Relation 3158702
- No type
Relation 5735800
- No type
Relation 6256725
- No type
Relation 6855708 (landuse_residential)
- Incomplete or broken relation - cannot join path 1090894184
Relation 7147776
- No type
Relation 7409411
- No type
Relation 7409413
- Incomplete or broken relation - cannot join path 315144492
Relation 7409414
- Incomplete or broken relation - cannot join path 509133986
Relation 7409415
- Incomplete or broken relation - cannot join path 509194507
Relation 9133284
- No type
Relation 9157255
- No type
Relation 9636851
- No type
Relation 11320546
- No type
Relation 12702954
- No type
Relation 12833517
- No type
Relation 13370679
- No type
Relation 13436869
- No type
Relation 13469279
- No type
Relation 13902751 (landuse_grass)
- Has ring of type highway_secondary which is not an area type
Relation 13902752 (landuse_grass)
- Has ring of type highway_primary which is not an area type
Relation 13902753 (landuse_grass)
- Has ring of type highway_primary which is not an area type
Relation 14496533
- No type
Relation 14496534
- No type
Relation 14714934
- No type
Relation 14717975
- No type
Relation 14717976
- No type
Relation 14717985
- No type
Relation 14725281
- No type
Relation 14733501
- No type
Relation 14733592
- No type
Relation 14965988
- No type
Relation 14965989
- No type
Relation 14965992
- No type
Relation 14965993
- No type
Relation 14965994
- No type
Relation 15090458
- No type
Relation 15091062
- No type
Relation 15509818
- No type
Relation 15553498
- No type
39 errors