Νεοφύτου Βάμβα" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 48275335 "Αθήνα - Θεσσαλονίκη - Εύζωνοι" -
lanes tag value '26' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 59496989 "Μεθώνης" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 67806709 -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 68612560 "Φυγαλείας" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 70375921 "Μονοπάτι Μάντρα" -
Unknown surface type 'stone,_grass' !
Way 83036468 "Αττική Οδός" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 83553718 -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left}through' is unknown!
Way 88454821 "Μάνου Λοΐζου" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 88454824 "Ιωάννη Πολέμη" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 88454829 "Αισχύλου" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 88454838 "Αριστοτέλους Βαλαωρίτη" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 88454854 "Γεωργίου Σεφέρη" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 96827199 "Κώστα Κρυστάλλη" -
Unknown surface type 'name' !
Way 101419207 "Μονοπάτι "10" Δεξί" -
Unknown surface type 'dirt_and_rocks' !
Way 102145202 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 102145213 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 112869118 "Λιβαδειάς - Λαμίας" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:rural' is not numeric!
Way 112869120 "Λιβαδειάς - Λαμίας" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:rural' is not numeric!
Way 113869841 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 115668902 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 116771879 "Κοζάνη - Πτολεμαΐδα - Νίκη" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 116772066 "Κοζάνη - Πτολεμαΐδα - Νίκη" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 119427779 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 119427805 "Έλλης Λαμπέτη" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 130088711 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 134123429 "Αρχαία Στάγειρα" -
Construction startYear tag value '0700 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 144928413 "Ναός της Ρώμης και του Αυγούστου" -
Construction startYear tag value '10BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 145662892 "Θόλος" -
Construction startYear tag value '470BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 145662893 "Μέση Στοά" -
Construction startYear tag value '140 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 145662894 "Νέον Βουλευτήριον" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C5 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 145662897 "Ναός του Απόλλωνος Πατρώου" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C4 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 145662909 "Παλαιό Βουλευτήριον και Μητρώον" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C2 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 145662912 "Στοά του Ελευθερίου Διός" -
Construction startYear tag value '425 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 145690085 "Στοά Αθηναίων" -
Construction startYear tag value '470BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 146857046 "Θέατρο" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C5 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 146857050 "Ναός Απόλλωνος" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C6 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 146863144 "Ακροκόρινθος" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C7 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 150616820 "Νεο Λιμάνι Λαυρίου" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 154073222 "Ι. Βαγενά" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 160447108 "Εγνατία Οδός" -
lanes tag value '13' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 161713164 "Λιβαδειάς - Λαμίας" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:rural' is not numeric!
Way 162304413 -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 162554736 "Τάφος του Μακρίδη Μπέη" -
Construction startYear tag value '320BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 167315804 "Monastiraki" -
Construction startYear tag value '1900 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 168904434 "Αλεξάνδρας" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 171964086 "Ποσειδώνος" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 180478856 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 178750811 "Παλαιά Εθνική Οδός 3" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:rural' is not numeric!
Way 178750812 "Παλαιά Εθνική Οδός 3" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:rural' is not numeric!
Way 178751281 "Λιβαδειάς - Λαμίας" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:rural' is not numeric!
Way 187011053 "Λουτρακίου" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 189474021 "Ελασσόνας - Κοζάνης" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 195710524 "Νεο Λιμάνι Λαυρίου" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 191695767 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 193865283 "Αυτοκινητόδρομος Κεντρικής Ελλάδας" -
lanes tag value '8' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 205638939 -
Unknown surface type 'Ζαχαρία_Παπαντωνίου' !
Way 205638960 -
Unknown surface type 'Ζαχαρία_Παπαντωνίου' !
Way 195291095 "Κόρινθος - Τρίπολη - Καλαμάτα" -
lanes tag value '8' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 208700649 "Χώρος Στάθμευσης" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 207958553 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 215668928 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 215668928 -
No oneway, but destination:lanes tag is set
Way 215668930 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 215668930 -
No oneway, but destination:lanes tag is set
Way 215668931 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 215668931 -
No oneway, but destination:lanes tag is set
Way 215668932 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 215668932 -
No oneway, but destination:lanes tag is set
Way 215668934 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 215668934 -
No oneway, but destination:lanes tag is set
Way 217628371 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 217628375 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 217628379 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 217628577 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 217628582 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 219015718 -
Unknown surface type 'asphalt,_with_lots_of_stones_and_rocks' !
Way 219037843 -
No oneway, but destination:lanes tag is set
Way 219039297 -
No oneway, but destination:lanes tag is set
Way 223699911 -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 223718734 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 224242683 "Κοζάνης - Καστοριάς" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 230697453 "Τρίπολης - Σπάρτης" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 232732176 "Ιδιωτικο Παρκινγκ" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 234455919 "Нидремарин магазин." -
Unknown value for fee
Way 241706307 "Αντωνίου Μίγγα" -
Unknown surface type 'ασφαλτοστρωμένη' !
Way 241706310 "Πάροδος Αντωνίου Μίγγα" -
Unknown surface type 'τσιμεντόστρωση' !
Way 241706314 "Οδός Καπετάν Άγρα" -
Unknown surface type 'τσιμεντοστρωμένη' !
Way 243700071 "Λεύκιππου Μιλήσιου" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 244036270 -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 245267086 "Αρχαίο Θέατρο" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C3 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 245445583 "Φίλιπποι" -
Construction startYear tag value '360 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 245504852 "Όλυνθος" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C5 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 247083153 "Αγίου Δημητρίου" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 249840168 -
Unknown value for fee
Way 255339564 "Αρχαγγέλοςυ - Καναλλακίου" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 255347295 "Αγίου Δημητρίου" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 259803251 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 262120418 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 264632163 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 274218867 -
Unknown surface type 'marble_paving_stones_and_concrete' !
Way 274218912 -
Width tag value '2-5m' is no double!
Way 274218912 -
Unknown surface type 'marble_steps' !
Way 280222676 "Λιβαδειάς - Λαμίας" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:rural' is not numeric!
Way 283663505 "Μονοπάτι "10"" -
Unknown surface type 'dirt,_rocks' !
Way 289667107 "Ναός της Δήμητρας" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C4 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 293646723 "Route to cave" -
Unknown surface type 'Stone,_some_steps,_very_steep' !
Way 296892715 "διαδρομή Αγιάσος - Ασώματος" -
Width tag value '3200' value is too small or too big!
Way 295056184 "Βασιλίσσης Σοφίας" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 297689590 "Αγίου Βασιλείου" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 297720553 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 297820333 -
Unknown surface type 'θ' !
Way 297820337 -
Unknown surface type 'θ' !
Way 300100145 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 301665826 -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 304470524 "Ναός του Δαφνηφόρου Απόλλωνα" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C8 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 304470750 "Αρχαίο Θέατρο Ερέτριας" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C5 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 307519579 "Αττική Οδός" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 305671544 -
Unknown surface type 'uneven' !
Way 319230629 -
Construction startYear tag value 'C3 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 319230630 -
Construction startYear tag value 'C1 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 322195832 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 327411638 "Κιβωτιόσχημοι Τάφοι" -
Construction startYear tag value '320BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 328415387 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 328415388 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 328415389 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 328415390 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 331345773 "Ψαχνών - Καθενών" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 335524029 "Αθήνα - Θεσσαλονίκη - Εύζωνοι" -
lanes tag value '8' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 337769666 "Αθήνα - Θεσσαλονίκη - Εύζωνοι" -
lanes tag value '11' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 349503916 -
Unknown surface type 'debris' !
Way 353420693 "Roman House" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C7 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 353420694 "Ancient theater of Maronia" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C7 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 353433422 "Όλυνθος" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C7 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 353605191 "Ακρόπολη της Ερέτριας" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C3 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 353636029 "Στράτος" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C5 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 353636032 "Αρχαίο Θέατρο Στράτου" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C3 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 351691460 "Θησαυρός του Ατρέος" -
Construction startYear tag value '1250 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 351716712 "Νεκρόπολη της Όρθιας Πέτρας" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C9 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 354288825 "Ζώμινθος" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C18 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 355130475 "Δωδεκανήσου" -
Lane turn 'slight_right;right' is unknown!
Way 356747688 "Καληστράτα" -
Width tag value '2 to 5m' is no double!
Way 356747688 "Καληστράτα" -
Unknown surface type 'marble_steps' !
Way 356747692 -
Width tag value '2-5m' is no double!
Way 359637646 "Λίνδος" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C9 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 359637650 "Ναός της Αθηνάς Λινδίας" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C3 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 359637656 "Ελληνιστική Στοά" -
Construction startYear tag value '200 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 355556961 "Λατώ" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C5 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 357505048 "Χαλανδρίου" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 358952459 "Ανακτορικό κτηριακό συγκρότημα" -
Construction startYear tag value '1600 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 361546653 -
Unknown surface type 'ground_and_stone' !
Way 364886545 "Λιβαδειάς - Άμφισσας" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 366854616 "Βαθέος - Χαλκίδας" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 367433385 "Διακλάδωση Βελεστίνου" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 367433386 "Διακλάδωση Βελεστίνου" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 370735931 "Παράπλευρη Οδός" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 379073793 "Ελευθερούπολης - Σερρών" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 379073793 "Ελευθερούπολης - Σερρών" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 379723441 "Συνδετήρια Οδός" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 383267446 "Ανώνυμος" -
Unknown surface type 'Τσιμεντόστρωση' !
Way 383351066 "Φενεός" -
Construction startYear tag value '1500BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 383426705 "Ωδείο τού Αγρίππα" -
Construction startYear tag value '15 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 381726769 -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 387581092 "Αθηνών" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;right' is unknown!
Way 390266346 -
Width tag value '2-3' is no double!
Way 394438014 -
lanes tag value '1.5' is not numeric!
Way 394510125 "Κόρινθος - Τρίπολη - Καλαμάτα" -
lanes tag value '13' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 394761019 "Κόρινθος - Τρίπολη - Καλαμάτα" -
lanes tag value '8' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 394762679 "Κόρινθος - Τρίπολη - Καλαμάτα" -
lanes tag value '10' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 394892169 "Κόρινθος - Τρίπολη - Καλαμάτα" -
lanes tag value '9' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 395368289 -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 401387804 "Δράμας - Καβάλας" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 401624212 -
Unknown surface type 'terrazzo' !
Way 403239847 -
Unknown surface type 'στοά' !
Way 403542943 "Κόρινθος - Τρίπολη - Καλαμάτα" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 419164211 "Παναγιώτη Κανελλόπουλου" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 423084702 -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 426845229 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 427822473 "Πολυγύρου - Γερακινής" -
Lane turn 'through;merge_to_left' is unknown!
Way 427822516 "Πολυγύρου - Γερακινής" -
Lane turn 'through;merge_to_left' is unknown!
Way 427822529 "Πολυγύρου - Γερακινής" -
Lane turn 'through;merge_to_left' is unknown!
Way 434863507 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 434863508 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 434863509 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 434863510 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 434863511 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 434863512 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 434863513 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 434863514 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 434863515 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 434863516 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 434863517 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 434863518 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 434863519 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 434863520 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 434863521 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 434869334 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 434869336 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 434869338 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 436983162 "Αττική Οδός" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 437022396 "Δημοτικό πάρκινγκ" -
Unknown value for fee
Way 437139427 "Λάρισας - Καρδίτσας" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 437139438 "Λάρισας - Καρδίτσας" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 435050719 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 435799024 "Δράμας - Εξοχής" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 442189940 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 436143570 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 442899351 -
Unknown surface type 'Ζακύνθου' !
Way 444407573 "Θεσσαλονίκης - Καβάλας" -
Lane turn 'none;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 441081213 "Ανδρέα Συγγρού" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;right' is unknown!
Way 439133688 "Θεσσαλονίκης - Καβάλας" -
Lane turn 'none;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 449763121 "Στυλίδας - Βελεστίνου" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 449763123 "Στυλίδας - Βελεστίνου" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 449763125 "Στυλίδας - Βελεστίνου" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 449763130 "Στυλίδας - Βελεστίνου" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 449763131 "Στυλίδας - Βελεστίνου" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 449763132 "Στυλίδας - Βελεστίνου" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 450306280 "Κοζάνης - Καστοριάς" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 452056685 "Περιφερειακή Οδός Ιωαννίνων" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 459825605 "Ιωαννίνων - Ηγουμενίτσας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 459825606 "Ιωαννίνων - Ηγουμενίτσας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 459825614 "Ιωαννίνων - Ηγουμενίτσας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 459831064 "Ιωαννίνων - Ηγουμενίτσας" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 459831073 "Ιωαννίνων - Ηγουμενίτσας" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 459831077 "Ιωαννίνων - Ηγουμενίτσας" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 459831083 "Ιωαννίνων - Ηγουμενίτσας" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 457738833 "Άμφισσα - Ιτέα" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 463066460 "Βόρειος Οδικός Άξονας Κρήτης" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_right;right' is unknown!
Way 459956578 "Μουσών" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 459956579 "Μουσών" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 465469269 "Αμφίπολης - Σερρών" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 465469274 "Αμφίπολης - Σερρών" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 465469282 "Αμφίπολης - Σερρών" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 465469287 "Αμφίπολης - Σερρών" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 465469292 "Αμφίπολης - Δράμας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 465469298 "Αμφίπολης - Δράμας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 465469304 "Αμφίπολης - Σερρών" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 465643386 "Αμφίπολης - Σερρών" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 465643389 "Αμφίπολης - Σερρών" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 465643390 "Αμφίπολης - Σερρών" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 465643391 "Συνδετήρια Οδός" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 465643393 "Αμφίπολης - Σερρών" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 465643394 "Αμφίπολης - Σερρών" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 465845308 "Αμφίπολης - Σερρών" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 465845308 "Αμφίπολης - Σερρών" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 465845311 "Αμφίπολης - Σερρών" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 465845311 "Αμφίπολης - Σερρών" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 465845340 "Σερρών - Δράμας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 465845342 "Σερρών - Δράμας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 466147556 "Αντίρριο - Ιωάννινα" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 466147565 "Αντίρριο - Ιωάννινα" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 466227889 "Σερρών - Δράμας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 466227892 "Σερρών - Δράμας" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 466227895 "Σερρών - Δράμας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 466227895 "Σερρών - Δράμας" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 466227901 "Σερρών - Δράμας" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 466227908 "Σερρών - Δράμας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 466227908 "Σερρών - Δράμας" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 466227913 "Σερρών - Δράμας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 466227962 "Σερρών - Δράμας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 466227965 "Σερρών - Δράμας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 466227968 "Σερρών - Δράμας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 458960281 "Θήβας - Χαλκίδας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 458960283 "Θήβας - Χαλκίδας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 458963492 "Θήβας - Χαλκίδας" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 466926726 "Θεσσαλονίκης - Βέροιας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 466926728 "Θεσσαλονίκης - Βέροιας" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 466926730 "Θεσσαλονίκης - Βέροιας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 467023729 "Σιάτιστας - Γρεβενών" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 467023733 "Σιάτιστας - Γρεβενών" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 461091425 "Φιλιππιάδα - Πρέβεζα" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 461091427 "Φιλιππιάδα - Πρέβεζα" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 467197479 "Κοζάνη - Πτολεμαΐδα - Νίκη" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 470182894 "Αθήνα - Πάτρα" -
lanes tag value '15' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 461177101 -
Width tag value '1-2' is no double!
Way 461300057 "Φιλιππιάδα - Πρέβεζα" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 467486399 "Αγίου Θωμά" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 467497373 "Αγίου Θωμά" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 467497378 "Αγίου Θωμά" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 467497381 "Αγίου Θωμά" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 467497382 "Αγίου Θωμά" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 467497383 "Αγίου Θωμά" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 464868040 "Παναγίας - Ιωαννίνων" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 464868041 "Παναγίας - Ιωαννίνων" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 467649028 "Μετσόβου - Γρεβενών" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 467649031 "Μετσόβου - Γρεβενών" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 467649035 "Μετσόβου - Γρεβενών" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 467649058 "Μετσόβου - Γρεβενών" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 467649082 "Μετσόβου - Γρεβενών" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 467649084 "Μετσόβου - Γρεβενών" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 467649086 "Μετσόβου - Γρεβενών" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 467649088 "Μετσόβου - Γρεβενών" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 467665155 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 467665184 "Κοζάνης - Καστοριάς" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 467665185 "Κοζάνης - Καστοριάς" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 471788438 "Αθήνα - Θεσσαλονίκη - Εύζωνοι" -
lanes tag value '8' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 471788442 "Αθήνα - Θεσσαλονίκη - Εύζωνοι" -
lanes tag value '8' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 465205391 "Ελικώνος" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 476314266 "Αριστείδου Ζάχου" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 476314270 "Αριστείδου Ζάχου" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 477827956 "Αθήνα - Θεσσαλονίκη - Εύζωνοι" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;through' is unknown!
Way 474907185 "Αθήνα - Θεσσαλονίκη - Εύζωνοι" -
lanes tag value '26' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 474907186 "Αθήνα - Θεσσαλονίκη - Εύζωνοι" -
lanes tag value '26' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 475118113 -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 480071449 "Χρυσοστόμου Σμύρνης" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 480071449 "Χρυσοστόμου Σμύρνης" -
Lane turn 'left;throug' is unknown!
Way 479189023 "Αθήνα - Θεσσαλονίκη - Εύζωνοι" -
lanes tag value '14' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 479189024 "Αθήνα - Θεσσαλονίκη - Εύζωνοι" -
lanes tag value '14' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 479189067 "Αθήνα - Θεσσαλονίκη - Εύζωνοι" -
lanes tag value '14' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 480878341 "Ανδρέα Κάλβου" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 480878345 "Αριστοτέλους Βαλαωρίτη" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 485985319 "Κόνιτσας - Γέφυρας Μπουραζανίου" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 486374173 "Θεσσαλονίκης - Έδεσσας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 486374180 "Θεσσαλονίκης - Έδεσσας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 486374187 "Θεσσαλονίκης - Έδεσσας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 486392455 "Φλώρινας - Θεσσαλονίκης" -
lanes tag value '5' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 486392456 "Φλώρινας - Θεσσαλονίκης" -
lanes tag value '6' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 486392457 "Φλώρινας - Θεσσαλονίκης" -
lanes tag value '5' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 486392463 "Φλώρινας - Θεσσαλονίκης" -
lanes tag value '6' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 482721742 "Κάθετος Άξονας Ροδόπης" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 482721747 "Κάθετος Άξονας Ροδόπης" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 488556592 -
Unknown surface type 'dirt,_grass' !
Way 488659781 "Παλαιά Εθνική Οδός" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 488659808 "Φλώρινας - Έδεσσας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 488898428 "Φλώρινας - Θεσσαλονίκης" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 488898433 "Φλώρινας - Θεσσαλονίκης" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 488898435 "Φλώρινας - Θεσσαλονίκης" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 488898436 "Φλώρινας - Θεσσαλονίκης" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 486877584 "Αθήνα - Πάτρα" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 484855682 "Πατρών - Πύργου" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 484855685 "Πατρών - Πύργου" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 484868388 "Φιλιατρά - Πύλος" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 485320005 "Βόλου - Λάρισας" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 485320006 "Βόλου - Λάρισας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 485320011 "Βόλου - Λάρισας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 485339163 -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 485339165 -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 493632649 -
Unknown surface type 'Χωματόδρομος' !
Way 493632868 -
Unknown surface type 'Χωματόδρομος' !
Way 492153226 "Λαμίας - Καρπενησίου" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 490262608 -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 490262612 -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 490262614 -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 490262616 -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 490262617 -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 490262618 -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 490262619 -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 490262620 -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 490262621 -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 490262623 -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 490262626 -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 490262627 -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 490262645 -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 490264281 "Κατερίνης - Λιμένα Λιτοχώρου" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 490264285 "Κατερίνης - Λιμένα Λιτοχώρου" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 494827700 -
Unknown surface type 'Τσιμέντο' !
Way 495221653 "Ξάνθης - Κομοτηνής" -
lanes tag value '5' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 495221655 "Ξάνθης - Κομοτηνής" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 495222901 "Ξάνθης - Κομοτηνής" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 495222910 "Ξάνθης - Κομοτηνής" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 495222911 "Ξάνθης - Κομοτηνής" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 496531210 "Πελασγίας - Γλύφας" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 496531215 "Πελασγίας - Γλύφας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 496531216 "Πελασγίας - Γλύφας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 496531218 "Πελασγίας - Γλύφας" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 496702186 "Εγνατία Οδός" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 502737958 -
Unknown surface type 'beach' !
Way 503086973 "Τρικάλων - Παναγίας" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;right' is unknown!
Way 504963061 "Θεσσαλονίκη - Προμαχώνας" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 516566646 "Ηράκλειο - Φαιστός" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 516566647 "Ηράκλειο - Φαιστός" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 510931613 "Φλώρινας - Νίκης" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 511278582 "Ποσειδώνος" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 511278589 "Ποσειδώνος" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 518044997 "Αυτοκινητόδρομος Κεντρικής Ελλάδας" -
lanes tag value '8' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 526611646 "Σερρών - Δράμας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 527667103 -
Unknown surface type 'boulders' !
Way 533517550 "Πεντάλοφο - Κεφαλόβρυσο" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 535405782 "Θεσσαλονίκης - Πολυγύρου" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 531254410 -
Width tag value 'g' is no double!
Way 534308039 "Περιφερειακή Οδός Θεσσαλονίκης" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;merge_to_right' is unknown!
Way 534387605 "Αντίρριο - Ιωάννινα" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 539240699 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3-5'
Way 544507170 -
Unknown surface type 'χαλικόστρωτο' !
Way 547214301 "Ευρυτανίας" -
Unknown surface type 'Ευρυτανίας' !
Way 554513314 "Αιόλου" -
Unknown surface type 'Cement_surface,very_bad.' !
Way 560199958 "Αθήνα - Θεσσαλονίκη - Εύζωνοι" -
lanes tag value '8' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 560199959 "Αθήνα - Θεσσαλονίκη - Εύζωνοι" -
lanes tag value '8' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 560199960 "Αθήνα - Θεσσαλονίκη - Εύζωνοι" -
lanes tag value '8' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 563005450 "path to the beach. No beach shoes/Χωρίς παπούτσια στην παραλία" -
Width tag value '50cm' is no double!
Way 571630381 -
Unknown surface type '1' !
Way 583410503 "Πύργος Αγίου Βασιλείου" -
Construction startYear tag value '14th century' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 572672339 -
Width tag value 'g' is no double!
Way 580841031 "Φλώρινας - Θεσσαλονίκης" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 584985210 -
Unknown surface type 'Βλαχογιάννη' !
Way 581816862 -
Unknown surface type 'pedestra' !
Way 590592632 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 599497944 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 591640434 "Καβάλας - Κεραμωτής" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 592202408 "Τρίπολης - Σπάρτης" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 592202410 "Τρίπολης - Σπάρτης" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 592202411 "Τρίπολης - Σπάρτης" -
lanes tag value '5' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 597875898 "Κόρινθος - Τρίπολη - Καλαμάτα" -
lanes tag value '8' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 597934331 "Κόρινθος - Τρίπολη - Καλαμάτα" -
lanes tag value '13' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 597934336 "Κόρινθος - Τρίπολη - Καλαμάτα" -
lanes tag value '13' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 597934363 "Κόρινθος - Τρίπολη - Καλαμάτα" -
lanes tag value '10' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 598107869 "Κόρινθος - Τρίπολη - Καλαμάτα" -
lanes tag value '10' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 598201723 -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 598472221 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 598472222 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 598472223 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 598472229 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 598472230 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 611238141 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 604643263 "Αττική Οδός" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 604643289 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 604643289 -
No oneway, but destination:lanes tag is set
Way 604643299 -
No oneway, but destination:lanes tag is set
Way 604643301 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 604643301 -
No oneway, but destination:lanes tag is set
Way 604643302 -
No oneway, but destination:lanes tag is set
Way 604643305 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 604643305 -
No oneway, but destination:lanes tag is set
Way 604743256 "Αττική Οδός" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 619722266 "Αγίου Γεωργίου" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 619722276 "Ανατολικής Ρωμυλίας" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 619722278 "Φιλίππου" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 625076314 -
Unknown surface type 'Ziegenpfad' !
Way 625728812 "Κόρινθος - Τρίπολη - Καλαμάτα" -
lanes tag value '9' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 625728813 "Κόρινθος - Τρίπολη - Καλαμάτα" -
lanes tag value '9' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 628420687 "Ωραιοκάστρου" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 628829454 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 628849919 -
Unknown surface type 'Πάρου' !
Way 640413064 "Αυτοκινητόδρομος Κεντρικής Ελλάδας" -
lanes tag value '8' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 640420252 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 644441083 "Καλλιρόης" -
Lane turn 'through;slight_right;right' is unknown!
Way 641030747 "Αθήνα - Θεσσαλονίκη - Εύζωνοι" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 641519715 "Τεμπών" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 652073615 "Αναπαύσεως" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 652474569 "Πειραιώς" -
Lane turn 'through;right;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 655715148 "Θεσσαλονίκης" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 653780620 "6ης Αυγούστου" -
Unknown surface type 'steps' !
Way 658827465 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 658827468 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 658827472 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 658921519 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 658921520 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 658956433 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 658956434 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 658956437 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 658956438 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 658956439 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 658956440 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 658972624 "Λαρίσης" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 658972625 "Τρικάλων" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 659122484 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 661479969 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 661479972 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 661479973 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 661496250 "Αγίου Γεωργίου" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 661507417 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 662157776 "Ολυμπιονίκου Τσικλητήρα" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 662209929 "Παπάγου" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 662364517 "Δερβενακίων" -
Lane turn 'left;right;through' is unknown!
Way 662364518 "Δερβενακίων" -
Lane turn 'left;right;through' is unknown!
Way 662364520 "Δερβενακίων" -
Lane turn 'left;right;through' is unknown!
Way 662364521 "Δερβενακίων" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 662384417 "Δερβενακίων" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 662384420 "Δερβενακίων" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 663273592 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 663273776 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 658133151 "Πάροδος Αντωνίου Μίγγα" -
Unknown surface type 'τσιμεντοστρωμένη' !
Way 658135873 "Οδός Καπετάν Άγρα" -
Unknown surface type 'τσιμεντοστρωμένη' !
Way 658272263 "Αγίου Δημητρίου" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 660226843 "Αναπαύσεως" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 660226849 "Κλεισθένους" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 658284508 "Αγίου Βασιλείου" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 658284518 "Όθωνος" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 658593644 "Καλύμνου" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 660615790 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 661256557 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 661256561 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 661256562 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 671926020 -
Unknown surface type 'marble_steps' !
Way 676302065 "Δράμας - Καβάλας" -
Lane turn 'trhrough' is unknown!
Way 671194726 "Αναπαύσεως" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 674255432 "Δράμας - Καβάλας" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 674255432 "Δράμας - Καβάλας" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 679436655 "Αναξαγόρα" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 680032594 "Αυτοκινητόδρομος Κεντρικής Ελλάδας" -
lanes tag value '8' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 680032595 "Αυτοκινητόδρομος Κεντρικής Ελλάδας" -
lanes tag value '8' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 684063209 "Αντίρριο - Ιωάννινα" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 688406332 "Περιφερειακή Οδός Ιωαννίνων" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 688412541 "Περιφερειακή Οδός Ιωαννίνων" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 688616645 "Αντιρρίου - Ιωαννίνων" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 697710324 "Γέφυρα Βέργας - Δυτική Φραγκίστα" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 696777578 "Πάτρα - Βλαχέρνα" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 696777582 "Πάτρα - Βλαχέρνα" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 696777584 "Πάτρα - Βλαχέρνα" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 699093689 "Παράκαμψη Νιγρίτας" -
lanes tag value '5' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 697556896 "Αντιρρίου - Ιωαννίνων" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 697556903 "Αντιρρίου - Ιωαννίνων" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 697556906 "Αντιρρίου - Ιωαννίνων" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 704183763 "Αντιρρίου - Ιωαννίνων" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 704183766 "Αντιρρίου - Ιωαννίνων" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 704183767 "Αντιρρίου - Ιωαννίνων" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 704183768 "Αντιρρίου - Ιωαννίνων" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 704183770 "Αντιρρίου - Ιωαννίνων" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 704183771 "Αντιρρίου - Ιωαννίνων" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 700274882 "Εγνατία Οδός" -
lanes tag value '13' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 700305528 "Αθήνα - Πάτρα" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 702250755 "Νυρεμβέργης" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 716892996 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 730921727 "Ηρακλείου" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 708596591 "Αθήνα - Πάτρα" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 731172850 "Αντιρρίου - Ιωαννίνων" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 731962416 "Αθήνα - Πάτρα" -
lanes tag value '15' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 731962417 "Αθήνα - Πάτρα" -
lanes tag value '15' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 731962418 "Αθήνα - Πάτρα" -
lanes tag value '15' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 731962419 "Αθήνα - Πάτρα" -
lanes tag value '15' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 729550981 "Μαλεσίνα - Θεολόγος" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 741288867 "Δόμβραινα - Πρόδρομος" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 741288868 "Δόμβραινα - Πρόδρομος" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 741288875 "Δόμβραινα - Πρόδρομος" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 741288876 "Δόμβραινα - Πρόδρομος" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 742008231 "Καλαμάτας" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 734631287 -
Unknown surface type 'uu' !
Way 753439797 "Αθήνα - Θεσσαλονίκη - Εύζωνοι" -
lanes tag value '11' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 753439798 "Αθήνα - Θεσσαλονίκη - Εύζωνοι" -
lanes tag value '11' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 753565447 "Διακλάδωση Στυλίδας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 758436246 "Αθήνα - Θεσσαλονίκη - Εύζωνοι" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 754836280 "Εγνατία Οδός" -
lanes tag value '6' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 761005142 "Heroon" -
Construction startYear tag value 'late C10 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 769039710 "Νικολάου Πλαβούκου" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 767392713 "Χαλανδρίου" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 772445728 -
Lane turn 'through;right;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 774929372 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 774929373 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 777416671 "Χαλίκι - Αγγελόκαστρο" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 781385247 "Άμφισσα - Λιδωρίκι" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 781385252 "Άμφισσα - Λιδωρίκι" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 781420480 "Αντιρρίου - Ιωαννίνων" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 778951273 "Φιλιατρά - Πύλος" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 778951320 "Φιλιατρά - Πύλος" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 779877352 "Φαρσάλων - Λάρισας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 784764126 "Λένορμαν" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 793221697 -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 789786775 "Ηροδότου" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 803116012 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 806550450 "Παράκαμψη Άνω Βιάννου" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 806550451 "Παράκαμψη Άνω Βιάννου" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 806550452 "Παράκαμψη Άνω Βιάννου" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 806550452 "Παράκαμψη Άνω Βιάννου" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 806550457 "Παράκαμψη Άνω Βιάννου" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 806550459 "Παράκαμψη Άνω Βιάννου" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 806550459 "Παράκαμψη Άνω Βιάννου" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 806550460 "Παράκαμψη Άνω Βιάννου" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 806550487 "Άνω Βιάννου - Ιεράπετρας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 806550489 "Παράκαμψη Άνω Βιάννου" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 806550497 "Παράκαμψη Άνω Βιάννου" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 807608628 "Λαμίας - Καρπενησίου" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 807608629 "Λαμίας - Καρπενησίου" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 807608630 "Λαμίας - Καρπενησίου" -
lanes tag value '5' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 815883448 "Αγίου Γεωργίου" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 818740717 "Βόρειος Οδικός Άξονας Κρήτης" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 821281651 "Τρίπολης - Πύργου" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 827705374 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 832826974 "Λιβαδειά - Ορχομενός" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 832826976 "Λιβαδειά - Ορχομενός" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 832826978 "Λιβαδειά - Ορχομενός" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 832826979 "Λιβαδειά - Ορχομενός" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 832826984 "Λιβαδειά - Ορχομενός" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 832826985 "Λιβαδειά - Ορχομενός" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 833566201 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 834151511 "Κρεστένα - Ανδρίτσαινα" -
Lane turn 'left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 834883473 "Τρίπολης - Πύργου" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 842179311 "Διακλάδωση Δάφνης" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 842222075 "Λιβαδειάς - Λαμίας" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:rural' is not numeric!
Way 842222554 "Λιβαδειάς - Λαμίας" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:rural' is not numeric!
Way 842223415 "Λιβαδειάς - Λαμίας" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:rural' is not numeric!
Way 835690095 "Τρίπολης - Πύργου" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 839777530 "Παράκαμψη Κάτω Νευροκοπίου" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 839782194 "Δράμας - Εξοχής" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 842315971 "Λιβαδειάς - Λαμίας" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:rural' is not numeric!
Way 842316147 "Λιβαδειάς - Λαμίας" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:rural' is not numeric!
Way 842316369 "Λιβαδειάς - Λαμίας" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:rural' is not numeric!
Way 842316779 "Λιβαδειάς - Λαμίας" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:rural' is not numeric!
Way 838098036 "Καλύμνου" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 842318591 "Παλαιά Εθνική Οδός 3" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:rural' is not numeric!
Way 839961381 "Αθήνα - Θεσσαλονίκη - Εύζωνοι" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 840125958 "Παράκαμψη Σπάρτης" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 844993373 "Αναπαύσεως" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 846969901 "Μονοπάτι Μάντρα" -
Unknown surface type 'stone,_grass' !
Way 842497748 "Τρικάλων - Γρεβενών" -
Lane turn 'rthrough' is unknown!
Way 841678835 "Περιφερειακή Υμηττού" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 848284543 -
Lane turn 'left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 850857311 -
Unknown surface type 'water' !
Way 852409620 -
Unknown surface type 'asphalt unpaved' !
Way 852409628 -
Unknown surface type 'asphal unpaved asphalt' !
Way 852997624 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3-5'
Way 857875977 -
Unknown surface type 'i' !
Way 856399912 "Νέα Μουδανιά - Κασσανδρεία" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 856486043 -
Unknown surface type 'z' !
Way 859250629 -
Unknown surface type 'θ' !
Way 859250630 -
Unknown surface type 'θ' !
Way 856817691 -
Unknown surface type 'θ' !
Way 856817702 -
Unknown surface type 'θ' !
Way 856817704 -
Unknown surface type 'θ' !
Way 856817710 -
Unknown surface type 'θ' !
Way 856817712 -
Unknown surface type 'θ' !
Way 856817713 -
Unknown surface type 'θ' !
Way 865103129 "Ξάνθης - Κομοτηνής" -
lanes tag value '6' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 865103130 "Ξάνθης - Κομοτηνής" -
lanes tag value '5' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 866231120 -
Unknown surface type 'paved_stones' !
Way 876010417 -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 878077879 "Έδεσσας - Αριδαίας" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 878077882 "Έδεσσας - Αριδαίας" -
lanes tag value '5' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 878077883 "Έδεσσας - Αριδαίας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 878077889 "Έδεσσας - Αριδαίας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 878077890 "Έδεσσας - Αριδαίας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 878077892 "Έδεσσας - Αριδαίας" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 878077893 "Έδεσσας - Αριδαίας" -
lanes tag value '5' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 878077894 "Έδεσσας - Αριδαίας" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 885855397 -
Unknown surface type 'dirt_and_stone' !
Way 888602872 -
Unknown surface type 'ui' !
Way 887854283 "Περιφερειακή Οδός Ιτέας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 887854284 "Περιφερειακή Οδός Ιτέας" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 887854286 "Περιφερειακή Οδός Ιτέας" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 887854287 "Περιφερειακή Οδός Ιτέας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 887854291 "Ιτέα - Δίστομο" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 887854292 "Ιτέα - Δίστομο" -
lanes tag value '5' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 888981415 -
Unknown surface type '8' !
Way 893781027 -
Unknown surface type 'i' !
Way 903910991 "Δενδροποτάμου" -
Lane turn 'through;through' is unknown!
Way 908400446 -
Unknown surface type 'tu' !
Way 918632531 -
Unknown surface type 'z' !
Way 915067797 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 915716476 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 915847505 -
Unknown surface type 'θ' !
Way 915847507 -
Unknown surface type 'θ' !
Way 915847509 -
Unknown surface type 'θ' !
Way 915847510 -
Unknown surface type 'θ' !
Way 915847515 -
Unknown surface type 'θ' !
Way 915847518 -
Unknown surface type 'θ' !
Way 915847521 -
Unknown surface type 'θ' !
Way 915847522 -
Unknown surface type 'θ' !
Way 915847531 -
Unknown surface type 'θ' !
Way 915847532 -
Unknown surface type 'θ' !
Way 915905226 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 924816956 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 926750517 "Λορέντζου Μαβίλη" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 926750524 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 926750526 "Σαπφούς Αλκαίου" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 926750529 "Σαπφούς Αλκαίου" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 926750530 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 926750531 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 926750534 "Έλλης Λαμπέτη" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 926750535 "Έλλης Λαμπέτη" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 926750536 "Έλλης Λαμπέτη" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 926750537 "Έλλης Λαμπέτη" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 926750539 "Νίκου Χατζηαποστόλου" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 926750540 "Κωνσταντίνου Νικολαΐδη" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 926750541 "Κωνσταντίνου Νικολαΐδη" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 926750542 "Κωνσταντίνου Νικολαΐδη" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 926750543 "Νίκου Χατζηαποστόλου" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 926750544 "Νίκου Χατζηαποστόλου" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 926750545 "Νίκου Χατζηαποστόλου" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 926750550 "Κώστα Πρετεντέρη" -
Unknown surface type 'cem' !
Way 926750551 "Νίκου Τσιφόρου" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 926750552 "Νίκου Τσιφόρου" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 926750553 "Δημητρίου Γιανουκάκη" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 926750554 "Δημητρίου Γιανουκάκη" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 930595175 -
Unknown surface type 'z' !
Way 922912978 "Αθήνών - Σουνίου" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_rught' is unknown!
Way 923146498 "Ξάνθης - Κομοτηνής" -
lanes tag value '5' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 924535988 "Αθήνών - Σουνίου" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 924535989 "Αθήνών - Σουνίου" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 924535995 "Αθήνών - Σουνίου" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 942247502 "Μεσσήνη - Μελιγαλάς" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 942247507 "Μεσσήνη - Μελιγαλάς" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 946151609 "Αντίρριο - Ιωάννινα" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 946151611 "Αντίρριο - Ιωάννινα" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 946151613 "Αντίρριο - Ιωάννινα" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 944672720 -
lanes tag value '5' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 944672723 "Παλαιά Εθνική Οδός 74" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 944672739 "Τρίπολης - Πύργου" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 944672741 "Τρίπολης - Πύργου" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 944672742 "Τρίπολης - Πύργου" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 944672744 "Τρίπολης - Πύργου" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 947677155 "Κόρινθος - Τρίπολη - Καλαμάτα" -
lanes tag value '10' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 944937454 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 944937455 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 944937456 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 934336654 "Αθήνα - Θεσσαλονίκη - Εύζωνοι" -
lanes tag value '8' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 953742141 "Φλώρινας - Θεσσαλονίκης" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 938298955 "Ελευθερίου Βενιζέλου" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 938298963 "Ελευθερίου Βενιζέλου" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 954887162 "Λιβαδειάς - Λαμίας" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:rural' is not numeric!
Way 954887163 "Λιβαδειάς - Λαμίας" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:rural' is not numeric!
Way 957036341 "Τρίπολης - Πύργου" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 957036342 "Τρίπολης - Πύργου" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 958849552 "Μύρινα - Μούδρος" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 958849553 "Μύρινα - Μούδρος" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 958849555 "Μύρινα - Μούδρος" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 958849556 "Μύρινα - Μούδρος" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 958849557 "Μύρινα - Μούδρος" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 962172808 "Σπάρτη - Γύθειο" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 962172812 "Σπάρτη - Γύθειο" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 961789690 "Παράδρομος Αθηνών - Θεσσαλονίκης" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 961789692 "Παράδρομος Αθηνών - Θεσσαλονίκης" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 961789693 "Παράδρομος Αθηνών - Θεσσαλονίκης" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 961789699 "Παράδρομος Αθηνών - Θεσσαλονίκης" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 961789701 "Παράδρομος Αθηνών - Θεσσαλονίκης" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 965739570 "Φιλιππιάδα - Πρέβεζα" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 965739571 "Φιλιππιάδα - Πρέβεζα" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 965739573 "Φιλιππιάδα - Πρέβεζα" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 966703064 "Λιβαδειάς - Λαμίας" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:rural' is not numeric!
Way 967532707 "Σπάρτης" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 967532712 "Ανθέων" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 968841471 "Τρικάλων - Γρεβενών" -
Lane turn 'rthrough' is unknown!
Way 972690969 "Βασιλίσσης Σοφίας" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 972521961 -
Unknown surface type 'stepping_stones' !
Way 972817186 "Μονοπάτι Μάντρα" -
Unknown surface type 'stone,_grass' !
Way 974530985 -
Unknown surface type 'θ' !
Way 974530986 -
Unknown surface type 'θ' !
Way 974531779 -
Unknown surface type 'θ' !
Way 975219800 "Στοά του Αττάλου" -
Construction startYear tag value '138 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 975449298 "Ελένης Λιόντου" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 975627068 -
Unknown surface type 'θ' !
Way 975558474 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade3-5'
Way 984051636 "Βροντάδου - Νέας Ποταμιάς" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 984051638 "Βροντάδου - Νέας Ποταμιάς" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 981279674 "Κισσάβου" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 981379518 "Κισσάβου" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 991355299 "Λιβαδειάς - Λαμίας" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 991355300 "Λιβαδειάς - Λαμίας" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 991992334 "Αντιρρίου - Ιωαννίνων" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 992413893 "Αντιρρίου - Ιωαννίνων" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 992413899 "Αντιρρίου - Ιωαννίνων" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 996654455 "Αγίου Νεκταρίου" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 996654457 "Αγίου Νεκταρίου" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 996654458 "Μπιζανίου" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 997372071 "Δράμας - Καβάλας" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 997372073 "Δράμας - Καβάλας" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1018248371 "Κτίριο Δασονομείου" -
Construction startYear tag value '20ός αιώνας' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 1003978507 "Λιβαδειάς - Λαμίας" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 1019257047 "Δράμας - Καβάλας" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1014966516 "Διακλάδωση Στυλίδας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1033897607 -
Width tag value '2-5m' is no double!
Way 1033897607 -
Unknown surface type 'marble_steps' !
Way 1033897608 -
Width tag value '2-5m' is no double!
Way 1033897608 -
Unknown surface type 'marble_steps' !
Way 1033940544 "Ρέμα Γριάς" -
Width tag value '4000' value is too small or too big!
Way 1051281230 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1057392571 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'unpaved'
Way 1057392573 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'unpaved'
Way 1047515596 "Θεμιστοκλέους" -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 1042971402 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1042971402 -
No oneway, but destination:lanes tag is set
Way 1042971403 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1042971403 -
No oneway, but destination:lanes tag is set
Way 1042971404 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1042971404 -
No oneway, but destination:lanes tag is set
Way 1049084027 "Φλώρινας - Νίκης" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1049084032 "Φλώρινας - Νίκης" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1055816302 -
Lane turn 'through;' is unknown!
Way 1067793336 -
Unsupported tracktype value '2'
Way 1081013285 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1081013285 -
No oneway, but destination:lanes tag is set
Way 1081120968 "Λεωφ. Παναγιώτη Κανελλόπουλου" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 1098471017 "Φιλιατρά - Πύλος" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 1096428942 -
Unknown surface type 'cement' !
Way 1099430240 "Λιβαδειάς - Λαμίας" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:rural' is not numeric!
Way 1120131097 "Αρκαδίου" -
Unknown surface type 'mixed' !
Way 1128577751 -
Width tag value '΄3' is no double!
Way 1145463946 "Δράμας - Εξοχής" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 1155987204 "Πύργος Μπαρότσι-Γρατσία" -
Construction startYear tag value 'early C17' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 1168879695 "Θήβας - Χαλκίδας" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1168879696 "Θήβας - Χαλκίδας" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1168879697 "Θήβας - Χαλκίδας" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1168879698 "Θήβας - Χαλκίδας" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1169540511 "Θεσσαλονίκης - Πολυγύρου" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1177167261 "Κηφισού" -
Lane turn 'reverse;left' is unknown!
Way 1178760291 "Παράκαμψη Αρναίας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1179539552 "Αρναίας - Ιερισσού" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 1179539556 "Αρναίας - Ιερισσού" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1194830942 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 1190156315 "Τρικάλων - Παναγίας" -
Lane turn 'thrpough' is unknown!
Way 1192699768 "Περιμετρική Οδός Πατρών" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1198569399 -
Unknown surface type 'plastic panels' !
Way 1208103490 -
Unsupported tracktype value 'grade5;grade3'
Way 1219867062 -
Width tag value '4c' is no double!
Way 1219867063 -
Width tag value '4c' is no double!
Way 1219992139 -
Width tag value 'Cc' is no double!
Way 1220044622 -
Width tag value '5.0c' is no double!
Way 1220701097 "Πατρών - Πύργου" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 1220703470 "Πατρών - Πύργου" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 1220830050 "Πατρών - Πύργου" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 1224493718 -
Width tag value '2-3' is no double!
Way 1223032216 -
Width tag value '3.5c' is no double!
Way 1223032222 -
Width tag value '3.5c' is no double!
Way 1223032223 -
Width tag value '3.5c' is no double!
Way 1225898532 "Θήβας - Χαλκίδας" -
lanes tag value '1' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1226897539 "Έδεσσας - Αριδαίας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1227906266 -
Unknown surface type 'very_gravel' !
Way 1228982872 "Βέτρινο" -
Construction startYear tag value '5000 b.c.' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 1235135115 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1238017525 "Μακεδονικός Τάφος ΙΙΙ" -
Construction startYear tag value '320BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 1244012725 -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 1251751194 "Παλαιά Εθνική Οδός 3" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:rural' is not numeric!
Way 1251751201 "Λιβαδειάς - Λαμίας" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:rural' is not numeric!
Way 1263751690 "Λιβαδειάς - Λαμίας" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:rural' is not numeric!
Way 1263751691 "Λιβαδειάς - Λαμίας" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:rural' is not numeric!
Way 1267358982 "Κοζάνης - Αιανής" -
Lane turn 'through;merge_to_left' is unknown!
Way 1263996075 "Λιβαδειάς - Λαμίας" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:rural' is not numeric!
Way 1268317220 -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 1256919796 "Γεωργάκη Κώστα" -
Lane turn 'rright' is unknown!
Way 1268606896 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 1268608253 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 1268609246 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 1268609247 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 1268638293 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 1262860740 "Λιβαδειάς - Λαμίας" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:rural' is not numeric!
Way 1262860741 "Λιβαδειάς - Λαμίας" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:rural' is not numeric!
Way 1267133863 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 1267133864 "Μεσογείων" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 1281252366 "Αθηνών - Λαμίας" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1281252367 "Αθηνών - Λαμίας" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1281252372 "Αθηνών - Λαμίας" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1281252373 "Αθηνών - Λαμίας" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1281252392 "Αθηνών - Λαμίας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1278652473 "Αθήνα - Πάτρα" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 1278652474 "Αθήνα - Πάτρα" -
Lane turn 'merge_to_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 1282062987 "Διακλάδωση Αρκίτσας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1282067007 "Θήβα - Δομβραίνα" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1282067017 "Θήβα - Δομβραίνα" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1279504867 "Θήβας - Μουρικίου" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1279504889 "Θήβας - Μουρικίου" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1279664966 "Κορίνθου - Νεμέας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1286359015 "Λαμίας - Καρπενησίου" -
lanes tag value '2' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1284741169 "Τρίπολης - Πύργου" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1284741171 "Συνδετήρια Οδός" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1288829733 -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1280566895 "Διακλάδωση ΧΥΤΑ" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1282991798 "Σερρών - Προμαχώνα" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1282991802 "Σερρών - Προμαχώνα" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1280603019 "Σχηματάρι - Βαθύ" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1280623285 "Αθηνών - Λαμίας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1286981670 "Άρτα - Κορωνησία" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1280694601 "Άγιος Βασίλειος - Αρχαίες Κλεωνές" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1280694605 "Άγιος Βασίλειος - Αρχαίες Κλεωνές" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1280694606 "Άγιος Βασίλειος - Αρχαίες Κλεωνές" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1289008672 "Αεροδρομίου Ανδραβίδας" -
lanes tag value '4' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1289008673 "Αεροδρομίου Ανδραβίδας" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 1290541010 "Σταθμού" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1291118729 "διαδρομή Αγιάσος - Ασώματος" -
Width tag value '3200' value is too small or too big!
Way 1291118730 "διαδρομή Αγιάσος - Ασώματος" -
Width tag value '3200' value is too small or too big!
Way 1291119244 "διαδρομή Αγιάσος - Ασώματος" -
Width tag value '3200' value is too small or too big!
Way 1291119245 "διαδρομή Αγιάσος - Ασώματος" -
Width tag value '3200' value is too small or too big!
Way 1295587717 "Φιλιατρά - Πύλος" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1295587719 "Φιλιατρά - Πύλος" -
Lane turn 'left;through;right' is unknown!
Way 1295587729 "Φιλιατρά - Πύλος" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1299695296 "Θεσσαλονίκης - Βέροιας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1295806629 "Πύργος - Κυπαρισσία" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1295806631 "Πύργος - Κυπαρισσία" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1299717845 -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1299717846 "Αθηνών - Κορίνθου" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1305510307 "Παναγιώτη Κανελλόπουλου" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 1305818842 "Μιχαλακοπούλου" -
Lane turn 'left;right' is unknown!
Way 1303298882 "Αθήνα - Πάτρα" -
lanes tag value '27' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1303298883 "Αθήνα - Πάτρα" -
lanes tag value '27' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1303298894 "Αθήνα - Πάτρα" -
lanes tag value '27' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1304014970 "Ξάνθης - Κομοτηνής" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1304610145 "Παράκαμψη Σπάρτης" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1318509710 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 1304828787 "Ηγουμενίτσας - Πρέβεζας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1304835605 "Ηγουμενίτσας - Πρέβεζας" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1304846982 "Πύργος - Κυπαρισσία" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1304846988 "Πατρών - Πύργου" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1304846996 "Πατρών - Πύργου" -
lanes tag value '5' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1312878654 "Αντιρρίου - Ιωαννίνων" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1327980096 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1327980097 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1327980103 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1327980104 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1327980105 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1327980107 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1327980109 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1327980115 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1327980127 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1323962849 -
Unknown surface type 'metal_grid' !
Way 1319983490 "Περιφερειακή Υμηττού" -
Lane turn 'slight_left;slight_right' is unknown!
Way 1317139868 "Βόρειος Οδικός Άξονας Κρήτης" -
Lane turn 'merge_to__left' is unknown!
Way 1338726981 "Μητροπολίτου Τιμόθεου Α'" -
Unknown surface type 'seth' !
Way 1343903980 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 1343903981 -
Unknown surface type 'tiles' !
Way 1341079948 "Ελληνιστικό Κάστρο" -
Construction startYear tag value '300 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 1348186704 "Καμπή - Ιωάννινα" -
lanes tag value '3' is not equal sum of lanes:forward and lanes:backward
Way 1346441288 "Παλαιά Εθνική Οδός 3" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:rural' is not numeric!
Way 1346441289 "Λιβαδειάς - Λαμίας" -
Max speed tag value 'GR:urban' is not numeric!
Way 1356362161 "Κηφισού" -
Lane turn 'reverse' is unknown!
Relation 5229282 "Εφύρα" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C14 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Relation 5229336 "Πανδοσία" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C8 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Relation 5281552 "Ακρόπολη Αιγοσθένων" -
Construction startYear tag value '343 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Relation 5348685 "Σπάρτη" -
Construction startYear tag value '1100 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Relation 5376866 "Cable car Old Port" -
Not a valid color value (brown)
Relation 3158033 "Anopoli-Pachnes" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Way 1365075218 "Καλλιρόης" -
Lane turn 'sligh_left' is unknown!
Relation 6926537 "Μονοπάτι "7", Παπάγου - Πύργος Ανθούσας" -
Not a valid color value (brown)
Relation 4017790 "Ios Manganari Kalamos monastery (Canon Trail)" -
Not a valid color value (0000ff)
Relation 4037604 "KTEL Ios local bus" -
Not a valid color value (00ff00)
Relation 4046240 "Ios Mylopotas Analipsi Mersina" -
Not a valid color value (ff0000)
Relation 4049119 "Ios Chora Skarkos archeological park" -
Not a valid color value (ff0000)
Relation 4049120 "Ios Mylopotas Manganari (Ridge Trail)" -
Not a valid color value (0000ff)
Relation 4056457 "Ios Chora Profiti Ilias" -
Not a valid color value (ff0000)
Relation 4056458 "Ios Chora Pyrgos (via Agios Ioannis Prodromos)" -
Not a valid color value (ff0000)
Relation 4069856 "Ios Agio Theodoti Chora (Profiti Ilias Trail)" -
Not a valid color value (0000ff)
Relation 4069857 "Ios Κάλαμος Psathi (Coast Range Trail)" -
Not a valid color value (0000ff)
Relation 4069858 "Ios Psathi Agio Theodoti (Paleokastro Trail)" -
Not a valid color value (0000ff)
Relation 4071145 "Ios 4 Day hiking circuit via Manganari Psathi Agio Theodoti" -
Not a valid color value (0000ff)
Relation 7017205 "2" -
Not a valid color value (brown)
Relation 7129134 "Κάστρο Φυλής - Ρέμα Θοδώρας - Φυλή" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 6432587 "Ίος Χώρα-Agios Prokopios (via Profiti Ilias Rachi) (Μονοπάτι)" -
Not a valid color value (ff00ff)
Relation 6432658 "Ios Chora Ellinika (return via Agios Prokopios)" -
Not a valid color value (ff0000)
Relation 6432913 "Ios Manganari Viglia Manganariou" -
Not a valid color value (0000ff)
Relation 6434178 "Ios Manganari Gaidarou Rachi" -
Not a valid color value (0000ff)
Relation 7583898 "P1" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 7584262 "P5 Βοβούσα - Φράγμα Αωού" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 7584737 "P6" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 7587706 "P3" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 7587806 "P4" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 7587957 "P7" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 7638905 "P2" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 10143639 "Kroussia-Zarano" -
Not a valid color value (xx)
Relation 8820559 "Northern access to Agia Roumeli Western fort" -
Not a valid color value (xx)
Relation 6785490 "Μονή Κυπριανού - Άγιος Γεώργιος Κεραμιδίου" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 15874004 "Ίος Μαγγανάρι Κάλαμος μονοπάτι" -
Not a valid color value (ff0000)
Relation 15880166 "waymarks cairns" -
Not a valid color value (ff0000)
Relation 15880167 "waymarks red bar" -
Not a valid color value (ff0000)
Relation 15967804 -
Unknown surface type 'cinder' !
Relation 12347362 "ΣΗΡΙΚΑΡΙ-ΠΟΛΥΡΡΗΝΙΑ" -
Not a valid color value (xx)
Relation 12759357 "Αρχαία αγορά" -
Construction startYear tag value 'C6 BC' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Relation 14567415 "Delos Brown Route" -
Not a valid color value (brown)
Relation 14567417 "Delos Blue Route" -
Not a valid color value (lightskyblue)
1107 errors