Node 5411040736 "St. George's Recreational Ground" -
Width tag value '300m' value is too small or too big!
Node 5564641162 "Villa Louisiane" -
Construction startYear tag value 'roman_villa' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Node 6311925531 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8145893917 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8145910319 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 8381852721 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 12374388635 "Ezdrive" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9414018532 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9602049292 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 9602067444 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10635298172 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10635303249 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10779340151 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10933662561 "Tesla Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10933662562 "Tesla Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 10933662587 "Tesla Supercharger" -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11109169058 -
Only capacity given for charging_station, but no socket:type!
Node 11940649086 "Fort Fleur d'Épée" -
Construction startYear tag value '1750s' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 22138942 "Calle 513" -
Width tag value '25'0"' is no double!
Way 22138968 "Calle 514" -
Width tag value '25'0"' is no double!
Way 22139012 "Calle 515" -
Width tag value '25'0"' is no double!
Way 22237531 "Paseo Dorado" -
Width tag value '22'4"' is no double!
Way 22256267 "Calle Eugenio Benítez Castaño (Calle Santa Rosa)" -
Width tag value '16'3"' is no double!
Way 32427910 -
Unknown surface type 'volcanic_ash' !
Way 60262467 "Taylor's Pasture Road" -
Unknown surface type 'partially_paved' !
Way 93649478 -
Unknown surface type 'tuff' !
Way 94926455 "Fontaine Gueydon" -
Construction startYear tag value 'yes' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 96820906 -
Unknown surface type 'tuff' !
Way 366612143 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 442427323 "Waitukubuli trail segment 4" -
Unknown surface type 'mud_and_roots' !
Relation 8388877 "Nez Cassé via Beau-Soleil" -
Not a valid color value (orange_rectangle)
Relation 12008742 "Bus Tararaco - Camagüey - Florida" -
Not a valid color value (orange)
Relation 13037458 "Gare de Darboussier > Gare Routrière de Saint-Francois" -
Not a valid color value (#ffcocb)
Relation 13514747 "Sainte-Rose Deshaies" -
Not a valid color value (ff8000)
Relation 14996014 "Anse-Bertrand < Pointe-à-Pitre" -
Not a valid color value (pink)
Way 1004696993 "Route de Perrin" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 1008190079 -
Unknown surface type 'tuff' !
Way 1009392761 -
Unknown surface type 'tuff' !
Way 1009392762 -
Unknown surface type 'tuff' !
Way 1010825490 "Glissière d'eau" -
Unknown surface type 'plastic' !
Way 1011081799 -
Unknown surface type 'tuff' !
Way 1011081800 -
Unknown surface type 'tuff' !
Way 1011081801 -
Unknown surface type 'tuff' !
Way 1058216459 -
Unknown surface type 'tuff' !
Way 1090817868 "Waitukubuli trail segment 4" -
Unknown surface type 'mud_and_roots' !
Way 1090817869 "Waitukubuli trail segment 4" -
Unknown surface type 'mud_and_roots' !
Way 1090817870 "Waitukubuli trail segment 4" -
Unknown surface type 'mud_and_roots' !
Way 1090817871 "Waitukubuli trail segment 4" -
Unknown surface type 'mud_and_roots' !
Way 1090818732 "Waitukubuli trail segment 4" -
Unknown surface type 'mud_and_roots' !
Way 1090818733 "Waitukubuli trail segment 4" -
Unknown surface type 'mud_and_roots' !
Way 344147207 -
Unknown surface type 'tuff' !
Way 1136858775 "Survival Beach Trail" -
Unknown surface type 'rocky' !
Way 1183740737 "Cruce Peatonal de Residencia de Varones" -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1232788629 -
Unknown surface type 'brid' !
Way 1288748254 "Connection trail" -
Width tag value '1 meter' is no double!
Way 1301888036 "Wheelchair access" -
Unknown surface type 'concrete_and_mobi-mat' !
Way 526890761 "Green Kay Sugar Mill" -
Construction startYear tag value 'Late 1700s' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 1319981073 -
Unknown surface type 'bricks' !
Way 1329248117 -
Unknown surface type 'Platten, Gras' !
Way 1334338995 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 1334338996 -
Unknown surface type 'brick' !
Way 1337685228 "Sugarmill at Estate Mount Roepstorff and Southgate Farm" -
Construction startYear tag value '1760s' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 548029142 -
Unknown surface type 'volcanic_ash' !
Way 548029145 -
Unknown surface type 'volcanic_ash' !
Way 676036015 -
Unknown surface type 'rubber' !
Way 724162426 "Errol Barrow Highway" -
Lane turn 'leftIthrough' is unknown!
Way 816703414 "Pista De Brisas Del Mar" -
Width tag value '300' value is too small or too big!
Way 835885888 -
Width tag value '400 Metre' is no double!
Way 532235377 "Casa Franceschi Antongiorgi" -
Construction startYear tag value 'Años 1907 al 1910 y reconstruido en el 1993.' cannot be parsed to a startYear!
Way 908851629 "Route de Perrin" -
No oneway, but turn:lanes tag is set
Way 926864728 -
Unknown surface type 'tuff' !
71 errors